• Published 5th Jun 2022
  • 1,664 Views, 36 Comments

The Human and His Lopunny - Burningbloom78

During a crisis involving the Pokémon of Time and Pokémon of Space, a human and his partner for life is caught in the crossfire of two destructive strikes that warped their reality, opening a portal that casts them to a place of mystery.

  • ...

Celestia's Request by Proxy

Under the black pall of the moon, famished mutterings fill the still air near a house in the mobile city of Cloudsdale.

"So what's the plan?" said a stallion, his coat shadowed against the moonlight. His wings fidgeted uncomfortably as he tried to sink into the fluffy cloud.

"Yeah," said another voice. It was a mare. She stamped the cloudy surface fretfully, veering her gaze around as if afraid of being caught. "What are we going to do? We sent the letter, but nothing's changed!"

Another stallion sat in front of the other two ponies. "We gave them a warning and they chose to not heed it, so we will take matters into our hooves," he whispered.

The other stallion and the mare blinked and stared at one another, confused. "What are we thinking of doing, Blackwing?" the other stallion asked. "You had me and Slither Flight meet you out here very late."

"I know, Feather Sight, and I called you and Slither here to look at something I purchased," Blackwing murmured. He pushed a saddlebag between the three of them and opened it.

Slither Flight's eyes widened. "Necklaces? How could those help us?" she asked, sounding incredulous.

"These are special necklaces," Blackwing stressed, picking one up with his wing. "They are magical artifacts from a curio shop, kept under a glass dome. The shopkeeper warned me their danger, but he changed his tune after I gave him a large sum of bits. We put these on, and we'll gain a magic boost."

Feather Sight shuffled his hooves uncomfortably. "Blackwing, is this truly what we want to do?" he asked, sounding unsure. "I know we were angry that we weren't selected to join the Wonderbolts, but surely there are other positions..."

"We should have been picked!" Blackwing spat angrily, causing Feather Sight to flinch. "That know-it-all disastrous excuse of a pegasus shouldn't have even been considered! We were right for the job. We worked day and night. We exhausted ourselves. This was a dream we shared. And now it's gone!"

Slither Flight edged close to Feather Sight until their coats brushed. "I was angry and bitter, and I won't lie saying those feelings are gone, but..." She paused before going on. "Is this the right thing to do?" The mare shook her head anxiously, unsure of herself. "Feather?"

The pegasus was quiet for a while, his eyes fixed on the cloud under him until he spoke. "We've gone this far already," he whispered. "Although I'm unsure, what else are we supposed to do?"

"So you'll join me?" Blackwing asked, pleading. "We've always done everything together. I know this feels wrong, but what else can we do? We can't just simply accept this without doing something about it. It isn't fair!"

Slither Flight gazed at Blackwing and then at Feather Sight. She dipped her head in reluctance. "I don't want to hurt any pony..."

Blackwing put the necklace back into the saddlebag with the others. "And we won't," he assured her. "We'll just give folks a scare, and put that speed demon in her place. Feather Sight. Are you with me?"

Feather Sight shifted his worried gaze to meet Slither Flight's. It softened. "I'll do it if this is what Slither wants."

Blackwing looked expectant at Slither Flight, willing her to agree with him. "Slither?"

The mare sighed and gazed at him. "I'll help you, Blackwing," Slither Flight said, conceding. "You're my older brother, and as bull-headed as you can be, I'll stand by you. I always have." She shot a gentle glance at Feather Sight. "And you..."

Blackwing nodded. "Then in a few day's time, the plan will be set into motion..."

It was the early morning; a swift, cool breeze of the wind flowed through Joey's hair as he sat on the steps that led to his front door. Ever since he visited Indola at the Ponyville Clinc some time ago, Joey found that he enjoyed rising early in the morning; he'd take in the peaceful tranquility. Nothing went on, and it was quiet. His Pokémon were safe and well. He closed his limpid white eyes and inhaled the crisp air, slowly taking in the redolent scent.

"I think I'll stay home today," he decided with a yawn, stretching his arms until he heard them crack, making Joey elicit a groan of delight. "Ahh, that's the spot!"

