• Published 8th Apr 2022
  • 1,174 Views, 67 Comments

MLP: FIM Duel Monster - Norwegian boy

The renown card game Duel Monsters gets introduced to Equestria.

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Welcome to Equestria

It was a beautiful day in San Francisco, the sun was shining, and the people was enjoying the sunshine. Well, not everyone. Walking through the street was a twenty five years woman with long blond hair, she was wearing a blue t shirt. A blur skirt and a couple of blue boots. She was currently walking towards Industrial Illusions which is owned by Maximillion Pegasus, the creator of Duel Monster.

Then a girl that was dress like a female wizard appeared next to her. “I wonder what Pegasus want with you Kamaki.”

The girl by the name of Kamaki just shrugged her shoulders. “Who know what that crazy bastard wants, he probably made a new deck he wants me to test.”

The female wizard but a hand on her chin. “Weird that he flew you half around the world for that.”

“Then I have no idea.” Then Kamaki notice that people was staring at her. “What the hell are you all staring at?” That made them leave very fast. “This is why I hate America.”

The wizard couldn’t help but giggle. “They are probably staring at you because you are talking to no one, you are the only one who can see me, remember?”

Kamaki let out a sighed. “Right.” She started to walk again, towards Industrial Illusions. When she arrived she just stare at giant building. “Let’s see what he wants.” She mumble to herself as she entered the door.

Kamaki didn’t have any trouble with the people who work there, she just told them her name and they let her in. once she reached her destination the doors open and she walk in to a room with a lot of computers and a giant metal gate? There was people dress in white coat and some of them were sitting by computers doing some science crap, others were by the gate adjusting it.

Then a voice spoke up. “Kamaki, you came.” Kamaki look in the direction of the voice and she could see Maximillion Pegasus walking towards her with his arms open. “How was your flight?” He asked her as he stop right in front of her waiting for a hug, which he wasn’t getting.

Kamaki just crossed her arms in annoyance. “Cut the crap Pegasus and tell me why I had to spend fifteen hours on a plan.” She was not happy and Pegasus could see that.

“Right, the reason is because I need some help and I believe you’re the only one who can help me.” Pegasus explained to her.

Kamaki was intrigued. “You need my help?” Pegasus nodded his head. “Help with what?”

“You see, my scientists have discovered a new world and I want you to travel to this new world and introduces duel monster to the anthropomorphic ponies that lives there.” Said Pegasus with a straight face.

Kamaki look at Pegasus as he had gone mad. “I don’t know what you have been eating but I think you have lost it and did you just say anthropomorphic ponies?” Pegasus just smile which made Kamaki to groan and rub her forehead. “Why me? There are thousands of duelist in the world so why me?”

“You have a unique ability to look at a person and figure out which deck he or she can use, and you can talk to duel monster spirits. You are also is a good teacher.”

Kamaki let out a sighed, she had to admit it but Pegasus had pointed. “Do you have any proof of these ponies?” She asked Pegasus.

Pegasus just smiled. “Follow me.” They walk over to a console with some screens on it and there was a scientist sitting there looking at the screen. “Once we managed to get the portal working we send a drone through it to get some readings about the place, we found out that we can breathe the air there and the temperature is the same as here.” Pegasus then look at the scientist. “Play the video.” The man nodded and pressed play, the video started to play.

Kamaki wasn’t entire sure what she was seeing, she saw human looking creatures that had ears like a pony, hair on their heads and tail, but what stood out the most that none of them had the same colour, it was like the rainbow. Then she saw some of them had horn on their heads, they had unicorns? Then there was those with wings, pegasus?

Kamaki look over at Pegasus. “How are they not noticing the drone?” She asked him.

“We gave the drone camouflage and we made sure it was high enough so they wouldn’t notice it.” Kamaki had to admit that was pretty smart.

Then another scientist came over to Pegasus with some paper he had to sign so Kamaki decided to have a look at the screen again when she notice something, one of them was waving at the drone. “Hey, go back a little.” She told the scientist who gave her a questionable look. “What? Do you need permission? I saw something in the video so go back.” Scientist hesitated a little but he eventually did it, he found what she was looking for. “There, stop it.” He did and Kamaki look over at Pegasus who was done. “Pegasus, you said that the drone had camouflages which mean they couldn’t see it, right?”

