• Published 23rd May 2022
  • 532 Views, 15 Comments

Twilight's Dating Diary - qiley

Twilight's single, and she wants to do something about it.

  • ...

Picnic With Fluttershy

“Tea is always so lovely with you, Twilight,” Fluttershy said through giggles.

“Why thank you,” Twilight sheepishly smiled, slightly blushing. “I enjoy it as well. It’s always a nice calming break from all that ruler nonsense. Plus, you make delicious tea!”

“Well being an avid tea drinker has its advantages,” Fluttershy smiled, taking a sip of tea. “So, you said you wanted to talk to me about something? Is everything alright?”

“Well…” Twilight started, taking a long pause.

“Well?” Fluttershy repeated, a warm smile on her face.

“Everything is alright,” Twilight said slowly. “It’s just that…”

Fluttershy nodded, her smile still there.

Twilight smiled back awkwardly. “I-I was wondering if you would like to go on a d-d-d-d-”

“Is there something stuck in your throat? Should I call a doctor?!” Fluttershy somewhat panicked.

“No!” Twilight quickly said. Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath, exhaling it slowly. “I was wondering Fluttershy, if you would like to go on a date with me.”

Fluttershy stared at her.

“I-If you only want to of course!” Twilight added, nervous from the stare. “It’s okay if you don’t want to.”

Fluttershy’s cheeks slowly became pink. “I don’t know what to say. Nopony has ever asked me out before.”

“Wait, really?” Twilight was taken aback. “You’re a wonderful mare Fluttershy! I’m very surprised to be honest.”

“W-Why thank you,” Fluttershy giggled quietly. “To be honest, nopony really noticed me, so it’s nice to hear you say that.”

“So is that a yes?” Twilight grinned widely.

“Of course,” Fluttershy smiled. “I do hope you don’t expect much from me though. I’m not used to this type of thing.”

“That makes two of us!”

“You don’t have any experience either?” Fluttershy asked.

Twilight rubbed the back of her neck. “I was just too busy to do anything…”

“That makes me feel a bit better about it,” Fluttershy giggled, but stopped suddenly. “Oh, sorry. I’m not laughing at you, I’m just laughing because-”

“Fluttershy, you don’t need to explain yourself,” Twilight stopped her from rambling.

“Oh thank goodness, I thought I would’ve offended you with that.”

Twilight chuckled. “I don’t think you could offend anypony.”

Fluttershy nodded. “So, what do ponies even do on a date?”

“Well I read some books, and there were all kinds of activities we could do!” Twilight said. “Although some of them wouldn’t really suit us.”

“What did the book say?”

“Well there were amusement parks, fancy dinners, and watching scary movies,” Twilight listed off some of the more common ones.

“S-Scary movies?” Fluttershy shuddered. “Why would anypony want to do that on a date?”

“I don’t really get it either,” Twilight frowned. “I also didn’t think you’d like an amusement park.”

“I didn't really get to go any when I was a filly, but rollercoasters always scared me,” Fluttershy said. “They’re so loud and scare all the animals.”

“Then I didn’t think a fancy dinner would suit us, but…” Twilight clapped her forehooves together. “Fortunately, the book recommended some more casual options like a picnic!”

“A picnic sounds wonderful!” Fluttershy chirped. “Especially this time of year. The flowers are blooming and the animals are all coming out.”

“That’s exactly why I thought this would be the best,” Twilight said. “Not only is it nice and peaceful, we can also combine our interests there!”

Fluttershy tilted her head. “What do you mean by that?”

“Well, you love animals and I love books,” Twilight explained. “So, I could bring a couple books and you could talk to the animals, while we talk to each other.”

“That makes sense,” Fluttershy said. “You really planned this out, didn’t you?”

“Well I wanted it to be perfect so I did a bit of planning,” Twilight grinned. “Just a bit though!”

“Uh huh,” Fluttershy simply replied, sipping on her tea.

“How about we do tomorrow afternoon by the pond?” Twilight said, pulling out a calendar. “If you’re not busy, of course.”

“I don’t think I have anything going on so tomorrow works!” Fluttershy said.

“Great!” Twilight clapped her forehooves together. “I heard the weather was supposed to be good as well, so it works out perfectly.”

“Do you want me to bring anything? Maybe some biscuits or tea?”

Twilight nodded. “If you could bring the tea, that would be great.”

