• Published 11th Apr 2022
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I am Twilight's twin sister, Midnight. - Gogonic

Just your usual human turns pony story with the twist being Twilight's twin sister that she accidently create.

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Chapter 4: More alicorns

"Well, at least I know this is a nightmare and not a vision." I look at my past self being rejected by my crush and he even says that he thought I was a good person, but he misjudged me. Then time pass to the future, I am in the bathroom sobbing and overhear my classmate talking to each other that I was a cruel person asking out my crush while knowing my sister also had a crush on him. I see my past self furious of her. My past self screams. "It's always her. Why everybody trusts her. Why does she do all this to me. Whyyyyy."

I put a hoof on my past self. "There. There. Do... Do you want a hug?" My past nods. Well, this is weird. I never thought in all my life, I would give a shoulder for myself to cry on.

I notice something in a distance. Hmm, why is there a purple light? I let go of my past and walk toward the light. I move into a black void. I turn my head back and can only see darkness. I don't know what to think and just keep moving. After a while, I reach the light and see a pony, but I can't make out what it looks like.

"We have been waiting for thou, Midnight." the pony talks with a feminine voice.

"Oh... And you are?" I cock my head to the side and squint my eyes, still trying to see what she looks like.

She steps closer to me. She has eyes like mine. Her mane and tail look like the night sky and flowing like Celestia. Her fur is black. She is as tall as Celestia. And the most surprising thing about her is that she's an alicorn. "Nightmare Moon." I blurt out.

"Oh, thou know of us. Glad that over a thousand year, ponies still remember us."

"Well, I know your name, but I don't actually know anything else about you. So, can you kindly introduce yourself." It's weird. How did I know her name? It didn't even exist in Twilight memory.

Nightmare frowns. I can see her anger growing. "Very well, if thou wanted to know, we will tell thou our story. A thousand year ago, there were two sisters that ruled over Equestria. The older raised the sun, while ourselves raised the moon. No ponies appreciated our night, and no ponies cared about all the work we had done. We didn't only raise the moon, we also protected our subject from nightmare and fenced off the force that dared to invade Equestria. But our 'dear sister' always got the credit for our hard work. So we thought of a plan, our plan was to take the throne and bring eternal night. Our 'dear sister' was powerless before our superior magic. But she cheated, she used the elements to banish us to the moon. We are finished." Well, that explains something.

"So, if I understand this right, you are princess Celestia sister. You feel underappreciate, so you want to take over and bring eternal night. But you fail because princess Celestia used some element thing to banish you to the moon. I have some questions, if I may ask your highness." I bow.

"Thou may."

I lift my head. "What are these elements?"

"The elements of harmony are the greatest artifacts in Equestria. There are six in total. They have enough power to turn the lord of chaos into stone." The name discord pops into my mind. Who's discord? I will think about it later.

"Follow-up question, how did you know my name?"

"We know thy name from Celestia herself. It isn't hard, really. She feels guilty of banishing us to the moon, so she unconsciously gives us permission to enter her dream. Not only that, we also know that she has a new protégé, who is your creator."

"Ok, ok. Last question, why choose me?"

"Thou and we are not that much different. Both are borned from the shadow of our creator. The different here is that thou don't need a host like we." Oh, so she is a parasite. "So, do thou accept our offer to be guided by us? Thou won't regret this because soon enough the star will align and release us from our prison."

"When is it?"

"The star will align at the day of the 1000th summer sun celebration. And we will be freed to bring eternal night. So will thou accept?"

I turn away. "I don't know about this. I could join you, or I could enter Celestia school for gifted unicorn. Because you haven't done anything to show that you are stronger than Celestia."

She furiously shouts. "HOW DARE YOU!"

I turn back, smiling. "Relax. I'm just saying that maybe you can teach me something first to show how powerful you are. I honestly just met you. So proof to me by teaching me something."

