• Published 30th Jan 2022
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Starlight Glimmer's First Student: A "Human"?! - Clockwork2003

Starlight Glimmer finally graduates from Twilight's program, and is told to find a student of her own! Twilight recommends going to a new planet, inhabited by "He-you-mains". She tries to make a friend, but finds something more!

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Chapter 8: Friendship Gives You Wiiings!

Did…did my teacher just die?

I’m holding Trixie in my arms, as she is crying from the shock of losing her friend, and the serious burns she self-inflicted due to the fireworks spell that she cast.

“T-Trixie doesn’t know what happened to Starlight! Where did she go?” She asks me, horrified that possibly her only friend got vaporized off the face of the earth; or in this case, Equestria. I think the six objects that incinerated my teacher are the Elements of Harmony, but I can’t know for sure.

“T-Trixie thinks we should both go home. Do…do you have a key to Starlight’s house?” She asks me, as the medic ponies finally finished casting healing magic, numbing the pain the magician mare faced, as well as initiating the healing process.

“Can you stand up on your own four hooves, Trixie?” I ask her, awkwardly helping the mare stand up by lifting her barrel from the floor. She buckles a bit under her weight, uneasy on her hooves, but after a few awkward seconds she is steady once again!

“I don’t think I have a key to Starlight’s house. I don’t mind walking you home! Actually, I don’t know where you live!” I say sheepishly, as Trixie laughs.

“Trixie lives in her trailer, the one you and Starlight rode past on your way here!” She says, using magic to drag her saddlebag over from behind the stage. She begins to search through it, looking for something. What is she looking for?

“Trixie needs something to drink! Trixie thinks she has a water bottle, but she’s not sure!” She pouts, not being able to find a water bottle or other nourishing beverage. Deactivating her magic, she slowly walks off the stage, now drenched in water from the pegasi extinguishing Trixie’s fire.

I don’t know what else to do! Trixie is making her way home, and I don’t have a key to the house where I live! More importantly, is Starlight dead?! "By all normal standards on Earth, seeing six "magical" artifacts atomize a living thing would be extremely frightening. However, as much as I think that Starlight is dead, Equestria has proven itself to be an incredibly bizarre place, where all bets are off and rules are meant to be broken!

I need to find Twilight. I don’t really know any ponies here other than Lyra and Sweetie Drops, but if anypony knows if or how Starlight can be found, it would be Twilight! It seems that focusing on making sure Trixie was okay prevented me from noticing that most of the ponies at Trixie’s performance have left! I don’t see Lyra or Bon Bon anywhere! I make my way down from the stage and I see a few Earth Ponies; one of them, a tall red stallion, with an apple Cutie Mark on his flank. I don’t really see anypony else, and since the red pony is the first one that I see, I decide to ask him for advice.

“Can I help you? My name is Big Macintosh. You’re the human visitor, right?” The stallion says, holding out a hoof to shake my hand. Learning from my past pony interactions, I firmly grasped the stallion’s hoof and shook it.

“Woah, mister, you have a firm grip. Maybe we can hoof wrestle some time! Now, I did see your teacher get, uh, I don’t know. Vaporized? bucked into the void? All I know for sure is that I saw my sister Applejack’s Element There. If anypony knows what could have happened, we need to go find her.” Big Mac says, galloping off without remembering that I was right next to him!

“I was right over-” I give up. I need to get fit. I tried to run after the red apple stallion, and while I can’t keep up with him, he was nice enough to wait a few seconds every now and then to make sure I was within his field of vision. I am losing my breath trying to keep up with Big Macintosh, but I am determined to follow him. After twenty minutes or so, I finally make my way to this ranch where Big Macintosh is running into a barn, looking for something or somepony.

“I wonder who he is looking for?” I think to myself, as the red stallion comes back out with an orange Earth Pony mare. She’s a bit shorter than Starlight, but she’s still taller than me! Makes sense. These “ponies” are just pastel talking horses, anyways! The orange pony makes her way towards me and eyes me very carefully.

“Looks like we’ve caught a live one here, Big Mac!” She says dryly to her brother, who just nods.

