• Published 17th Jul 2022
  • 974 Views, 39 Comments

Phineas and Ferb: Night of the Zombie Ponies (28 Pranks Later and Night of the Living Pharmacists) - Mylittleponyfan21

This is a crossover between 28 Pranks Later and Phineas and Ferb: Night of the Living Pharmacists

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Act 3

Meanwhile, at the Flynn-Fletcher backyard, the children were ready to try out the rubberization ray a get their skin rubber-qualites.

"Ready Baljeet?" Asked Phineas.

"Ok." said Baljeet as he got zapped by the rubberization ray. "Wuh, I feel the same."

"Try jumping up and down a little" Requested Phineas.

Baljeet was jumping and was delighted that it worked, "Woo Hoo!" he yelled joyfuly as he went to a branch of a tree to hit it a couple of times.

Buford after seeing this, we want to do the same thing. "Ooh! Ooh! Now me!" and he got zapped and went to hit the same branch of the tree like baljeet did ago. "Awesome!"

"Me next!" said Phineas as he also got zapped by the ray. "Come on Isabella!" He said as Ferb zapped himself.

"Hit me with your bounce shot!" Said Isabella as she got zapped.

The children were bouncing and got out of the backyard and bounce joyfuly all over the neighborhood, all the way to the mall, they were laughing hoping all over the city, even on the pink clouds. No one in the city notice them, so they bounced in the bulidings too.

Isabella was hoping up and down on the sidewalk, until she got to a similar building, it was the Fireside Girls Annex buliding and she suddenly remember to meeting with the Fireside Girls she didn't have to miss.

Meanwhile, inside the buliding, the Fireside Girls were waiting for Isabella to come.

"Isabella said she'd be here, she'll be here!" said Gretchen

"I bet all the muffins that wherever she is, it has somthin' to do with Phineas!" Said Holly.

Suddenly, they heard a knock on the window and Gretchen went to open it to see what or who it was. It was Isabella and she sat in the windowsill. "Hi Gretch!"

"Where have you been?" Asked Gretchen.

"I was over at Phineas' house and was rubberized by a machine they built." Responded Isabella.

"Holly get's the muffins" said Gretchen delighted.

"Look," asked Isabella. "you know that Emotional Bravery patch I was all set to earn?"

"Yeah?" said Gretchen.

"Well I'm totally blowing it!" said Isabella worried. "I feel strong when I walk up to Phineas, but as soon as I open my mouth, I completely choke!"

"Oh Isabella, you're overthinking it!" said Gretchen. "You just need to jump right to it!"

"What do you mean?" Asked Isabella confused.

"Just tell him how you feel!" determed Gretchen. "I mean, you've had plenty of chances, but then you overthink it. It's not like he's gone reject you, you know he thinks you're cute!"

Isabella wasn't so sure about it. "Well, yeah, but-"

"No buts, Isabella!" interrupted Ginger standing next to Gretchen. "You'll never know how he feels unless you tell him first! And who knows? Maybe he feels the same."

"Heck, he does, he just doesn't know it yet." finished Adyson.

"So what do ya say Izzy"" asked Gretchen. "After all. You could earn a new patch."

Isabella thinked about it for 3 seconds, ans she knew that they were right. So hse decided to tell Phineas how she feels this time. "You're right!" she said. "I should tell Phineas how I feel! Later girls, gotta bounce!" and soon she bounced off the building, but later came back again. "Literally!" she said as she bounced off again to do what the Fireside Girls told her to do.

Meanwhile, In Ponyville, Pinkie Pie was walking over at a cloud where was Rainbow Dash's house and tries to tell her about the pranking she we doing.

Rainbow Dash was looking outside of her window and saw Pinkie down on the ground. "Pinkie, hey! I actually have something totally important to tell you!" she said.

"Ooh! You do!?" Asked Pinkie as her her hoofs were shaking in excitement "You go first!"

Rainbow Dash was looking left and Right to the if no pony was hearing or looking on them. "Okay. You know how I've been pranking everypony?" she asked as she was giggling about it.

"Yeah!" Giggled Pinkie Pie. "It's pretty funny!" but Later she remembered What everypony told her to do. "I-I-I mean, actually, that's what I have to talk to you about." she said.

"Here" said Rainbow Dash while grabing something from knowhere. "Have a cookie." she said while having a box of cookies.

"Ooh! Thanks!" Said Pinkie Pie as Rainbow toss a cookie upwards to Pinkie as Pinkie catch it with her mouth and started eating it.

"So I got thinking." continued Rainbow Dash. "Why waste my time pranking everypony at a time when I could prank everypony at once?

Pinkie Pie was eating the cookie and later she swallowed it. "Mmm. Everypony at once!?" Asked Pinkie Pie joyfully. "That sounds amazing!" she said while she bounced about the idea, but later a record needle scratches, meaning that Pinkie still remembers what everypony told her to do. "Gah!, waht! I mean, it's not..."

"You don't know what it is yet!" cried Rainbow Dash as she looked around again to see if anypony was looking or hearing them. "Pinkie, this is gonna be the best prank ever!" she continued as she shows the box of cookies to Pinkie. "I special ordered these joke cookies se the color would match my mane."

