• Member Since 23rd Feb, 2016
  • offline last seen 10 hours ago

Mind Jack

Bee horse go bzzzzzz. Commission prices and ToS: https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/1025389/commission-prices-tos


This story is a sequel to The Great Cake Heist

After losing a bet, Scootaloo has to sit in the dunk tank at a charity carnival.

This story is a commission written for The Wandering Commenter

It's a sequel to The Great Cake Heist

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 4 )

Thanks again! This story was adorable!

Thank you. Glad you liked it. ^^

hehe i'm surprised Scoots didn't say "Oh Hey Lightning Dust"

Rainbow perked up. "Hey! I used to do something like that when I was a filly, up in Cloudsdale."

"Really?" Scootaloo said, starting to get more enthusiastic at the thought of following in Rainbow's hoofsteps.

"Hay yeah!" Rainbow replied. "I was the awesomest at it, and I'm sure you'll do great too, Scootaloo!"

:unsuresweetie:: That... doesn't sound all that impressive.
:rainbowhuh:: Oh, well, I guess it was technically in and out of Cloudsdale.
:unsuresweetie:: Huh?
:rainbowderp:: Yeah, see, the platform was in Cloudsdale... water was on the ground.
:unsuresweetie:: Errr...
:rainbowwild:: Did you know that at terminal velocity, hitting water's just like hitting concrete except concrete doesn't swallow you up afterwards?
:scootangel:: Suuuddenly not feeling so bad about this.

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