• Published 23rd May 2022
  • 532 Views, 15 Comments

Twilight's Dating Diary - qiley

Twilight's single, and she wants to do something about it.

  • ...

Chapter 3: Dining With Rarity

Twilight stood in front of the familiar boutique of her fashionista friend. There was a constant stream of ponies coming in and out, carrying bags or wearing the new clothes they had just bought.

“I hope she’s not too busy,” Twilight muttered to herself as she opened the door.

The bell rang above her.

“W-Welcome to Carousel Boutique,” an amber-gray mare greeted her. Her cyan mane was neatly dressed, and she wore a red tie to compliment her red hairpiece. “How can I help you, Princess Twilight?”

A few audible gasps filled the boutique as ponies stared at Twilight, who was awkwardly smiling. Under the gaze of the ponies, Twilight turned to the pony who greeted her.

“Uh, it’s nice to see you again Pommel. There’s no need for the formalities,” Twilight said before pausing and clearing her throat. “Does Rarity happen to be around?”

“Y-Yes, she’s in her room,” Coco Pommel answered, gesturing towards the back. “I think she’s sewing some more dresses back there.

“Thank you very much,” Twilight quickly bowed before darting towards the back.

Making her way through the familiar house, she reached Rarity’s room with ease. The door was cracked open, the sound of a sewing machine leaking into the hall. Peeking into the room, she saw the alabaster unicorn levitating some fabric through the machine. A couple of mannequins stood besides her, dressed up in all kinds of exquisite dresses.

Twilight slowly opened the door, not wanting to disturb her focus. Quietly trotting over to Rarity, she watched her fluid movements in awe. Twilight had always admired Rarity’s abilities when it came to dressmaking. It was like she was in a whole different world when she got in the zone.

“Now, that should be enough,” Rarity said to herself, turning around. “All I need to do is-” she paused, coming face to face with Twilight.

An ear piercing screech filled the whole boutique, some of the customers turning their heads towards the source.

“Don’t mind that everypony,” Coco Pommel announced nervously. “Rarity sometimes gets super stressed from all the orders and has to release it someway. Please carry on with your shopping.”

“Twilight darling, don’t scare me like that!” Rarity said, taking a deep breath and regaining her composure. “Haven’t you ever heard of knocking?”

“Sorry,” Twilight rubbed the back of her neck, smiling sheepishly. “I just didn’t want to disturb you when you were so focused.”

“Well I do get that, but maybe don’t stand right behind me like a predator looming over their prey…”

“Sorry about that too,” Twilight weakly laughed. “I just couldn’t resist watching you work.”

“Why thank you darling,” Rarity grinned. “Now, what brings you to the boutique? Do you need a dress fitted for a meeting?”

“Well, I’m-”

“Oh! Or maybe you had some spare time and wanted to help out Coco?”

“That’s not exactly-”

“Or do you want to go out with the girls to that new bar in Canterlot?” Rarity grinned. “I heard there’s lots of eye candy there.”

“RARITY!” Twilight shouted.

“Sorry darling,” Rarity chuckled. “I should probably let you explain, hm?”

“Thank you,” Twilight sighed and took a deep breath. “Well I’m here because I wanted to know if you wanted to go on a date with me.”

“Oh my, how upfront,” Rarity half hid her mouth, an obvious grin behind it. “I didn't know you swung this way.”

“When most of the ponies I know are female, it’s kind of hard not to,” Twilight weakly laughed. “Plus, I’m sure you noticed, but I don’t really talk about my romantic life too often.”

“Ah yes, I did notice that,” Rarity nodded. “Especially during our spa days.”

“So…” Twilight kicked at the floor idly. “Do you?”

“I don’t see why not,” Rarity smiled. “I always thought you were an attractive mare.”

“O-Oh,” Twilight slightly blushed, a small smile on her face. “Why thank you.”

Rarity winked. “Of course darling.”

“So…” Twilight idly kicked the floor. “What do you want to do?”

“That’s for you to decide,” Rarity smirked. “Since you’re the one who asked, I think it’s only fair you decide what we’re doing.”

“Is that how it usually is?” Twilight tilted her head. “Sorry, I’m still kind of new to the whole dating thing.”

