• Published 2nd Feb 2022
  • 1,088 Views, 56 Comments

Return Address - FoolAmongTheStars

Sunburst’s father is coming for a visit, and Sunburst isn’t happy. But what’s prompting this social call? Fatherly love, or something more devious? Sunburst is betting on the latter.

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4. Nothing but the Truth

Sunburst kept his eyes on the pages of his book, even if the letters printed on the paper started to blur and bend as he fought to keep his eyelids open. He yawned, taking off his glasses to rub his tired eyes. He hadn’t slept a wink last night, dreading Starlight’s outing with his dad, his mind going through horrible scenarios, each one more ridiculous than the last, and with each passing minute that Starlight didn’t come back, Sunburst fears just worsened.

What if she didn’t come back? What if she hated him? What would he do then?

The sound of the front door opening and closing had Sunburst sit bolt upright in his seat, only then did he realize that he had been slouching over the library table and drooling over his book. He heard hoofsteps on the hallway and he scrambled out of his chair, ripped the door open, and shouted. “Starlight!?”

She yelped when he practically shoved his muzzle to her face. His glasses slipped down his nose a bit, but he didn’t need them now that he was so close, close enough to see the shades of blue in her eyes and the dampness of her eyelashes. Their noses brushed and they both jumped back at the contact with heated faces.

Despite his embarrassment, it was nothing compared to the overwhelming sense of relief he felt at seeing her. She was here, in front of the castle’s library, to see him…probably, maybe, at least she wasn’t sneaking into her room to pack her things and running off towards the Undiscovered West territories to start a new life as he feared.

…Yeah, even in his sleep-deprived state, that made no sense.

“Hey,” she said, rubbing her nose. “You don’t have to shout, I’m right here.”

“Sorry,” he said lamely, opening the door wider and stepping back in silent invitation.

She trotted inside and sat on the couch, looking down at the floor with her ears folded against her head, silent. She didn’t know what to say, much less Sunburst, but he had to try.

“So…how was it?”

“It was…” she shrugged and trailed off.

Sunburst sighed after a few moments of silence. “How much did he tell you?”

“He told me that you burned down a classroom, so the school was forced to kick you out, and that…now that you made something of yourself, you would have to leave.” Starlight took a deep, collective breath before continuing. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

Sunburst swallowed the lump in his throat, just as her eyes glittered with unshed tears and her bottom lip trembled. “Because…Because I didn’t want you to leave me.”

“Why? So you could leave me first? Again?” She said, wiping the tears from her eyes hastily. Angry, defensive, tired of always being the last to know. “Or so you could add Viceheadmare to your resume? That would certainly make your dad proud…”

“Because this is the happiest I’ve been in years!” He blurted out. “I’m the happiest when I’m with you, here, in the school or wherever, what kind of idiot would I be if I threw that away? I never wanted to follow anypony’s plans but my own. I want to choose the way I live my life, and right now, I want to stay here with you!...A-And help you run the school, of course.” He said the last part quickly and coughed awkwardly as he looked away.

Starlight sniffled but otherwise didn’t know what to say. It wasn’t the love confession her younger self would have dreamed of, but it was pretty close. He wanted to stay with her out of his volition, and considering her past, it was the most heartwarming thing any pony has ever said to her.

“Did he tell you anything else?” He said when the silence threatened to be permanent.

Starlight nodded. “There was something else…but I didn’t stay long enough to hear what it was.”

“G-Good, I wanted to be the one to tell you.” Sunburst nodded and ran a hoof through his hair. It was time he put everything on the table.

“When I…When I was sent to Canterlot, a lot of ponies wanted to meet me. They knew who I was, the only son of Duke Sunspot, but since my mom won the custody battle, they never met me until then. But they were more than eager to introduce me to their children, hoping that I would become friends with them so they could have an in with my dad. But as I got older, they didn’t want me to just be friends with them, they…” Sunburst took a deep breath through gritted teeth. “They started offering arranged marriages to my dad. Ponies that I barely met, trying to invade my life, just for my father’s title. But when my grades started to drop, the offers went away, no pony wanted to be associated with what they considered to be a failure. And I was fine with that.”

