• Published 8th Apr 2022
  • 1,174 Views, 67 Comments

MLP: FIM Duel Monster - Norwegian boy

The renown card game Duel Monsters gets introduced to Equestria.

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The Lunalight Princess

Kamaki search the rest of the day but she didn’t find any ponies that she thought could duel in the tournament, or that anyone wanted to.

“Man, I only found two, this day was a bust.” She said to herself as she walking towards Applejack’s farm. “I hope I have better luck tomorrow.”

As Kamaki could see that farm, she suddenly heard something behind her, it sound like a scooter. “What…?” She turned around and she wasn’t sure what she saw, an orange pegasus with purple hair who was wearing a helmet was racing towards her, she was on a scooter. The pegasus tried to run her over but Kamaki just step aside so she missed, as she passed, Kamaki saw that she was using her wings to power the scooter.

The pegasus did a U-turn and stop, she look angry. “I have finally found you monkey.”

Kamaki wish they could stop calling her that. “Is there something you want?” She had no idea what this ponies problem was.

The pegasus pointed at Kamaki. “You humiliated Rainbow Dash and I’m going to make you regret it.”

Kamaki was even more confused than before. “What…?” The pegasus started to flap her wings and drove towards her, Kamaki just step aside again so the pegasus missed again.

The pegasus look over her shoulder. “Stand still.” By doing so she didn’t notice the rock that was lying in front of her and before Kamaki could say anything, the pegasus hit it and then she flew forward and landed face first on the ground. “Damn it.” She got up and look at Kamaki. “You did that on purpose.” Kamaki had no idea what this pegasus problem was.

Then a new voice spoke up. “Scootaloo.” The pegasus known as Scootaloo froze and she look terrified. “What do you think you’re doing?” Kamaki saw an earth pony walking towards them, she had light pink fur, her mane/tail was a mix of orange and red, she didn’t look happy. “Why are you attacking her?” She asked while helping Scootaloo up.

The young Pegasus pointed at Kamaki. “This monkey humiliated Rainbow Dash and I’m going to teach her a lesson.”

Scootaloo told the earth pony who’s eye started to twitch. “How many times do I have to tell you stop hanging around her? She’s a bad influence on you.” The pony told Scootaloo.

Scootaloo pull her arm away. “Don’t you say that about her, Rainbow Dash is the coolest pony in Equestria and…”

The earth pony cut her off. “That’s enough, I don’t want to hear it. You are grounded for a month.”

Scootaloo eyes widen. “For a month? Why?”

The earth pony gave her a deadpan look. “Did you just ask why? For attacking her.” She said while gesturing to Kamaki. “Now, apologize to her.” Scootaloo just turned her head away, there was no way she was going to do that. The earth pony let out a heavy sighed. “I apologize for my niece, she adore Rainbow Dash very much, something to much.” She said while looking at the pegasus who just rolled her eyes.

Kamaki didn’t care. “Don’t worry about just make sure that your niece stay away from me and we can forget that this ever happened.” She started to walk towards Applejack’s farm.

“Don’t worry about, I’ll make sure she does.” She told Kamaki. “Let’s go home.” Scootaloo’s aunt took the young pegasus scooter in one hand and her ear in the other one. “Let go of my ear aunt Lofty.” Said Scootaloo as she was drag away, her aunt didn’t listen.

As Kamaki reached Applejack’s farm, she could see Applejack sitting on a chair porch. “Howdy Kamaki, how was your day?” The pony asked the human.

“It was great until I was attack by a pegasus by name of Scootaloo.” Kamaki told her as she walk past her, Applejack just gave her a confusing look. “She was defending Rainbow Dash’s honor.” “Now Applejack understood. “Just so you know, most of the ponies in Ponyville are crazy.” She then headed to the forest.

Once Kamaki found the spot where the portal was, she active it and went through. One the other side, Pegasus was waiting for her. “Kamaki, great news. I got word from the president that she want to meet princess Luna tomorrow.” He said with a smile.

