• Member Since 12th Aug, 2013
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Bad Dragon

I write so that one day I may finally stop writing and be free, but these damn new ideas keep finding ways into my brain. I need to write more to vent them out!

Comments ( 96 )

11761720 Indeed. There seems to be a little bit of Bad Dragon in Bad Dragon.

E-rated fic in the Foalcon group? Weird like a virgin at a party on Epstein Island. I looked at it to see if you accidentally on purpose didn't put a wrong rating on it, but it seems to me sniffing one's own farts isn't against fimfic rules.

11761759 Well, the dragon is fondling the filly. Make of that what you will.

"I Pinkie promise to publish a new chapter every day until the story is complete."

Pinkie: Better hold to it!:pinkiesmile:
you know what happens to those who break a pinkie promise

11761834 I wouldn't dare break a Pinkie promise.


This is not an E-rated story. Come on. This has gone on long enough; I'm revoking these fetish stories trying to escape being rated appropriately by using vague language.

Personally, I find fetish stories to be weird. Never making one for as long as I live, so you won’t ever have to worry about that from me. I was confused when I initially saw this to be E-rated as well as you normally don’t see that from this genre. :applejackunsure:

At least this story’s more interesting than the usual lot to say the least. The whole “find user via story” premise got me intrigued.

11763051 In my mind, this is still an E-rated story. Nothing sexual in nature takes place in it.

But yes, the story does deal with obsession of a sort. Call it a fetish if you will.

Oh, and maybe you should publish a story called 'Admiral Producer'. :twilightsmile:

I do have a story in early pre-development under that working title, but it’s likely not to release any time soon due to my unfamiliarity with the “Romance” genre and need to hone my craft before going for it.

11763523 Good luck with your story. Writing romance is hard. Whenever I try to do it, it always turns dark.

Comment posted by TherealNightblader deleted Dec 2nd, 2023

Well what part of romance do you focus on?

11765520 It's not the usual romance, but they both have intimate agendas. They both need to gain the other one's trust and form an intimate connection, the dragon is just really bad at it. So, I guess you could say it's a one-sided romance.

But if you don't mind spoilers: They both become one in the end.

I am sorry to be late to the story, but work is a sleep depriving nightmare. You can read about it in the Skeptics' guide to Equestria.

This "becoming part of something bigger than herself" in the presence of a dragon probably will not end well for her.

11766635 I know the feel. Time is a luxury.

And yes, dragons are big, so maybe the pony's wish will be granted, after all.

> “Just to bring closure to everycreature, I guess.”

This could not possibly be foreboding.

11766649 Not getting closure to problems could be considered a bad thing. So, maybe bringing closure to others is a good thing?

Burning away a septic infection works, but the burn probably will become infected. Still, it is probably the least bad solution.

She has a massive septic infection and the dragon plans to eat her after dipping her into blood. This cannot end well.

11766655 I'm not sure if I'd trust a dragon to do it, though. Something tells me that precision is not at the top of a dragon's priorities.

11766658 I can see this ending very well for the dragon.

This whole "seeking a dragon" is just a bad idea.

11766766 If I ask you how your GF died, and you tell me that she got ill and died, that's lame.

But if you told me that a dragon ate her, I'd tell you that that's a really cool way to go.

And besides, people practice bad ideas all the time, like not getting vaccinated and dying in the lamest way possible.

I thought this story was originally rated E. What happened?

11767377 I thought so too, but then this happened:

Thus far, I've had 4 stories turned from Everyone to Mature. These were all supposed to be Everyone-rated as well.

Turned from E to mature for using the 'R' word in dialogue:

[Adult story embed hidden]

Turned from E to mature for featuring a broken bone:

[Adult story embed hidden]

Turned from E to mature for featuring Luna opening her mouth to speak.

TOral Pleasing Is The Law
Luna has been stuck on the moon for a millennium and is out of practice when it comes to using her mouth.
Bad Dragon · 2.2k words  ·  18  22 · 461 views

And of course this one for featuring hugs:

[Adult story embed hidden]


After reading the story yeah I can see why it is rated M now cause of more fetish like content?

