• Published 24th Dec 2021
  • 302 Views, 7 Comments

Apparition Amphitheater Presents: A Strange Presence Near the Woods - Nightmare_0mega

A curious and bitter winter had descended upon the town of Ponyville this year. Strange lights in the sky, disappearances near the woods, the feeling of being watched among the trees. It all makes one ask in fear "Who goes there?"

  • ...

I Think I'm Cursed. Tricked and Cursed

The sun was nearing the horizon, entering the evening phase of the day, as Twilight and Starlight's continued rescue efforts wore on diligently. They kept a steady pace, but were careful not to over look anything. Systematically, they cleared each spot of the forest in their section to scour, scanning their flashlights across the darkness, and investigating any location of interest that may have their friend hidden in. It was a much longer process, but the two mares were able to push each other to eliminate redundant over-checking and press on forward to spots not yet searched.

Despite following the unspoken protocol the two had managed to work out rather wordlessly in their efforts, Starlight had a few questions that she wanted to ask her benefactor. It's not that she didn't trust Twilight, but she saw flaws in how the rescue mission was conducted, however minor. So, with a swallow of personal fear of not wanting to alienate her former nemesis turned dear friend, she decided to press the issue.

"Twilight, do you mind if I ask you something?" Starlight started.

"As long as we stay focused, ask away," Twilight replied, keeping her eyes towards the darkness and her senses alert.

"Well, I just wanted to know why you set us up the way you did."

Twilight paused for a moment. "What do you mean?"

"I mean how you paired the six of us up, and had us set in three of the four directions of the forest. I just kinda wanna know the reasoning behind it, because..." Starlight trailed off, try not to sound condescending or judgemental over the perceived issues she noticed.

"Because you saw flaws in my logic, right?"

"I don't mean it like that, but..."

Twilight laughed with a wry smile, "Hey, don't get flustered, I know why, but there's a very good reason why I set it up the way I did." All while she continued her duties to scan her surroundings and search the forest high and low, she began to explain. She talked about how she paired Pinkie with Rainbow Dash knowing that, out of everyone else, Pinkie would be the only one that would be able to keep up with Rainbow's speed. Futhermore, considering Zecora lived in the forest, and on the possibility that there was indeed SOMETHING here that had already foalnapped Fluttershy, they would be be only two that could get to her fast enough if she wasn't taken already. It was a gamble, but it was what made sense in that direction.

"I suppose then Applejack and Rarity were leftovers, then, since you and I are searching the Northern portion? If I recall correctly, Northern Everfree is the largest portion of the Everfree forest." Starlight guessed.

"While it's true the northern portion is the largest, Applejack and Rarity aren't 'leftovers'," Twilight countered, "They are both capable mares on their own, but on the chance they are in any danger, I had them the closest to safety than all of us."

Starlight thought about it for a moment, before realizing that Everfree's western portion of the forest was the closest to- "Sweet Apple Acres."

Twilight giggled, "Yup, the very same. If anything were to go wrong, and it's within their ability to do so, Applejack and Rarity would easily be able to get out of the forest the quickest and get help the fastest."

"So, we're the leftovers."

"Aside from the northern portion being the largest section of the forest, I'm afraid to say that, yeah, we are. As for the southern portion, if we couldn't find her yet, we'd all get together, and search the south together."

Starlight gave a smile, coming to respect her teacher that much more. However, "What if, and I mean with all do respect, there is something out there stealing ponies like Chrysalis would, and said thing is much more than we can handle?"

Twilight paused for a moment, Starlight, starting to get concerned, attempted to try to brush it off as a frivolous question, but Twilight beat her to the punch with a rather sombre tone. "I can't account for everything. No matter what we do, we're all taking a huge gamble. Even the Royal Guard would have just as many issues, if not more due to having very little experience here. I'm hoping that whatever is going on is something any one of us can handle, but... chaos theory is a thing."

