• Published 2nd Feb 2022
  • 1,088 Views, 56 Comments

Return Address - FoolAmongTheStars

Sunburst’s father is coming for a visit, and Sunburst isn’t happy. But what’s prompting this social call? Fatherly love, or something more devious? Sunburst is betting on the latter.

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3. A Lunch of Revelations

Starlight placed the final piece of her outfit—a golden headband—over her head and smiled. The white blouse was light and airy, and combined with the dark green blazer she chose for the occasion, she looked put-together and elegant. Taking a moment to primp her loose mane, she nodded at her reflection before leaving her room. She found Sunburst in the living room exactly how she left him, laying on the couch and reading a book, pouting unhappily.

“How do I look?”

He looked up and managed to crack a smile for her sake. “You look nice.” The smile vanished. “But I still wish you wouldn't go.”

“I know,” she sighed and sat next to him as Sunburst scooted back to give her room. “But I think it’s important for me to know your family. Besides, he’s much nicer than I expected.”

Sunburst scoffed, “Yeah, he sure is.” They fell silent as Sunburst grappled with his internal conflict. He had wasted too much time already. He needed to talk to her, right here and right now. He should stop her from leaving. He should—

There was a knock on the front door.

“Well, that’s my ride,” Starlight said before standing up. “I’ll be back in a few hours, okay?” When he nodded, she smiled and headed for the door.

“Wait!” Sunburst cried, jumping to his feet so quickly that the book on his lap hit the floor with a dull thud.

Starlight whirled around to face him. “What is it?”

He gritted his teeth, heart beating wildly in his chest. “When…when you get back…I’ll tell you everything…just come back, please.”

She stared at him for a long while, concern lining her features before finally smiling. “What are you saying? Of course I’m coming back, silly. I promise.” She gave him one final skeptical look before she opened the door.

Sunspot was waiting on the other side and he smiled brightly when Starlight opened the door. “Hello Starlight, Sunburst,” he nodded at the both of them. “The carriage is waiting by the curb, would you mind giving me a moment with Sunburst? I’ll be there with you shortly.”

Starlight glanced back at Sunburst, who gave her an uneasy nod, and she hesitated before stepping out. “Ok, see you later.”

The two stallions watched her enter the carriage, and once the door closed behind her, Sunspot spoke up. “So, Sunburst, I assume you have had time to think.” His son nodded. “And?”

“I won’t leave her…nor my work here.” Sunburst’s eyes hardened, raising his chin in defiance. “But you already knew that.”

His father stared at him for a moment, expression unreadable, before he nodded curtly and turned on his heel to follow after Starlight. “Yes, Sunburst, I already knew.”

The ride to the restaurant was done in silence. Sunspot stared out the window with a thoughtful look on his face and Starlight, who didn’t know the stallion well enough to feel comfortable enough to interrupt him, left it that way. She also had her own thinking to do, and as she stared at the window and the houses that passed them by, all she could see was the desperate look in Sunburst’s eyes as he pleaded for her to come back to him.

It puzzled her, to say the least, and part of her wanted to chalk it off to him being overdramatic (something he picked up by hanging out with Trixie, no doubt), but she couldn’t help but feel agitated by it as well. She couldn’t imagine what would prompt such a reaction from him, what he thought would be so horrible to scare her away. It couldn’t be any worse than what she has done…though, admittedly, she set the bar pretty low in that regard.

She shook her head and told herself that it changed nothing. Sunburst would always be Sunburst to her. No matter what he has done in the past, or what his father says, nothing could change her opinion of him.

It wasn’t until the carriage slowed to a stop at the restaurant that Sunspot spoke up. “I hope you like this place, I confess I don’t know much about the area.”

He opened the door for her and helped her down the carriage. “I never been here before either, but I heard good things about this place.” Starlight said with a grin. “Trixie is going to be so jealous when she finds out that I ate here before her!”

Sunspot paid the carriage pony and escorted Starlight inside. It was a small establishment all things considered, but it was very chic and exclusive for a town like Ponyville. They were shown to a small table made for two, covered in a white sheet and with more cutlery, plates, and glasses that Starlight knew what to do with. The waiter filled their glasses with water and handed them their menus before he left with a small bow; she noted that her menu didn’t have the prices listed.

“So, Starlight, tell me about yourself.” Sunspot said, his purple eyes on the menu. “As I said before, I haven’t seen you in over a decade and Sunburst can be very stingy with information.”