Kamaki wasn’t sure if she heard right. “And your telling me this now? Couldn’t you have told me this before I left?” Right now, Kamaki wasn’t too happy.

Pegasus raised his hands up in defense. “Calm down Kamaki, I found out after you had left and I didn’t want to disturb you.”

Kamaki managed to calm down, she then let out a sighed. Was there a way she could give Luna a message? “Give me a moment.” She open up the portal again and disappeared leaving everyone in the room confused.

After 40 minutes, the portal open again and Kamaki step through it. “Alright,” The portal closed. “I managed to send a letter to Luna, by the help of Spike and she will be arriving early tomorrow morning. I will try and get up early myself and wait for her at the entrance to the forest. Also, they will begin building a small stadium tomorrow at the outskirt of the town and they will probably be ready in three days so I suggest you get planning.” She told Pegasus.

“Great, I will inform the president.” Pegasus said with a smile.

“Great.” Said Kamaki in a tired voice. “Before I forget.” Kamaki took out a pouch and took out the money the ponies used. “This what they used as currency in Equestria,” She tossed one of the gold coin to Pegasus, who managed to catch it. “they call it bits.”

Pegasus study the coin. “Is this gold?” He said in disbelief, he wasn’t sure if saw correct.

Kamaki nodded. “As I said, it’s what they use as currency in their world.” Pegasus didn’t listen, he just study the coin which made Kamaki roll her eyes. “Just keep it and try not to drool, I’m heading back to the hotel.” She left.

The next morning.

Sitting on the train from Canterlot to Ponyville was a grey mare with black hair, she was wearing a pair of jeans and a black top, it was none other than Octavia Melody. She was heading home from a concert in Canterlot.

When Octavia arrived at the train station in Canterlot she saw a bunch of ponies with tools and other stuff who was also heading to Ponyville, she had no idea why they were going but she heard some of them talk about a job for princess Celestia. Something big was going to happened but what?

They had arrived at Ponyville train station and when Octavia step off the train, with her cello on her back and a bag in her hand, she could see the same ponies in Canterlot gathering equipment from another part of the train. Then one of them spoke. “Hurry it up, we have three days to get this stands up for the tournament.” Octavia was now curious, just what was this tournament they were talking about. She could ask somepony, when she found one.

Kamaki was waiting by the entrance to the Everfree forest for Luna to arrive, if she could. Kamaki had to get up earlier then she was used to so she could meet Luna and open the portal for her, she was sitting by a tree and had trouble keeping her eyes up.

Then Dark magician girl appeared. “Tired?” She asked the human.

Kamaki rubbed her eyes. “Yes, I’m not used to awaken early.” She then yawn. “Stupide meting.” She then saw Luna and some of her guards approaching. “About time.” Said the human as she got up.

Luna was a little insulted. “We just arrived.” Kamaki just rolled her eyes. “Can we just go already?” Kamaki nodded, Luna told some of guards to stay and guard the entrance.

Once they arrived at the spot, Kamaki activated the portal. “Just entered, Pegasus will be waiting for you on the other side, he will take you to the president.” Luna nodded her head. “Good, if you need me after you’re done, I will be at the library, I have some reading to do.” She then left.

Luna and three of her guard entered the portal, when they step out they could see a room with machines they hadn’t seen before. “Princess Luna.” All of them saw Pegasus walking towards them with a smile on his face. “it’s so good to see you again.” He then took her hand kissed it, which made the lunar princess blush. “How have you been?” He asked her.

“Good, I have been good.” Luna then loo over at one of her guards. “Pegasus, I want you to meet captain Shadow, she is and two more guard are coming with me today.” Pegasus saw a pony who had black fur, purple hair with bat wings and fangs? “As you can see, she is a bat pony.” Shadow then saluted.

Pegasus was just intrigued. “Fascinating, we didn’t see any bat pony when we send the drone to study your people when discovered your world.”

Shadow decided to speak up. “Not many of us live in towns in Equestria, we have our own town called Nightforest.” She explained.

“Well, I’m not about to question someone as scary as you. Shall we?” He then walk towards the door.

