• Member Since 12th Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen 41 minutes ago

Bad Dragon

I write so that one day I may finally stop writing and be free, but these damn new ideas keep finding ways into my brain. I need to write more to vent them out!

Comments ( 8 )

> " I looked up and saw that both my hands were tied to the bed with Addagio’s penthouses."

This should be "Adagio's pantyhose"

A headinjury should lead to memoryloss, confusion, nausea, extreme headache, and cognitive impairment.

11290421 Fixed. Damn, autocorrect autoMakeWorse.

I did try to cover some of it with:

Every syllable that the Dazzling spoke increased the ringing in my head.

I didn't go into too much detail because I thought that's not what the reader cares about most at that moment.

It's always a problem in writing when a situation changes entirely. There's only so much one can describe with words alone. I could have described a struggle and gradual loss of control, but then things could get messy. Sometimes, sacrifices have to be made.

This story inspires me to reread "Hard Reset". If one achieves timelooping to gain an advantage on an adversary, letting the adversary know and duplicate timelooping, is a very bad thing

11307297 The only way to defeat a time-looper is to make it impossible for the time-traveler to win. However, you'd have to be a time-twirler yourself to account for every possible instance.


Never give the other looper a chance to loop; looper before the other looper so that the other looper gains no knew knowledge.

11307880 Indeed. However, in this story, Sunset Shimmer isn't even a looper anymore. She only thought that she was. The Sirens have all the time in the world to extract any and all information from her. But they don't stop there. They suck so much more out of her, every day.

11538269 Still better love story than Twilight.

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