• Member Since 22nd Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Friday


A writer who enjoys putting a smile on peoples faces. If a story makes you smile, I've done my job. :)

Comments ( 58 )

Sort of an inverse of DustTraveler's Quantum Castaways--only the horse got there first.:twilightsmile:
Good job in describing the scenery and Elias' actions and thoughts. The cliffhanger for here is that it can literally be ANYpony in Equestria--or even a Saddle Arabian. :twilightoops:
This should be worth keeping an eye on.

I'll look into that as it seems interesting. However I do have an entirely different idea for my castaways. I'd say more but I really don't want to spoil anything because I have some really fun and possibly violent fun planned.

I think you'll like it. I was almost expecting Elias to stumble across a collection of fruit stacked in a pyramid while he was being stalked--but ponies don't set snare traps.
Unfortunately, he had a massive stroke a few years ago just when the story was getting close to a major development. DustTraveler is still recovering from it and he said he's not given up on it, but I'm afraid it will take him quite some time to work through this. Please wish him a speedier recovery when you can. Thanks.
In the meanwhile, I'll be sure to keep up with your story.

His story looks amazing. It does go an entirely different direction but it does it in its own unique and amazing way. I've bookmarked it. :) This one will have a few dark moments, but otherwise it's gonna be quite a ride, and more on the lighthearted nonsensical side. I feel a need for adventure and whimsy

Equestrian Sea's

Why is there an apostrophe there?

Give It 2 weeks and those Ponies are going to look awful pretty

I apologize if some of the writing changed mid read for some of ya. I was doing some last minute editing as I read through. I found a few mistakes myself and fixed a few sentences. But please let me know if I missed anything. Ty bunches :)

Oh definitely. Just wait till he experiences native equine cuddling. He won't be able to escape. >:)

Getting off the island is all well and good if you knew how far and in what direction it was to the mainland. I doubt the mares do other than perhaps a vague direction (maybe north, since they're in the "Southern Equestrian Sea"?) But who among them is an experienced sailor? Or navigator? Or fisherman?
They'd have to build a boat big enough for not only themselves, but all the supplies they'd need to last the trip--and fresh water would be the most critical of those supplies! :twilightoops:
And then they'd still have to get past the pirates operating in the area and who know this part of the ocean better than all of them.:facehoof:

They wont be getting off soon. Thats for sure. I wonder who else might wash ashore that could help in some way…hmmmmm

A unicorn or an alicorn? One of those would definitely help.:pinkiecrazy:
But they'll probably just get a volleyball and a small can of red paint....

would not help them in an way


Drink up and have some of that trail mix, its really good and really salty.

Is this a fic where salt is considered a drug to ponies?

Ty for pointing out the error :) and no its not a drug, salt is just important for a healthy diet and she just likes it. Its tasty.

Looks like he may have some competition for the mare attention

pip? whats he doing here and....is he grown up? does that mean this takes place after the battle with the villains' or after the last problem?

It is Aged up pip, and it is set in a loose AU that is indeed set after the last problem.

Well, the pirates know that there's potentially something on the island that could be hostile.
Their griffon might be sent out to scout around to find out who's out there... :facehoof:

The griffin was among those killed, though they might have another, who knows.

Oh, okay, I missed that. Thanks. It was kind of hard keeping track of which ones were getting offed in all that.
But yeah, the pirates having another birb, or even just a featherduster pegasus, would fuck up the castaway's day.

Who knows, they have a pegasus and unicorn now too. They may not be much now but Im sure Elias could train em up a bit.

I recalled that you've got comedy tags along with the gore and violence. So, is this going to be something like a PG- or R-rated version to Gilligan's Island? :trollestia:
You've also got Celestia and Luna tags--let me guess--they're both going to function in the role of "Gilligan" in that they keep messing up the attempts to leave the island? :facehoof: :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:
...15 years later: Celestia: "We all could've left anytime we wanted, but Luna and I are on vacation!" Luna: "Yea! What's 15 years to immortals? Do you have ANY idea how long my sister twas cooped up in that bloody castle and ME on the MOON!!?"

Haha, that would be hilarious but no. I wanna make Elias into a man of fortune, plunder, and a gaggle of mares, gryphoness’s and maybe even a princess :p

Looking forward to what you'll do with this, then. :trollestia:

It may have been a simple kiss I say give it one more week then they'll start to look really pretty

Thanks for the update!

i think the those pirates forgot what happens when you push a prey animal with nowere else to go. It will go through you not just to fight and live another day but to remove the threat from their way.

My ship name recommendation is either enterprise or the black gem due to my lack of creativity

Just a note: you want to gut and scale your fish BEFORE you cook it.

I appreciate the tip, ty. Usually when I go fishing the scales come off with the skin when im frying em up and Ive already gutted it, but I still fillet it after. I do things in a weird way.

I don’t doubt you, it’s just very atypical and kinda jarred me out of the story. No harm, no foul. 🙂

Still though thank you for the tip. Ill have to remember that for better immersion and flow. :)

Thanks for the update!

I like the idea behind this story, for I always found these stories more entertaining then others maybe cause it’s pirates and ships witch in and on itself is quite the different take then the usual. I do hope to see more soon, Keep up the awesome work!

There will definitely be more. I have 4 stories going right now lol. If I hit writers block on one I work on another until the block has passed. And I really like Pirates so im continuing this one :P

I came back to this comment because not only is it hilariously true, but I started watching a youtuber by the name of Casual Geographic. He describes a musk ox the same way. A prey animal that when attacked, if it has nowhere to go, it will freely and easily cancel your subscription to life. Makes me laugh.

That sound has been song the time is upon us we must convene the Brethren Court as one of the nine part Lords you must honor the call. The king and his men took the queen from her bed and bound her in her bones the Seas be ours and Fight the Power and where we will We Roll

Alright chapter, still waiting for any of the characters mentioned in the tags to show up.

Patience my friend. They’ll show up. They only just got out on to the open sea. The big adventure is finally starting. There is so much more to come. I think you’ll like it :3

Meanwhile on Ponyville lake...


p.s. this story is well written and enjoyable :)

Lmao, you sir are hilarious. And trust me, Pip will have his moment to shine eventually.

I'm lovin this so far! this ole' scalehead will happily watch it grow!

Is this story inspired by the story shown below?:

TSurviving Sand Island
An airship wreck leaves Rainbow Dash and Rarity stranded on a deserted island. Together, they must find a way to survive until help comes—if it comes.
The 24th Pegasus · 482k words  ·  485  36 · 6.2k views

Because I'm getting a huge vibe from it.

Hahahaha well done. It is indeed inspired by it. I think you might be the first to catch that lmao. Granted its loose inspiration

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