• Published 22nd Dec 2021
  • 4,800 Views, 117 Comments

Equestria Girls: Plus Ultra!!! - TriforceAndroid

Izuku Midoriya, aka Deku, finds himself in Camp Everfree and starts a series of adventures where he shows his heroic nature by being hero physically and emotionally.

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Chapter 7: Settled In

Author's Note:

I did my best with this one. I hope you enjoy it. In the next chapter, Izuku will reveal to his friends how he got the big scar on his right arm by talking about one of his best fights: Deku vs Muscular!

"So, you don't have a place to stay?" Asked Sunset as she and Izuku were sitting in the back of the bus that was on the way back to Canterlot City.

"No, not really," said Izuku as he hung his head shamefully.

Sunset smiled at him and patted his back. "Hey, no worries," she said. "If you want, you can stay at my place. I've been looking for a roommate anyway."

Izuku's face turned bright red. "Um… are you sure about that?" He stuttered nervously. "I wouldn't want to be a bother. Plus, w-wouldn't it be awkward for a girl to have a boy as a roommate?"

Sunset smiled at him. "Hey, don't worry about it," she said. "I don't mind. I can tell that you're trustworthy and honest." She stroked his shaggy green hair.

Izuku looked at her and took a deep breath. "Well, okay then," he said. "If it's no trouble."

Sunset nodded with a warm smile. “All right,” she said. “I hope you like my apartment. Hopefully, we can get you ready to enroll at CHS.”

“I’m sure that your apartment is a nice place,” said Izuku with a bright smile. “I just hope I do well at CHS.”


"I never thought an apartment room could be this big," said Izuku as he stared at the place in awe.

Sunset giggled. "Yeah," she said. "Feel free to explore while I figure out a place for you to sleep."

Izuku nodded and admired the room. He noticed some stairs that led to a bed. Under the place where the bed was, he noticed a couple of monitors attached to a computer. He looked at one of the walls and saw three guitars lined up.

Whoa, he thought. Does she play guitar? He smiled sadly. Reminds me of Jiro and Kaminari.

He noticed a couch in front of a TV with game consoles. She's a gamer too? I've never really played a video game before. I always wanted to get an All Might video game, but my mom was on a strict budget.

"I see you've found my game consoles," said Sunset as she came down. Izuku looked up and blushed at her new outfit. She now wore a light blue shirt with a wavy bottom, blue jeans, and shoes that looked like a combination of boots and high heels. To really top off her beauty, she also wore a black leather jacket.

Sunset giggled at the boy's blushing face. "How do I look?" She asked.

"Y-you look really n-nice," Izuku managed to say.

"Thanks," said Sunset with a big smile. "Now, let's find something for you to wear. Hmm… I may need Rarity's help with this one. Let me give her a call."

Izuku nodded as his friend pulled out her phone and dialed a number. He turned his attention back to the room and saw a very large window. He approached it and saw most of Canterlot City being displayed. He suddenly felt a little homesick. He lowered his head a little and closed his eyes. I hope my friends are okay back in Japan. I need to get back soon and stop All For One!

Sunset placed a hand on his shoulder. “Hey, don’t worry,” she said. “I’ve seen your memories when we were still at the camp. I promise that my friends and I will figure out a way to get you home.”

Izuku looked at the bacon-haired girl and felt his heart melt at the sight of her eyes looking into his own. They were filled with empathy and compassion. He couldn't help but blush with a smile. "Thanks, Sunset," he said. "I'm very thankful to have you as a friend."

Sunset smiled and patted his back. “No problem,” she said. “I’ve called Rarity over. She sounded very excited to give you a new look.” She rolled her eyes playfully while giggling. “She’s always excited when it comes to fashion.”

“Oh, she’s a fashionista?” Izuku asked.

“Yup,” said Sunset. “She was the one who suggested a fashion show back at camp. 'Fashion' might as well be her middle name."

Izuku chuckled at that. "So, when will she get here?"

"In about 30 minutes," answered Sunset. "In the meantime, wanna play a game?" She pointed to her gaming consoles.

"Um… sure," answered Izuku. "I've never played a video game before."

“Wait, really?” Asked Sunset with surprise. A smirk formed on her face. “Well then, you get to learn some tricks from the master!”

30 minutes later…

Sunset stared at the screen with her jaw dropped. They had spent the entire time playing "Canterlot Combat 3." At first, she had managed to win a few rounds. But then, to her surprise, Izuku had managed to learn how to use his character (which was a tree fighter) properly and win five rounds in a row. Izuku had a sheepish smile on his freckled face. “A-am I doing well?”

Sunset gave him a very big smile. “YOU’RE AMAZING AT THIS GAME!” She said, then she smiled slyly. “The student has become the master!” She hugged him and nuzzled his cheek, causing him to blush.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Sunset got up and answered it. Standing at the door was Rarity. Izuku blushed heavily as he saw her casual outfit: A very light blue shirt, a purple skirt with three diamonds on the side, knee-high purple boots, and golden bracelets.

“Oh, Izuku,” said Rarity as she came in with a very radiant smile. “It’s so nice to see you, darling!”

"It's nice to see you, too," said Izuku while blushing. "Um… how have you been?"

Rarity smiled and hugged him. "I've been simply wonderful, darling," she said. She pulled away and looked him over. "I'm so excited to give you a new look!"

Izuku smiled shyly. “W-well, I hope I look fine,” he said.

“No worries, darling,” said Rarity with a kind smile. “I promise that you’ll look so dashing that girls will absolutely adore you!”

Izuku blushed deeply. “Um… s-s-so, what can I do to help?”

Thirty minutes later…

The green-haired boy was a blushing mess. He was now wearing a dark green shirt with blue shorts and red shoes. It showed off his firm and strong arms and legs. He was a little nervous since the shirt showed off his arms to the point where the scar left by a villain was on display. Rarity flicked her hair confidently as she admired the boy in his new look.

“Oh, yes,” she said proudly. “I must say that you look absolutely wonderful, darling!” She wrapped an arm around his shoulders, giving him a wink. “I have no doubts that the girls are going to be swooning over you, dearest!”

Izuku tapped his fingertips shyly. “Th-thanks,” he said. He took a glance at his scarred right arm.

Sunset noticed this and patted his head. “Is everything okay?” She asked.

“Y-yeah,” Izuku replied. “I just… I was just remembering how I got this scar on my upper arm.”

“Oh,” said Rarity. “Do you want to talk about it, darling?”

“Um… well… I think it’s best if all of our friends hear about this,” Izuku answered.

“I see,” said Sunset. “Well, you can tell them all about this when we start up school again. Is that okay?”

Izuku nodded. “Y-yeah,” he answered. He glanced up at his friends. “So… what do I have to do to apply for Canterlot High?”


"All right, here you go," said a woman with pink, green, and blue hair along with magenta eyes. "Here's your schedule. As principal of Canterlot High, I welcome you Izuku Midoriya."

Izuku smiled as he took the schedule. "Thank you, Principal Celestia," he said politely.

With a small bow, he left the office. Celestia couldn't help but smile. "He's even more polite than the girls said he would be," she said.

"Indeed," said a younger woman with light blue skin, blue-striped hair, and light green eyes. "According to some other students, he appears to be heroic as he managed to save three students at camp."

Celestia smiled. "Interesting," she said. "What do you think of him, Luna?"

Luna smiled. "I think that he's a remarkable boy," she answered. "I believe that he'll be a good role model for most of our students."