Pegasus wasn’t sure where she was going with this. “Yes, they shouldn’t see it, why do you ask?”

Kamaki then pointed at the screen. “Then how do you explain the pink one?”

They all look at the screen and saw a pink pony with hair that look like candy, she was smiling and waving straight at the drone. But here was the creepiest thing of them all, the pony was looking right at the camera.

Pegasus couldn’t believe what he was seeing. “That’s impossible, that pony isn’t supposed to see the drone.” He said with some disbelief in his voice.

Kamaki look at Pegasus with some anger in her eyes. “You expect me to travel to that world when you can’t even hide a bloody drone?” She asked while placing both hands on her hips, Pegasus was lost for words. “If I’m going to do this then I want payment before and after the job is done, got it?” She said while crossing her arms, she means business.

Pegasus was actually a little afraid now, Kamaki could be scary sometimes. “SSSure.” He then took something out of his pocket in his jacket. “Here, I think this card will do for now.” He handed her the card.

Kamaki took the card and read it. “Elemental Grace Doriado.” She study the card a little more. “I haven’t seen this card before but I will take it.” She placed the card in her pocket. “So, what’s the plan?” She asked Pegasus who wasn’t sure if he heard right.

“Are you saying that you will do this?” Kamaki nodded. “It didn’t sound like that a minute ago, what’s change your mind?”

“You can say that I am curious but what is the plan?” She asked again.

“Well, I thought you would travel to this new world and introduce them to duel monster, once you have made contact with their leader I want you to give away eight decks to eight ponies and…”

“…we are going to have a tournament.” Kamaki finished for him. “And I am guessing you want to sell cards in this world once we are done with this tournament, am I right?”

Pegasus just smiled. “That’s right.”

Kamaki let out a sighed, of all of Pegasus plans this one has to be his weirdest. “Are you going to talk to the president of USA?” She asked him.

Pegasus nodded. “Of course, right after I have spoken to the leader of this new world.”

Kamaki scratch her head. “Alright, can I do this tomorrow? I need to sleep of this jet lag I have.” She then let out a yawn. “I’m tired.”

Pegasus couldn’t help but chuckle a little. “Of course, this world isn’t going anywhere. One of my men will drive you to a hotel, I have rented you a room so you can sleep.” Kamaki was glad to hear that.

Once Kamaki arrived at the hotel she headed to her room, the room was the royal suit which she thought was unnecessary but she was too tired to care, she found the bed and feel asleep as soon as she landed on the bed.

Kamaki awoken the next morning, wondering where she was. “What…? This is not my room.” She sat up in the bed and rub her eyes. “That’s right, I’m going on with a crazy plan for Pegasus.” She let out a sighed. “Well, I better take a shower and put on some new clothes, then I am going to order breakfast, on Pegasus bill.” She said that last part with a smile.

After her shower and a change of clothes, she order the most expensive breakfast they had, on Pegasus name. After breakfast Kamaki headed back to Industrial Illusions where Pegasus waited for her.

Pegasus was standing by one of the computers, he look to the door when it open. “Kamaki my dear, is so good to see you.” He told the Japanese girl as she entered the room where he had the portal, she still can’t believe he build one. “Are you ready to journey to another world?” He asked her.

Kamaki look at Pegasus with a serious look. “Hold on Pegasus, before I do this I have some questions.”

Pegasus smiled didn’t disappeared. “Fire away.”

There was one thing Kamaki hated by Pegasus and that was his positivity. “What am I going to do when I get to this world except talking to their leader?” She asked.

“I’m so glad you asked.” He then grabbed a backpack and walk over to Kamaki. “In this backpack you fill find twenty different decks that my team have put together and two duel disk, I want you to give eight of them away to the ponies that live there, one of them to their leader.” She remember that from yesterday. “I want you talk to the leader that it's business proposal, which it is.” She could do that.

Kamaki took the backpack and notice it was heavy, she then open it and Pegasus wasn’t lying, there were twenty decks in the backpack and two duel disk, with some rulebooks. There was also some sandwich there with some water bottles. “Alright, I can do that.” She closed the backpack and placed it on her back. “What about this tournament you mention?” She was to tired to ask yesterday.