"And?" asked Pinkie Pie confused.

"And, I'm gonna switch them with filly guide cookies." continued Rainbow Dash as she puts a cookie inside Pinkie' mouth, taking out something that looks like rainbow smears on Pinkie's mouth. "When Scootaloo and her friends sell them, everypony in town's get a rainbow mouth courtesy of Rainbow Dash!" she said she laughed a little. "It's gonna be so awesome!" said while she takes Pinkie to a pound of water to make her see the rainbow smears that she got on her mouth.

But when Pinkie Pie saw the rainbow muzzle on her mouth, she remembered about everypony's arguments of Rainbow Dash's pranking, and also, she didn't find it longer funny at all. "Uh, I don't know." she said. "I mean, it doesn't really seem al that funny."

Rainbow Dash gasped of what Pikie said. "WHAT!?"

"Maybe this is a good time to stop pranking," said Pinkie pie. "The other ponies in town are really-"

"STOP!? Interupt Rainbow Dash. "NO WAY! This prank is happening, Pinkie! And it's gonna be HILARIOUS!" she said as she gave the box of joke cookies to Pinkie and rushed away at the speed of light.

Pinkie Pie saw her leaving and realizes that Rainbow Dash was messing up, as she ate another cookie, she came up with a plan to tell everypony what Rainbow Dash was gonna do. (But without knowing that something out of Equestria was gonna stop Pinkie and everypony and ruining their prank for good).

Meanwhile, back at Danville, at Doofenshmirtz Evil Inc. It was night time, and Candace, Vanessa and her friends were at the buliding's living room preparing for their movie night.

"Doofenshmirtz Teenage Girl Movie Night!" sang the singing.

"So I thought we could watch the foreign art film I found." said Vanessa hold she holding and showing up a DVD box. "Le Coeur Noir De Douleur et de la Tristesse Douce."

"Is that the one that's the neo-realistic portrayal of women's angest?" asked Dana.

"No, that's the other one." answered Heather. "This one is about enmui.

"Hmm, don't know if I've seen that one." said Candace. "Is it animated?"

"So Janice." said Lacie while she got closer to Candace.

"Candace." corrected Candace.

"You look pretty young to have lost you v-card already, but that's pretty rad I guess" said Lacie.

"My what card?" asked Candace confused.

But Birgitte interuped and Ignored Candace. "Did you download the new Apparatus album?"

"No way. They're sellouts." answerd Lacie. "I'm only listening to Coffin Shadows now. They're so Independent, they pay you to download their songs."

"Hmm, Coffin Shadows" asked Candace with curiousity. "I've never heard of them."

But Lacie keeped ingnoring Candace like if they don't care about her presence, or she doesn't exicist to them. "New skirt?" she asked.

"Yeah," answered Birgitte. "I truned it inside out ripped it in half and then sewed it back together."

"Get your brother to run over it a few times, it really weathers it!" said Lacie.

Candace giggled in awe about the cooler girls she was with. "Wow, you guys know everything!"

Suddenly, a knock on the door was heard and Doofenshmirtz came in announcing himself sing-songly before any of the girls could answer the door. "Hello ladies! I'm here with a homemade dookelberry pie!"

Vanessa rushed quickly to her dad before the girls could hear them. "Dad, I thought you were going to stay upstairs! I've got the snacks covered."

"But pookie, I thought you loved the dookel-boonkel." said Doofenshmirtz in a baby accent.

"Yes I do, and I thank you." said Vanessa as she quickly grabed the pie away from her dad, glaning back at her friends to make sure they weren't looking and/or hearing. "But please, Dad."

"A-are you watching foreign films?" asked Doofenshmirtz.

"Dad!" cried Vanessa as she pushing her dad out of the door.

"Maybe I could join you guys for a lively discussiĆ³n." said Doofenshmirtz.

Vanessa was closing the door to Doofenshmirtz. "Goodbye Dad!"

"Y'know, I can't stay anyway." continued Doofenshmirtz. "As we speak, my nemesis is upstairs trying to work free from a trap that..." but Vanessa continued pushing him out. "So even if-if you wanted me to stay, I, uh...Bye." said Doofenshmirtz while the door was finally shut.

Candace ran to the bathroom to call Stacy and informed her about the movie night she was on. "Stacy, this is amazing!" she said joyfuly. "I'm at an actual party with cool older girls! They know everything! They're so AHHHH! They're wasmoe! You've gott get over here."

Meanwhile at Stacy's house, Stacy walked over to the couch, smiling proudly as she held up a remote. "Candace! I'm so proud of myself! I think I totally hooked up this thing up! It's Incredible! It has picture-in-picture-in-picture!" she explained. "I'll be able to watch a show and then another show inside that show and then the first show again inside that one! And I managed to get it down to one clicker! I'm about to give it a whirl!"

But as soon she pressed the power button on the remote, nothing happened. At least, not on her TV, but in somebody else's TV that can see in her window. She did the same thing over and over again and the same thing happened.

"Okay. Maybe there's still a bug or two to fix..." said Stacy disapointed of herself.

To be continued.