Joey leaned back and watched the cloudless sky above. The warmth from the sun laved his caramel skin; it felt pleasant with the cool wind blowing through the air, creating the perfect weather. He narrowed his eyes as he espied a shadow falling into view, getting larger with each passing second. Joey then heard a raspy voice and suddenly all he could see was blue.

Whatever it was crashed into him on purpose, letting out girly squeals of excitement. As he fell back holding the pony, he recognized the voice. "Rainbow!" Joey called with mirth, ruffling the mare's mane as she pressed against him. "Early bird, eh?"

Rainbow Dash met Joey's clear white gaze and gave him a cocky smile that showed off her pearly white teeth. She was excited about something, that was for certain. Rainbow's wings twitched and her hooves lightly stamped the ground.

"You seem very excited," Joey said. "What's got you so riled up?"

Unable to contain herself any longer, Rainbow Dash shouts, "I'm a Wonderbolt!"

It's been a little over a month since Joey began living in Equestria and one of the things he had to know was how awesome the Wonderbolts were. From his understanding, the Wonderbolts are a group of elite pegasi that perform daring aerial acrobatics and life-threatening maneuvers to dazzle and impress crowds of ponies. Rainbow Dash had expressed very openly her desire to join them; she trained and trained, performing tricks, daring aerial gambits, suffering hospitalization time and time again, but never losing the drive to reach her dream. At long last, she had achieved it.

Joey gave Rainbow his congratulations. He knew how important it was for her and he was happy for her. "So, are you going soon?"

The rainbow mare rubbed the back of her mane, the ardor suddenly vanishing. "Yeah, I'll be away more often," she murmured, sounding slightly unsure. "I talked with my friends, and they support me like always, but..."

"But what?"

Rainbow sighed. "After a less-than-stellar day with the Wonderbolts and making a complete rear-end of a donkey of myself, I found that they weren't what I cracked them up to be."

Joey didn't say anything. He only sat next to Rainbow Dash, putting a comforting hand over her back, and waited for her to speak. There was uncertainty gleaming in her large, round eyes, and he knew something must have happened. When Rainbow Dash stayed silent, it was as if she wasn't sure what to say.

"What happened?" he asked her, his rich voice low and soft. "Did they do something to you?"

Immediately Rainbow Dash shook her head quickly. "No, not at all!" she said hastily, waving her wings in protest. Then she calmed down. "But after I messed up the most basic rule at the Wonderbolt Academy, they started calling me Rainbow Crash; a nickname I've been called ever since I was a filly. They weren't trying to be mean or anything, but it hurt a little, and it doesn't help they're justified in saying it too..."

Joey understood, nodding his head solemnly. "It seems your first impression didn't pan out like you wanted. The Wonderbolts are your idols, the whole reason you trained day and night, to have a shot at being with the big kahunas. Now you think it's all going to fall apart and that you won't be able to pick up the pieces, right?"

Rainbow nodded, a distressed look across her face. "If I don't do something soon, I'll be known as Rainbow Crash by the Wonderbolts for the rest of my life!" she cried out. "I have no idea how to make them forget that blunder!"

"Calm down, calm down," Joey whispered. He placed his hand atop Rainbow's head and caressed it. The soft ministration began to smooth her ruffled feathers and bristling coat. "You just need a good plan. Have you talked to Twilight and your friends about this?"

Taking pleasure in Joey's fingers smoothing her skull, Rainbow almost didn't answer. "No, I wanted to see you first," she murmured, her cheeks blushing in embarrassment. "I don't know how my friends will take it; they might think I'm a fool."

"Nonsense." Joey nudged Rainbow with his elbow. The abrupt action almost sent the mare toppling over, but she steadied herself and gazed at him. "Talk to your friends," he urged, "and they will help you. The first impression isn't everything. If you mess up the first time, prepare for the second; improve the situation by being better, more alert, and willing to contribute. Twilight might have an idea or two; she seems like the type of mare to channel those attributes pretty well."

Rainbow Dash gave Joey a small smile and nodded, giving what he said serious thought. He could tell she appreciated his input.

