• Published 22nd Dec 2021
  • 4,803 Views, 117 Comments

Equestria Girls: Plus Ultra!!! - TriforceAndroid

Izuku Midoriya, aka Deku, finds himself in Camp Everfree and starts a series of adventures where he shows his heroic nature by being hero physically and emotionally.

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Chapter 4: The Attack of Gaia Everfree

Twilight and Izuku ran as fast as they could. “What do you think Sunset needs us by the rock quarry for?” Izuku asked as they ran.

“I’m not sure,” replied Twilight. “But it sounds important.”

Soon, the two found Sunset waiting in front of some pine trees. She was surprised to see Izuku with Twilight.”Izuku, why are you here?” She asked curiously. “I was only expecting Twilight.”

Izuku just smiled. “I know that you only called Twilight over,” he said. “But I still wanna help. Interfering when you don’t need to is part of being a hero.”

Sunset smiled at him. “Well, maybe there is something you can do to help us,” she said. “Anyway, look over this way.” She pointed to a cave hidden behind some large rocks. From inside the cave was a purple glow.

“What’s that?” Asked Twilight.

“It’s Gaia Everfree,” said Sunset. Then she grinned and added, “Or someone who wants us to think that she’s back.”

“Who’s Gaia Everfree?” Asked Izuku.

“I’ll explain later,” said Sunset. “Come on.”

Izuku and Twilight looked at each other before following Sunset. Once they were inside the cave, they both admired the beauty of it.

“There’s Equestrian magic in here,” said Sunset as she closed her eyes. “I can feel it.”

“Equestrian magic? Gaia Everfree?” Asked Izuku. “What is going on around this camp?”

“I can answer that,” said a voice.

Izuku instinctively got in front of his friends and held his arms up, ready to fight. He looked towards the sound of the voice, only to be shocked by who he saw: Gloriosa Daisy!

“Gloriosa Daisy?” Izuku exclaimed.

“That’s right, new camper,” said Gloriosa. She walked towards them as Izuku took a battle stance. “Oh, no. Don’t be alarmed. I’m not here to fight. I’ll happily explain what’s happening.”

Izuku lowered his arms a little. “Okay,” he said. “But I’m not letting my guard down whatsoever.”

Gloriosa grinned. “Smart,” she said. “You see, it started a few weeks ago. Filthy Rich has been wanting to buy the camp to turn it into a reserve. I begged him to not do any of that and to give me more time to pay off my debt to him. He agreed to give me till the end of the month.” Her face turned sad. “I was scared of losing the camp because it’s been owned by my family for generations. But then, I discovered this cave and the little geodes.” She pointed to some tiny little gems hung around her neck. “They granted me power over the plants of the Everfree Forest. So, I decided to use that power to make this week’s camping trip exciting.”

“So wait,” said Sunset with realization. “Those magical mishaps were you.”

“That’s right,” said Gloriosa as she walked to a rock structure that had two more geodes. “Timber kept trying to get me to stop using the geodes.” She glanced at Sunset. “How do you know about magic?”

“Because I have magic,” Sunset answered. “All of my friends have magic. Well… except for Izuku there.”

Izuku suddenly glowed with green electric energy surrounding his body. “I may not have magic,” he said. “But I have a Quirk. You need to stop. I’m afraid that if you use those geodes all at once, you’ll become obsessed with the power.” He shivered a little. “You could turn into someone like All For One, the villain who steals Quirks and forces people to work for him.”

“I will do anything to save my camp,” said Gloriosa. “I just need more power.”

"No, don't," cried Sunset and Twilight. Gloriosa only responded by stretching his arm out and summoning vines. Within seconds, the vines grabbed Twilight and Sunset.

Izuku leapt away just in time. He landed in front of the remaining geodes. "Gloriosa," he said. "Don't do this! There are better ways to save your camp! This is the wrong way!"

Gloriosa growled and made her hand glow once more. Izuku leapt away, expecting more vines. However, he was greeted by a rather fearsome sight: Giant plant-like monsters. They charged at the green-haired boy, eager to crush him.

Izuku felt scared. But nonetheless, he put on a brave smile and glowed brightly as One For All surged through him. "That won't stop me," he said. "I will not only stop you. I will also save you, Gloriosa!" He leapt high into the air and landed on the top of the cave. Then, he pushed himself down and raised one leg up!

"One For All: Full Cowling! 20%!

His foot soon landed on the head of one of the creatures, destroying it in an instant!

"Manchester… SMASH!!!!!"

Twilight and Sunset's jaws dropped in shock at what they saw. Gloriosa stared in amazement before grinning.

