• Published 17th Jul 2022
  • 974 Views, 39 Comments

Phineas and Ferb: Night of the Zombie Ponies (28 Pranks Later and Night of the Living Pharmacists) - Mylittleponyfan21

This is a crossover between 28 Pranks Later and Phineas and Ferb: Night of the Living Pharmacists

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Act 11

Agent P was shocked while looking at what he was seeing, it was zombie ponies Rainbow Dash and Derpy Hooves holding both of his arms, Agent P stared at them in horror, waiting for one of the zombie ponies to bite him and turn into one of them.

"COOKIE!!!" groan the zombie ponies.

But then they started to laugh like normal ponies, it turned out that Rainbow Dash and Derpy were only playing a prank on Agent P "No! No! No! You really thought that we were on of them, do you?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"Gotcha!" cried Rainbow Dash and Derpy as they pointed to him and continued laughing.

Agent P was upset and annoyed after seeing that the danger he was in was just a prank, he thought that it was his end and could no longer save Danville.

Starlight and Trixie appeared from the darkness of the room and started to giggle a little despite that even though they weren't in this prank, it was quite funny for them to see someone else get pranked.

"You know, it was pretty funny to see." chuckled Starlight.

"Indeed it was Starlight." agreed Trixie.

"Ah, no worries, he falls for everything, he's to easy to trick." said Doofenshmirtz as he appeared from a part of the room, seeing his nemesis that got pranked.

"Really, Dr. Doof?" asked Trixie while chuckling.

"Oh, yes." answered Doofenshmirtz. "Once he falled for the inator's explotion and got trapped. Although it really happened after he falled for it. But he falled for it. Hahaha!"

"Hehe. Odd, but acceptable." said Starlight.

Doofenshmirtz went to where Agent P, who was still unamused for what Rainbow Dash and Derpy did to him, as the two pagasi retire themselves laughing.

"Ah, Perry the Platypus. You really fall for it." said Doofenshmirtz. "But those guys out there are desperating, aren't they?"

"Anyway, welcome to my Startle Space." he continued as he gestered proudly to the room, something that he would get used to. "I wanted a panic room, but they're prohibtively expensive. I just had to get a place to clear my head, man. My own minions, they're really workin' my last nerve. 'Cookie! Cookie! Cookie! Cookie! Cookie!' One of them is fine, but, agh, my invents can be annoying en masse. I admit it."

Doofenshmirtz thought to himself that the idea of the zombie ponies he created seemed like a good idea for his Tri-State Area conquest, but then he learned that they're all pretty useless when it comes to following orders. They really we're all just mindless repulsive cookie-craving zombie ponies spreading a sickness across Danville, nothing more and less. And honestly, Agent P and the mares couldn't argue with that.

"So, uh, are you hungry? I got plenty of food!" offered Doofenshmirtz gestering to a shelves of cans.

Agent P grabbed a can of almond brittle from one of the shelves.

"Or maybe, You wanna see one of the greatest stories of Darling Do!?" asked Rainbow Dash as she shows a book from a couple of Darling Do books she has to Agent P.

"Or do you a muffin?" offered Derpy as she got from knowhere a muffin.

"Or maybe you wanna see a magic trick?" asked Trixie as she shows her hat to him.

"Oh, or maybe you want to read one of Twilight's books I've got?" asked Starlight with a pille of books.

"Or maybe you wanna play a game?" asked Doofenshmirtz as he gestered to a pille of old board games on top of a old TV and fridge. "I got some old Drusselstein board games here, like, ooh, 'Kleptoceacy'! Vanessa used to love this game when she was a-"

Doofenshmirtz gasped and dropped the board game after mentioning his daughter's name, and completly forgot about her and her movie night. And it was super posible that she's already ponified. "Vanessa! Oh no! She's still in the building! We need to stop those other minions before they get to her or she could turn into one of them! That's every kid's worst nightmare!"

Doofenshmirtz later realized that he sounded silly for saying that and Agent P and the mares just looked at him a bit bothered.

"Well, not- not them specifically." said Doofenshmirtz. "Other children are not scared of turning into one of them. It's just that I'm saying turning into your dreams and nightmares. That's what's scary."

"Vanessa!" gasped Doofenshmirtz as he ran into the door. But Rainbow Dash went to block the door so he couldn't get out. "Dr. Doof. Wait!"

"Outta my way!" cried Doofenshmirtz angrily and anxious. "I've gotta find my daughter, Vanessa! She's probably in danger!"

"I know how you feel Dr. Doof," conforted Rainbow Dash. "but if they see that Derpy and I are wearing these costumes, then there will be no hopes of saving Ponyville and Danville if they discover us."

"Okay, young lady, what do you suggest? "asked Doofenshmirtz unamused.

"I suggest that Derpy and I will go out there first, and Starlight and Trixie can reduce their sizes with their magic." said Rainbow Dash.

Starlight and Trixie thinked about it for 3 seconds and they thought that it wasn't a bad idea, they mean, they did it once they got to Doofenshmirtz Evil Inc., so why not doing it again?

"Alright, will do it." determed Starlight. "Are you ready, Trixie?"

"Of course Trixie's ready." said Trixie.

Starlight and Trixie used their magic to reduce their sizes and Rainbow Dash and Derpy put them in their manes.

Doofenshmirtz later remembers that he got some old walky-talkys in his pockets, so he pulled them out si the mares can use one.

"Here, have this walky-talky, you can use it to tell me when you're on the other side of the lair." explain Doofenshmirtz. "You just simply push this button to active it and tell me when you're there. Got it?"

"Got it, we'll tell you when we get there." said Rainbow Dash.

The two pegasi got out of the Startle Space and ready to act like zombie ponies to get on the other side. "Are you ready Derpy?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"I'm ready, Dash!" cried Derpy in determination.