“Personally I believe you should have a plan, or at least some ideas, before asking anypony out on a date,” Rarity said. “It shows that you’re actually interested in the pony and that you’ve at least put some thought into it.”

“I’ll be sure to keep that in mind,” Twilight nodded. “I have a few ideas in mind…”

Rarity smiled. “Perfect!”

“So how does Saturday evening sound then?” Twilight asked. “

“That works out perfectly. What are we going to do?”

“Well…” Twilight’s eyebrows furrowed. “How does dinner in Canterlot sound? I know of a couple good restaurants there.”

“Classy,” Rarity smirked. “That sounds wonderful, darling.”

“Okay, then it’s settled,” Twilight said. “I’m going to head back to the castle now, don’t want to keep you from work.”

“Go on ahead,” Rarity said. “I’m going to add some finishing touches on the dress.”

“See you on Saturday,” Twilight said, exiting the room and boutique.

“What are you so stressed about this time, Twilight?” Starlight cocked an eyebrow, pouring some tea into her cup.

“I have no idea where to take Rarity for our date,” Twilight slumped in her chair. “I said I know some restaurants in Canterlot, but I only really know casual places. Nothing fancy that I imagine ponies think about when asked on a date!”

“Uh huh…” Starlight simply replied, taking a long sip. Setting her teacup down, she sighed. “Why not just ask Celestia if she knows any places.”

“Of course!” Twilight perked up.“Thanks Starlight, you’re a lifesaver.”

“I feel like you just forget everything when it’s anything remotely close to dating,” Starlight chuckled.

“Heh, maybe I do,” Twilight sheepishly smiled, standing up from her chair.

“So, off to visit Celestia I assume?”

Twilight nodded. “Better to do it earlier, especially if I want to be able to reserve a table.”

“Playing it safe as always,” Starlight smirked, sipping some more tea. “Just let me know if you need any more help.”

“Thanks again Starlight,” Twilight smiled, placing her hoof on her own chest. “I really mean it.”

“No need to get mushy Twilight,” Starlight playfully stuck her tongue out.

“Okay, okay” Twilight rolled her eyes, still smiling. “See you in a few hours.”

Twilight stood before a giant double door, a line of ponies behind her. They were all there for the same reason: an audience with Princess Celestia. The ponies looked at her with curious eyes, murmurs and whispers echoing throughout the hallway.

The door opened, a dark blue unicorn walking out, head hung low. She let out a long sigh as she slowly trotted towards the exit.

The door wide open, she was motioned in by the guard. Having done this countless times, she knew how the whole ordeal went.

“Now presenting the Princess of Friendship, Twilight Velvet Sparkle,” the herald announced as Twilight walked through the double doors which shut behind her. Any pony would’ve bowed here, but since the two of them were equals, she simply nodded to her mentor.

“Twilight, it’s great to see you again,” Celestia warmly greeted her, getting out of her throne and trotting over to the younger alicorn.

“It’s great to see you too,” Twilight smiled, meeting her halfway. After a quick hug, silence hung in the room.

Celestia cleared her throat to break the silence. “What brings you here today? You could’ve just written a letter.”

“Well I have some business in Canterlot later so I thought it’d be better just to come here first,” Twilight said.

“So what is it that you wanted to discuss?”

“So here’s the thing,” Twilight awkwardly chuckled, rubbing the back of her neck. “I kind of have a date this Saturday and I said we would go to a restaurant here in Canterlot, but I don’t really know any…”

“Oh my, did I hear that correctly?” Celestia grinned widely. “Twilight is going on a date?”

“Y-Yes?” Twilight tilted her head.

“I didn’t think this day would come,” Celestia wiped a stray tear away. “You really have grown up.”

“Celestia, I think you’re overreacting,” Twilight pouted. “It’s not like I haven’t gone on a date before.”

Celestia cocked an eyebrow. “Twilight, when was the last time you actually went out with anypony?”

“I go out with my friends all the time!”

“I meant to go out with them romantically,” Celestia chuckled. “I thought it was implied there.”

Twilight’s head drooped. “I knew what you meant, I just didn’t want to admit it…”

Celestia placed a hoof under her chin, lifting her head up. Twilight was face-to-face with her, a kind smile on Celestia’s face. “It’s okay Twilight, I was just teasing you. Though I am curious, when was the last time you even went out with a pony?”