“Of course,” Fluttershy said. “Anything else?”

“I’m bringing some sandwiches and books, so all we need is a blanket to lay on.”

“I have one I can bring.”

“Well then that settles it!” Twilight grinned. “I hope you’re as excited as I am.”

Fluttershy silently nodded.

“Guess I should get going then,” Twilight sipped the last of her tea before standing up. “See you tomorrow!”

“See you tomorrow,” Fluttershy waved goodbye to Twilight as she walked out the door.

“Spike! Where’s the picnic basket?” Twilight shouted, frantically running around the kitchen. “SPIKE!”

“It’s right here, Twilight,” Spike called out to her, holding it high in the air. A purple aura surrounded the basket, tugging both the base and Spike upwards. Spike let go in surprise, landing flat on his butt.

“Sorry about that!” Twilight apologized frantically, floating things into the basket. “I’m in a bit of a hurry if you couldn’t tell.”

Spike got up, rubbing his behind. “It’s okay. What are you in a hurry for? Do you and the girls have something planned today?”

“I have a date planned,” Twilight said.

Spike gasped. “With who?!”


“Wait, you got Fluttershy to go on a date with you?” Spike cocked an eyebrow. “I thought for sure she’d clam up if anypony asked her on a date.”

“Surprisingly she didn’t, he took it pretty well, now that I think about it,” Twilight stopped in her tracks. “I wonder if she’s ever been asked out before. I’ll ask her later.”

“I’m not an expert in love, but I don’t think you should ask her that,” Starlight Glimmer said as she walked into the room. “I’d be a little weirded out if somepony asked me that, especially on a date.”

“I guess you’re right,” Twilight sighed. “I still have a lot to learn, don’t I?”

“Hey, don’t worry about it Twilight,” Starlight smiled. “This is just like learning a new spell or equation, it’ll take time.”

“When you put it like that, it makes me excited to do it!” Twilight giggled.

Spike rolled his eyes.“Of course it does.”

“What’s that supposed to mean mister?” Twilight glared at Spike.

“Nothing, nothing at all,” Spike shrugged. “Have fun on your date!”

“Uh huh…” Twilight nodded slowly. “You think it’d be bad if I’m too early?”

“Twilight, you worry too much,” Starlight chuckled. “Loosen up a bit, have some fun! That’s what dates are about. Plus, if you seem tense, it might rub off on your date. Especially if it’s Fluttershy.”

“You’re right,” Twilight breathed in deeply and exhaled. “I should just stay calm and have fun.”

“Now go get 'em’ tiger!” Starlight said.

“Yes ma’am!” Twilight said before galloping out the door, picnic basket in tow.

When she was out of earshot, Starlight and Spike looked at each other, wide grins on their faces.

“Want to go see how it turns out?” Spike asked.

“Of course!”

Twilight stood in front of Fluttershy’s cottage, doing her calming breathing exercises. She had been standing there for a few minutes now, her hoof constantly going up to knock on the door and then going back down.

“Okay Twilight, you got this,” She muttered to herself. “Just be yourself, and have fun! That’s easy enough… right?” Letting out a nervous laugh, she took one more deep breath. Her hoof steadily raised up, hovering right next to the door.

Biting her lip slightly, she knocked.

“I’ll be right there,” the mare in the cottage called out.

“O-Okay, take your time!” Twilight called back, fidgeting slightly.

Twilight waited and waited for what felt like an eternity before the door opened, Fluttershy trotting out.

“Sorry to keep you waiting,” Fluttershy’s head slightly drooped. “Angel was being a little clingy, but we were able to come to an agreement.”

“No problem at all,” Twilight slightly smiled. “Shall we start heading to the pond?”

Fluttershy nodded silently, following closely behind Twilight as she trotted along the path towards their destination.

The walk was painfully silent, their hoofsteps the only noise. Twilight looked to her side, realizing Fluttershy wasn’t walking next to her. Slowing her steps, she fell back, walking alongside Fluttershy.

“So…” Twilight started.

“Yes?” Fluttershy replied quickly.

“Uh…” Twilight’s face slightly furrowed. “Well, uh… What have you been up to recently?” She blurted out.

“Nothing really.”

More silence filled the air.

Twilight tittered. “Oh that’s nice. I’ve just been studying some quantum physics recently. Did you know that it actually differs a lot from Pontonian physics? It was actually founded on the wave-particle duality, which in the most basic terms means that light is made of both waves and particles. It’s quite interesting really. Well, science is always interesting to me I guess.”