11767464 Well, it does feature vorarephilia, but it's an Everyone-rated kind of vore, you know?

This is bad for the mare. The dragon will eat her.

11767569 Maybe the pony's wish will be granted and the pony will become part of something greater.

Having your wish granted is usually considered a good thing.


This story features foalcon and graphic depictions of fetishistic vore content. Maybe not the most graphic vore content I've seen, but absolutely not appropriate for an Everyone rating.

The Oral Pleasing story probably could have got away with just a T, since it's largely just adult humor leading the audience along before pulling the rug out. I don't know why you decided to just immediately rate it M and cry foul about being mistreated instead of talking to me about it after I revoked it. I'd have told you the same thing right then.

"Celestia Visits Nightmare Moon" features a graphic torture scene. An E-rated "broken bone" story would be something like when Rainbow Dash starts reading Daring Doo books while in the hospital. She gets an owie booboo and that's about as much as you see. An E-rated "broken bone" story doesn't describe Celestia stomping on NMM's wing "until the wing bones were nothing but shattered pieces wrapped in skin." Calling that story "M-rated because broken bone" is a level of bald-faced dishonesty I actually find impressive.

Edit: Ah, ok. My Friend Tenty includes Sweetie Belle literally pissing herself in terror during most of a graphic rape scene. Like yeah, it eventually goes into a more wholesome direction than that, and it's not rape porn. I can see an argument being made for a T rating instead of an M, but you are nothing short of delusional if you think that story is appropriate for an E rating.

I normally don't really care to correct people telling wildly inaccurate versions of their encounters with site staff, because it's petty nonsense and generally not worth my time. But I've noticed a fair bit of people asking me pretty alarming questions about super minor stuff lately, like "Am I gonna get banned for describing a short kiss between two married adults in my T-rated story, or should I rate it M?" It's probably incidental, but the thought that your blatant, outrageously inaccurate representations of your inability to rate stories appropriately might be contributing to people thinking of me as some kind of tyrannical dictator really salts my goddamn walnuts.

11767938 Thank you for the additional explanation. I changed the Oral story from M to T. I didn't want to bother you about it before. I also didn't want to push my luck any further. Better safe than sorry, I thought.

My comment below was prompted by the user's question. I could see how a story's sudden rating change from E to M could be considered strange by an unfamiliar observer, so I wanted to express that that's not that extraordinary. Well, at least in my case. As far as I know, this was the first and only time, after 4 stories got a rating change, that I even said anything about it. I haven't even written any threads or blogs about it. I simply accepted it. I wouldn't have said anything about it at all if it wasn't to answer a user's question.

From my perspective, I'm a guest on this site. The rules of Admins/Moderators/Story approvers apply. It doesn't matter whether the rules are good or bad. It doesn't matter whether I agree with them or not. They simply are. I don't take your engagement for granted. On many sites, arbitrary rules are simply enforced, often without any explanation. Any engagement of 'super-users' I see on this site, I take as a blessing and not as an obstacle that needs to be overcome. So, thanks again for going out of your way to explain things further. I appreciate it.


Like I said, it's probably unrelated, but honestly people forming opinions based on what you say is a far smaller problem than if you actually meant what you said. If you actually wrote a torture scene, 70% of a foalcon rape scene, and a foalcon vore scene and each time thought "yeah sure, this is all good for E, nothing sexual happens!" then that's so much more concerning than just telling lies on the internet.

11768023 I envision a bright and wonderful future where freedom of speech is law. In that sweet utopia, there will be no distinction between E and M.

Obviously, we're not there yet, but I am already there in my mind. You may find that concerning. I find it liberating.