Twilight awkwardly chuckled. “Well, I think it was when I was still attending your school.”

Celestia gasped. “It’s been that long? Twilight, you seriously have to get out there.”

“Well that’s kind of why I’m here,” Twilight said, going back to the topic at hand. “Do you know any good restaurants to go to for a date?”

“That’s a rather broad question,” Celestia tapped her chin. “What does this pony like? Do they prefer a casual setting or something more classy? What kind of food do they like? What kind of atmosphere do they enjoy?

“I didn’t think there was so much thought that goes into picking out a place to eat,” Twilight sighed. “Looks like I still have a lot to learn.”

“Don’t worry Twilight, I know you’ll be a master dater soon enough,” Celestia said. “Now, what do you think they’d like?”

“Well, they definitely would like something classy,” Twilight said. “They’re not really that picky as long as it isn’t messy, and they’d enjoy a somewhat elegant atmosphere.

“I’m going to go on a whim here, but does your date happen to be an alabaster unicorn who loves fashion?” Celestia smirked.

Twilight’s mouth went agape, not able to mutter a single word.

Celestia giggled at her response. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

“Did you...?! How? When? What?!”

“You made it a little bit obvious when describing her,” Celestia chuckled. “Also, I don’t think you’d go on a date with anypony you’re not comfortable with. At least for now.”

Twilight sighed. Celestia’s reasoning was sound, so there was no point in arguing. “You’re right, I am going on a date with Rarity.”

“I didn’t think you swung that way to be honest,” Celestia said. “Not that there’s anything wrong with that, of course.”

“You’re the second pony to say that.”

“Maybe it’s because you haven’t shown interest in any pony but Flash Sentry?” Celestia offered.

“You know, maybe that’s why,” Twilight rubbed her chin. “Just maybe though.”

“Anyways, we’re getting a little off topic. We were discussing restaurants, no?”

“Yes!” Twilight nodded quickly. “I almost forgot why I came here. So, do you know any that Rarity would like?”

“Well I know a Prench restaurant she’ll most certainly enjoy,” Celestia nodded to herself. “I can even get you a reservation, if you want.”

“I wouldn’t want to bother you,” Twilight said. “I mean, you’re already so busy!”

“Are you sure? I can’t promise you’ll be able to get one, even if you are a princess yourself.”

Twilight tilted her head. “Wait, why?”

“I believe that the reservation list is full for the next year,” Celestia chuckled. “Quite the prestigious restaurant.”

Twilight’s eyes went wide. “Seriously?!”

“It is true.”

“T-Then if you could help me get a reservation, that would be great,” Twilight nervously chuckled.

“I’d be happy to,” Celestia smiled.

The week went by quickly for Twilight. She had already gone to Rarity to tell her to meet her in Canterlot, but she was sure not to say too much about the date itself. Twilight had read somewhere in a book that mystery entices most ponies.

The train ride to Canterlot was as boring as always, but that’s nothing a book couldn’t fix. Twilight had spent the whole time reading about dining etiquette.

“Rarity’s probably already used to these kinds of things…” she mumbled to herself as she stepped onto the platform.

“What am I already used to, darling?”

Twilight slightly jumped at the sudden voice, turning to her left. Rarity was right in front of her, dressed up in a beautiful ensemble. Her flowy, light blue dress with dark blue accents matched well with a light pink bow, which tied up her mane.

“Uh… nothing?” Twilight chuckled awkwardly before clearing her throat. “Your outfit is beautiful, Rarity.”

“Why thank you,” Rarity giggled. “I made it just for today.”

“You didn’t have to go all out,” Twilight said, looking at her bare body. “Now I feel like I didn’t try hard enough.”

“It’s quite alright darling,” Rarity smiled. “I did this because I wanted to. Plus, we’re in Canterlot! How could I not dress up?”

Twilight cocked an eyebrow. “So you dress up everytime you come here?”

“Of course! Appearances are everything here.”

“You’re definitely not wrong,” Twilight chuckled, looking at the crowd. More than half the ponies there were dressed up.