Shadow stop Luna. “Princess, do I really look scary?” She asked Luna.

Luna thought for moment. “Yes, you can be scary at times.” She then walk after Pegasus while Shadow wasn’t sure if that was an insult or not.

They had to walk up a floor and when they arrived, Luna saw more humans and they were wearing black suit, they were standing around the floor and they had something in their ears, she asked Pegasus who they were. “They are the secret service, they protect the president, they are like your guards.” Luna nodded in understanding.

As they walk past them, all of them eyed Luna and her guards, portably because they didn’t trust them and they look like monsters. Luna didn’t care while her guards did what the secret services did, keep an eye on them so they didn’t kidnap or hurt their princess.

They arrived at a door and Pegasus open it for Luna, who walk in and her guards followed her. Inside the room they could see a human sitting by a table, they could see that the human was female and she had grey hair, she was wearing a suit with skirt. There was also more humans in suits there who got ready to act.

Then Pegasus spoke. “Madam president, I have brought you princess Luna.”

The president over at Luna and she was surprised to see her. “I’ll be damn, you weren’t kidding Pegasus, she look like a pony and has horn and wings.” The president got up and held out a hand. “My name is Hillary Clinton, I’m the president of the united states of America.” Luna was about to gabbed her hand when one of them men in suit step between them which made Shadow to react. “For fuck sake Johnson, we are just going to shake hands.” Johnson step back so did Shadow. “If you can’t behave then leave.”

Johnson went back to his spot. “Sorry madman president.”

Hillary just rolled her eyes. “I do apologize for that, Johnson takes his job a little to serious. Shall we try again?” Shadow step away so Luna could shake hands with the president. “Now that we done that, shall we take about your world and what Pegasus is doing?” Hillary asked as she sat down.

“Yes.” Luna sat down on a chair on the other side of the table.

Luna started with that they were a peaceful race and had no intention in invading the human world, all they anted was to live in peace and let Pegasus sell duel monster in their world, but if anyone came to their world with evil intentions, they would arrest the humans. The president told Luna that they had no intention in invading their world and she would keep it a secret, and she expect that Pegasus would do the same. Maybe one they could live together but that was not now. There was one thing the Hillary couldn’t believe and that was that they controlled the weather with, Luna didn’t mention the sun and mon. Luna had trouble believing that they didn’t have magic at all, and that the weather move on its own.

The meeting went on for 30 min and when the president left, it was only Luna, her guards and Pegasus left. “So, what to you think about her?” Pegasus asked Luna.

“She is a sincere woman and I believe her, I’m not so sure about this Johnson, I didn’t like they way he look at me.”

Pegasus nodded. “I agree, maybe I should take some extra security measures to the portal.”

Luna like that idea. “Yes, please do that.”

Pegasus then clap his hands together. “Now, I have something ells to show up. If you all will follow me.” He then walk out of the room and the ponies followed him with curiosity.

They arrived at new room with a desk and chair. “This is my office, I thought I would show how we would show the rest of Equestria the duels.” Luna was also curious about that. Pegasus then gestured towards a giant black thing that was hanging on the wall, a man was standing by it and he was doing something. “This is a tv and we are going to us it to broadcast the tournament all over Eqestria, are we ready?” He asked the man.

“Yes, I am turning it on now.” He pressed play and the video camera started to show Luna and the others on the tv.

When Luna and the guards saw that, it horrified them. “What kind of black magic is this?” Asked Shadow as she drew her sword and was ready to destroy the tv.

Pegasus step between Shadow and the tv. “Wow, take it easy captain. This is not black magic, is technology and we are going to us.” He pointed at the device in the man’s hand. “That’s called a video camera and it’s broadcast signals to the tv.”

The ponies had no idea what Pegasus was talking about, all they knew was they could see themselves at the tv. “I think I speak for me sister here and this tv is not something I want you to sell in my world, we wouldn’t know what to do with it.” Said Luna.

Pegasus nodded in understanding. “That’s understandable, I guess we only us them for the tournament.” Luna agree. “Do you know he nit will be? We would like to arrive the day before so we could get the change to set the tv’s up.”

