• Published 17th Jul 2022
  • 1,972 Views, 98 Comments

Sweet Madness - Get Bent

(Topper’s Pizza Full Ver.) A lonely pizza parlor owner is visited by the Princess of the Night. What follows is a relationship full of trials and tribulations. But most importantly, pizza!

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I Have Tried Letting Go, Something’s Holding Me Down, Must Be Tied to My Wrist..

Topple shifted in his bed, feeling consciousness return to him.

No dream, yet again.

And he just felt pissed off.

He barely got any sleep, dream or no dream.


Shit, he didn’t know!

What a good start to the day!

The good mood he had yesterday felt like but a fleeting memory. Frankly, he didn’t know why he woke up so mad. Maybe the reality just set in, or something saddening like that.

The reality that even if he got more customers, that bill would probably still be missed. Which sucked.

He was stuck between a sock and a hard cock.

What the hell kind of metaphor is that?

That’s not a metaphor.

He growled.

Today is gonna SUCK!

Why does it all suck?

Everything sucks.

He left his bedroom, slamming the door on the way out.

“Stupid bucking bill.” He said, walking to the bathroom.

He threw the door open, grabbed his tooth brush, and roughly brushed his teeth.

He forgot the toothpaste.

He applied the toothpaste.

He continued brushing.

His gums probably bled.

He didn’t find himself caring.

He spit in the sink, washed his brush, and put it back in the holder.

What a drag.

He walked out of his bathroom, didn’t bother checking the time, and threw on his apron.

He didn’t care for breakfast. He wasn’t hungry anyway.

He frowned as he walked downstairs.

He threw open the old door, walked to the entrance, unlocked it, and walked back to the kitchen. When he swung the double doors wide, he took notice of the calendar on the wall.



But, wait.

The date.

Today was the day he scheduled that night court appointment!

How could he forget!

He felt his anger fade slightly.

He can’t be this angry when he talks to Luna in…

…fourteen hours.

He just can’t be. She would banish him to the moon.

Though, he would probably do that himself.

He couldn’t imagine being angry with Luna. Sure, she was a tease, but she was always nice to him. The teasing was friendly. She never intentionally hurt his feelings or anything.

And he didn’t ever want to hurt hers. Unintentionally or intentionally.

It just felt… wrong.

Like the world would end if he did such a thing.

His anger waned more.

He sighed. He could use a glass of water, or something.

Getting said glass, he took it out to the main parlor. It was nice outside. Might as well try to relax.

He sat down, and took a sip of water.

It was nice. Cold. Crisp. Refreshing.

He moved the glass slightly, and rested his head down.

He needed to clear it.

Talk about a mood swing and a half…

He felt his stomach rumble.

‘I don’t care for breakfast’ my flank…

As he thought about it, his head felt heavier.

His world felt lighter.

He blinked slowly.

He raised his head.

He felt…


He felt fine.

He didn’t feel angry.

Not anymore, at least.

He smiled.


Now. When is that night court appointment again?

He racked his brain for the answer. It was late, but not too late.




What time is it…

He looked at the clock.



He jumped up off the chair.

Not even taking off his apron, he shoulder checked the front door. It swung open and he ran out into the night. Nopony will rob the place anyway. It’ll be fine

He just had to get to the castle.

As he ran down the streets of canterlot, he picked up the speed. The moon had already been raised.

He couldn’t be late. He couldn’t let her think he stood her up.

. Not like that.

Just. Like.

His cheeks felt hot.

…Whether or not it was from the running, or something else, he would never admit it.

Topple ran through the imposing hallways, not bothering to admire the plaques and murals and paintings decorating the… otherwise, plain, walls of the castle.

He was almost there.

Well, he hoped.

He was just following some arrows and the small map near the entrance to the place. He saw it a few minutes ago; he hoped he memorized it well enough.

Just a right here….


The doors to the throne room slammed open.

“Ahh!” Luna yelled, charging a spell out of instinct.

It blasted off, striking the spot right next to the throne room door.

And it, subsequently, sent Topple sprawling out onto the hard marble floor.

He breathed heavily. Celestia. That was close…

The guards nearby raised their spears in defense. He had run in unannounced, after all. He didn’t blame them for getting defensive.

If he saw some random pony in an apron shoulder check his door open and then dodge a magic spell, he would be pretty worried too.

“Topple!” Luna yelled, standing up after realizing who she had fired at. She tried to move forward, but she was blocked by a guard.

“Rickets, stop. I know him.” She stated, looking over at the aforementioned guard.

He shrugged, and lowered his spear. “Alright, Princess.”

Topple assumed he knew her well.

Luna thanked him, and then she took notice of the…


Every guard looked ready to kill Topple.

“Guards, no. He’s a friend!” She yelled, loud enough for all of them to hear.

They turned to her incredulously.

“I was startled, is all. He has an appointment with me.” She explained.

Jeez. Her guards sometimes. Such worrywarts.

The guards nodded, and lowered their weapons.

“Oh thank Cel-“ Topple started.

Luna gave him the stink eye.

“…thank Luna.” He muttered, and laughed nervously.

Luna laughed genuinely.

“Come on, Topple. Get up.” She said, and picked him up with her magic. “Let’s discuss.”

He nodded, and walked towards her.

After a few minutes, Topple had stated his request.

Luna, surprisingly, agreed.

Topple liked to think it was unsurprising, but, frankly; he was lucky.

“I will order my guards, and all royal nobles and guardsmen, not to tear down any fliers. Is this acceptable?” She asked, trying to remain professional.

She was a professional, of course. But it was hard to be professional with Topple.

Knead Top.

She giggled.

But she covered her mouth quickly after.

“Sure, that’s… good.” He hesitated.

Because she laughed.

He thought that was weird.

“I was laughing at something else,” she explained, noticing his odd expression.

His eyes brightened. “Oh, okay. You agree though?”

“I do.” She nodded.

He smiled. “Sweet!”

She nodded, and giggled again. “It is quite sweet of me.”

They both smiled.

“I shall visit your restaurant tomorrow, Mr. Top.”


Mr. Top was his father.

And his grandfather.

And his great grandfather.


This is a really old name.

“However.” Her tone became sharp, interrupting his thought process.

He instantly straightened.

“If you’re requesting this for the reason I think you are…”

There was a silence.

“And what would that be..?” He asked.

She hesitated. She seemed to be trying to think of what to say.

“Are you losing business, my friend?” She asked, genuine sympathy present in her voice.

…He mulled that over.


He is.

He’s losing so much business.

He doesn’t know what to do.

He can’t sleep. He doesn

“No.” He muttered, shaking his head. “Things are going fine.”

…Luna stayed silent, staring at the ceiling in contemplation.

She cleared her throat, soon facing him again. “Well, just..” she started. “If things ever go awry, just know that I am here to help.” She said, and smiled warmly. “Not to be cynical, of course. But. Just know there is an opportunity here at the castle. If that need were to ever arise. Dane could use a partner.”

He smiled softly back.

She didn’t believe in him.

Frankly, he didn’t believe in himself.

But at least he had a safety net.

Who was Dane, though?

“Thank you, Princess.”

He decided against asking.

He would probably learn soon enough.

She nodded.

He nodded.

…And court was over.

Luna sat to herself. Topple seemed really upset at court today. Frazzled, stressed. She was still yet to see his dream bubble.

Maybe she should check up on him…

She exhaled, and shook her head.

She wished she could just. Give him the money he needed to pay his bills.

Why can’t you? I’m sure he would appreciate it.

Because. It’s not that simple. Giving money is nice, but there’s a problem with that.

I’m listening.

…She could probably pay one bill. But what about next month? Or the month after that?

It was statistically unlikely that his restaurant would blow up in popularity. Even with the fliers he was using. Which is why she gave him the offer for a job.

Good vote of confidenc-

NOW SHE could afford to keep his restaurant afloat, yes, but…

All of the bits she gets are from an allowance from the Royal treasury.

And because of this, those bits are.. documented.

And released to the public.

…She had fought Tia on the issue in the past.

Celestia! What is the meaning of this!

Luna demanded, throwing open the doors to the throne room

“Whatever could you mean, my sister?” Celestia asked, oblivious to the strife of Luna.

Luna shoved a newspaper in Celestia’s face. The headline:

“What has our reinstated Princess been spending her bits on?”

The air of supremacy practically reeked from the paper.

“How do those whelps know of this information?! How do they know of Our spending habits!” She yelled.

“Oh,” Celestia said, reading through the article.


The newspaper was torn away, “STOP READING IT!”

Celestia blushed, and giggled. “Sorry, sister.”


Celestia had insisted it was so that her subjects knew they had nothing to hide.

Well what if Luna DID have something to hide?!

Ponies knew she was spending money at a “restaurant” every week. There were already articles in the newspaper about it. She was buying pizzas.

The only question was: what pizza restaurant.

Conveniently (note the sarcasm) the official documents didn’t go into store specifics. They had ‘genres’ of stores, per sei.

Which was just WONDERFUL when she wanted nothing more than for her friend to have more customers.

I’m sure that’s true. Note the sarcasm.

Princess Luna held back the urge to punch herself in the throat.

…She could always advertise for him, but that brought up a different issue.

In the eyes of her subjects, at least, most of them; she was still in danger of becoming…



If they saw her talking good about a restaurant, that would only make a lot of ponies wish to ignore it.

It would do more harm than good.

She wasn’t currently the most popular princess. She was already risking a lot by letting Topple advertise himself.

…which is why she used the “royal seal of approval” rather than the “lunar seal of approval” on those papers, hehe…

Keep telling yourself all of that.

She frowned.

…Being a princess had too many bucking politics.

She huffed. Back to the point, those funds could be written off as ordering a pizza. Treating herself after a long week of work.

But… spending BILL money? MAINTENANCE money? Every month around the time when bills are due?

Canterlot would be up in hooves, completely outraged. The obvious favoritism would not be appreciated among the other restaurant owners. As with the advertisement related nonsense.

Luna could offer Topple a job. But that was as far as her favoritism could go.

They were friends, but at the end of the day, these things landed on him. She could tip extra but she can’t support his restaurant.

It just wasn’t a possibility.

She had to choke back a tear.

Oh, Topple.” She thought. “How We wish We could do more.”

You always say that.

but when will you act on it?

she rubbed her head.

it hurt.

Topple walked through the desolate streets of Canterlot, hanging up fliers as he went. The moon shone brilliantly off the cobblestone ground, and the stars served as perfect night lights.

Most ponies were asleep by now.

But not him.

He had to work harder than everpony else.

Not to be a hero. But. Basically.

…For no reason.

He just got stuck with a bad gig.

But what can you do?

He stapled a flier to a power line.

If this doesn’t work…

What then?

He’ll lose the restaurant.

He’ll lose his life.

He’ll lose his home.


…What would he have to live for?

Topple had never considered suicide.

And he didn’t want to.


He took out another flier and stapled it. This time to a support beam.

Suicide isn’t an option.

Never in a million years.


He stapled another flier.

…what can one truly do to stop the inevitable?

Author's Note:

Average guj moment

Anyway. Take two chapters. First one was short so I didn’t wanna leave you guys wit just that. Figured I’d give more for being gone so long.

Blame work and school. I’m getting my ass kicked over here. Lol

Shoutout Myuu music for giving me motivation for some reason.

(Btw; I noticed some people commenting things that, for example, show up a chapter later, or something. This story is fully outlined, and has been in my notes for a little bit without me editing it. I’m not stealing ideas… I’m not scummy I swear..... Lmao)

Anyway. All hail Princess Luna, obey the groove, retail sucks, don’t be a fool wrap your tool, and,

Don’t be a stranger!