"My my," she said. "You're a lot stronger than you look. But I won't let you get in my way!" She grabbed the remaining geodes and summoned more plant monsters. Izuku leapt away from the monsters and saw Gloriosa change!

Her pink skin became a very pale pink color. Her pink hair changed to greenish blue with light blue stripes. Her eyes lost the normally green cheer, and turned black with green pupils.

Gone was her yellow shirt, her jean shorts, and her daisy crown. They were now replaced with a rather forest like outfit. She stared at the three teenagers and started to float away.

"I'm sorry to do this," she said. "But I have a camp to save." She took a glance at Izuku and sighed. "I really didn't want to do this to you, Izuku Midoriya. You are almost too cute to hurt. But, you've left me with no choice!"

She summoned several more monsters and exited the cave, blocking the entrance as she left. Izuku and his friends called out to her, but their calls fell upon deaf ears.

Izuku glanced at the plant monsters that were summoned and took a fighting stance while smiling bravely. "It's gonna be okay," he said to Sunset and Twilight. "Because I am here! I will save you both. Then, we will save the entire camp and Gloriosa!"

"Okay, but hurry up," cried Sunset as she struggled against the tight vines. "These vines are pretty tight!"

Izuku began to bounce around the cave and counted the plant monsters. Five monsters in total. It should only take one blow for each one. But I have to be careful! I don't want Twilight and Sunset to get hurt.

One of the monsters picked up a boulder and hurled it at Izuku. The hero reacted by stretching out his arm and summoning his black tendrils.

"Black Whip!!!"

Grabbing the boulder with his Black Whip, he raised it up and slammed down on the monster like a hammer hitting a nail. The monster exploded into several pieces. While the other monsters were distracted, Izuku landed a punch onto the face of one of them.

"Detroit Smash!!!"

The monster hit the wall and exploded just like the first one. The three remaining monsters growled angrily and shot out vines at him in an attempt to grab him. Izuku leapt in front of Twilight and Sunset while holding his right arm in front of him. He put his middle and thumb into position and flicked his middle finger at them.

"Delaware Smash!!!"

A burst of air came flying at the monsters. Their faces twisted on expressions of terror as they realized what the boy had done! The air burst crashed into all three of them, making them explode.

Izuku nodded in satisfaction before he turned to his friends, who were staring at home with shock. Sunset's jaw was dropped while Twilight was staring with stars in her eyes. Izuku blushed a little as he untied them.

"Come on," he said. "We have to get to the camp and stop Gloriosa before she hurts someone."

They both nodded and ran towards the cave entrance. As soon as they got there, they tried to move the boulders that were blocking the way.

"What now?" Asked Twilight. She turned to Izuku. "Can't you use your black tendrils to move them?"

Izuku glanced at her. "Twilight, try to use your magic," he said. Twilight was about to protest when Izuku held her hands. "Remember what I told you: It's your magic, not hers!"

Twilight was very nervous, but she nodded and concentrated on the boulders. She made a purple aura appear as she lifted her hands. Soon, the boulders began to move.

But as she moved them, Izuku noticed some strange wings and a horn slowly appear. He became concerned. Is that part of Midnight Sparkle?

Soon, the boulders we're out of the way. Twilight panted heavily a little while Izuku patted her on the shoulder.

"Good job, Twilight," he said. "Now, let's get back to camp."


Everything was in chaos! Vines were growing to make a dome all around the camp! More vines were taking down the camp structures, including the dock!

The three friends stared in shock. "This is a disaster," Izuku exclaimed. "We have to help everyone!" He turned to Sunset and Twilight. "Find our friends! I'll try my best to move everyone to safety!"

They both nodded. Before they left, Izuku grabbed Twilight's hands. "Remember, Twilight," he said. "Don't be afraid to use your magic."

Twilight just gave a nervous nod before she left with Sunset. Izuku looked at the camp and ran down, calling on the power of One For All. He saw two campers, who he recognized as Octavia Melody and Vinyl Scratch. They were clinging to each other as vines were closing in. He charged towards the two and grabbed them, pulling them out of the way as the vines crashed. He brought them to the cabin and set them down.

Octavia stared at the boy with her jaw dropped. "How did you…?" She began.

"No time to explain," said Izuku. "Go inside, quickly! I'll find and save the others!"

Vinyl nodded and grabbed Octavia, bringing her inside. Izuku turned around and ran back out. He looked around and saw a girl with blue skin, white hair, and purple eyes staring at the vines that were trying to grab her with a scared expression. He leapt up into the air and held out his arm.

"Black Whip!!!"

He quickly grabbed the girl with his Black tendrils and brought her into his arms. He landed and leapt away from the vines, carrying her to the cabin. The girl looked up at him and blushed heavily as he gave her a brave smile.