Ummm I understand freedom of speech, but I ALSO think that there are somethings that just aren't appropriate for minors-

Anyone can read your stories, but I think everyone can agree with me that you wouldn't show a three year old or a twelve year old some things. Maybe it gets slightly more iffy around like 16 but I still think that 18+ is a good distinction just because then someone is a legal adult and able to make their own decisions on what to consume.

Children are the most innocent among us and they are a protected status for a reason. Please don't corrupt them because of sad fantasy-

Also, that is why teen ratings exist to allow those younger to taste more mature topics in a more reasonable manner


Buddy, I'm as radically pro-free-speech as you can get. This is not some puritanical morality crusade. I don't have the slightest issue with people who enjoy reading, writing, drawing, or otherwise involving themselves in fetish art. *I* read, write, draw, or otherwise involve myself in fetish art all the time. That is not the issue here. The issue is that different stories have different combinations of words in them that stuffy egghead literature types refer to as different "content", like how some stories are about Sweetie Belle and other stories are about Pinkie Pie. Somebody who wants to read a story about Pinkie Pie shouldn't have to sift through a mountain of stories written by weirdos who go "I dream of a free speech paradise where there is no difference between Sweetie Belle and Pinkie Pie."

The same principle applies to fetishes and stuff. The people who cry foul about fetish stories being improperly rated E are often the exact same people who read and write fetish stories on a daily basis. They're not mad you wrote it. It's just that they also sometimes read actual E-rated stories where Scootloo learns to fly or Fluttershy takes care of her pet squirrels, and they want to keep the two separate so they can enjoy them at different times based on their mood. Hell, if I'm actually in the mood for some wacky fetish-romp through Sexville, it's nice to be able to filter out E-rated stories in search results so I am presented with a list of stories I might actually want to read. Stories should be tagged, rated, and described adequately the same way products on the shelf at the supermarket should be labeled adequately, so the consumer knows what the hell is in the box before he buys a box of string cheese, takes it home, rips it open and foalcon tentacle rape spills out all over his apartment instead.

11768053 11768055 Perhaps I'm generalizing. Maybe I'm even in the wrong.

I do have a general idea about subjects people get their panties in a knot about. Sex is one of those things, for some reason. And I did ask myself for all 4 stories, "Are these sex-focused stories?" Sure, some of them feature sexual themes, but helping somepony get off to it isn't their primary function.

As for the violence, it's a cartoon show. Most of the time, violence is funny. It's hard to say when the amount of violence is too much when the show doesn't have a problem hinting at the prospects of looming death on occasion. It's a tool, like any other tool. I don't warn about every literally device I use. Why are some literally tools okay and some are dangerous or something? I don't know, but that's how this world operates, I guess.

I don't see a warning in the supermarket stating in bold red color that the milk is white. I mean, sure, it's white. I'm not denying that it's white. Maybe there are even people out there who get their panties in a knot if they see white food. I honestly don't know. Maybe there are people out there who sometimes aren't in the mood to eat white food. Again, I don't know. All I know is that I'm not one of those people.

You could ask a blind person which color of clothes you should wear for the occasion.
The blind person could attempt to answer the question based on some vague references about the feelings some colors evoke and fuzzy stuff like that, but it wouldn't be easy. Sometimes, a blind person would probably give the wrong advice, even with maximum effort.

Personally, I don't care about it, just like I don't care if my food contains gluten, nor can I detect it. I can infer it. Maybe the color of the food can give some indication if it's wheat-based, I don't know. It's hard to tell. I don't care about the rating of a story, either. I don't just wake up one morning and choose violence, for some reason. Some stories could benefit from more sexual themes and violence in them. Some employ too much of those elements. But to add less milk to avoid pancakes looking pale would make no sense to me. It would ruin the pancakes. Sure, you could artificially place pancakes in 50 categories of shades, but why would you do that? Maybe some people want that, I don't know. I just know that I don't care about the shade of my pancake, I just care that it has the right amount of milk in it, regardless if that makes it more pale or not.

I can't promise that I won't ever miss-rate a story again. Sure, if there are a lot of 'scary' words in it, I can tell the rating with no problem. But all the shades in between are sometimes hard to identify with certainty, at least for me.