"And whenever you and the Wonderbolts have a show, try and sneak me an extra ticket," he said slyly, sticking his tongue out playfully. "I want to see the fastest mare in Equestria strut her stuff among the big leagues!" He could see the sullen look on Rainbow's face brighten with her usual cocky grin, then she took to the air, performing a few tricks to his amazement.

"Of course!" she shouted with gusto. "I'll be the best member there. My flying skills will leave you speechless!" Rainbow Dash fluttered back down and hugged Joey. "And thanks for the little pick-me-up. I gotta go see my friends. See ya!"

As Joey watched the mare blitz off into Ponyville, he heard the door open and turned to face Nian. She skipped over to him and sat beside him. "You think she'll be fine?"

"Of course," Joey said. "Rainbow's a tough one. All she has to do is make her second impression better than the first. It'll all work out." Joey stood up and began heading toward the open field beyond his house. "Now, how about we get to sparring?"

Nian cracked a smile. "Sure. Lena, field, now!"

The Chansey rushed out of the house. "Take it easy you two, we don't want to cause too much damage to ourselves!"

A few days pass until Joey heard a knock on his door. He was in the living room with Yuna, Nian, and Jenny. He was painting Jenny's nails red and Yuna painted his blue, while Nian watched the three with half-lidded eyes, dozing.

When he stopped to carefully open his front door to not ruin his freshly painted nails, a light brown stallion with a brown mane, blue eyes, and a cutie mark displaying a stamp with a heart waved at him. He was greeted by mailpony and resident beekeeper Parcel Post.

"I have a letter for a Joeshur Riverside," announced the stamp-loving stallion.

"That's me," Joey said, raising his hand. "What's up?"

The stallion dug into his bag of letters and perfectly fished out the envelope and handed it to Joey. "Looks like you got something special today!"

Perplexed, Joey examined the envelope carefully: white and signed with his name in cursive. Joey almost scowled; he loathed reading words in cursive; it made everything look messy. Scanning further, the middle of the envelope was emblazoned with a type of lightning bolt insignia.

"Huh," he murmured, rubbing his head with a palm. He looked at the stallion. "You say it's special?"

Parcel Post bobbed his head eagerly. "Judging from the unique emblem, it's an invitation to see a show!"

"An invitation?" Joey stared at the stallion, then at the letter, and back.

"It's the symbol of the Wonderbolts!" Parcel told Joey mirthfully. "Usually, to get a ticket, you'd have to order one in advance since Wonderbolt shows are typically held in a few weeks when tickets are selling, but yours is pretty special! It came from within!"

"Within?" Joey asked. "A member of the Wonderbolts sent me an invitation to their upcoming shows?"

"Yes, sir!" Parcel Post replied with unrestrained glee. "You're lucky, the next show is in three days! Whoever gave you that must think highly of you. Well, I'm off!"

Now that Joey thought about it, the letter may have been from Rainbow Dash. It must have been a gift for talking with her a few days ago, though, Joey would have happily paid for his ticket. Regardless, he was thankful. Waving his goodbyes, Joey returned to his activities with his Pokémon, excited about the upcoming Wonderbolt show.

The next few days flew by until the Wonderbolt show arrived. Joey was getting ready when a knock on the door grabbed his attention. He opens the door and sees a stallion with a ginger coat wearing the armor synonymous with the royal guard.

"Are you Joeshur Riverside?" the stallion asked briskly. Joey thought he heard an edge to this guard's voice, but he quickly dismissed it.

He nodded, saying, "I am and who are you?"

The guard stood at attention and saluted. "I am Sunspot Rise," he told the human. "Rockfall was my mentor."

Joey felt a fresh pang of hurt in his heart at being reminded of Rockfall. Perhaps the edge he thought he heard from the stallion was true. Sunspot must think it was partially Joey's fault Rockfall was dead.

"I'm sorry for your loss, Sunspot," Joey murmured, his voice wrought with sadness. "I didn't know Rockfall well, but the time I had spent with him will never be forgotten." Joey thought he saw Sunspot relax a little at his sorrowful words. "What can I do for you?"

