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Chapter 4: Klugetown

After hours of flight, the seaplane in which Twilight, Sunset and Spike travel began to approach the coast of Morocco, heading for the city of Klugetown.

"What do you want now, Sparkle?" Sunset asked. "What's your plan?"

“The third and last scroll of The Alicorn!” Twilight answered. "Grogar's boss must have him in Klugetown..."

As they flew over a gorge in the middle of the desert, Twilight realized that Sunset hadn't said a word since they arrived in Morocco.

"Everything okay, Sunset?" Twilight asked.

“Nothing is going right… ever since I met you!” Sunset replied, revealing that she was still upset over the loss of her ship.

At that moment, just as the seaplane emerged from the gorge and flew over the desert… the propeller began to stop turning.

"Uh-oh…" Twilight said.

"What's up now, Sparkle?" Sunset asked.

"I think...we're out of fuel..." Twilight said, as she smiled sheepishly.

"WHAT!?" Sunset yelled.

At that moment, the propeller stopped completely and the seaplane began to fall.

"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!" Twilight and Sunset yelled as they fell.

Finally, the seaplane crashed in the desert.

A few hours later, Twilight awoke in the middle of the desert, while watching the wreckage of her seaplane burn from the crash landing.

As she got up, Twilight noticed that Sunset and Spike were by her side, safe and sound.

"Spike!" Twilight yelled, watching her dog get up "Are you okay!?"

When Spike barked, confirming yes, Twilight looked at Sunset.

"Everything okay, Sunset?" Twilight asked, concerned.

As she recovered, Sunset scooped up some of the desert sand with her hand.

"Sand?" Sunset asked, still dazed from landing "Are we on a beach?"

"No, Sunset, it's not the beach..." Twilight said, as she helped Sunset to her feet "Not at all..."

Then, just when they thought they would be lost in the middle of the desert, Twilight and Sunset saw a motorcycle with a sidecar, ridden by two men, heading towards them.

“Who are you guys?” Sunset asked, seeing how the two men got off the motorcycle and walked towards both women.

“Grogar sent us…” the first man answered, revealing that he and his companion were Grogar's minions.

"Was he worried about me?" Sunset asked, thinking they were coming to rescue her.

"No" the first man said, before pointing at Twilight "He wants the girl".

Hearing that, Sunset had an idea.

"Oh, of course!" Sunset said, pointing at Twilight “She forced me to go with her. And she stole the seaplane!".

But the two men were still looking at Twilight, ignoring Sunset.

"Let's go! The boss wants to see you" the first man said to Twilight. "You have a lot to explain".

"And by the way... I wasn't the one who sank the ship" Sunset replied, trying to get the two men to pay attention to her "It was her".

"Why don't you shut up for once?" the first man yelled at Sunset "It's giving me a headache".

At that moment, as both men began to approach Twilight threateningly, Sunset got angry and, with a quick movement, grabbed both men's heads, colliding them with each other and leaving them unconscious.

"THIS is a real headache..." Sunset said, before sitting in the sidecar of the bike "Well, Sparkle... It seems that we are on the same side".

Seeing such a feat, Twilight couldn't help but smile… at her new friend.

Later, as they rode the motorcycle through the desert, Sunset began to sweat from the heat.

"The country of thirst..." said Sunset "You brought me to the country of thirst!"

"Don't worry, Sunset" Twilight said, as she rode the motorcycle "We'll be in Klugetown soon..."

"Why precisely, Sparkle?" Sunset asked.

"Don't you realize what's at stake?" Twilight asked "If we discovered The Secret of The Alicorn first... it would be the discovery of the century!"

"Ah, I see..." Sunset said sarcastically "I wouldn't want to stand in the way of your big chance at fame".

"No, what I'm saying is that the treasure should be in a museum..." Twilight explained "And not in the hands of people like Grogar".

"But it's also MY life!" Sunset yelled.

At that moment, Twilight noticed something on the horizon.

"Grogar will have arrived by sea before us…" Twilight said, before pointing ahead "And unless that's a mirage… we've reached Klugetown, Sunset!"