Twilight looked over to Fluttershy, who was simply smiling at her and nodding.

Twilight sheepishly smiled. “Sorry, am I rambling?”

“A little,” Fluttershy let out a giggle. “I don’t really mind, since it’s always fun listening to you ramble. I think it’s amazing how you can be so passionate about something and can talk so much about it. I don’t think I could ever do that.”

“I’m sure you could talk about animals all day.”

“I could talk to animals about other animals all day, but I don’t know if I could do that with a pony,” Fluttershy sighed. “I’d start to worry.”

Twilight tilted her head. “About what?”

“That I’m boring them.”

“Fluttershy, you could never bore me,” Twilight assured her. “Listening to you talk about animals is always wonderful. If it makes you feel better, I learn a new animal fact whenever we have tea.”

“Really?” Fluttershy’s face lit up slightly.

“Yup!” Twilight smiled. “As long as you seem passionate about what you’re talking about, they’re bound to pay attention.”

“How are you so sure about that?”

“I have a little experience,” Twilight chuckled. “After years of public speaking, just trust me, confidence and passion will get you a long way.”

“O-Okay!” Fluttershy nodded.

Twilight stopped. “Oh look at that, we’re here!”

Fluttershy stood next to Twilight, seeing that they were indeed already at the pond.

“That walk felt a little faster than usual,” Twilight said. “Maybe because we’re together?”

“Heh, maybe…” Fluttershy smiled bashfully, part of her face hiding under her mane.

“You brought the blanket?” Twilight trotted over to a grass patch underneath a tree. “This looks like a perfect spot.”

“I-I did!” Fluttershy shook her head, walking towards the spot. Taking out the blanket from her saddle bag, she gave it to Twilight. “It’s right here.”

“Thank you,” Twilight said, taking the blanket. She laid it down, placing her basket off to the side. Making herself comfortable, she laid down on her stomach. She let out a satisfied sigh. “C’mon Fluttershy, lay down with me. The cool grass underneath the blanket feels amazing.”

“O-Okay,” Fluttershy laid down, some distance between the two. “You’re right, the grass feels nice.”

“So…” Twilight started, her voice trailing off.

The two went back to silence, looking at anything but each other. There was a slight breeze, the sun bleeding through the branches above them. It was a beautiful day indeed.

“So…” Fluttershy said. “What do ponies usually do on picnic dates?”

“I think they usually just talk,” Twilight weakly smiled. “Not that I’ve ever been on a date.”

“I’ve been meaning to ask you but it never came up,” Fluttershy started. “Why have you never been on a date? You’re a wonderful mare and I’m sure there’s tons of ponies who like you.”

“Well, I guess I was just too busy to consider it?” Twilight frowned.

Fluttershy tilted her head. “I’m sure you had some freetime.”

“There might be another reason…” Twilight said, her voice trailing off.

“I’m sorry!” Fluttershy quickly apologized. “If you’re not comfortable telling me, you don’t have to.”

“It’s nothing bad, really,” Twilight chuckled weakly. “I guess it’s more so that I was just a little scared to try.”

Fluttershy smiled. “I know how you feel. I’m actually the same way, though I know that’s not much of a surprise.”

“What makes you scared to date?” Twilight asked.

“Well…” Fluttershy pondered, tapping her chin. “I think I’m just scared that I’ll find a pony I really like and they don’t like me back. I’ve heard stories of heartbreak from Rarity and read some books about it. It sounds just awful.”

“I understand that one hundred percent,” Twilight sighed. “I’ve also read some novels about love and heartbreak, and the way they describe makes my heart wrench. I can’t imagine what it’s like to actually happen to you.”

Fluttershy nodded. “I hope it never happens to either of us.”

“Me too…”

“So, how about you, why are you scared?” Fluttershy asked.

“To be honest, I’m scared to open up to them,” Twilight said. “The thought of letting a pony into my personal life is scary. Being vulnerable in general is scary, but I know you have to let your special somepony into your life. Then if you let them in, and then they leave or pass away, then I’d be left there devastated.”

“I’m also not very good at describing my feelings so I feel like I’d be unable to communicate well with my partner in that aspect. Then that makes me scared that I’ll lose them, and that it’ll be all my fault…”

Fluttershy scooted closer to Twilight, who was looking down at the blanket. Placing a hoof on hers, causing Twilight to look up at the pegasus.