“I made a dress for you too, if you’d like to wear it,” Rarity offered, levitating a gift bag in front of her.

“You didn’t have to,” Twilight gasped, taking the bag. “It must’ve been a lot of work.”

“Anything for a friend, or lover,” Rarity winked.

Twilight blushed, covering her face with the bag. “I-I’ll go change real quick!”

Twilight fumbled with the bag a bit before trotting over to the nearest restroom, where she decided it was best to change into the clothes. Inside the bag was a beautiful yet simple white dress with dark purple accents. The dress was flowy with streaks of purple lining the neck area. Although it was simple, it fit her perfectly. Staring at herself in the mirror, she smiled.

“Darling, are you okay in there?” She heard Rarity’s voice from the other side of the door. “Does it fit alright? Is there anything you dislike about it?”

“I-I’m okay!” Twilight stuttered out, opening up the door.

“So, what do you think?” Rarity asked.

“It’s perfect Rarity,” Twilight giggled, hugging the fashionista. “Thank you.”

“As I said before, anything for a friend,” Rarity said before lowering her voice. “Or lover,” she purred in her ear, a smirk across her face.

Twilight froze like a statue, her face reddening. Rarity giggled before separating from her. Twilight, however, was still standing there, mouth slightly agape.

“I’m just teasing,” She winked. “Though I do have to say that you are just stunning in that dress. Really accentuates your figure.”

Twilight shook her head quickly, snapping herself out of the daze. “You’re so mean, Rarity…” she mumbled.

“Sorry darling, but you’re just too cute when somepony teases you,” Rarity smiled. “I do hope you can forgive me.”

Sighing, Twilight calmed herself down slightly. Looking at the nearby clock tower, her eyes slightly widened. “We should hurry to the restaurant.”

“I see you’re always prepared,” Rarity hummed. “I did expect you to have a reservation though.”

“I want every date I go on to be perfect,” Twilight said, starting to walk in the direction of the restaurant.

Rarity walked by her side. “Well that’s going to be simply impossible.”

Twilight cocked an eyebrow. “Why?”

“You should know as well as I why not every date can be perfect,” Rarity grinned.

Twilight stayed silent, simply tilting her head at the unicorn's words.

Rarity sighed. “Twilight, does everything always go according to plan?”

“No?” Twilight said with uncertainty.

“You’re right,” Rarity smiled. “Not everything goes according to plan. I’m pretty sure you know that.”

“I guess I do…”

“So that means that not every date will go as planned,” rarity said. “For example, let's say you wanted to go out to fly a kite in the park for a date.”

“Okay,” Twilight nodded.

“What if there was no breeze to pick up the kite? Or what if it started raining?”

“Then the date would be ruined?”

“Well it would be if you didn’t try to improvise,” Rarity said. “If there was no breeze, but it was still a beautiful, clear day, you could simply go on a walk around the park or even go for a swim if there’s a pond or lake nearby.”

Twilight nodded slowly. “I guess that makes sense.”

“Why do I feel you lose a lot of common sense when it comes to anything that isn’t magic or academic.”

Twilight rubbed her chin. “I’m pretty sure Starlight said something like that.”

“Not surprised,” Rarity smirked. “But anyways, you see what I’m getting at? Not every date will go according to plan. Things don’t always work out, but that’s okay. You just have to go with the flow most of the time! I know that’s going to be a little odd for you, knowing how much you like being organized.”

“And you’ll probably get extra brownie points with the pony if you’re able to still have fun even if the date was quote-unquote ruined,” Rarity finished with a wink.

“Wow Rarity, you really know a lot about dating huh?”

Rarity shrugged. “I have some experience.”

“Yeah, unlike me,” Twilight sighed, slightly hanging her head.

“Darling, where’d all that confidence go from the other day?” Rarity frowned.

“The more I talk to ponies about dating and all this romantic stuff, the more I realize that I don’t really know anything…”

Rarity rolled her eyes. “Twilight, you can’t be perfect at everything. There’s no need to get upset over something like that.”

“I know, I know,” Twilight weakly smiled, looking up. “It’s just hard, you know?”

“Oh trust me, I do,” Rarity grinned, winking at her. “A tip I have for anypony new to the dating scene is to just be yourself and be confident! Ponies love confidence.”