"All right, here we go!" cried Rainbow Dash.

They shunk their eyes, started to utter 'cookie' over and over again and walked over to the lab's door. Fortunately, the zombie ponies in the lab didn't suspect anything.

Once they reached the other side, they got out of the lair and Rainbow Dash got the walky-talky out of her mane and started comunicating to Doofenshmirtz. "Okay, Dr. Doof, we're already on the other side." she said. "You can now go search for your daughter, I'm out"

She desactives the walky-talky, puts it inside of nowhere and she and Derpy went to another part of the building, still acting like zombie ponies.

"Thank you, I'm out." said Doofenshmirtz as he puts the walky-talky back tonyis pocket and later gasped. "Vanessa! VANESSA!!!"

Doofenshmirtz went out of the Startle Space and ran into the hallway. Agent P would've followed him, but he couldn't risk running out blindly into what was practically a minefield. He slowly crept around the wall, fortunately going unnoticed by the zombie ponies around the lab.

Meanwhile, in the Flynn-Fletcher house, the boys were using various flashlights and lanterns so that they could see, and also, put some wooden boards on the windows so the zombie ponies couldn't enter from their windows.

"I can't believe we left her!" said Phineas as he was walking all over the living room. "I hope she's okay. She's just gotta be! I'm gonna check the periscope again. Maybe she's back by now."

"I will do it." said Baljeet as he stood up.

"Thanks Baljeet." said Phineas greatfuly.

Baljeet walked over to the periscope to see if Isabella has returned into the neighborhood, but there was no signs of her around, only zombie ponies roaming the neighborhood's streets. "Nothing but zombie ponies as far as the periscope can see." He warned.

Phineas sighed defeatedly as he stood up, wondering how was it possible to leave Isabella behind in a situation like this, he felt fault for doing that, and thought that he needed to be more aware of her in the first place, he never wanted to leave her, it's just that the panic got him and that's why he was anaware of her.

"I hope she's okay. ugh." He said as he stared at the floor. "If she's been turned into a zombie pony, I'll never forgive myself."

"Don't worry Phineas, with her training, she will be fine." said Baljeet. "Just last week, she earned her Judo, Hapkido and Jujitsu patches."

Phineas' worry only grew, since that those techniques are involved on physically touching the zombie ponies, thinking that it's another way to get ponified despite the static surrounding them. "Judo? Hapkido? But those are all grappling techniques! And she touches one of them, then...aww."

Later, Phineas thought that there was only one place for Isabella to have santuary there. "Wait! I bet she's at Fireside Girl Headquaters. We've gotta go there!"

"But that is all the way across town!" objected Baljeet.

"We can't go out there unprotected! We're sittin' ducks!" agreed Buford.

"Look guys, I'm not saying that this is a good idea despite the danger out there," said Phineas as he crossed his arms. "but I can't risk it! Isabella could be in danger. And if I have to go about there exposed, then I'll do it. And I'll do it alone.

Buford and Baljeet looked and each other and were scared for their lives in game, but they also knew that Phineas has a point, they would never leave a friend behind, especially when it's a dangerous situation like this.

"Okay, so what should we do now?" asked Baljeet.

Phineas smiled of gratefulness and thinked about something. "Well, since the rubberization machine is toast, we're gonna need some insulating armor. Hey Ferb, do we have any rubber laying around?"

Ferb looks to a pile of rubber items aside of him and gestered to it as he looks at Phineas again.

"Two steps ahead as always." said Phineas. "Ferb, I know what are we gonna do tonight!"

Meanwhile, in Stacy's house, Stacy was scoffing in annoyance with a pair of rubber gloves and a manual, also, unaware of the zombie ponies roaming around the neighborhood. "Figures, the power goes out i'm the middle of the movie. Good thing I got power generator package option. Okay, let's see:" she said as she puts on some noise-cancelling headphones. "'For your safety, please make sure to wear included protective gear when operating generator.'"

Stacy puts some rubber gloves and ducks to the generator grabbing the cord. Unbelknowlest to her, one of the zombie ponies hopped over the fence just right behind her.

"Right, here we go." cried Stacy as she later pulled the cord on the generator, and unknowingly punch the zombie pony out could in it's face. Though, she did feel something, but later she thought that it was the fence she punched, so she ignored that and she saw the generator working the first time and smiled. "Nice! Hooked up a video system and a generator! haha, I am good!"

She walked back into the house congratulating herself, still unaware of the chaos.

Meanwhile, in a part of Danville, Shaun from 'Shaun of the Dead' was running away from the grip of the zombie ponies, carefully on not touching them by accident. "Don't bite me, I don't wanna be a cookie-craving zombie po-"

Later he stop, and remembers the transformations and the rainbow muzzles in their mouths. "Wait a second, that doesn't even make sense. You get bitten by a cookie-craving zombie pony, you become a cookie-craving zombie pony? I mean, You can't just grow rainbow smears in your mouth."

"I don't know, perhaps the sickness infects your clothing as well, Shaun." said Ed as he appeared from nowhere, running from the zombie ponies.

"Infects my-?" said Shaun annoyed after hearing that, refusing to believe in that. "Are you insinuating that my clothing is alive? That's more scarier that these cookie-craving zombie ponies saying-"

But as he gestered to the zombie ponies, a zombie pony got closer to Shaun as it bite his arm gestering, causing static to surround Shaun and transformed him into a zombie pony.

"cooKIE!!!" groan the transformed zombie pony.

"No, I suppose I didn't really think that through-"

But soon the zombie pony transformed bit Ed's right arm as static surrounded Ed and soon transformed him into a zombie pony too.

"cooKIE!!!" groan the zombie pony.

To be continued.