• Published 30th Jan 2022
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Starlight Glimmer's First Student: A "Human"?! - Clockwork2003

Starlight Glimmer finally graduates from Twilight's program, and is told to find a student of her own! Twilight recommends going to a new planet, inhabited by "He-you-mains". She tries to make a friend, but finds something more!

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Chapter 22: It's Okay To Be Scared

The next fourteen days went by in a blur. I don’t remember time going by so quickly in my life. It’s honestly quite alarming. Knowing that I am part of something much larger than myself is both humbling and terrifying! Even with the crippling anxiety that I am feeling right now, knowing that my rider is here, and learning Friendship with me makes both of us feel better.

Our schedule remains the same. I learned how to make a good schedule from Princess Twilight! We get up every morning at 8:00 AM. Noah and I eat breakfast together, and we go for a daily ride around the skies of Ponyville. We catch up on events, and I give him a quick review of Friendship lessons. I need the exercise, and he needs the bonding time! Once we get back from that, it’s around 9:30 AM. Friendship Lessons until lunchtime. We went through subject material at breakneck speed, covering everything from reciprocal feelings, helping a friend in need, and donating time to a cause you care about!

We have lunch everyday promptly at 12:30 PM, and Princess Luna has made an effort to pop by in Ponyville every day for lunch. My hunch about her affection for Noah seems to be true, as she’s acting very kindly and maternal towards him. She even calls him a “constellation”. Aww! I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, Luna is the better of the Two Sisters. After lunch, Noah spends a bit of time with Trixie, to work on his actual Friendship development. The two of them work on elementary magic, and Noah’s getting better. He can hold his own, but he’s no mage par excellence! I think the two of them are nice to each other, and I see a genuine friendship developing between them. Rebecca is happy for her brother, too! While he’s off with Trixie, I am finalizing the Friendship School plans with Princess Twilight, and working on admitting the human students. That takes up the afternoon, and then we have supper together. After supper, Noah and I have some personal time. We read books together in my apartment, and cuddle! Rinse and repeat the next day!

Since my rider is very political, like me, we both used our “Community Service” time in Friendship School to work on my new Princess job! Noah quickly read through the entire Equestrian legal code and pointed out what laws needed modernization and updating. Obviously, my status as a princess under the current constitution is mostly ceremonial, so our ideas have to be vetted by Princess Celestia. I have a draft for a new tax code ready, and it’s very progressive. Noah hates it, but he’s not in the tax bracket that has to pay more than others. The poor boy is a student, for Celestia’s sake!

Trixie is a very good Chief of Staff. She helped me write out public statements to give every day, updating both Earth and Equestria on my agenda. She writes like a disciplined pony, and I’ve rekindled my friendship with the showmare. She’s still herself, with her self-aggrandizement and whatnot, but I think she’s reined it in for the most part. She always checks in on my student, and her own rider, Rebecca, always checks in on Trixie to make sure she’s okay. I love it that everycreature in my new social circle has somecreature to care for them!

I haven’t been as busy following Lyra and Bon Bon these past few days. I did get a UniPhone call from Lyra, telling me how much she enjoys spending time with Anastasia, the little girl who came here from the Cutie Map’s own initiative. I’m glad that young girl finally found a friend in the musician pony. As for Bon Bon, she’s been working nonstop with Noah’s mother, Mrs. Weiss, on double and triple-checking the Friendship curriculum! Even Maud Pie dropped by, trying to give Bon Bon a few heads up (although she did talk a bit too much about rocks, so I’ve been told).

All of this takes lots of time and energy, but I am happy that we’re putting our heads together for good use. The school has its opening ceremony tomorrow, and I am both extremely excited and nervous. I’ve been getting a fair amount of hate mail from ponies across Equestria, who are upset that nonponies are learning Friendship from us. They say Friendship is a sacred art, and spreading it to others would defile it, and make it less genuine over time.

How stupid and ignoarant are these ponies! The more creatures who learn Friendship, the better is it for all! I think they’re just upset that the first batch of humans is neurodiverse. After all, It was only in the past few years that differentiated learning became widespread. Even though Celestia’s own sister is autistic, the Canterlot nobility wouldn’t allow her to pass modernizing education laws! It was only when one of the noble’s own foals was born with dyslexia did they allow for the new, progressive curriculum! That’s quite selfish, but change often only comes when those in power are affected by the cause.

