• Published 11th Apr 2022
  • 4,456 Views, 40 Comments

I am Twilight's twin sister, Midnight. - Gogonic

Just your usual human turns pony story with the twist being Twilight's twin sister that she accidently create.

  • ...

Chapter 5: The park

"Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake. Clap your hooves and do a little shake. There, are you happy now?" I answer in defeat. Then I hear a click, I turn my head to see Shining holding a camera. "Are you seriously taking pictures right now?"

He smirks at me. "Yes, mom asked me to. You know mom and dad love to preserve memory."

"Yeah, yeah, I know. If they were free today, I could see them taking pictures of every little achievements we made."

"So, what should we do next, Twilight?" I ask.

"We could read a book about..."

I cut Twilight off. "Cadance, do you have any idea?"

"We could go to the park."

"Ok, let's go to the park. I have never gone to the park before." Well, at least not in this world.

"Who want to go to the park, raise a hoof?" Everypony agree to go.

"Ok, I will ask Mrs Sparkle for permission." Cadance leaves the room.

"Ok, is everypony ready?" Cadance says.

"Ready." All speak in unison.

"But to be sure. Twilight. Midnight. Shining. And uh. I forgot to ask. What was his name again?"

"Well, we haven't named him, yet. We just call him the dragon." I answer.

"If that so, anypony have a good name for him?"

"Cuddle. What do you think, little guy?" Twilight suggests, but the baby dragon shows no interest in the name.

"What about Blaze. That sounds cool, right?" Shining suggests, but much like with Twilight, the baby dragon shows no interset.

Cadance looks at me. "What about you, Midnight, have any great idea?"

I think for a bit, suddenly a voice echoes in my head. "Spike." The baby dragon looks toward me.

"I think he likes it." Twilight says.

Shining holds him up. "From now on, you will be known as Spike the dragon." Spike happily giggles and claps his hand.

"Ok, now that's settle. Let's go to the park."

We walk through the city. I notice lots of ponies wear fancy cloth, most of them are unicorn and look smug.

While walking, Cadance asks me. "So, I heard you like drawing, Midnight."

"Yes, I like drawing."

"What do you like to draw?"

"That's a good question. I like to draw mythical creatures, so I feel very lucky to be here. So, Cadance, does phoenix exist in this world?"

"Yes, it does. Aunt Celestia has a phoenix for a pet, names Philomena. Do you want to meet her, the phoenix, I mean?"

My eyes light up. "Really. Can I?"

*click* I look to Shining. "Don't look at me. It was Twilight idea."

Twilight smiles at me. "You look so happy that I can't help it. What were you two talking about?"

"We were talking about letting me in the castle and capturing the essence of Celestia's pet Phoenix."

"WHAT! You can't do that. Do you know what will happen if you did?"

I chuckle. "Nope. Do you?"

"Ah... Uhm... No. But I know it can't be good."

Cadance hits my shoulder. "Stop teasing her."

"Ok. Ok. I was just joking, Twilight."

"So, you aren't going to capture the essence of princess Celestia's pet Phoenix, right?"

"No, I will still do it."

"But. But. You said." Twilight looks confuse.

"Capture the essence means I'm gonna draw a painting of the phoenix and not literally suck the life out of it."

"Oh. So, you were talking about drawing princess Celestia's pet."

"Yes, Twilight, so don't worry your little head."

After a while, we arrive at the park.

"We will be here watching over Spike. So you two have fun." Cadance says. We nod.

"So, what do you want to do first, Twilight?" I turn to Twilight.

"I want to sit under a tree and..."

I cut her off. "Let me guess and read a book." She happily nods. "Twilight, do you ever think about something else beside books?"

"Magic?" She naively answers.

I look at her deadpan. "Well, I should have guess. From your memory, I can see you either read a book or have a picnic at the park. Why don't we try something else instead?"

"Like what?"

"We could play hide and seek." I wonder if she knows she has a huge disadvantage against my eyes.

"Ok. Let's play. I will count first." I hide my chuckle. She didn't realize.

"Why are you so good at this game, Midnight?" Twilight frowns.

"Well. That's easy to answer. Remember my eyes." I grin.

She blinks a few times, then realizes. "No fair."

"I thought you would find out right away because how smart you are. But I was wrong." Twilight is mad at me. "Relax, Twilight. Let play something else. Your choice."

"We could..."

"That isn't about reading books. Really, Twilight, there is more to life than books."

"We could try the swing."

"Ok then. Let try the swing."

We both sit on the swing while I use my shadow to push.

"Whee. Higher. Midnight. Higher."