“Alrighty, jokes aside, my name’s Applejack. We met briefly at the Cutie Map. It seems like your two-legged behind is in a pickle!” She quickly deduces.

“Indeed I am. I don’t know where Starlight went. We went to go help Trixie, and-.”

“You went to help that bragging dishonest little brat? I’ll take it you’re a kind soul. I’m proud of you for that.” She smiles, tipping her hat down in respect. Heh. She’s a sassy pony, I’ll give her that!

“Yeah, I helped her out. You weren’t there, but she tried this firework spell, and gave herself serious second-degree burns! It wasn’t fun, not one bit! The pegasi had to rearrange the clouds and doused the Ponyville Amphitheater with water. The floors are warped beyond recognition!” I say, to which the pony winces.

“Gosh, that sucks. But, there must be a different reason why you’re here. I love visitors. Did you come for apple fritters? They’re so good that it makes sense for an alien from another planet to come and try them!” She says, clearly proud of her or her family’s epicurean skills.

“Actually, that’s not why I am here. You see, my teacher, Starlight Glimmer, just vanished after six weird rocks incinerated her off of the face of Equestria. Big Macintosh told me that you might have some insight?” I ask, before Applejack’s eyes widen in either awe or fear. Again, I am autistic, so reading emotions from humans or ponies is not one of my innate talents. I’ll just wait to see what the pony has to say.

“I’m pleased to tell you, sugarcube, that your teacher is alive. The exact same thing happened to Twilight a few years back, and she came back with a pair of wings! Your friend over there is comin’ back an alicorn!”

Wait…what? Starlight as an alicorn? I don’t know if I should laugh or be horrified!

“You look shocked. I’m shocked, too. The last alicorn before Twilight was Princess Cadence, and she showed up eight hundred and seventy-five years before Twilight did! Two alicorns in under five years is certainly a record in Equestrian history! The only question is, how long is she going to be in between worlds? Twilight was MIA for seven and a half hours. It could be a while.”

I smile in abject horror and excitement at the prospect of my teacher becoming an alicorn.

“Tell you what. You can sleep here until she comes back with those fancy wings of hers. I take it Starlight has your key. It’s fine. We have fresh apple muffins inside. We have gluten-free and nut-free. Hospitality is our MO at Sweet Apple Acres. We don’t want nopony to suffer an allergic reaction!” Applejack says, beckoning me to come inside her estate to try her apple-themed baked goods.

Hm. I hope what Applejack is saying is the truth. It would suck to be here without Starlight. She’s really nice, and I want to hang out with her! Let’s see if she gets those newfangled wings!


All I remember is that I went to go check on Trixie with Noah, and he consoled her after seriously hurting herself. Then, there was a flash of rainbow light, and, well, I am just waking up. Hold on, something’s not right. There’s no floor. How can there possibly be no floor! I look beneath my hooves, and all I see is the vast emptiness of... well I am not sure of what! I see billions of colors underneath me in every possible shade and hue. Moving my head around, I see that this kaleidoscope envelops the entire landscape. Am I in Equestria? Am I in between Noah’s world and my own? I really don’t know!

I try not to panic, and I take a few deep breaths. Each inhale and exhale can be easily seen in front of me as cool air leaves my muzzle. Curious as to whether I can walk in this weird place, I put one hoof forward and I am able to connect with the “ground”! I put another hoof forward, and I am able to walk! Curious as to whether this landscape is limited to two or three dimensions, I pivot rightward and walk a few short paces in that direction. All’s good. I can walk in three dimensions. What’s disorienting is that there isn’t anything here! Just vibrant colors, oxygen, and…nothing! I walk around aimlessly, trying to figure out where I am, and if there is any way for me to get back home. I have a human to take care of and teach Friendship to!

Wait, I got it! I can use magic to try and get out of here! I try to light up my horn, but it doesn’t work. I tried a second time, and it doesn’t work. It seems that wherever I am right now, magic cannot be cast! This is a big problem! How can a unicorn not be able to cast magic? This is so weird!