"You're right, Sparkle!" Sunset said as she saw the city “I can smell the sea from here. I couldn't take a second longer with so much sand!”

"When we get there, we need to find out who Grogar serves…" Twilight said. "He sure has the third scroll!"

After hiding the motorcycle, Twilight, Sunset, and Spike sneak into the streets of Klugetown, making sure no one sees them, in case Grogar or his minions happen to be in the area.

"Well?" Sunset asked "What's the plan?"

"Grogar must be around the area" Twilight said "If we find him, we'll find his boss... and the third scroll".

"And how are we going to do that?" Sunset asked.

"With this" Twilight said, as she took out of her pocket the photo of Grogar's wallet that she took from her on the ship "We'll ask someone of here to see if he's seen him".

Later, Twilight and Sunset arrived at a nearby bar, showing Grogar's photo to the owner.

"Excuse me sir, have you seen the man of this photo before?" Twilight asked.

"Yes, I saw him about ten minutes ago..." replied the owner of the bar "That man spends a lot of time with Filthy Rich".

"Filthy Rich? Who is he?" Twilight asked.

"The mayor of this city" the owner said "He is also a great merchant".

With this new information, Twilight had another idea.

"Spike, let's see what you can do" Twilight said, as she brought Grogar's photo up to Spike's nose to follow his trail.

Scented from the photo, Spike led the two girls through the streets... until they saw Grogar enter a palm grove.

As they approached, a large man blocked their path.

"Stop! This is an exclusive entry for employees of the palm grove" the man said.

"Wait a minute... An American just walked in..." Twilight said "And he doesn't work here!"

"No American has passed through here..." the man said, shaking his head.

Faced with this lie, Twilight and Sunset had no choice but to retreat.

"What on earth is Grogar doing in a palm grove?" Twilight asked.

At that moment, a girl accidentally bumped into Sunset, causing them both to fall to the ground.

"Ouch! Be more careful!" Sunset yelled.

So when Sunset and the girl saw each other, their jaws dropped.

"Sunset Shimmer?" the girl asked, surprised.

"Starlight Glimmer? Ha ha ha!" Sunset laughed, hugging the girl identified as Starlight, before looking at Twilight "Sparkle, let me introduce Starlight Glimmer, an old crewmate... and a friend".

Later, Starlight gave Twilight and Sunset two robes so they could both dress up as locals (purple for Twilight and red for Sunset).

"Grogar and Filthy Rich are thieves" Starlight explained "If what you two tell me is true and Grogar entered the palm grove, he would use one of the secret entrances to the palace."

"Where is it?" Twilight asked.

"It's a secret..." Starlight said "But with these robes, both of you will go unnoticed".

"Thank you, Starlight" Sunset said.

"Just be careful with Filthy Rich" Starlight warned, "That man is very dangerous when he's angry. Come on..."

Then the three girls started heading back toward the palm grove.

"Starlight seems like a nice person, Sunset" Twilight said.

"Believe me, Sparkle" Sunset said "I don't know anyone more loyal than her".

Then, thanks to Starlight's robes, Twilight and Sunset trick the palm grove guard, managing to sneak through the secret passageway to the palace.

As they discreetly made their way down the secret passageway, Sunset began to have second thoughts.

"What good would finding the treasure be anyway? Huh?" Sunset asked, discouraged "My ancestor's dishonor is in all the books..."

"The truth isn't in the books... it's in the blood" Twilight said, remembering what the sailor told her about her mockup of The Alicorn in Canterlot City "Let's take a look around..."

"What if we don't find Grogar?" Sunset asked.

"Then I'll have a little talk with Filthy Rich!" Twilight said.

Finally, Twilight and Sunset reached a huge elevator.

"Looks like we're under the palace…" Sunset said.

"We'll have to be more careful..." Twilight said.

As they rode up in the elevator, they both saw something...huge.

"Is that a rocket?" Sunset asked "What's a rocket doing underground?"

"It's not a rocket..." Twilight said "It looks more like... a MISSILE".

"I hope that thing doesn't blow up in our faces" Sunset said.