A butterfly flies in front of my face. I fall back. "Ouch."

"Are you ok, Midnight?" Twilight steps down and checks on me.

"Yeah, I'm ok."

"Let get back on the swing." I see the butterfly on the swing and just stand there. Twilight looks worried at me. "What's wrong, Midnight?"

"Twilight, come here." When she comes close enough, I pull her close. "This is a secret and don't you dare tell this to anypony else, especially Shining." Twilight nods. "Ok then. I'm afraid of butterflies."

She looks at me like I was lying. But when she realizes I was telling the truth, she bursts out laughing. "HAHAHA. You're afraid of butterflies."

I use my shadow to slider behind Twilight. She immediately jumps on me. "Well. I know about a purple unicorn that is scared of snakes." I smirk.

She gets down from me. "Ahem. Fear of snakes is a normal thing. They are venomous and can harm ponies, so my fear is reasonable. So what is your excuse for being afraid of butterflies."

"I don't know myself. I just don't like touching them."

"So, are you afraid of insects?" Twilight wants to rationalize my fear.

"No, I don't think so. I can touch caterpillar, but not butterflies."

"What else are you afraid of?"

"Moth, ladybug and..."

A ball hits me. "Ouch" I look at the ball then look up to see somepony. They look at me with fear. "Is this your ball?"
They all scatter away from me. "Hey, Twilight, want to play with this ball?"

"I think we should return it."

"Ok, let return it then."

We walk together with the ball. After a while, I get frustrated. "Oh, come on, do all you want your ball back or what?"

One of them peaks her head out of a tree. "You could have it. Please, just leave us alone." I haven't done anything wrong yet. I don't even know them, so why are they so afraid of me? I use my shadow to drag one of them over to me. She closes her eyes, shaking in fear.

"Midnight, what are you doing? Put her down." Shining approaches me.

I put her down and give her the ball. "Here, your stupid ball." She takes it and runs away. "I was returning a ball, Shining."

"By dragging her with your magic." He angrily says.

"So, what would you do if you returned a ball, but the owner ran from you when you walked close?"

"I don't know, but there could be a better way to deal with this."

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry. You're right, Shining. I should have thought about another way."

"You should apologize to the filly, not me."

"Okay. You should come with me. You could talk to them and ask them not to run away from me."

Shining nods, then we all walk to the group. I sit from a distance with Twilight looking at Shining talking to them. He then motions me to come over.

"So, Midnight, you know what to say."

"I'm sorry for dragging you."

"I'm sorry, too, for hitting your head with a ball." An awkward silence. "Do... you two want to play ball with us?"

"Ok." We both answer.

We spend the day playing keep away.

"That was fun." I answer.

"You aren't as bad as we thought."

"What did you think about me?" I raise an eyebrow.

"We thought you would curse us if we messed with you. You have that thing in your shadow."

Twilight protests. "Curses aren't real. There is no evidence to prove that curses are real."

"Midnight, Twilight, it's time to go home." Shining says.

We wave goodbye to each other.

"Goodbye, Twilight, goodbye, Midnight."

"Goodbye, Minuette, goodbye, Lyra, goodbye, Twinkleshine, goodbye, Lemon."

Comments ( 16 )

I think ponyville will be good for both of them. It's plain that midnight due to her past life which she remembers has little social experience and between her magic and her looks nobody really trust her outside the family. Plus twilight has no friends her own age outside the family. And personally if shining can't offer a better way to solve the problem then he should shut his mouth.

I really do Like this story.

Loving so far. A bit short in the chapters but over all loving it

I liked this chapter keep up the good work I can already see that the story has a bright future of course that's my own personal thoughts

I think I would suggest that spellcheck would help you. Most of the errors are small, and a program like Microsoft Word or Google Documents could easily help fix them. You're doing a good job for having English as a second language.

Added to my read list. :twilightsmile:

is this dead?


Any hope?

Weak story for me, very weak. "We're...Twins...yes...twins..." By Questionable Brony, will be much more interesting to read.

I wonder when the next chapter will come

Author, we are still waiting next chapter

Shining holds him up. "From now on, you will be known as Spike the dragon." Spike happily giggles and claps his hand.

Better than Fen.
Like if you get that reference.:ajsmug:

She gets down from me. "Ahem. Fear of snakes is a normal thing. They are venomous and can harm ponies, so my fear is reasonable. So what is your excuse for being afraid of butterflies."

We all fear something, Twilight.:ajbemused:

Hope you keep going on this

This is literally one of my favorite stories! PLEASE I NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS NEXT!!! :raritydespair:

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