What’s even weirder is that in my peripheral vision, I see images. I can’t make them out, so I trot a bit closer to see what they are. They are moving on a reel, like those new films that Twilight showed me. She said it was a breakthrough in audiovisual technology! And, are those images of me? I think they are. I see myself as a filly playing with Sunburst. I see him getting his Cutie Mark and my temper tantrum afterward. My equality commune! Twilight and her friends finding me, “saving me” and giving me back my old Cutie Mark! The time-traveling escapades I went on, trying in vain to rewrite history!

I also am reminded of Twilight redeeming me, making me her first-ever student of Friendship. I reminisce of my year of repentance, reflection, and understanding; with all the trials and tribulations that came with it! I see my Friendship Lessons, my meetings with Princess Celestia, that whole table setting thing, and -.

“Well, well, well! This is certainly not how I expected to spend my evening!” A rather regal voice says. I take a minute to think about who this regal voice belongs to, and then it hits me. The Sun Princess, the epitome of the upper class and teacher of my own teacher, Princess Celestia.

I need to play it cool and keep my opinions to myself right now, or I could end up in a pile of hay! I try to see where the voice is coming from, but then I hear the sound of hooves, or more specifically horseshoes, trotting along the vast spatial plane. I instinctively curtsey out of respect, as much as it pains me to do so. Celestia is the head mare of Equestria, so not showing respect would be poor etiquette on my part!

“Please, none of that. At ease, Starlight Glimmer. We’re friends, aren’t we?” She says, withholding a playful chuckle. One thing I can’t stand about Princess Celestia is her prankster nature. Either everything is a joke, or she makes everything into a joke. Don’t let your guard down! She can be very serious when she needs to be! Quickly getting upright, I am confused as to what the Sun Princess is doing in the middle of nowhere.

“Princess, may I ask you a question?” I hesitantly ask, wondering if the alicorn in front of me has the knowledge I need at this moment in time.

“Of course, Starlight. You know that you can ask me anything. Having Twilight as your teacher should have taught you that!” She says, both patronizingly and with her playful demeanor.

“Okay, where am I?” I ask, shrugging my shoulders in confusion.

“You are everywhere, and you are nowhere. Frankly, I don’t know where this place is, but what I do know is that Twilight Sparkle was here, just a few short years ago.”

Wait, Twilight Sparkle was here a few years ago?! That means something big is going to happen, right? Oh dear!

“Well…you are one of a select group of ponies to make it here. I showed up here when I raised the sun by myself. Luna showed up here when she raised the moon. Cadence showed up when she made two ponies fall in love and reconcile their differences. Finally, your teacher made it here when she decoded Starswirl’s spell and made tangible Friendship!” Celestia says with pride. I guess she was happy when her #1 student made it here. The question remains, however, Why am I here?

“What am I doing here, then? I didn’t raise the celestial bodies, create love, or make Friendship tangible! Do you know why I am here?” I pester the princess further.

Smiling, she casts a spell, and projects an image of my human student onto the very “floor”.

“The “He-you-main” is why, Starlight.”

“Actually, it’s “human”. Twilight figured out the correct pronunciation!”

“Whatever, that young man is the reason you are here. You not only taught him the basics of Friendship, but you helped a creature who would have had zero chance of finding a friend on his planet find one here. Spreading Friendship to those who need it the most is something that not even Twilight Sparkle was able to do!

Wait…Noah is why I am here? Is it because he went over to comfort Trixie after she nearly blew herself up!

“Hold on, Princess. You’re telling me that I am here because of Noah?”

She smiles and puts a wing around me. I have a feeling that she might break out into a musical number, but I seriously hope she doesn’t!

“Bingo. He went to comfort Trixie, not because you told him to, but because he knew it was the right thing to do. He showed empathy, which is something a “human” of his “autistic condition” cannot do under normal circumstances. Alicorns are made when the impossible is made possible."

Wait…alicorns?! I don’t want to be an alicorn! I want to be equal with every other pony in Equestria. I don’t want to live forever, be miserable, and rule over everypony with an iron hoof! I don’t want any of it! Not one bit!

“I can see the look of disgust on your face, Starlight. I know your opinions on alicorns, and I respect them. Having different ideas is welcome in an open and free society like Equestria, which is exactly why the Elements of Harmony chose you to be the next alicorn. Become the Princess of Justice!"