"Princess Celestia requests your aid," he said.

Joey was perplexed and a bit hurt; Princess Celestia usually went to him personally and gave him information. She still needs time to grieve, he thought.

Sunspot continued. "I know this has sprung onto you suddenly but listen. The Wonderbolt event happening in Cloudsdale's Cloudeseum might be subjected to sabotage. The Wonderbolts have been threatened by an unknown third party, most likely a group of pegasi since the Cloudeseum is only accessible in the air, to demand the event be canceled or fear possible action. The Wonderbolts had refused to cave in."

That was surprising, a party of ponies threatening to cause harm to innocents. Joey was reminded of Roady and his Fool's Poison debacle. When a pony would consume the contents of the Fool's Poison, they were hospitalized for days, all for Roady to make a quick bit. But this was something different, more personal. This was to harm others for simply going to see a show performed by amazing ponies.

Joey's eyes narrowed, solemn. "What do we know about these ponies?"

"Not very much," Sunspot lamented, shrugging. "They're pegasi for sure, but we don't know why they are targeting the Wonderbolt show."

"Perhaps there's a connection?" Joey entreated. "I wouldn't think a pony, or a group of ponies would target the Wonderbolts if it wasn't for a reason; we need to figure out their motive. What I know is that the Wonderbolts held tryouts for ponies to become new Wonderbolts some time ago. Maybe that's the reason?"

Sunspot stared at Joey for a couple of heartbeats, taking in what the human suggested with a grimace on his face.

"Getting into the Wonderbolts is a big deal." Joey went on. "It takes a lot of skill to become one of them from what I learned, and when you do you are practically set for life, provided you do something idiotic that gets you thrown out."

Sunspot slowly bobbed his head. "You may be right," he uttered under his lips. "It takes a lot of heart and passion to go for something like that, and when you don't make it while others do it may create something unwarranted. Do you think these pegasi are ponies who failed the Wonderbolt tryouts?"

Joey shrugged. "Maybe, but I don't know," he said to the ginger-coated stallion. "It's possible. People can do a lot of foolish things, especially if they're envious."

"Right," Sunspot agreed. "We'll just have to be on patrol and look out for anything suspicious. Also, this is an operation best left out of any pony's ears; keep this mission radio silent. Got it?"

"Got it," Joey replied. "Twilight and her friends will be over in an hour to go to the event. Will you be at the Cloudeseum?"

Sunspot nodded, gesturing to his wings. "I'll be around the area. When you get there and have Princess Twilight and her friends distracted, slink away and meet up with me near the Cloudeseum's entrance gate so we can start scoping around. There will hardly be a pony traipsing about while the show is going on. We may see something then."

Joey nodded. "See you then." He watched Sunspot take to the air and fly away, leaving the human with a concerned look on his face.

"Joey, what's going on?" called a voice. It sounded groggy and grumpy. It was Nian.

"We got another mission from Celestia," Joey told her. "A bunch of fools might be targeting the Wonderbolt show later today."

Nian narrowed her eyes with contempt. "The event in the clouds, right?" Joey nodded. "But why?"

"Jealousy and passion are an ugly mix, and I suspect that Rainbow Dash is in the middle of it," he assumed, sighing. "I wouldn't be shocked if that mare had unknowingly garnered some unwanted attention."

"Who will you be taking?"

Joey placed a hand on his chin. "Nils, Mechan, and Lena," he decided. "Yuna needs to feel the earth under her paws, Narros doesn't do well with heights, and Jenny may cause a few problems with her Ice typing. You're coming of course."

Nian nodded, pleased with the selection. "Lena may prove to be highly useful in the skies," she pointed out shrewdly. "Two of her primary moves are perfect for hindering folks who're always on the move."

"You are right," Joey agreed. "Lena hasn't participated in a battle since Lunaris. Alright, let us get this mission done!"

"It's strange," Nian murmured. "How will we stay in the air? Nils can't carry us the entire time."

"Twilight may have a solution for that," he said. He wasn't sure either, but if some of Twilight's friends who didn't have wings are going, then there must be something the alicorn will be able to do. "We'll just have to wait and find out."