“So you’re scared of being vulnerable and losing them?” Fluttershy repeated, smiling at her.


“I know it’s hard to be vulnerable, but I’m sure you can learn to open up, just like I have! I know I’m not the most open pony in the world, but I’m way better than Iwas before,” Fluttershy said.

Twilight nodded.

“And for losing them? I don’t really know much about losing somepony I loved, but I do know about losing animals I’ve loved. Whether it’s because they passed away,or moved somewhere else.”

“It hurts for a while, both physically and emotionally. You want to cry all day and just stay in your room, but that won’t get you anywhere. There will be a lot of pain in life, and I’m sure you know that. You can cry and be hurt, but you can’t dwell on it forever because unfortunately life goes on, whether you like it or not. It’s definitely not easy to get through it, but a pony can’t dwell in the past forever.”

“W-Wow Fluttershy, I didn’t know you could get so philosophical,” Twilight sniffled, weakly chuckling. “That’s a great way of looking at it.”

“Hanging out with you may have rubbed off on me,” Fluttershy sheepishly grinned.

“Must be all the books I’ve been recommending,” Twilight smiled. “Thank you, Fluttershy.”

“For what?”

“For everything. For comforting me and being there for me when I need it, for looking out for me, for being my friend. I’m glad I met you all that time ago.”

“And I’m glad I met you too.”

The two sat close to one another in comfortable silence, just watching ponies play in the water or run around the field. They watched the clouds move slowly, the trees slightly swaying with the breeze.

Eventually, the sun started to set. The two cleaned up everything, neatly placing them on the grass.

“So…” Twilight said.

“I don’t think it’ll work out,” Fluttershy surprisingly said. “D-Don’t get me wrong though,” she quickly added.

“I love being with you Twilight, and you’re a wonderful mare, but I think that our friendship is much better. And to be honest, I don’t really feel any romantic connection here.”

“You know what, that’s okay,” Twilight chuckled. “I don’t really see this going anywhere either.”

“I had a wonderful time,” Fluttershy smiled.

Smiling back, Twilight nodded. “And so did I.”

“We’re still going to have tea together, right?” Fluttershy asked.

“Of course!” Twilight said. “I wouldn’t miss tea with you for anything.”

“Great!” Fluttershy chirped. Looking at the setting sun, she sighed. “Guess we should start heading home, huh?”

“I’ll walk you to your cottage first,” Twilight offered.

“Y-You don’t have to,” Fluttershy tried to reject it. “It’s out of the way, you’ll be out later than you have to.”

“It’s fine,” Twilight reassured her, walking towards the pathway. “C’mon, let’s go!”

Fluttershy smiled as she watched Twilight trot down the path. With one last look at the pond, she galloped after the alicorn. The two walked side by side, giggling and chatting all the way back.

The two arrived at the cottage and bid each other farewell. Twilight slowly made her way back to the castle, a small smile on her face.. Trotting down the path and through Ponyville, she eventually reached her home. Sighing, she opened the giant double door.

“Well somepony looks happy,” a mare said, surprising Twilight.

“Were you waiting here the whole time?” Twilight cocked an eyebrow, looking at Starlight.

“N-No, I've only been here for a few minutes,” Starlight laughed nervously “Anyways, I’m guessing the date went well?”

“It did,” Twilight said.

“So you and Fluttershy…?”

“Aren’t a thing,” Twilight chuckled. “I think it’s better that way though. Plus, I learned a lot!”

“That’s great to hear,” Starlight simply said. “Well, goodnight then!”

“Goodnight,” Twilight said before making her way to her room. She walked through the empty crystal halls, her hoofs echoing through. Opening the door, she levitated a scroll from a nearby shelf onto her desk. Unrolling it, she levitated a quill and crossed out a name.

“Even if we didn’t end up together, I’m glad I went today,” she said to herself. “Thank you, Fluttershy. I learned a lot."

Twilight sighed, rolling up the scroll and placing it back onto the shelf.

Author's Note:

And that's her first date! Short and sweet, but Twilight learned something about dating from it. I'm still trying to get into the groove of writing this, but I hope this was satisfactory.

I hope you all enjoyed and feel free to leave a comment!

See you in the next chapter. :twilightsmile: