• Published 17th Jul 2022
  • 1,971 Views, 98 Comments

Sweet Madness - Get Bent

(Topper’s Pizza Full Ver.) A lonely pizza parlor owner is visited by the Princess of the Night. What follows is a relationship full of trials and tribulations. But most importantly, pizza!

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Little Thought in My Head, Fiction Finds Happiness

Topple stared at the off-white piece of parchment in his hooves.

”Of course we can have a night court appointment, Topple.” He read.

He nodded. Good. He would be able to talk to her about his advertising, which he labeled as ‘step one’ in his head. Step two was making the fliers, step three was hanging them up; so-on and so-forth.

How many steps there were going to be, eh. He shrugged to himself. He could worry later. Which was definitely NOT something he had been saying to himself for multiple days now.

Of course not.

Setting the parchment down on his dining room table, he stretched. His limbs cracked and popped, finally being free from their locked positions. He groaned, feeling pleasure from the action.

Shaking his body, as if he were a dog trying to dry off, he situated himself on this plane of existence.

He needed to head to work. Opening time was coming, and it was coming soon.

“Doubtful anypony’s gonna bucking show up…” he muttered, a hint of a growl in the back of his throat.

He was still bitter about that.

Who wouldn’t be, he justified to himself. No business, life feels like it’s going nowhere??

Anypony else would’ve given up.

But not him!

For some reason.

He dispelled the thoughts from his head, grabbed his apron, dusted it off, resisted the urge to burn it, and then put it around his neck. The old material scratched against his fur and irritated his skin.

Adjusting it didn’t fix the issue. He just had to deal with it.

As with most things in his life.

”Hang on tight, we’ll push the speed of light…” He sang quietly as he walked down the steps that led to the dead-end hellhole of a responsibility he didn’t want.

I mean restaurant.

He meant restaurant.


He shook his head and pushed open the door, the creaky hinges and faded paint showcasing its age.

…And there it is.

Topper’s Pizza.

In all its glory.

He pursed his lips and flipped on the light switches, them being only a little bit away from the door. The lights turned on sequentially, bathing the room in an iridescent, yellowish, yet… oddly nostalgic glow.

…He did grow up here, after all.

After that thought, he walked up to the front door and unlocked it, ending his morning routine.

He doubted the doors being locked would change the amount of customers that walked in, but hey!

Who was he if not logical.

He considered himself.

…He was being very negative today.

No wonder he’s not getting customers.

He’s bad karma!

Frowning, he knocked twice on a wooden table nearby.

He didn’t know what it would do, but he hoped it would help negate the karma.

A few seconds went by after he did so.

And then a few more.

He backed up from the door.

A few more seconds.

He didn’t know what he was doing, but-


A pony!

She was walking towards the door!

She was heading his way!

He tried to contain his excitement. He didn’t want to scare her off. He backed way up off of the door, and watched from behind a table near the kitchen.

Here she comes…


“H-Hello?” The pony asked, having instantly seen Topple. Hiding.

Behind a table.

“H-Hey! How can I help you?” He asked, jumping out from his hiding spot and putting on his best customer service voice.

Forget the bad mood. This was amazing.

“Hey! Are you the owner of this pizza shop?” She asked, responding kindly to his customer service. Score.

“Sure am!” He nodded. “Phil Colli- I mean Knead Top, at your service!”

He was a little nervous.

The true meaning of his name went right over her head. “Oh, good!” She said, seemingly in relief. As far as he was aware this was her first time coming in. “I read about the Princess spending money at a pizza restaurant,”

He raised an imaginary eyebrow.

“And,” she continued, “Upon working some night shifts around here and seeing her come in a few times, I put two and two together.” She smiled.

Topple’s eyes were as wide as dinner plates.

…She read about Luna spending money here.

Was Luna… advertising for him?

Writing reviews?

He felt hopeful.

“So, like, does the Princess come in on personal business, or is the pizza just that good?” She asked, interrupting his thought process. She was still smiling.

His brain short-circuited. “Uh, erm, it’s- its just that good!” He coughed.

He hoped she didn’t think he was lying.

“Oh, wonderful!”

Hook line and sinker.

“In that case, can I get some grub?” She asked, seemingly more relaxed than before. Her eyelids had lowered.

He nodded, and told her to take a seat where she liked.

And while he went to get her a menu, he considered her words again.

Luna had either advertised, or it was leaked.

Either way; he gets customers!

He can’t be angry.

If anything, it would be weird to be bitter today.

”Hang on tight, we’ll boogie out of sight..” He sang; this time, less depressed sounding.

In fact, one could even say he was happy.

Toppleicious practically danced as he locked up the restaurant that night.

He hadn’t sat down with that customer or anything, but she complimented the pizza and the restaurant as she ate. Said it was tasty, and the atmosphere was nice. Said she didn’t like how stuck-up Canterlot restaurants were.

…She left a pretty good tip, too.

But that’s less important.

By all intents and purposes, she was an incredible customer. He hadn’t gotten any others after her, but that’s okay. Other ponies are going to put things together like she did. He’ll get customers. It’ll happen. It’s inevitable.

Especially if Luna keeps coming by.

He smiled.

He grinned.

He laughed.

He walked up the steps to his house and unlocked his door. Walking inside, he stared at the bill on his table.

He smirked at it, and walked right by.

Vile thing, that bill.

“But you know what?” He said, conviction present in his tone as he threw off his apron. It landed unceremoniously on his bed.

“I don’t care.” He muttered.

He laughed.

“I’ll defeat you, government!” He yelled, slamming a hoof on his dresser.

!!It creaked!!


“Ah!!” He yelled, backing up.

It was gonna explode!

…he waited a few seconds.

…thank Celestia, it didn’t explode.

It was just really, really old.

He was silent for a few more seconds.

“I should treat my things better.” He muttered.

Oh well.

He smiled.

He got a customer.

Things were looking up for dear old Topple.

Author's Note:


obey the groove