“I was hoping to have it in their capital and whoever wins is their first champion in this world.”

Kamaki had to admit that it sounded interesting. “Do you want to talk to their leader after I have?” She asked him.

Pegasus blink a few time. “Why didn’t I think of that, if you can bring their leader here so I can talk to her/he, that would be great.” He then turned to some of the scientist by the portal. “Are we ready to started it up?” He asked them.

“Yes Pegasus, everting is working and we are ready to active it.” One of the scientist told him.

That made Pegasus smile. “Great.” He then took out something from his pocket and gave it to Kamaki. “Here, take this.” It look like a remote control with a red button and blue one. “This control will activate the portal in this new world and don’t worry, we have already tested it and it works.” Pegasus assured her.

Kamaki took the remote control. “If you say so.” She wasn’t very convince.

“The red button will active the portal while the blue one will send out a signal that will confirmed that you have arrived in this new world.” Pegasus told Kamaki.

“You mean if I survived the trip.” Kamaki told while giving him a deadpan look.

“The drone survived.” Pegasus told her with his usually smile.

“The drone was made of metal I am made of flesh and bone, that’s a big different.” Kamaki almost shouted at him, she then managed to calm herself down. “Let’s just get this over with.” She then pressed the red button and the gate activated and the portal appeared. “Holly hell, it’s work.” She was amazed that it work.

Pegasus just rolled his eyes of what Kamaki said. “Of course it work. Now, go and meet these ponies. All you have to is go straight forward and you will see a farm, just asked those who lives there” He then went over to one of the scientist.

“Hold on a minute.” Pegasus stop. “What if the ruler don’t want to come here, then what?”

Kamaki asked a good question. “Well, if they don’t want to come here then press the blue button three times and I will come to their world.” She could do that.

Kamaki look at the portal and took a deep breath, she then step through it. on the other side Kamaki open her eyes and saw that she was in a forest, she then deiced to check her body, everything was there. “Huh, I guess I survived. Points for Pegasus.” She then turned around and saw the portal. “Let’s see if the control works.” She pressed the blue button on hope that they got the signal, she then pressed the red one and the gate disappeared, she then pressed it again and the portal appeared again. “Okay, that’s cool.” Kamaki then deactivated the portal and made an X on the ground in front it so she would find it again, she put the remote in her pocket, she then decided to find this farm Pegasus mention.

But first. “Dark magician girl, are you here?” She asked while looking around.

Dark magician girl appeared by her side. “Yes, I’m here.”

Kamaki was relieved. “Good, you’re here, I was worried you were gone after I step through the portal.”

Magician girl just smiled. “I didn’t think you cared.” She said with tease in her voice.

Kamaki gave her a blank look. “I don’t, I was just curious if you were still here.” Magician girl could hear the sarcasm in her voice so she just rolled her eyes and disappeared. Kamaki started to walk.

It didn’t take long before Kamaki found the farm and the first thing she saw was a lot of trees, apple trees. “I guess they love apples.” She mumbled to herself as she walk, hoping to find someone.

After walking for five minutes, Kamaki found a house with a barn. “Huh, nice house.” She was about to walk to the front door to nock when someone came out of the barn, it was one of the ponies. This one was female and she was orange with blond hair that was tied up, she was wearing a Stetson hat and farm outfit. “Excuse me.”

The pony stop to look at Kamaki. “Yes, what can I help…” he words died in her mouth when she saw Kamaki. “What… What are you…?” Before Kamaki could answer, she saw fury in the pony’s eyes. “Are you a thief, here to steal my apples?”

This was not the first contact Kamaki was hoping for. “Do I look like a thief to you?”

The ponies fury didn’t disappeared. “At the moment, yes, I don’t even know what you are. You look like an ape without the fur.” Then it look like she was going to attack.

“She isn’t far off.” Kamaki mumble to herself. “Look, my name is Fugome Kamaki and I am a human, I’m from another world and I was hired by another human by the name of Maximillion Pegasus. I am here to speak with your leader for a business proposal between out worlds.” Kamaki hope that would help.

The pony just study her, then fury disappeared and she relaxed. “You aren’t lying, that’s for sure.” Kamaki couldn’t help but wonder how she knew that. “What is this business proposal?”