She sighs. "Despite thy insolent before us, we will still demonstrate our magic, so be graceful." I roll my eyes. Show me already b*tch. Her horn glows a blue color then touches my horn. A vision enters my mind. "Thou can practice this spell. This spell grants thou the ability to turn darkness into any form thou want. It is like a transfiguration spell, but thou pull the material from darkness itself. Thou can create thorn, haunted wood and even ponies, though they are merely puppets to control. Our advice for thou is to use thy shadow at daytime." Why does all of this sound so familiar?

"Ok, I will practice this spell. And... Uhm... Does Celestia know about this spell?"

She raises a hoof. "Fear not. Celestia's understanding of dark magic is very poor. Yes, she knows some, but it's nothing to compare to our knowledge."

I put a hoof on my chin. So she doesn't know that means I can easily lie saying that it's my new ability, like my eyes. Learning magic from Nightmare doesn't sound that bad to me.

"Midnight. Midnight." Twilight voice calls out to me.

"Ah... Before I go, does your eyes have any special ability?"

"Our eyes can see in the dark, if thou was wondering." Oh, that mean her eyes don't have my ability. Good. I like green already.

In the bathroom, I look in the mirror. I should try out the spell. I close my eyes, remembering the spell. Hmm, the spell requires negative emotion. I smile. That would be easy enough. I have a lot of emotional baggage. Hmm, hmm, hmm, ok let try it now. I open my eyes, concentrate on my emotion. From my shadow, a black tentacle spawns. I make it hold up my toothbrush. But I drop it. I give it several tries.

"Yes, finally." I scream with enthusiasm.

A knock on the door. "Uhm, Midnight, dear, are you ok in there?" Velvet asks.

"Everything is fine. Give me 2 more minutes."

"Ok, dear. Ask me if you need any help?"

At the dinning table, I smile at Twilight. "Hey, Twilight, want to see something cool."

Twilight lights up. "Did you unlock something new?"

I nod. "Yes, let me show you." My horn glows and summons the black tentacle from my shadow, picking up the spoon. I look at their faces. All of them are surprised.

"So, what do you think? Answer me truthy, I hate lie."

"Well, it was great. Midnight, do you think you can teach me?"

"I don't know if I can. Sorry." I don't want to corrupt Twilight. She is the sister I have always wanted. Nice. Caring.

"Oh." She sadly replies.

I look to the other. "So, what are your opinions about my new magic?"

"Truthfully, your magic gives me a bad feeling. I haven't seen this type of magic before. It looks unnatural, like something out of dark magic." Shining answers.

"Thank for your honesty, I'm very appreciated. Yes, I could see how my magic can make other ponies fear me. Nothing is scarier than the unknown. But I don't actually care that much. They can think what they think. I only care if it's from Twilight."

"Oh, why is that?" Shining raises an eyebrow.

"Because first, I have her memory, so I know what she's like. Second, thanks to me eyes, I know she cares for me like a sister. Third, she is adorable. Yes, I know I may look evil, but don't judge me before you get to know me."


"Who could that be this early in the morning?" Night Light gets the door. "Twilight looks who is it, the best foalsitter in all of Equestria."

Twilight gasps. "Cadance." I look at her and Twilight doing their little dance.

Cadance looks at me while I walk toward her. I sense no fear in her. Interesting. She is the second pony that doesn't fear me. Maybe the third if I have this ability when I met Celestia.

"Oh, you must be Midnight. Nice to meet you. Aunt Celestia has already told me about you."

"Cadance, I have a question for you."

"Ok, ask away."

"Why don't you fear me?" This gets her off guard.

She winces. "What do you mean?"

"Well, yesterday, I discover that my eyes can see emotion. So it's surprising to me that you don't fear me."

She composes herself. "Well, why should I be afraid of a nice filly like you." Then she smiles, making feel unease. "Starting from today, I will be your foalsitter, so you have to learn the initiation."

Now, I am the one caught off guard. "NO... I won't do it, you hear me."

"PL-PLEASE." Must resist puppy doll eyes. Don't give in. F*ck, even Twilight joins in.

I sigh. I can't believe I'm saying this. "Fine, I will learn the stupid dance." I can see Shining chuckles at me.

"Yeah, we will have lots of fun today." Twilight hugs me.

I answer sheepishly. "Yeah, fun."