It was then, while mulling over Twilight's sobering answer that Starlight noticed it. On the ground, just a few paces away, was a discarded flashlight. She called Twilight's attention, and approached the object slowly, all while becoming aware of other clues around them. Chicken scratches, hoof prints, strange scratch marks, broken twigs, and it seemed like something was being dragged away before that mark faded off, as if whatever was being dragged was lifted after a while. It didn't even need to be said. They both knew this is where it happened. Both mares slowly searched the scene of the incident, trying to piece together a sequence of events that could make sense and justify the evidence lying around. Despite all of that, nothing there really told them what they really wanted to know: Where is Fluttershy?

They then heard a noise. A twig snapping just nearby. They pointed their flashlights towards the direction of the noise, trying to find the source. "Who goes there?" Twilight commanded.

After a few moments, their light catches something. It was Rarity. A mix of relief and confusion washed over the both of them, but Twilight was quicker to the kick, already asking questions. "Rarity! Thank goodness. What are you doing here? Where's Applejack? Did something happen? Why didn't you use a flare?" Rarity stood there, eerily silent for a moment, making the already gloomy atmosphere feel that much more haunting and foreboding. Twilight slowly felt a creeping sense of dread and wrongness from this encounter with her friend, and it was beginning to scare her. "Rarity... what's going on?"

"Twi... light... Need help... Need..."

Before Twilight could respond or react, Starlight jumped in front of her, and erected a magical force field before them. Surprised, she called out Starlight for an explanation, but Starlight took it in stride, answering with conviction. "That is NOT Rarity."


"Look at her back left leg."

Twilight did as she was told, and noticed there seemed to be two extra back legs. In response, the 'Rarity' before them tried to turn the hindquarters away to be obscured from view, but the damage was done.

"It's the same for her right leg," Starlight continued, "Something is posing as Rarity. I think we found whatever took Fluttershy last night."

"And if it's posing as Rarity..." Twilight dare not finish that thought.

"Show yourself, you imposter!" Starlight angrily spat.

A look of surprise could be seen on the fake 'Rarity's' face, before it began to walk closer towards Starlight's shield. It stopped, cocking its head to one side, before they saw something that would haunt them for the rest of their lives.

Rarity's appearance, from her colors to her features, melted away, changing to a deep black shade. The form too began to lose shape, becoming something shadowy, amorphous, almost as if the life-form before them was actually almost liquid. Then, eyes glowing yellow, with predator like irises, opened up, dotting around the "non-shape" it was, along with sharp needle like spikes of various sizes, Extending from the mass were tendrils, also dotted with eyes and spikes, with one of them slowly reaching towards the shield.

Much to Starlight's shock and horror, the tendril easily pierced the magic as if it were never there in the first place. In a panic, Starlight cast a spell of force, that caused the ground to upheave beneath the shapeless thing and cast it back into the dark of the forest.

"That was close," Starlight managed to say without stammering, despite her racing heart. She turned to Twilight with an expression of determination. "Twilight, listen to me. I don't know what this thing is or what it can do, but we are NOT prepared for something like this. Go get help. Get Luna. Get Celestia. Get Discord. Anyone! Everyone! This is an emergency."

"But what about you?!" Twilight rebutted.

"I'll try to hold it off. Keep this... thing occupied."

"I can't just abandon you!"

"You don't have a choice right now. Please, Twilight. For Everyone. GO!"

Twilight faltered, if only for a moment, before she began to fly out of the Everfree forest. Once clear, she reasoned, she could teleport to Canterlot and seek out the Princesses. However, before he plan could even fully bake in her mind, she heard the sound of Starlight screaming. Panic instantly set into the young Alicorn's head, as her desire to save her friends had her race back to where she last saw Starlight and the creature. By the time she got there, not a soul was present. Only the cold snow and the cold wind were her company, along with the unsympathetic gaze of the emerging stars above.

"Rainbow Dash!" She yelled out, "Pinkie! Applejack! Rarity! Starlight!... FLUTTERSHY!" Her voice became hoarse as her voice echoed among the trees the names of her missing friends, followed by the sobs she let free, feeling utterly hopeless in such a situation.