“The tournament will be three days, which day is in this world?” Luna asked Pegasus.

“It’s Tuesday.” Pegasus answered.

Luna smiled. “Good, the days are the same. Come on Thursday and some of guards will help you.”

Now Pegasus smiled. “Great. There is one more thing, is it possible two of my people could travel to Equestria? We want the portal to appeared another placed then the forest, we thought someplace outside Ponyville.”

Luna didn’t mind. “Sure, some of my guards can accompany them.” Once that was settle, they headed back to the portal.

Once they arrived, two scientists was waiting for them, a woman and a man. they introduce them self to Luna, they then activated the portal and headed to Equestria. Once they were back, they all headed to the entrance, once there, Luna assigned two guard to the humans so they wouldn’t be disturbed while they were looking for a new placed for the portal. Then Luna headed towards the town, she wanted to duel Kamaki.

Once they arrived at the library, Luna saw Kamaki sitting outside reading a book, it was about Equestria and the towns. when Luna said that she wanted to duel her, Kamaki asked why and the answer was that the night princess wanted to see what was so special about this card game, considering her sister hadn’t shut up about it since she played it. Kamaki didn’t mind so she returned the book and they headed to a placed outside Ponyville so none one could disturb them.

Once they found a place, Kamaki gave Luna a deck and they both got ready.

Kamaki: 4000

Luna: 4000

Kamaki was first. “I draw.” Her cards was; Chamber dragonmaid, dragonmaid Ernus, Laundry, Perlor, dragonmaid changeover and welcome. “Well, this suck, not a single trap card, I guess I have to fix that.” She grabbed her card. “Alright, I’m going to summon out chamber dragonmaid in defense.” Kamaki placed the card on the duel disk and monster appeared that Luna recognized, it was the same card Kamaki used against her sister. “I am going to activated her ability, since I normal summon her I can add a spell/trap card from my deck to my hand.” She took her deck and look through it. “I’m going to ad dragonmaid downtime." She placed the card in her hand placed the deck back. “I place two cards face down and end my turn.”

“I recognized that monster card, you used it against my sister.” Said Luna.

“I thought I would see if I could beat you with the cards I beat your sister with.” Said Kamaki with a shrugged.

Luna didn’t mind, she could do something Celestia didn’t do, beat Kamaki. She drew and she had; Lunalight blue cat, crimson fox, purple butterfly, white rabbit, allure of darkness, and lunalight reicarnation dance. Once Luna saw her cards, she knew what to do. “First, I’m going to activated the spell card allure of darkness.” She placed the card where is should go. “This card let me draw two cards, but I have to send a dark monster to my graveyard, I send crimson fox.” She did that. “When this card is send to GY by card effect, one of your monster attack points becomes 0.” It affected Kamaki’s only card, Luna drew two more card and they were negate attack and fire formation-tenki. “Then I’m going to summon out Lunalight white rabbit in attack.” A rabbit with a hammer appeared. “When this card is normal summon, I can special summon a Lunalight monster my GY, I will bring back crimson fox.” A red fox appeared and it was kneeling. “Now I’m going to send purple butterfly to GY,” She did that. “now white rabbit gets an extra thousand attack points.” It happened. “Now white rabbit will attack your chamber.” The monster was destroyed. “I will place three cards face down and end my turn.” White rabbits attack point want back to normal.

Kamaki was again impressed, how can these ponies be so good at this? She could figure that out later, she was in a duel. “I draw.” It was return of the dragon lord and she activated it. “I can now special summon chamber from my GY,” the card came back. “now I will activated the spell card dragonmaid changeover, I can now use Laundry and Ernus to fusion summon dragonmaid Sheou." She send the cards she needed to the GY and placed the card on the duel disk and a dragon appeared. “I’m going to activated Sheou’s ability, I can special summon one level 9 or lower dragonmaid monster from my GY, come back dragonmaid Ernus.” A purple dragon appeared. “I now activated the spell card dragonmaid welcome and thanks to this spell card, all my monsters gain 100 atk/def for each dragonmaid monster I have out, since I have two both my monsters gets 200 each.” It happened. “I now activated dragonmaid welcome effected, since I have two dragonmaid out, I can now ad a dragonmaid card from my GY to my hand, I chose chamber.” She got the card. “Ernus, attack Luna’s white rabbit.” Ernus attack with flames from its mouth.