Either way, I'm not sure if I'm comfortable having my art connected with this kind of content. I'm requesting you remove my art from your story as well as any of my credentials, promptly

11768101 Done.

The story is the same as at the time i linked it to you before you started to draw for it. Either way, it's your picture, so your rules apply. Thank you for letting me use it until now.

Edit: I put up an inferior cover art from stock pictures now.

Frankly, this story is predictable:

In the 1st chapter, I suspected that the dragon would eat the mare.

11768167 The story description already hints at this.

You wish to become part of something greater, and there is nothing greater than a dragon.

But it's not about the end goal. It's about the journey and friends we meet along the way, or something like that.

Are there any dragons at all in My Little Pony G5?

it's a lackluster end but a fun story nonetheless


Man, so much of this comment is legit Billy Madison tier rambling incoherently without even approaching a rational thought, but I'll do my best to address some of the... points? you've made? Question mark?

I do have a general idea about subjects people get their panties in a knot about. Sex is one of those things, for some reason. And I did ask myself for all 4 stories, "Are these sex-focused stories?" Sure, some of them feature sexual themes, but helping somepony get off to it isn't their primary function.

Having sexual themes is enough to warrant at least a T rating. Having any kind of explicit sexual or excessively fetishistic content is enough to warrant an M rating. It doesn't matter if it's the "primary function" of the story. People need to know what's in the story they're about to read. The site needs to know what's in it so it can show your story to people who want to read what it contains.

As for the violence, it's a cartoon show. Most of the time, violence is funny.

Yeah, the part where Celestia is stomping on Luna's wings, utterly destroying them, as Luna cries and howls in agony and begs her sister to stop, that's fucking hilarious. I was just laughing nonstop the whole time she was being savagely dismembered. Cupcakes, Rainbow Factory, they're all just comedy stories, really.

Like, I literally do not know how to explain this if you're legitimately confused on what is and isn't gore. If this was a T-vs-M debate I'd be a lot more understanding, because it is just a step or two past the line into M territory. I usually use the yardstick of some kind of graphic dismemberment; a detailed depiction of an arm or leg or other similar body part being removed from the body is generally the line between T and M violence. It's not exact or absolute, but that's about the level I'm talking about. So, sure, I'd absolutely be willing to at least hear someone out who said that story should be rated T, and I'd happily work with them to maybe tone down the detail just a little bit if they were really dead-set on getting it to a T rating. I love helping out with stuff like that, I genuinely find it fun to try and solve those kinds of problems.

But E? It's silly cartoon comedy violence? Are you kidding? I have no desire to ever read even a sentence of that Luna tortureporn ever again, but that quote I posted before about shards of bone in a bag of skin was a direct quote, and that wasn't even the worst one I saw in the little bit I could be bothered to skim of the thing. That's NOT comedic, cartoon, "funny" violence. That is brutal, horrific gore. If you genuinely don't know the difference, you need to see a goddamn therapist yesterday.

I don't see a warning in the supermarket stating in bold red color that the milk is white.

No, but the jug has this helpful label on it that says "milk." We, as reasonable, rational human beings capable of thought, know what "milk" is. We appreciate seeing the "milk" label on the jug, so that when we go to the store, we know what's in the jug. If I go to the store with the intention of buying milk, I can look for the label that says "milk" and grab it. If I've already got a jug of milk at home but I'm out of orange juice, I look at the "milk" label and go "oh, that's not what I need," and I keep walking down the aisle until I see a separate jug labeled "orange juice."

If I then get home, and the jug labeled "orange juice" actually has milk inside it, I'm not mad because somebody dared to make white food. I'm not mad about pale pancake batter, I'm not mad about how milking cows is barbaric and immoral or whatever vegans say about it, I'm not mad because milk is a sin against God and humanity and my first amendment rights are being trampled on and milk should be canceled. I'm mad because I have been told something's one thing when it's actually a whole other, separate thing. I have been lied to.