Before she could recollect herself, the heavy crunching of snow kicked her out of her sorrow, and threw her back into a state of fear, as the strange presence that had haunted them in these woods slowly emerged from the darkness. This time, much to her shock, it was now wearing her own face. However, that was the only thing it was wearing. Despite it taking a vague pony shape, its liquid like body ever shifted, eyes emerging and disappearing into its inky blackness all around its mass, never looking the same for a single moment, That is, except, for Twilight's own face the imposter wore, that stared back at the frightened Alicorn.


A knock rang out across the amphitheater's room, kicking the master of building out of its deep concentration and immersion from the story being told. Gazing towards the door that had previously swung open to let in some of the snow, it noticed that an uninvited guest had made way into the realm. A mismatched creature featuring the right leg of a lizard, the left leg of a goat, the right arm of a lion, the left claw of an eagle, the grey head of a horse with uneven features and two different horns. His long, brown snake like body displayed a bat wing on his right side and a blue pegasus wing on his left, with a serpent like tale trailing behind him that capped with a tuft of white fur. The intruder, was Discord.

"Oh, I'm dreadfully sorry for interrupting your little story time, but I'm afraid I have to step in."

I wasn't expecting a guest, but you are more than welcome into my amphitheater. What can I do for you, God of Chaos?

"No no. 'God' is such a unfitting title. It implies one to be omniscient, and that just won't do. What's the fun of being me if I could correctly see everything happening at all times? I only ever do that when I'm bored. Though, thinking back, that's probably why I lost in season 2. No, I am Discord, Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony, since 1987."

The master of the building smiled.

And what shall I owe the pleasure of your presence?

"A small, teensy little request."

Discord started strutting towards the stage. He stopped for a moment, raising an eyebrow, gazing towards the heavens as if he heard something irritating him.

"Oh, but before that, stop narrating my actions, It's a little annoying."

The master gave a small laugh.

Very well.

"I came here today because I have a problem with how the story was supposed to end. I've been feeling rather festive this year, and was really hoping to spend it with my favorite little interlopers, but I can't do that with such a bleak 'all hope is lost' ending. Yes, I get it. It's a horror story after all, and the heroes and heroines don't always emerge the victor. That said, I don't think that the... creature deserves a bad end either. So why don't we do something about it. After all, it is the holidays. Why not make this a proper, happy ending?"

The master of the amphitheater pawed at its chin for a moment, contemplating how the story went, up until now, before being struck with an idea.

"I take it you agree?"

You have your wish. Merry Christmas, Mr. J.

"That's Q!"

The two laugh for a moment, before Discord disappears with an audible pop.


The nearly shapeless being slowly approached Twilight, eyes around its body remaining fixated upon her while they still remained. The little alicorn, scared out of her mind, having backed herself up against a tree, shielded herself from it with her forehooves, hoping and praying for a miracle.

The sound of an audible pop was then heard, which caused Twilight to hazard a glance, and saw the towering, heroic figure of one she didn't expect to be saved by like this. The creature too was taken aback slightly.

"Well, well," Discord tutted, "Talk about close encounters."

"Discord!" Twilight called with relief in her voice, "Thank goodness you're here! You have to help. My friends are all in danger. You have to-"

"I know, I know," the spirit of chaos interrupted, "I'll be doing just that." He then turned to the near shapeless creature, whom stared up at Discord, with the face of Twilight almost looking at him in awe. "Now, do you mind telling me what you are, what you're doing here, and why are you scaring the pickles out of these ponies?"

The thing stared up at Discord for a moment, before it, while swapping between the voices of her friends at random moments, began to speak. "Crashed... Lost here. Scared... Needed thoughts. Needed emotions. Need memories. Needed learn. Miss home. Can't go home. So scared. Sorry. So so sorry. All safe. Just hidden. Tree. Glowing tree. Below strange pointy rock."

"Can you take us to them?" Discord asked gently.