He went silent, his hooves pulling at the roots of his hair, gathering the courage to say the last piece of damning truth. “At first, I could convince my dad to pass up on those offers, that I could always get another one, or a better one. But there was one family that didn’t give up, they owned some merchant ships or something…and then, when they made an offer, my father realized that this was his last chance to make something out of me, so he agreed.”

“Wait a minute…” He cringed as he heard Starlight gasp. Guiltily, he looked up to meet her wide-eyed gaze. “You’re engaged!?”

He nodded, not bothering to move when she grabbed a throw pillow and smacked him in the face with it. Hard. She used her magic to enchant the pillow into attacking him while she pounded her hooves into his chest.

“You sleazebag! You jerk! You idiot! You cheating son-of-a…! I can't believe that I almost—that I…! Bastard!”

He let her scream and hit him a few more times before catching her hooves. “Look, it’s not something I wanted to happen, so I did everything I could to stop it!”

The pillow slowed to a stop and fell to the floor. Starlight struggled in his grip for a moment before she went limp, sighing in defeat. “Is that why you burned down the classroom? To make them think that you were crazy so they would break off the engagement?”

Sunburst made a choking noise before shuddering. “It was Princess Celestia’s idea…”

“What?” Starlight blinked, thinking she misheard, or that he was pulling her tail somehow, but his expression was serious and it didn’t change no matter how hard she scrutinized him. “That makes no sense, why would she…?”

Sunburst let her go and looked down at his hooves. “She knew that I wanted to leave, and she would have gladly let me go with a recommendation to any other school I wanted, but my dad didn’t agree and, with the EEA in his pocket, he stopped her at every turn. My grades were bad, but that’s not enough to expel a student, especially if the school board is against it.” His shoulders slumped as he tilted his head to the ceiling with a grimace. He never had told another soul about this, mostly because he had been sworn into secrecy by the Princess. It was liberating and terrifying all at once. “Then she found out about the engagement, and when I told her how against it I was, she told me what to do to get expelled and be free. But it wasn’t enough, my dad barely cared.”

Starlight frowned a little bit, her mind going back to the Crystalling. Princess Celestia had been there, and despite all the chaos going on around them, when she brought Sunburst to help, the Princess had been the only one who wasn’t surprised by the revelation of Sunburst’s lack of credentials, and more importantly, she hadn’t opposed him in the slightest. Starlight hadn’t thought too much of it at the time, or at all after that, but Sunburst’s story filled in the gaps she hadn’t realized were there. Princess Celestia knew that he was talented from the start, but most likely realized that he could not grow into his own in the environment he was in, so she helped him escape it.

If she did it out of fondness for him or for more practical reasons, or maybe even to stick it to Sunspot, she couldn't say. But she promised herself that she would thank the Princess someday.

“So you went back home and then ran towards the furthest corner of Equestria you could go.” Starlight finished, already knowing this part of the story. “And you lived just barely scraping by…so you could hold yourself back, so you could be free to live your life.” Sunburst nodded dejectedly. “But…But you agreed to be my friend, and to help me, why would you do that?”

Sunburst let out a soft laugh. “How could I not? I never stopped considering us friends, even if we did fall out of touch.”

Starlight shook her head, “But you didn’t have to do any of that! You could have been free! Why did you let me ruin that!”

“Well, I couldn’t just let the Crystal Empire freeze over could I?” A small smile graced his face as he reached out and took her hoof in his. “Besides, being your friend and living with you, even just for a little while, is better than being alone forever.”

Starlight stared at him for a moment, before throwing her hooves around him in a hug and crashing into his chest. Hiding her face in his shoulder, she wrapped her hooves around his neck. “What do you mean for a little while? You’re not going anywhere.”

Sunburst’s hooves wrapped around her shaking frame almost immediately, his thoughts and heart racing. “But I lied to you. I betrayed your trust. Friends have to trust each other or…”

“But friends also forgive. We are only ponies, Sunburst, we will make mistakes and hurt each other, even if we don’t mean to.” He could feel Starlight shaking her head and squeezing him tighter, as if she were scared that he would disappear if she let go. “And I don’t care. I don’t care about your dad or that stupid engagement. You’re my Sunburst now, and you’re staying right here!”