“Of course!” Rarity said. “It’s similar to giving a speech. If you radiate confidence when you're speaking, your listeners are more likely to actually listen to what you have to say, while on the other hoof, if you’re not confident then they’re more likely to not.”

“In the context of dating, however, it makes you more attractive to the other pony. Confidence shows security. Don’t let that trick you though!” Rarity huffed. “Someponies are just over confident, even if they can’t back it up with anything. Don’t fall for their tricks like I did!”

Twilight let out a small laugh. “Do I even want to ask what happened?”

“That’s a story for another time,” Rarity winked.

“Thanks for telling me all this and for putting up with me,” Twilight said. “You probably aren’t having much fun though, having to listen to me mope about not being good at dating.”

“Of course not,” Rarity smiled. “Talking with you, or any of the girls, is always delightful, regardless of what we’re talking about. I enjoy your company.”

Twilight simply nodded, the two continuing to walk in silence. Soon enough, the two ended up at the front of the restaurant.

The two stood in front of the restaurant with wide eyes.

“Twilight, you did come to visit the place before making a reservation, yes?” Rarity asked, looking at the alicorn.

“I may or may not have had another pony make the reservation for me,” Twilight chuckled awkwardly. “In my defense, I actually didn’t really know any good restaurants in Canterlot. I only really went to the Hayburger down the street…”

In front of the two was a grandiose building, crowded with creatures of only the highest stature. There were celebrities, royalty, and even ambassadors hailing from surrounding territories. Guards were roaming about constantly, not a single spot left unguarded.

The building itself was very large. Large columns supported the wide open entrance, but there was only one point of entry: through the middle column where two guards stood. Velvet ropes organized a line, which was just as packed as inside. The name was etched into a part of the roof.

Le Mirage

“Well, this is definitely not what I was expecting,” Twilight frowned. “Now I’m glad that you brought me this dress.”

“One must always be prepared,” Rarity grinned.

Twilight sighed. “I’m sorry about this Rarity. I didn’t think we’d be dining at such a prestigious place. I thought it’d be nice and quiet, with that sophisticated atmosphere.”

“Darling, there’s nothing to be sorry about,” Rarity said. “This place looks lovely, and who said our date needed to be nice and quiet? I do enjoy things like this every now and then.”

“Well if you’re fine with it, then I guess we should head in,” Twilight smiled weakly. “There’s another line over there for reservations only.”

“Lead the way.”

The two mares walked towards the reservation only sign, where other ponies were standing about.

A pony, who everypony assumed was a waiter, walked over to the reservation area. He wore a black vest, white collared shirt, black bowtie. Trotting over to two familiar ponies, he smiled.

“Fancy Pants and Fleur De Lis, your table is ready.”

“Perfect,” Fancy Pants smiled back while Fleur simply nodded.

“Right this way,” the waiter said, leading them into the restaurant. The pair followed closely behind him, disappearing into the crowd.

“What time is our reservation?” Rarity asked, looking up at the nearby giant clock tower.

“It was for 8:00pm,” Twilight responded. “We still have a couple minutes.”

Just a moment later, the waiter came back, announcing two more names.

“Reservation for Princess Twilight Sparkle and Rarity?”

Ponies turned their heads to the pair, mainly focused on Twilight. There were whispers in the crowd, as well as some loud cheers.

“I love you Princess Twilight!” Somepony in the crowd yelled.

Another shout came out from the crowd. “You’re the best princess!”

“You’re really sexy!”

Everypony stopped for a second, looking at one another, trying to find the culprit. Twilight, however, was blushing profusely, glaring at the crowd.

“Princess Twilight?” The waiter called out to her. “You’re table’s ready.”

“Oh, yes,” Twilight shook her head, looking back at the waiter. Her face was still red with embarrassment, but she smiled the best she could. “Thank you. Rarity and I will be right behind you.”

“Right this way,” The waiter flashed a smile back, walking into the restaurant. As they entered, they were greeted with a wonderful aroma. All kinds of spices and herbs filled the air, mixing together perfectly.