"If that's here, then the rumors Starlight said could be true…" Twilight said. "We'll have to sue Filthy Rich to the police when we find The Alicorn's treasure".

Finally, the secret elevator took Twilight, Sunset, and Spike to what appeared to be the gardens of Filthy Rich's palace.

At that moment, they began to hear... an opera song.

"What's that noise?" Sunset asked, covering her ears. "Are they torturing someone?"

"No... I'd know that voice anywhere..." Twilight said with a smile "She's my friend Rarity! She's a diva, Sunset!"

"A concert? Do you call that noise music?" Sunset said, still covering her ears.

Finally, both of them discreetly entered Filthy Rich's palace, taking off the robes that Starlight gave them.

"Come on, Sunset. We have to find Grogar" she whispered "They must not discover us"

At that moment, a door in the hallway opened and a girl the same age as Twilight and Sunset came walking backwards, as she said goodbye to her audience.

She was Rarity, the famous diva.

"Thank you! Thank you! I love all of you! Ha ha ha!" Rarity said to her fans.

At that moment, Rarity became aware of Twilight and Sunset's presence, gasping with delight.

"Twilight Sparkle? Is that you?" Rarity asked, before hugging Twilight "Oh, I'm so glad to see you!"

"I'm glad to see you too, Rarity!" Twilight said "I see your singing career hasn't changed".

"Of course, old friend…" Rarity said, before looking at Sunset "Oh! And who's your friend…? She smells like the sea…"

Taking advantage of the situation, Twilight had an idea.

"Rarity, this is Captain Sunset Shimmer" Twilight introduced "She's your... most ardent fan".

"WHAT!?" Sunset yelled, surprised.

"Oh, how wonderful to see that the power of opera can reach even the roughest of souls!" Rarity said "Please, come with me both to my dressing room".

When they got to the dressing room, which they decided to use as a temporary hideout, Rarity began putting on makeup for her next performance.

"Have you two heard my performance? Everyone has stood up!" Rarity said, as she put on her makeup "What do you think, Miss Shimmer?"

"I don't think I'll ever forget it..." Sunset said, trying to be nice.

"Oh thank you Miss Shimmer!" Rarity said, getting up from her chair "As a thank you I'll give you a little encore..."

But before she could sing, Twilight interrupted her with another idea.

"Rarity?" Twilight asked.

"Yes, Twilight?" Rarity asked.

"Before I went in, I thought I saw an acquaintance at the entrance…" Twilight said "Do you mind if I go say hello to him?"

"Naturally, old friend, of course!" Rarity said "I'll take care of dear Miss Shimmer. She'll keep me company during break..."

Before Twilight left the dressing room, Sunset stopped her, her face scared.

"Why don't you stay with her?" Sunset said, pointing to Rarity "I'll take care of those rascals".

"No, you keep Rarity busy…" Twilight said "I'll be right back. Come on Spike".

Later, with his robes back on, Twilight and Spike sneakily spotted Grogar talking to a mysterious man in a tuxedo, deducing it to be Filthy Rich.

"What do you mean?" Filthy asked, sounding angry "That brat named Twilight Sparkle now has TWO of the scrolls and she's with Sunset Shimmer?"

"That man must be the mayor Filthy Rich…” Twilight muttered “We'd better follow him, Spike. I'm sure he's the one responsible for sending that scoundrel Grogar to fetch the scrolls".

At that moment, Filthy Rich began to walk away from the party that had been organized with Rarity's opera concert.

"Filthy Rich will have a good reason to abandon his guests. The third scroll?" Twilight deduced "Besides, he's already extremely rich. Why is he interested in The Alicorn?"

Finally, after minutes of dodging the guards, Twilight and Spike reached the tallest tower in the palace, where they entered a room filled with mirrors.

There, they found something that caught Twilight's attention.

“The third mockup of The Alicorn!” Twilight said smiling "It's finally mine!"

"Do you propose to steal it?" a voice suddenly asked from behind Twilight.

Turning to see who it was, Twilight and Spike discovered that the person was Filthy Rich, with a gun in his hand.

“Filthy Rich, I've heard of you. And I've seen what's under the palace” Twilight said “You're an impostor who claims to be a merchant, but his business is very dirty”

“Look who went to speak!” Filthy said “A thief who has sneaked into my private palace posing as a guest. I'd say we're very similar, Miss Sparkle".

"No, we're very different" Twilight said.

“But we are interested in the same thing…” Filthy said, as he pointed to the third mockup of The Alicorn.

At that moment, one of the mirrors cracked, and after breaking... Grogar was behind, with a gun in his hand.

"We meet again, Miss Sparkle…" Grogar said "Would you be so kind as to hand over the scrolls?"

However, before both men could do anything to Twilight, Spike bit Grogar in the leg again, and Twilight took the opportunity to punch him again... causing him to fall out of a window and land on a straw cart, knocking himself unconscious in the process.

Taking advantage of the distraction, Filthy Rich tried to escape with his mockup of The Alicorn... only to be startled by Spike, who growled angrily.

“AAAH! HELP!" Filthy yelled, as he fled in fright, leaving behind his mockup of The Alicorn in the process “Grogar! Guards!”

With both of her opponents defeated, Twilight activated the secret mechanism on the mockup of The Alicorn, thus bringing out the chest containing the third and final scroll.

“And with this one, I have them all!” Twilight said, picking up the scroll.

Examining the contents, Twilight noticed another difference from the two scrolls she already owned: it had the numbers "21" and "41", and the letters "N" and "E".

"Sunset will know what to do with these scrolls..." Twilight said, as she put the third scroll in her pocket "I hope so..."

Later, Twilight returned to Rarity's dressing room... only to find that Sunset was totally relieved to see her, after listening to Rarity sing for hours.

“Sparkle! Thanks God!" Sunset said "I mean... Thank God she's safe and sound!"

At that moment, the three girls heard clapping sounds, causing Rarity to smile.

“Oh! Do you both hear that sound? My public calls me!” Rarity said, before glancing at Twilight "I hope you enjoy the rest of the show, Twilight. See ya".

And then, when Rarity came out of the dressing room for her next performance, Sunset made a scared face again.

"Sparkle, being with your friend has been a nightmare!" Sunset said “Let's get out of here! Quickly!".

But before Sunset could leave the dressing room, Twilight stopped her.

“I have all THREE scrolls, Sunset!” Twilight said with a smile "Look!".

Hearing that, Sunset took the scrolls… and her mind went back to the past again.

Back at the battle between the crew of The Alicorn and the pirates of Nightmare Moon, Elizabeth Shimmer continued her duel against the lieutenant in the ship's hold.

“Aaaah, Shimmer…!” the lieutenant said as he struggled "It's time to check if you're worthy of being called captain!"

"We'll see about that, pirate!" Elizabeth Shimmer yelled.

Then, with a quick movement, Elizabeth hit the lieutenant so hard that she knocked him unconscious among some crates in the warehouse, surrounded by rats.

“Do you envy my pretty cellar, freebooter?” Elizabeth Shimmer asked "Well, enjoy it with her new friends..."

Then, walking out of the hold, Elizabeth Shimmer saw that Nightmare Moon herself was already on board… looking at her.

"Get them, my pirates!" Nightmare Moon ordered "Sweep the deck with these vermin!"

Hearing that, Elizabeth Shimmer was furious.

"This is between you and me, Nightmare Moon!" Elizabeth Shimmer yelled.

But then, before Elizabeth could reach Nightmare Moon, someone launched one of the cannons, blocking her path.

“Who is it that dares to interpose…?” Elizabeth Shimmer asked angrily.

But when she turned around to see who it had been, Elizabeth Shimmer was surprised to see Nightmare Moon's other lieutenant… and he was taller than her.

"Such manners, Captain. Have you lost education?" Nightmare Moon said "One does not gain an audience with me without going through certain... formalities".

But then, as Elizabeth Shimmer fought Nightmare Moon's second lieutenant, the memory quickly changed to another.

In that memory, Elizabeth was in the cargo hold of the ship and preparing a trail that connected to one of the barrels containing the gunpowder. When she finished, she was sad.

"Forgive me, my dear Alicorn..." Elizabeth Shimmer said sadly.

A few minutes later, in a lifeboat, Elizabeth Shimmer watched as The Alicorn sank from the explosion of the gunpowder she had prepared.

"Forgive me... old friend..." Elizabeth Shimmer said sadly.

At that moment, someone else snuck into the lifeboat. He was Nightmare Moon's second lieutenant!

But then, before the lieutenant could attack Elizabeth Shimmer from behind her, she saw him and, with a quick swing of her sword, knocked her opponent back into the sea.

Then, the lieutenant grabbed onto a piece of wood floating in the sea... and looked furious.

“Curse you, Shimmer! And curse you are all your faint-hearted descendants…” the enraged lieutenant shouted “You will never escape us. We will follow her to her accursed island of Brittany!”

At that moment, Elizabeth Shimmer saw something that surprised her: Twilight Sparkle was now the one in the water.

“SUNSET! WAKE UP!" Twilight yelled.

And then, Elizabeth Shimmer realized… that her sword had turned into a bouquet of flowers!

"Sunset, wake up!" Twilight yelled, who was hiding behind a table.

When Sunset returned to normal, she had realized that she had gotten so involved in her ancestor's history again, that she had trashed Rarity's dressing room… while wielding a bouquet of flowers as a sword.

"Sunset, what did you just say?" Twilight asked curiously "What did the pirate say to Elizabeth Shimmer?"

"What?" Sunset asked, confused "What do you say, Sparkle?"

“You just said it: 'We'll follow her'…” Twilight said.

“…'until her island of Brittany'?” Sunset asked.

"Yes! That is where we to go!” Twilight said, as she tooked up a globe "In Brittany! On the coast of France!”

“And where is that exactly?" Sunset asked.

Using the globe, Twilight pointed to a specific area.

“North France. It must be your ancestor's hide-out. An island.... Or a cave…” Twilight said, as she pointed to the globe “Here!”

With her next destination discovered, Twilight prepared to leave.

"Are you ready to follow in the footsteps of your ancestor, Sunset?" Twilight asked "Because it looks like she wasn't a coward after all…"

At those words, Sunset smiled and made a decision.

"Let's go to Brittany, Twilight!" Sunset said.

Hearing that, Twilight couldn't help but smile… because it was the first time Sunset had called her by her name.

A few hours later, Twilight, Sunset, and Spike got back on their motorcycle with sidecar, heading out into the desert.

"Hey, Twilight…" Sunset said.

"Yes, Sunset?" Twilight asked.

"We're not goint to be driving like this all the way to Europe, are we?" Sunset asked.

"Honestly... I hadn't thought of that..." Twilight said, laughing embarrassed.

At that moment, Twilight saw something on the horizon that made her smile.

"Over there! Look!" Twilight said, pointing ahead "A plane!"

Ahead of them, in the middle of the desert, was a small airport…with a small plane nearby.

"I'm don't know if I should be happy or not!" Sunset said.

Finally, our three heroes got on the plane, heading for their next destination.

"Let's go to Brittany!" Twilight said as she piloted the plane.

"And to what part of Brittany, exactly?" Sunset asked.

To answer the question, Twilight took out the book she bought at the Canterlot City's market, and opened it to the page that contained Elizabeth Shimmer's photo.

“You see this island?” Twilight said, pointing to the island that appeared in the photo “That's the one! I am sure of it!”

“Heh. You're very smart to have figured that out, Twilight” Sunset said with a smile.

"It'll be the find of the century, Sunset…" Twilight said.

"Yes! And it's my life too!" Sunset said.

After saying that, both girls couldn't help but laugh... as they headed for the shores of Brittany.

Author's Note:

Twilight and Sunset get all THREE scrolls from The Alicorn and the location of an island of Brittany once owned by Elizabeth Shimmer.

What secrets does the island hide? Will they be able to find out before Grogar finds out?

We'll see...

Comments ( 2 )


Very nice so far!

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