There was a moment of silence as Sunburst fought to process what she said. Starlight wasn’t screaming, she wasn’t pushing him away. No, she had her face pressed to his shoulder, clinging to him so tightly that it almost hurt. She wanted him. Even after he had kept everything from her.

He felt the weight of everything that had been dragging him down for years suddenly disappear. And in the newfound lightness that flooded his senses, he realized there was only one thing he could do. He laughed. And then laughed harder, wrapping his forelegs tighter around her petite frame, he probably would have spun with her in circles had he been standing.

Frowning, Starlight pulled away slightly. “What’s so funny?”

“I’m ‘your Sunburst’ now?” He teased, causing her to blush.

“I-I meant friend!” She struggled to pull away from her laughing friend, but he only held on tighter, laughing until he broke down into sobs. Starlight stopped struggling, and melted back into his embrace, rubbing soothing circles on his back. “Yes, you’re my friend, and you better not forget it.”

“I won’t!” He said, shoulders shaking in relief and wiping his eyes. Starlight didn’t want him to go. She didn’t hate him. He didn’t have to go back. He could stay here, with her. But…



“Do…Do you still trust me?” He mumbled, terrified by the answer, thinking that maybe he had finally pushed her too far.

“Of course,” she said without hesitation, making him blink in surprise. “But—” she drew herself up to his level to look at him straight in the eye. “—if you’re hiding anything else from me, I’m going to kill, slowly.”

She expected him to wince, or at least shudder at her threat, but he only chuckled instead. “Actually…there is one more thing.”

“What is it?”

Sunburst leaned forward and kissed her on the cheek. “You’re one of my best friends. Hooves down. And I’m really lucky you found me.”

Starlight blushed furiously and looked away, torn between jumping in joy or burying her head into the blue cushions of the love seat until she suffocated. “You’re giving me too much credit, but…thanks.”

Sunburst nodded, letting out a contented sigh, and slumped against the backrest of the couch. He let her go but kept a hold of her hoof as he spoke. “And I’m really sorry, about not telling you sooner. I…I honestly don’t know what I was thinking, I guess part of me wanted to believe that this would all go away if I didn’t bring it up. I was wrong, obviously. I’m so sorry.”

Starlight nodded, letting out a contented sigh as she snuggled up against him. Taking the hint, Sunburst embraced her again. “Enough with the self-flagellation, I forgive you. I’m not mad, I swear, just…don’t ever do anything this stupid again. Please.”

Sunburst hummed in agreement, nuzzling the top of her head and taking in the scent of lilies in her hair. “It’s not over though, he’s going to come for me no matter what, and I don't know what stunt he will pull to do so.”

Starlight clutched him tighter. “And I’ll be right here. I told you, you’re not going anywhere. You’re my friend.”

“And you’re mine too,” Sunburst breathed out, closing his eyes, drained. “Always.”

“Always,” Starlight mumbled back, closing her eyes as the adrenaline receded and left her exhausted. Letting out a small yawn, she pushed her head into the crook of Sunburst’s neck and in moments the pair was fast asleep.

Unfortunately, the peace wasn’t meant to last. A booming knock roused the pair from their sleep two hours later, and Sunburst tensed against Starlight, drawing her tighter against his chest. She rubbed his back soothingly, and he relaxed under her touch.

“Don’t worry, I’m not letting him get away with this.”

Sunburst nodded and allowed Starlight to slip from his grasp to stand. He followed her lead slowly and rose to his full height, eyes fixed on the door. She glanced at him and offered an encouraging smile. “Ready?”

Sunburst nodded. “As long as you want me to stay.”

Starlight’s smile grew more confident. “I already told you.” She turned and faced the door with him.


Author's Note:

Yes! Just in time for Valentine's Day! Hope you enjoyed the fluff.

Next time: Sunburst and Starlight confront his father, will they succeed?