Princess of Justice, huh? It has a nice ring to it, that’s for sure!

"But Princess, I don’t want to be immortal! I want my life to have meaning, and meaning can only be achieved with a finite lifespan!”

The princess is taken aback by my rather stoic comment and takes a minute to come up with a response. She sighs and begins to speak once again.

“What is your human pupil’s name, Starlight?” Celestia asks me, not knowing what Noah’s name is.

“H…his name is Noah, Princess. Why do you ask?”

“Well, “Noah” is going to need somepony to love him and take care of him, now that he can’t go back to his world! You fused souls with the boy to teach him magic!”

That’s right! In order for me to be able to allow Noah to cast magic, I put a small amount of my very essence into his, combining the two giving Noah a triple helix!

“Well, once you become an alicorn in a few short minutes, Noah will be a very happy human! He’ll have somepony who can take care of him, love him, and teach him the skills he needs to survive in Equestria. A Princess of Justice can make sure that Noah is accepted by everypony in Equestria! Perhaps he can even become immortal as well if your souls are linked?”

Noah…immortal? Spending time with me? It sounds too good to be true! I don’t deserve all of this! I was a horrible pony for so many years!

“I have one more thing to ask before I get alicorn’ed.”

Celestia nods.

“Why me? Why do I, Starlight Glimmer, deserve the uncanny gift of wings and eternal life, when I did so many bad things to ponies for so many years. I am a 19-year-old mare, and I spent most of my time hurting ponies that tried to be kind to me!” I am trying not to cry, but tears form at the back of my eyelids, and Celestia gives me a warm embrace.

Celestia smiles once again. “Because you overcame those obstacles, and you helped an alien creature find Friendship! We both know how annoying Trixie can be sometimes, but Noah didn’t care. He showed empathy regardless! Only you were able to teach him that. Not me, not Luna, not Twilight. You!”

I feel an itching sensation around my right cutie mark. Something pops off from it, and I see the very mark itself hover in front of me. It just floats there for a few moments.

“Is…is this going to hurt? Will I know how to fly, or will I have to learn?” I ask, waiting to see where this transformation goes.

“It won’t hurt, Starlight. It will feel like a massage. As for flying, nopony can be a Wonderbolt in one day. I am sure Rainbow Dash or Spitfire will give you a basic flying lesson. Make sure to put that human on your back, Starlight. I am quite sure he would love to fly with you. He is your special somepony, and there’s not much you can do about that. Linking your souls makes you literal soulmates!

With that, the Princess of the Sun teleports away, my cutie mark begins to swirl around me; slowly at first, but then it began to spin so fast that I couldn’t even make it out! I feel weightless for a moment, then suddenly I am thrust into the air by this unknown force! Maybe it’s centrifugal force. Or maybe it’s magic? I don’t know! What I do know is that my body is starting to feel warm. It’s not hot, but a pleasant warmth. Not only that but my body starts to glow and the spinning gets faster.

My word, this is euphoric! I don’t think I’ve ever felt this relaxed in my entire life!

Wait…why can’t I see anything? Why do I feel back pain?

I feel…dizzy, like I’m…about to…pass out.…

And then…I was reborn!


I have to say that these apple muffins are divine! Applejack and her family certainly know how to make baked goods!

“Hey, Applejack! These are really good! I used to bake every now and then back home, and I was wondering if you could give me the recipe one time?” I ask, practicing using magic to drink out of a mug. She also makes a killer hot cocoa!

“No problem, sugarcube. Just promise me the recipe will be used for personal use, and not for business. I don’t want there to be any legal troubles ‘round these parts!” Applejack says with much chagrin, as her older brother smiles behind her.

“You said it was how long when Twilight was gone the last time this happened?” I ask Applejack, who takes an extra minute to remember.

“Seven and a half hours. You’ve been here since Trixie’s show ended at around 8:00 PM. It’s quarter to midnight! She could show up at any moment, it’s only a matter of time!” Applejack says with certainty.