It remained silent for a moment, before it wandered over to Twilight. She flinched when it got close, which caused it to stop for a moment, before, it cautiously approached her. "No fear, please. Must see. Close eyes."

Twilight stared at the thing that still wore her face. It then closed its own eyes, along with the eyes of its "mask", and remained silent. Twilight reluctantly mimicked the creature and obeyed the request. After a moment, she was flooded with images, showing her the faces of her friends, a cave, and then.

"The Tree of Harmony!" She exclaimed, opening her eyes. She gazed back at the creature, who only gave a silent, expecting stare.

"Ah, should have known," Discord muttered, "Well, no time like the present. We all have a holiday to get back too very soon, right? So, let's go get your friends." Twilight and the creature, the latter of which that discarded its mask and became nigh faceless save for the myriad of eyes, stepped closer to Discord as he snapped his fingers and popped them from where they were standing to right next to the Tree of Harmony. "Ugh, this thing is as garishly bright as always."

Twilight gazed about the cave, and saw everyone there, safe and sound, though tied up in a similar looking material that of the creature's own. Even Zecora and the little chicken Fluttershy had looked for were there. Speaking of, Fluttershy was among the group too, whom sported a few bandages from some injuries that Twilight would probably ask about later.

"Guys, you're alright!" she cheered, relief fully washing over her.

"Yup. Safe and sound!" Pinkie exclaimed.

"Though, I'm still probably gonna have nightmares for the rest of the month." Rainbow Dash grumbled.

"I don't blame you, Darling," Rarity added with a deadpan tone.

"I'm glad everything turned out all right," started Zecora, "Despite our 'guest' giving us all such a fright."

After a moment, their black inky bindings disappeared, and the ponies that were gathered there all rose back to their hooves and celebrated their safety.

"I can't believe it moves that quickly," Starlight said, absentmindedly, "And who knew its own body can act like a two way portal."

"What was that?" Twilight asked.

"Oh, nothing important. Not right now, anyways."

"Ladies, ladies, may I have your attention please?" Discord called out, gaining everyone's awareness for the moment. "I do believe that, while the implications are there, it would be prudent if I explained as to why this transpired. This young little... creature got lost somehow while traveling across the universe, and needed help after accidentally stranding itself here."

"If you needed help," Applejack started, "Why didn'chya ask?"

"Scared..." It said in Fluttershy's voice.

"Even of me?" Fluttershy herself asked.

The creature nodded.

"That's both funny, sad, and kind of ironic," Rainbow commented.

Laughter erupted among the ponies, whom all began to settle down a little more.

"Now, before we conclude this night and take the next logical step in fixing this problem, why don't we all treat ourselves, by having some festivities here?"

The idea was unorthodox, but the appeal was there, and they all agreed they could use some cheering up. So, with a snap of his fingers, Discord transformed the inside of the cave into a highly decorated Hearth's Warming hall. The Tree of Harmony, which acted as centerpiece, became decorated with all sorts of lights and trinkets that sparkled and shined with the crystal's alluring sheen, and had wrapped gifts placed below it, each having a name written on them. Off to one side was a veritable buffet, which featured a feast fit for any pallet and showed off perhaps the nicest set of snacks and sweets to punctuate the feast a pony could have from there. Off to the other side, a DJ stand had appeared with Vinyl Scratch playing tunes, whom shrugged in acceptance over her current situation.

All of the girls present, Discord, Elizabeak, and even the amorphous creature itself danced and partied, enjoying the festivities and forgetting the nightmare that came before all of this. Discord then turned and declared, "Merry Christmas," waving to no one in particular. The creature gazed towards the mismatched spirit, as if it were puzzled.

"What Christmas?"


Wrath finished the story with a smile. Indeed the story ended on a much happier note, and the master couldn't be more pleased. It was true that horror stories largely demanded something dour to feel thematically appropriate with the story being told, but sometimes, especially when the holidays call for it, there can be exceptions to the rule. It was a season of giving, forgiving, and good will to all, after all.