Also, my cousin is deathly allergic to dairy; his throat closes up, he can't breathe, and he could legitimately die from drinking just a couple sips of milk. Obviously nobody's doing that in response to reading fanfic, but allergies are actually a thing that goes a little bit beyond "getting panties in a knot," and some people have real-world trauma that makes it reeeeeeeally not fun to read about stories with rapey themes in them. Is your response "sorry that the story I pitched as a fun, innocent, E-rated story about friendship made you relive the most traumatic experience of your life; I do have a general idea about subjects people get their panties in a knot about, and rape is one of them for some reason, but since it wasn't the primary function of the work I figured you could just deal with it" ?

(Again, if this is an otherwise dark and adult-themed T-rated story where one character happens to get assertive and rapey with another in one small scene of a much larger work, I'm a lot more sympathetic and willing to tell the people getting mad to just deal with it. I'm not going to mandate a non-con tag if 200 words out of a 50,000 word story feature a character getting a little sexually forceful toward another. But this is a short story with an E RATING where Sweetie Belle is being held down against her will and urinates herself out of fear! Panties are not knotted here! This is a legitimate concern!)

Personally, I don't care about it, just like I don't care if my food contains gluten, nor can I detect it.

Right, you and everybody else who doesn't have Celiac disease.

I realize that I contributed somewhat in sending this analogy off the rails when I alluded to tentacle rape string cheese, so I don't have a ton of room to judge, but I figure I could get away with a joke here, especially because later in the same paragraph you say:

Some stories could benefit from more sexual themes and violence in them. Some employ too much of those elements.

Which, yeah, dude, you're 100% right. Absolutely. Not every story should be safe and light and innocent. Some of the best stories on this site are those that explore super mature, adult themes with these silly colorful cartoon horses, and it's amazing. I don't even mean porn, either. There are tons of fantastically-written character dramas that happen to include a sex scene, or a graphically violent scene, and are better for having included it than not.

That's not the issue. The issue is that stories with such content need to be tagged appropriately. That's it. It's not about people wanting to make their pancake batter paler, it's that sometimes you're in the mood for a story where Celestia violently dismembers her sister while she pleads for mercy that will never come, and sometimes you're in the mood to read about Apple Bloom having tea with her grandmother next to a cozy fireplace. Pitching a fit about how people can't handle their pancake batter without all this tentacle rape in it, goddamn gluten allergy blind people voring all our healthcare and demanding red labels on our milk, you sound legitimately insane.

You don't seem to have any problem putting the right character tags on stories. This is no different. Classify your shit properly so people know what's inside it before they read it. That's all that's being asked of you.

I can't promise that I won't ever miss-rate a story again.

Well that's sad to hear, because I can promise that if you mis-rate a story as E when it should be M again, you're looking at ban time. Figure it out, or start submitting to mod queue instead of autoqueue so I can hold your widdle hand thrwu the pwocess. If you genuinely can look at these stories and not even understand the problem, you are not intellectually mature enough to handle the responsibility of autoqueue.

11768284 Thank you for the lengthy explanation. I imagine some people can tell the rating by inner feels alone. Me, I have to have a publish status check. And now I have a larger checklist. If I get confused in the future, I'll make sure to ask.

11768195 11768250 There's also Sparky.

11768212 I'm glad you found the story to be fun. I was actually afraid that some parts got a little repetitive. I was afraid that some might find this story to be boring. I tried to combat that with higher stakes, but that solution may have come with its own set of worms. Writing is hard.

This. I remember my father renting a cartoon from the local library because my sister and I, both very young at the time, loved bunnies so much. Turns out Watership Down wasn't the best choice for us. So yeah, give people at least a general warning of what's to expect. Nobody in their right mind would put Peppa Pig right next to Happy Tree Friends in the kids' aisle just because both have bright cartoon animals. Or put the latter in the kids' aisle to begin with, for that matter.

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