Right now, I am lying in bed with my rider, thinking about all of these things. We’ve been together for around three weeks, and each and every day, I feel my bond with him grow. Princess Twilight told me that the soul-bonding magic I cast strengthens over time, so eventually, we’ll be in perfect synchrony! What I still need to determine is whether other unicorn ponies will be able to cast this spell with their own human riders, but not develop attraction towards them! This is the only way humans could learn magic, and I don’t know if all humans are open-minded enough to date ponies! My guess is that they aren’t!

Since my mind is linked to his, some general thoughts and fears transfer over between us. Noah was almost sleeping, but he must have realized my mind is racing right now, so he turns around and faces me. He holds my hoof and looks at me dearly.

“What’s up? I can’t parse out just yet what’s stressing you, but my magic is telling me you are worried about something.” Noah asks, trying his best to be kind and empathetic. He’s really doing the best he can, and I love that about him.

“I’m worried that the Canterlot Nobility are going to be mean to you again tomorrow,” I say, telling him a half-truth. I am actually worried that Noah is going to receive some backlash at the opening ceremony, but I am more worried about my own image! Human government representatives from a few countries are going to be in attendance! Twilight went on a business trip to Earth to set up a few new Mirror Portals, so the kids can travel to and from here with ease. This is my first real test as the Princess of Justice, and I really don’t want to screw up. Is it selfish of me to want to do well? It’s less about being a princess, in my opinion, and more about making Twilight proud. She redeemed me from my lowest low, and if she’s unhappy, then all of my hard work will be for naught!

Noah looks at me with caring eyes and scooches closer towards me. I’m lying behind him, so it pushes me back a little. He takes the front hoof that he’s holding and begins to massage it in a circular motion. I feel a bit of pain, at first, but it transitions into a soothing sensation, and I begin to calm down.

“W…what’s going on?” I ask my rider, who continues to massage my lilac hoof with tender care. He chuckles, seemingly confused as to why I am asking him such a silly question.

“Pressure points, Glimmy. When I get stressed, I sometimes massage certain parts of my body to reduce muscular tension. One of them is the palm of your hand, so I just assumed a pony’s hoof would have the same effect. I guess I was right, huh?” He says, leaving go of my hoof.

“No, Noah. Please keep going, I need your Friendship right now. I’m scared of making Twilight ashamed of me.” I say, my voice getting a bit raspy. I am trying my hardest not to cry in front of my rider, because I have a feeling he’d be upset if I got upset. While empathy is hard for Noah, when he truly cares about somecreature, he can become too empathetic. Noah then resumes to massage my hoof, and I wrap my tired wings around him.

“Please…don’t leave me as Sunburst did,” I say, breaking into tears. I think I am starting to have a mental breakdown from stress. I really don’t want to screw up this Friendship school operation, and more importantly, I don’t want to lose my rider. He’s my everything right now!

As my rider continues to comfort me, he turns around from facing behind me to looking directly into my teary eyes. He seems stressed about me, so I try to muster a fake smile.

“Aw, come on, Glimmy. Don’t give me that.” He chuckles, a bit amused by my shenanigans.

“When you fused souls with me, I got all of your memories, Starlight. I know that Sunburst cheated on you with Spitfire, and I am so, so sorry about that. My own father cheated on my mom, so I know how you feel about infidelity. I would never, ever do that to you, not only because I know what that feels like, but because you helped make me a better human being. Seriously.” He says. This makes me even more emotional, and my horn lights up. I’m not casting any magic, but I bury my poor rider in my coat of fur, desperate for him not to leave me.

“Stay…right here…Noah.” I cry as he embraces me with pity. He feels my heartbeat, and I feel his.

“I’m right here, Glimmy. I love you, I really do.” He says, as my wings begin to soothe his back, so my cute rider can try to sleep. Tomorrow’s a big day, and I want it to go well for everycreature. I just hope I can get my emotions in check by then.

“Luna’s looking after you, Noah. I just hope she’s looking after me, too. I need serenity tonight.” I whisper into his ear. Snuggling my rider tightly but comfortably, I try to fall asleep, and Noah does as well. Tonight is not about love, it’s not about passion or lust, it’s about two friends being there for each other. I need to support Noah, and Noah needs to support me. I think we’re doing fine…I just can’t lose another stallion like I lost Sunburst!

See you in the morning, stud.

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