“I’m sorry but I was instructed to tell that to your leader, if you could take me to them.”

The pony wonder what to do, this human wasn’t lying but she wasn’t telling her everything and that made the pony to suspect her.

“I can’t take you to them because they don’t live here, but I know somepony that know them. I can take you to her.”

Kamaki then bowed. “I would be grateful if you did.” The pony didn’t expect her to bow. “By the way, may I get your name?” She asked as she stood up.

The pony hesitated a little before she answered. “My name is Applejack.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet to Applejack.” She said while bowing again.

Now Applejack just felt uncomfortable. “You don’t have to bow every time.”

Kamaki stood up, again. “Sorry, we usually do that in my country. Shall we?” Applejack nodded her head as they walk towards the town.

One their way there Kamaki learned that there were two ruler in Equestria, princess Celestia and her sister princess Luna who were over three thousand years old, Kamaki wasn’t sure if she believe that but she said nothing. Applejack told her that the town was called Ponyville and was found by her grandmother, granny Smith, Kamaki was impressed.

As they walk through Ponyville, many of the ponies there look at Kamaki in wonder and some in fear, they had never seen anything like her before. Kamaki was a little worried but then Applejack told her what happened with Zecora and that eased her worries. There were three ponies that fainted when they saw her, they were saying the horror when the fell to the ground. Kamaki just ignored them.

Once the arrived at their destination, Kamaki wasn’t sure what she was looking at, a giant tree that was also a library? That was Applejack told her.

“And here lives the pony that can contact your leaders for me?” Kamaki asked Applejack.

Appljeack nodded her head with a smile. “Yeep, my friend Twilight is princess personal student and she can help you.” Kamaki had no idea what personal student meant but she believe what Applejack said. Applejack open the door and they walk in.

Once inside Kamaki could see shelf with books, a lot of books. “Hello, Twilight, are you here?” Asked Applejack.

Then they heard movement from another part of the library. “One moment Applejack.” Then they heard someone walking and in entered a purple unicorn. “Sorry about that, I go some new…?” She then saw Kamaki and was lost for words. “What…? She tried to find her words. “Who are you…? What are you…?”

Kamaki then bowed. “My name is Fugome Kamaki and I am a human from another world, I am here because my employer Maximillion Pegasus has a business proposal to your leaders.”

Twilight was now curious, she couldn’t help but wonder what this Maximillion Pegasus wanted with the princesses. “What kind of business proposal are we talking about? The stuff that are in your backpack?” She asked while looking at the backpack.

Kamaki took one step back. “I was told to show it to them, not you.” She then let out a sighed. “Look, Applejack told me you could help me meet them, can you or am I wasting my time here? Because if you are, then point me in the direction where they live and I will walk there.”

Twilight wasn’t sure if she wanted to help this human, she look over at Applejack. “Do you trust her?” She asked her friend.

Applejack crossed her arms. “I just meet her but yes, I trust her. I don’t think she is here to do us harm.”

Twilight trusted Applejack’s words but not this stranger. “Look, even if I wrote to princess Celestia I still need some more information of what this business proposal is, you have to give me something I can write in the letter.”

Kamaki had to admit it but she was right. “A fair point, it’s a card game called duel monster and that’s all I can say.” Before Twilight could ask anything ells, Kamaki started to walk towards the door, she stop by it. “If you want to write them a letter or not, that’s up to you. I will be waiting by the river I saw while walking here, I will be waiting there for the rest of the day and I will return tomorrow, if your rulers don’t show up, I will be gone and you will never see me again.” She then open the door and walk out, she closed the door.

Twilight and Applejack look at the door. “Well, that was something.” Twilight look at her friend. “What do think of her Applejack?” Twilight asked.

“She isn’t lying if that’s what you want to know, I was a little surprised when I saw her but I think she has a kind soul.” Applejack look at Twilight. “We shouldn’t judge her by the way she look’s, I learned that lesson from Zecora.”

That made Twilight smile. “Yeah, you and the girls was a little paranoid when it came to her.” Both of them chuckle of that.

“So, are you going to write a letter to princess Celestia?” Applejack asked Twilight.