He brought her to the cabin and set her down. "Get inside," he said. The girl was about to protest, but Izuku held her shoulder. "Don't worry about me," he said. "I'll be okay. I need to save everyone and help my friends!'

The girl reluctantly nodded and went inside. As he ran back out, he saw Timber Spruce trapped by a large vine that was threatening to crush him. The possessed Gloriosa was grinning at the sight of her brother being crushed. Izuku ran towards them, dodging the many vines that shot out at him. He arrived and grabbed Timber.

"Hang on, Timber," said Izuku. "I'll get you out!"

He pulled the camp counselor out of the vine and leapt away. Gloriosa growled angrily as she sent vines to grab the green-haired boy. Izuku glowed even brighter with One For All surging through him. He leapt away and raised his leg up, delivering a kick that sent a huge wave of air pressure at the vines and Gloriosa.

"St. Louis Smash!!!"

A huge blast of air sent Gloriosa and her vines sliding away a few feet. She was stunned long enough for Izuku to bring Timber to the cabin. He then leapt back into the battlefield and saw the Rainbooms being trapped by vines, with Rarity trying to use a crystal shield to protect them.

Quickly, Izuku leapt towards Gloriosa. Despite his growing fear, he put on a smile. "Gloriosa, I'm sorry to do this," he said. "But I can't let you hurt my friends!" He brought his fist up and punched her in the face.


Gloriosa reeled back from the punch and growled angrily. "You little pest," she said angrily. She sent more vines at him, getting more aggressive in the process. Izuku leapt away and slid on the vines, doing everything he could to avoid getting hit.

Dang it, he thought. There's gotta be a way to stop her. But how?! Then he remembered. Wait, the geodes. They're giving her power. I need to grab them somehow.

He leapt around the possessed counselor and sent out Black Whip to grab the geodes. But Gloriosa prevented him from grabbing them with her vines.

"These are my geodes," she said. "I won't let you have them! I will save my camp, no matter what!"

"You wanna save your camp," said Izuku. "But who's saving you?!"

"I don't need to be saved," Gloriosa growled. "Stay away from me! Who do you think you are?!"

Izuku smiled bravely. "My name is Deku," he said boldly. "My 'Deku' doesn't mean 'useless'. My 'Deku' means 'YOU CAN DO IT'! Gloriosa, let me save you!"

"Gloriosa Daisy is gone," said Gloriosa. "My name is Gaia Everfree, guardian of the forest! Stay away from me, Deku!"

She sent more vines at the hero, causing him to dodge even more. He was starting to get tired. Crap, he thought. What can I do now?

Suddenly, a bright purple glow came from the dome that had the Rainbooms trapped. The next thing he knew, he saw Twilight coming out with a purple aura around her. Her hair was very long. She even had pony ears and a pair of wings! Izuku glanced at Twilight with an awestruck smile.

"Twilight," he said. "You're doing it! You're using magic!"

Twilight smiled at him brightly. "You and Sunset were right, Izuku," she said. "This is my magic! My magic is the 'Magic of Friendship'!"

Izuku smiled even more. "The geodes," he cried out. "Grab the geodes from Gloriosa. They give her power!"

Twilight nodded and used her magic to immobile Gloriosa. Then, she grabbed the geodes with more magic. Gloriosa stared in shock as the source of her power was taken away. Suddenly, the geodes split apart and went to each of the Rainbooms!

Izuku watched in awe as the geodes transformed the girls, making them look like Pro-Heroes! As soon as their new outfits appeared, they glowed brightly and blasted Gloriosa! Soon, the vines all disappeared and Gloriosa fell to the ground as she turned back to her normal self.

As the girls landed on the ground, Izuku ran to Gloriosa and propped her up. The camp counselor's eyes slowly opened. Izuku sighed with relief. "Gloriosa Daisy," he said. "Are you okay?"

Gloriosa looked around before nodding. "Yeah," she said. "Um… what happened?"

"Um…" Izuku said. "Let's just say that… you were a little drastic in trying to save your camp."

Gloriosa suddenly looked guilty. "Oh," she said. "I remember now. I'm so sorry."

Izuku smiled at her. "No worries," he said. "Everything is okay. Why, you may ask? Because WE are here!" As he helped her up, he tilted his head to the Rainbooms.

The Rainbooms all smiled and nodded. Gloriosa smiled a little. "Thank you all so much," she said. She then looked at the boy. "You really are a hero!" She then gave him a hug, causing him to blush a little. But he slowly hugged back, deciding to be her hero for the moment.

Author's Note:

Well, I had fun with this chapter. I hope you enjoyed this. Merry Christmas, everyone!!!