“Huh…” Starlight stumbled for a moment. She wasn’t the best when it came to social interaction, but she knew better than to start with the nitty-gritty of her past. “I work as the Headmare of the School of Friendship and used to be a student of Princess Twilight Sparkle. I like to make and fly kites in my spare time, and I’ve been told I’m a talented sorceress.” She cringed slightly as she finished, realizing how stiff and awkward she sounded, like somepony getting interviewed for a job.

“So you kept up with your magic studies? That’s great, I’m glad the hours you used to play with Sunburst has paid off somehow,” Sunspot nodded with a pleasant smile, “that would explain how you got Princess Twilight’s attention in the first place.”

Starlight looked down at the menu, smiling awkwardly. “Heh, yeah, you could say that…”

The waiter approached them again, asking them if they were ready to order. Starlight ordered a plate of pasta with a side of salad, while Sunspot ordered something that sounded vaguely Sicilian in origin (what the hay was shilay in nogada?), the waiter took their orders and left.

“How’s Firelight, by the way?” Sunspot asked casually. “I haven’t spoken to him in a while.”

“Oh, same old, same old,” Starlight smiled, relieved with the change of topic. “Still living in Sire’s Hollow, in the same house and everything. He’s happy, he’s healthy, and I visit him from time to time. He doesn’t leave home if he can avoid it.”

“That’s good, Firelight and I exchange letters sometimes, but it’s nice to hear that he’s doing well.”

Starlight nodded and took a sip of water…

“Do you still want to marry Sunburst one day?”

…and promptly spit it back out.

Sunspot grinned as Starlight coughed and shook her head frantically.

What? No! I—What made you think—? I never…!” She yelped, blushing. “Sunburst…Sunburst is just a friend.”

He chuckled. “Of course, my apologies, dear, I was just remembering how close you two were as kids.” He paused when the waiter came with their drinks. “When you were little, Stellar would ask you if you would like to marry Sunburst one day, and you would say yes with the cutest grin…it was something we used to joke about back in the day.” He continued to smile, but there seemed to be an edge to it all of the sudden. “But tell me, what are your intentions for my son?”

Starlight blinked, thrown off by the sudden change in mood. “Intentions? I don’t have any plans for Sunburst, if that’s what you mean, besides keeping him as my viceheadmare for as long as possible.”

“That’s good,” Sunspot took a sip of his drink. “Because I do have many plans for Sunburst. Plans that have been in place for years. Plans that cannot be changed.”

Starlight didn’t answer at first, too busy picking her jaw from the floor, but when she did her words came out in a stutter. “I don’t understand…”

“Starlight, how much do you know about Sunburst, really?” Sunspot cut her off, his voice low and serious.

Starlight squirmed in her seat, looking down at the pristine plates in front of her. How much did she know about Sunburst? She knew he loved to read more than anything. She knew he could wolf down an entire plate of food in a blink of an eye. She knew he preferred tea over coffee, and he loved to drown the drink in cream and honey. She knew he doubted himself most of the time, but he worked hard to achieve his goals…She knew that Sunburst was…Sunburst. “He’s my friend. I know a lot about him.”

Sunspot leaned forward. “Do you? Then tell me this, Starlight, what was Sunburst doing all the way in the Crystal Empire? Why did he leave a prestigious magic school to become some glorified librarian?”

Starlight glared at him. “Because you forced him to stay in a school he was miserable in! Because you lied to him and forced him to attend when he told you he didn’t want to. Until he finally put his hoof down and dropped out for good.”

Sunspot let out a light laugh at her outburst. “Oh, is that what he told you?”

Starlight felt a chill run down her spine. “Yes…?”

“Well, at least you know a bit of the truth, not the whole picture, but that’s better than nothing at all.”

“What are you talking about?” Starlight asked softly, feeling a knot tighten in her stomach.

“Sunburst didn’t leave home because magic school was hard, Starlight. He left because of something he thought was much worse. Quite a devious little plan he had to avoid his fate. A plan you have personally ruined, I might add.”

“I haven’t done anything to Sunburst!” Starlight snapped, but the elder pony smiled at her anger.

“Yes, you did, actually. You brought him out of hiding. You turned him into a respectable and connected unicorn. Smart enough that even the Princesses recognize his talent and knowledge, so much so they consult him regularly. Yes, he may not be powerful, but—and I mean no offense, dear—overpowered unicorns are a dime-a-dozen these days. What good is all that power without the knowledge to implement it usefully, where it matters? That’s where ponies like my son come in,” Sunspot sighed, “and because of that, Sunburst has completed his end of the deal.”