And that marks the end of another tale. I do hope you've enjoyed this little cosmic horror story with a pleasant, mundane twist. To all of you out there, beyond this realm, I wish you all Happy Holidays, and hope to see you in my theater again soon. Now, if you'll excuse me.

With that, the book was closed once again, and the storyteller left the stage, only to approach the seat it had taken previously, wrap the blanket around its shoulders, and reached down for the cup of cocoa it had left behind. With a gentle sip and a relaxed sigh, the lights of the building began to fade, as all became silent and comforting into the good night.

Comments ( 5 )

I have mixed feelings about this story. It's a very good horror story for about 90% of it, with excellent prose, appropriately eerie atmosphere, and good pacing. That being said, your decision to end it the way you did really undercuts everything you built up prior to that point. Having a silly, fourth-wall breaking ending after a disturbing monster story makes for some serious tonal whiplash. I get that you were trying to write a happy ending for the sake of the holiday theme, but I really think that it could have been done better. There's nothing wrong with writing a horror-comedy story, and there are many good examples of that, but those stories normally have a more consistent tone throughout, rather than going from zero to sixty right at the end, which is how this story felt. Also, a nitpick: you wrote out Applejack's accented pronunciation of words. Please don't do this; it's always awkward, no matter how many writers may do it.

About the ending... yeah, I totally get it. Honestly, the original ending was VERY grim. Very "The Thing" like, However, when I was doing the final chapter, I was having second thoughts. Not that I wouldn't have been able to pull it off, but more in that I just didn't feel up to murdering the cast for the ending. It really was a last minute choice, and I was ultimately happier with the final result, despite the mood whiplash.

As for Applejack's country-isms and accent... I dunno, I feel using phonetic pronunciations in regards to how some people speak is sometimes necessary to get an authentic enough feel of the character. I apologize it didn't jive well with you.

Very spooky, and somehow also very festive. Another good story in the series.

I think that a big reason why AJ’s written-out accent draws critique is that it makes it difficult to read for anyone who doesn’t have English as a first language. Take whatever language you learned in highschool, with all the conjugations and other rules then imagine someone purposefully spelling things just slightly off from how you learned it. It also works surprisingly poorly with text to speech, making nonsense words. Just a thought.

I understand that to an extent, but there are a few things about it that has me argue against it.

The first is that accents (if they exist for the character) help add to the personality of the character that's being written. It can tell you a fair bit of who they are and what kind of background they come from or what they like to present themselves as before their peers. This is the same reason why I utilize other languages when the individual is speaking in another language (Spanish, French, Old/Elizabethan/Renaissance English, Russian, Enochian, just to name a few examples I've used in stories). It's part of their character and probably part of their personality. The alternative to this is to write speech patterns as flatly and uniformly as possible across all characters, only ever really describing how they sound in a line or two in their introduction, and not only is that boring, but its lazy as all hell in my eyes. That, and it would absolutely kill immersion.

The second thing is... I'm a native English speaker. The site is largely natively English speaking/reading. I'm pretty much expecting to cater to a largely natively English speaking audience. I always think it's fantastic when someone learns a second/third/fourth/etc language, and I 100% believe that the English language is honestly a train wreck in terms of accessibility (as it has so many rules, contradictions, exceptions, quirks, and other such nonsense attached to it. I still mix up and flub certain things once in a while), so when the second language of the potential reader is English, hey, more power to that person. But if they're having a tough time reading the phonetic words spoken by the accented characters, I'm sorry but tough luck. However, I'd expect the exact same "tough luck" if the roles were reversed and I were to read something in another language and were given phonetic dialogue of a differing accent than what the author normally writes to suit the character. If I can't hash it, it's tough luck on me. Simple as.

There isn't much I can argue when it comes to TTS though. It's a great tool and very useful, but it can be a bit of a crapshoot sometimes, even flubbing properly spelled words, nevermind phonetics. I wouldn't rely on it for seriously reading a story unless you absolutely have to.

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