Luna was ready. “I don’t think so, I activated negate attack which stop your attack.”

“I activated Sheou ability, since you activated a card I can negate it and the card will be destroyed.” Luna didn’t question it, she placed negate attack in the GY. “Now I have to place Sheou back to the extra deck,” She did that. “but I can now special summon a House dragonmaid from my extra deck.” She did that. “And don’t forget, Ernus is still attacking.” Ernus destroyed white rabbit. “I end my turn.”

Luna: 2000

“Since you destroyed white rabbit, I will activated Lunalight reincarnation dance, this card let me add two Lunalight monster from the deck to my hand, I chose yellow Marten and Black sheep." Luna then drew her card and it was polymerization, time to even out the battle field. “I’m going to activated the spell card fire formation-tenki, I can now ad one level 4 or lover beast warrior from deck to my hand, I chose lunalight Kaleido Chick." She took the card and placed the deck back. “Now I will summon out blue cat in attack.” A blue car appeared. “And now I will activated polymerization and fuse three Lunalight monster, I fuse crimson fox, black sheep and Kaleido chick to fusion summon lunalight Saber Dancer." A cat lady appeared and it had two swords, Kamaki became a little worried. “since I used Black sheep fusion material, I can add a Lunalight monster from my GY to my hand, I chose Purple butterfly.” She took card and placed it in her hand. “ Now, Saber dance gains 200 atk point for each beast warrior monster have in my GY, she also get an extra 100 thanks to fire formation-tenki, I will also send purple butterfly to the GY so I can give Blue cat another 1000 attack points.” It’s was now 2700. “Blue cat, attack Ernus.” Both monsters was destroyed. Saber dancer. attack House dragonmaid.” The monster was destroyed. “I end my turn.” Saber attack went back to 3900.

Kamaki: 3000

Kamaki drew her card and it was dragonmaid tidying, could she use it? Maybe. “I’m going to summon out Parlor dargonmaid in defense mode.” She did that. “I end my turn.”

“I draw.” I was lunalight fusion, she couldn’t use it now. “First, I’m going to activated the effect of fire formation-tenki, I now can add a beast warrior from my deck to my hand, I chose Lunalight Emerald bird.” She took the card and placed the deck back. “I’m going to summon out Emerald bird in attack mode, since I normal summon the card, I can now send a Lunalight monster to the GY, I send Yellow marten.” When she did that, Saber dancer attack points went up, 4300. “Since I did that, I can now draw a card.” It was Luna light perfume which made her smile. “I will now active the card I just drew, Luna light perfume let me special summon a Lunalight monster from my GY, come back Crimson fox.” The monster appeared in attack mode, Saber dancer 4100. “Now, Saber attack Parlor.” The monster was destroy, Kamaki had no monsters. “Now, the rest of my monsters will attack you directly.” Kamaki could just watch as the attack, she had lost.

“So, did you have fun?” Kamaki asked as she put away the two duel disks back in her backpack once they were done with the duel.

Luna look at the deck. “Yes, I had fun and I can see why my sister keeps talking about this.” She look at Kamaki. “Is possible I can buy these cards?”

That question took Kamaki off guard, she didn’t expect to heard it. “I would like to say yes, but I have to say no. I have no idea what they will costs and I don’t want to scam you, I think It’s best to wait until Pegasus tells the price.”

Luna didn’t like it but she understood. “Very well, I will wait.” She gave the deck back to Kamaki. “What will you do now?” She asked the human.

“Fine two more ponies that want to be in the tournament, let’s hope I find some.” Kamaki then headed to town while Luna and her guards flew home.

Author's Note:

I think I made the duel right.

Yes, it's Hillary Clinton. Sue me.

More dueling in the next chapter.