Twilight seemed to have forgotten all about the comment from earlier as she looked around the restaurant. The inside wasn’t as showy as the outside. Instead, it was a lot more classy. The room was dimly lit, the crystal chandeliers hanging above illuminating the room ever so slightly. The tables were dressed neatly with a white tablecloth with gold accents. A candle sat right in the middle, providing a bit more light in the room.

“This place is amazing…” Twilight said as she walked.

“It truly is,” Rarity nodded. “The atmosphere, the decorations, the class! This has to be the best restaurant I’ve been to.”

Twilight looked around, trying to find a plate on anypony’s table. However, there were no plates to be seen. “I wonder what kind of food they serve here.”

“If I were to guess, I think it’d be mainly Prench cuisine here,” Rarity said.

“Why is it always Prench?” Twilight sighed. “Ever since I became a princess I’ve always ended up eating Prench food at least once a month.”

“Ponies think it screams refined and classy,” Rarity sighed. “But if I’m being honest, I think Neighponese dishes are much more elegant.”

“I’ve never actually been to a Neighponese restaurant,” Twilight said.

“Oh they’re just amazing darling,” Rarity grinned. “There’s a couple good ones here in Canterlot I’d recommend.”

The waiter came to a stop next to an empty table, pulling out the chairs for the ladies.

“Your table, madams.”

“Why thank you,” Rarity giggled, taking a seat.

Twilight bowed her head slightly. “Thank you.”

“Here are the menus,” the waiter said, placing them in front of them. “Would you two be interested in our specialty wine this evening? It originates from Roam and is aged to perfection.”

Rarity glanced at Twilight, who smiled and nodded.

“That would be amazing,” Rarity smiled at the waiter. “Two glasses, please.”

“Of course,” the waiter smiled back before making his way towards the kitchen area.

Rarity flashed a grin before opening the menu. “I didn’t take you as a wine pony, Twilight.”

“I drink a glass every once in a while,” Twilight shrugged. “I’m not too big on drinking in general to be honest. When I do drink, it’s either cider season or when I’m having some me time.”

“Sitting down reading with a nice glass of wine I presume?“

Twilight giggled. “You know me too well.”.

Rarity smiled in response. “So, any idea on what you’re going to order?“

“Probably something light,” Twilight sighed. “Starlight said I’ve been getting a bit pudgy recently.”

“Really?” Rarity placed her menu down. “I think you look just as good, if not better, than before. You have curves in all the right places and a pretty face to match it.

Twilight blushed slightly.

“You did grow a bit, but that’s to be expected. You’re an alicorn after all.”

“That’s what I thought too,” Twilight nodded. “My appetite is definitely bigger than before.”

“Your looks are nothing to worry about, darling,” Rarity hummed.

“Thanks,” Twilight sheepishly smiled.

The waiter arrived, levitating a tray behind him. He gently placed two glasses on the table, pouring the wine into them.

“Here is your wine, madams,” he said. “Now, are you two ready to order?”

“We are,” Twilight nodded. “I’ll have the patate au vin, please.”

“And I’ll have the ratatouille,” Rarity said.

“Right away,” the waiter bowed before leaving.

Twilight stared at the glass of golden white wine.

Rarity raised her glass up, a warm smile on her face.. “Shall we do a little toast?”

Twilight shrugged, raising her glass up as well. “Why not?”

The glasses made a small clink as they tapped them together.

Rarity grinned “To tonight!”

“To tonight,” Twilight repeated.

Raising the glass to her lips, Rarity took a sip. Her eyes widened slightly as she swooshed it around. “Oh my, this is quite good.”

Twilight took a sip as well. “You’re right!”

“I may have to buy a bottle of this,” Rarity said, levitating the wine bottle to her. “Frascati, huh?”

Twilight rubbed her chin. “I think I have a bottle like that at the castle.”

“Really?” Rarity’s eyes sparkled.

“I’m pretty sure,” Twilight said. “You can have it, if you want.”

“Oh thank you!”

“No problem,” Twilight smiled. “Think of it as a ‘thank you’ for this dress.”

Rarity nodded. “I’ve been meaning to ask this, and do excuse me if it’s rather blunt, but why did you ask me out on a date?”