Well, that’s good to know. I am relieved that Applejack thinks that my teacher, and friend. is going to be alright. It seems to be a bit coincidental that everypony here knows about this alicorn stuff. Are all ponies this magical? Maybe? I don’t know one bit!

I hear a loud knock on the door, and I almost drop the hot cocoa mug, magic deactivating out of shock. Thankfully, I was able to grab the mug with my hands and place it on the coaster in front of me. Applejack and Big Macintosh both race to the door, and Big Macintosh is the first pony to get there. Opening the door, he sees a familiar magician pony, without her hat or cape!

“Trixie wants to know where Noah is! Something crazy just happened!” The magician says, inviting herself inside.

“Woah, hold your horses, Trixie. Apple Bloom is sleeping. I don’t want anypony waking up my little sister!” Applejack says as I make my way to the vestibule of the estate, trying to figure out what the hell is going on.

Trixie sees me, seemingly completely healed from the accident a few hours prior.

“Trixie is VERY glad to see you, Noah. There is something crazy happening in the sky! If the Great and Powerful Trixie doesn’t know what it is, then something awesome is happening. Come on, come on, come on!

Applejack and Big Macintosh look at each other and then look at me.

“Go with Trixie to find Starlight. I’d wager that’s her messing around with Princess Luna’s night sky. You're welcome to come and visit Sweet Apple Acres at any time, Noah the Human!” Applejack says as I make my way outside with Trixie next to me. If it was really as urgent as Trixie says it is, I have a feeling she’d let me ride on her back, but I am not going to ask her. She just got second-degree burns that magically healed!

“Trixie wants Noah to look up in the sky, turning your head this way!” Trixie says, using magic to manually maneuver my head in a southwestern direction. I see stars, and constellations, and…Starlight’s Cutie Mark?!

It’s getting bigger and bigger, and it seems like it’s coming closer to us. In fact, it is coming closer to us! The normally black night sky is lighting up lilac, while my teacher’s Cutie Mark is pulsating in the sky, both growing in size and getting closer to us. Finally, it explodes with magic, and my hands begin to glow as well! I don’t feel anything, but it must be a reaction to the output of magic around me!

Finally, the massive cutie mark begins to descend from the heavens, shrinking in size ever so slowly. It’s almost as if I am in New York City watching the New Year’s Eve ball drop! When will the cutie mark drop?

“Trixie thinks that Starlight is inside the magical bubble. She senses Starlight’s life energy inside, and it’s thousands of times more powerful than before!” Trixie says in elation. The magical bubble finally touches down on the ground and shrinks to a more, equine shape and size. I think Starlight is in there, but the bubble is a bit taller than her.


The bubble popped, and I see Starlight, with two notable additions on her body.

She opens her eyes and spreads her wings instinctively. When she sees me, she tackles me to the floor and gives me hugs and kisses.


Starlight finally lets me get up, and I return the embrace.

“You look…stunning! I don’t think I’ve seen a pony as regal as you. Hell, you have fancy horseshoes now!” I say, pointing to Starlight’s hooves, now decked in lilac and silver horseshoes.

“Woah…pretty. Speaking of alicorns, want to ride one? Somepony has to get home, and I need to try out these new wings!”

“Do I want to ride one? Of course, I want to ride one!!”

With a playful grin, Starlight’s mauve saddle and greenish-gold bridle appear. Trixie looks on in awe, as I gently place the bridle inside Starlight’s mouth, and she puts on her saddle.

“Ready for takeoff, my little rider!” Starlight says, using magic to gently place me in between her new wings. I am curious as to how they feel, and I run my fingers through the feathers. It’s like a down pillow! Damn!

Horn lighting up one more time, the reins are placed gently into my hands.

“Don’t throw up. I’ve never flown before, so I might be a bit…turbulent!” She says as I squeeze her sides with my legs, urging her to go into a prompt gallop. Trixie waves goodbye and Starlight looks at me with a smile.

“Ready to fly, my faithful student?” She asks, spreading her wings in anticipation.

“Ready, Starlight!-”

“Actually, it’s Princess Starlight, now. I’m the Princess of Justice!”

And with that, my friend…er…girlfriend flaps her wings, contracting her pinions, and launches the two of us into the night sky!

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