Twilight thought for a second, there shouldn’t be any harm in that. “Yes, I will. I am also interested in Kamaki, humans and this card game she mention, duel monster.” She walk over to the table and picked up a paper and a pen, she wrote the letter and used her magic to send it. “Now we wait.” Twilight then notice Applejack staring at her. “What?”

Applejack shook her head. “Nothing, I just thought that you need Spike to send letter’s.”

“Normally, yes, but I can do it myself.” Applejack couldn’t help but wonder why she didn’t do that more.

In the castle of Celestia and Luna, the sun princess was sitting in her bed enjoying a book, she had the day of ad she loved days like that. Then a letter appeared right in front of her, which made her groan. “I hope that Twilight isn’t panicking again.” She opened the letter and started to read;

“Dear princess Celestia, I got a visit from Applejack today who had a guest from another world,” Celestia was intrigued. “here name is Fugome Kamaki and she works for some by the name of Maximillion Pegasus.” They are not ponies. “She wanted to talk to you and your sister about a business proposal called Duel monsters, which is a card game.” Now Celestia was very intrigued, she loved card games. “She was hoping you could come and talk to her, she will be waiting for you and your sister by the river near Ponyville today and tomorrow. Your student, Twilight.” Celestia decide read it one more time, someone from another world? Business proposal? Celestia wanted to meet this Fugome Kamaki, she got up and headed to the door to find her sister.

“Duel monsters?” After arriving at her sister room, Celestia handed Luna the letter and she was a skeptical to it all. “And what is this other world?” Luna asked her sister.

“I don’t know, I guess Twilight didn’t ask but we can when we see this Fugome Kamaki.”

Luna gave her sister a wary look. “When we meet her? You actually want to meet her and hear her out?” Celestia just nodded her head which made Luna get of the chair she was sitting on. “Are you mad? We don’t know what she really want, she could have evil intentions for all we know.” Luna told her sister.

“That might be true but we don’t know until we meet her.” Luna wasn’t convince. “Look, you don’t have to go Luna, I can go by myself.” Celestia then left leaving Luna alone who just started at the door, wondering what just happened. “Wait for me.” She then walk after Celestia.

Kamaki had managed to find a tree by the river and decided to lie down by it, waiting. Then dark magician girl appeared. “Do you think they will come, their leaders?” She asked Kamaki.

Kamaki was lying on her back with her arms behind her head and her eyes were closed. “Trust me, they will come.” Kamaki answered.

Dark magician girl tilted her head to the side in confusion. “What make you say that?”

Kamaki just smiled. “Curiosity. It doesn’t matter if you are human or pony, curiosity will always win, in some cases.”

Dark magician girl just rolled her eyes. “What about that pony who has been following you since you left the town?”

That was a good question, before Kamaki could answer. “Um, excuse me.” Kamaki open her eyes and lifted her head so she could see who was talking, looking at her was a yellow pegasus with long pink hair. “Um, who are you? If you don’t mind me asking.”

This one was shy, Kamaki thought. “If you must know, my name is Fugome Kamaki and I am waiting for your leaders, Celestia and Luna.” She lowered her head and closed her eyes. “They will be here soon, if I’m lucky.”

Before the pegasus could say anything, there was a flash of light and then there stood two ponies with wing and horn, one was black and her hair look like the night. The other one, who was the tallest was white and the hair had many colours. There was some guards with them.

“I still don’ understand why we couldn’t use a chariot.” Said the black one who Kamaki assumed was Luna.

“That would take to long.” Said Celestia who notice Kamaki. “So, you must be this human Twilight mention in her letter, Fugome Kamaki.”

“That I am.” Kamaki got up and bowed. “It’s a pleasure to meet you both.” Celestia and Luna was surprised by how polit she was. “I have come to this world by a portal by Maximillion Pegasus, he wants to sell Duel Moster in your world.” She told the both will standing up.

“Yes, Twilight also mention that in her letter. Just what is Duel mention?” Luna also wanted to know.

Kamaki pick up her backpack and took out some cards. “These are Duel monster and in my world we use them to duel, it’s basically a card game.” Kamaki could see that both of the rulers was curious so she picked up something from her backpack. “And the only way to experience it, it’s to play it.” Said Kamaki as she put on some sort of metal device on her wrist.

Author's Note:

I hope you all like the first chapter to my new story, please be nice.

There will be a duel in the next chapter.