“There has to be another reason besides you being interested in a pony to ask them on a date?” Twilight eyes slightly widened. “I don’t remember ever reading something like that…”

“What an innocent answer,” Rarity giggled. “Simply put, some ponies ask other ponies out on dates for favors or to mess with them. Just so you know, I’m not accusing you of having any hidden intention, it’s just I find it a little unusual you’d ask me out on a date out of nowhere.”

Twilight sighed. “I guess that cat’s out of the bag, huh?”

“Whatever could you mean by that?” Rarity cocked an eyebrow.

“Well between you and me Rarity, I kind of made a list of ponies to ask out on a date because I was afraid I’d end up all alone,” Twilight dryly chuckled. “I didn’t really take anything related to dating seriously until recently.”

“That is so you,” Rarity grinned. “Making a list of ponies to ask on a date to see if they’re your special somepony. Truly Twilight fashion.”

Twilight nodded. “Since you know that now, I guess that means you can’t really be my special somepony.”

“And why would it mean that?”

“W-Well, because I just admitted I had another intention with the date,” Twilight stuttered.

“Twilight, that’s not another intention,” Rarity giggled. “That’s exactly what dates should be for. Looking for your special pony and learning more about them!”

“I guess that makes sense…” Twilight nodded. “So does that mean you think this could work out?” Twilight smiled, a glint of hope in her eyes.

“You want me to be truly honest? Rarity said.

“Of course.”

“Then probably not,” Rarity sighed. “It’s not that I don’t enjoy your company or don’t like you, but it’s that I’m more focused on work right now. Plus, we’ve been good friends for a while now, I wouldn’t want that to change.”

“That’s what Fluttershy said…”

“Wait, Fluttershy actually went on a date with you?” Rarity asked in surprise. “I thought for sure she’d clam up as soon as you mentioned it.”

“She took it surprisingly well,” Twilight said.

“Good for her,” Rarity grinned. “I’m guessing your list has the other three as well on there?”

Twilight nodded.

“I would expect the same answer from them as well,” Rarity sipped her wine. “We’ve been friends for too long, so don’t take it too personally.”

“I won’t, I promise.”

“Well, good!” Rarity clapped her four hooves together. “Perfect timing too, because the food’s here!”

As if on cue, the waiter gently placed the food in front of them. Also refilling Rarity’s wine glass, he made his way towards some other guests.

Twilight looked down at the plate. “This looks good!”

“I wouldn’t expect anything less from such a restaurant,” Rarity smirked, levitating a fork up. “I do hope it lives up to my expectations.”

And it did.

The two spent most of the night catching up, just as good friends would do. There was no awkwardness because it was a “date”. There were no piercing silences. The two simply enjoyed each other's company, the food, and the wine. When all was said and done, they simply parted ways just as friends do after hanging out.

And Twilight felt there was nothing wrong with that, leaving with a smile on her face.

“It’s good to be back,” Twilight sighed, plopping onto her bed. Still wearing the dress Rarity gave her, she smiled. “Guess that takes Rarity off the list.”

Levitating the scroll over to her nightstand, she crossed out the fashionista’s name.

“And that’s perfectly fine.”

Author's Note:

Twilight is slowly learning about dating from experience!

This chapter came out a little longer than planned but that’s okay! Hope you all enjoyed it.

See you in the next one! :twilightsmile:

Comments ( 2 )

Deleted scene:
THe waiter comes with the receipt" Enjoy your evening" and leaves the two alone. Twilight takes a look at it first then pales" Oh no", Rarity hmms" What is it Darling?" Twilight then shows her the amount" Hmm that does appear to be more that what your purse looks like it can hold" Rarity then thinks a bit" No matter I know what to do" she smiles slyly. "Rarity, we can't dine and dash" Twilight says hushed as Rarity ushers the waiter over. Rarity ignores her however, then levitates out a small coin purse" Sorry for not saying this at the start but please do send the receipt to the palace finance office, si vous plait?" Rarity asks then puts the coin purse into the waiters hoof" pour vous" she smiles. The waiter nods and walks away. Twilight looks at Rarity both incredulous and scandalized" Did you really just?" Rarity then shushes" I'm sure the Princess is expecting this anyway" Rarity winks.

Such a cute fic! I can't wait for the next date. Honestly? I really hope Twilight's special somepony is Sunset Shimmer.

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