“What are you talking about?” Starlight nearly shouted, wishing she had listened to Sunburst. But at the same time, she desperately needed to know what Sunburst had gotten himself into.

“You wouldn't know, would you? Because Sunburst never told you.”

Starlight felt the knot tighten almost painfully. “He would if it was important.”

“Is he coming back home with me and leaving you important enough?”

The knot broke, and Starlight let out a tiny gasp. Putting a hoof over her mouth, she managed to whisper, “W-What are you saying? You can’t force him to do anything!”

Sunspot’s smile widened, like a cat who caught the canary. “Sunburst didn’t drop out, Starlight, he was expelled.”

The waiter came with their orders, and while Starlight sat there with a shell-shocked expression, Sunspot calmly cut into his food and ate.

“You see, when Sunburst’s grades started to drop, he also lost much of his prestige and many of the benefits that come with said prestige. So when a certain arrangement was offered, I was very inclined to say yes,” he sighed, “but Sunburst was adamantly against it. He fought me tooth and horn on the matter. I lost track of how many times he yelled at my face, telling me he hated me and so on. But I was only looking out for his future. Sunburst, however, has always been a clever boy, when he realized I wouldn’t budge, he decided to try a…shady approach.”

Starlight lifted her gaze from her untouched food. “What did he do?”

“He burned down a classroom,” he sighed, “and the fire spread. No pony got hurt, but the damage was extensive, enough for the school board to kick him out. Needless to say, he believed he’d ruined the plan, but he was wrong. Titles, money and connections rule this world, something he seemed to have forgotten, so a new arrangement was made, mainly at the urging of his mother. Sunburst would seek his fortune outside of magic school and make something of himself out there, and when he did, he would return home to fulfill his duty as a Zenith. And now thanks to you, I can finally take him home.”

Starlight’s hooves shook as the previous day’s conversation rang in her ears.

But I must ask, Sunburst, why weren’t you at the Crystalling in the first place?

Well, it’s a good thing Starlight found you. It would have been a shame if you never made friends with her because you were hiding.

Sunburst had been hiding. Hiding from the world. He didn’t want to be dragged into this life. He wanted to stay alone, be free. But he hadn’t. He had agreed to be her friend again. He had gone against himself, for her. Why had he done that?

“You can’t take him.” Starlight shook her head, finding her voice. “Sunburst wants to stay here.”

“Tell me, Starlight, what does life ‘here’ entail?” Sunspot asked, wiping his mouth with a napkin. “Because I can tell you what life will be like when he returns home. He will be cared for, he will have everything he could ever want, he will reach his full potential. Don’t you want what’s best for him? Would you selfishly keep him here when he would be better off elsewhere? And why, pray tell, would he stay here with you over what I can offer him?”

“Because…Because he doesn’t want that, he doesn’t want anything you’re offering! He wants to be happy, and that life made him miserable. I don’t have to know everything to see that.” Starlight glared and her eyes shone with unshed tears. “Sunburst wants to be here. He told me and I will stand by his decision. I trust him. And I won’t let you drag him into a life he doesn’t want to lead!”

Sunspot’s eyes twinkled with amusement. “Oh, really? Do you still trust him? Even after hearing all this? That he’s always known that this would happen?” Starlight nodded, prompting another laugh from him. “I would say that you’re a little past trust, dear. It would seem that you’ve fallen for my son.”

Starlight blushed from her cheeks all the way to the tips of her ears as Sunspot laughed at her, but she kept her glare in place, to make it seem that it was from anger, instead of mortification. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. It wouldn’t do to blast the stallion through the window and into another dimension, no matter how much she wanted to, she knew better than that, she was better than that.

“I don’t care what you think, Sunburst stays here.” She stood up, wiping a hoof across her eyes. “Thank you for lunch, Mr. Sunspot, I’m going home now.”

“Starlight,” Sunspot called out, stopping the young mare. “Don’t you want to know what prompted Sunburst to turn his back on his family? To try and give up everything? To change?”

Starlight’s eyes narrowed as a few fresh tears made their way down her face. “It was probably for a good reason, and frankly, I don’t care. I love Sunburst just the way he is.” She glared at the redhead stallion for a moment before storming out of the restaurant.

It wasn’t until she was halfway down the block that she realized what she said, and the blush returned with a vengeance.

Did she love Sunburst?

Author's Note:

Oh dear, he made glimglam cry, I can see the pitchforks in the comment section now. :pinkiecrazy:

Next chapter: Sunburst finally comes clean to Starlight.