• Published 26th Jul 2022
  • 155 Views, 2 Comments

The Price of Amber - De Writer

Dawn Fire has some lovely amber stones that he wishes to sell to Princess Luna. She wants one more, larger one to be the center piece of a necklace. Getting it has a "Minor" obstacle!

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Chapter 10

The best part was that, even though he knew that Princess Celestia had called Princess Luna's treatment of him during the whole visit to Corbiestep Castle, “quite a prank,” there was not one part of the inkeeping mare's analysis that he could refute. The way that he had been treated did lead directly to her analysis.

Blinking his eyes in amazment, ears perked right up, he wondered how many other ponies, especially ones in high places, had reached the same conclusion? Then he realized just how long Princess Luna had been on one of the Thrones of Equestria. Whistling softly under his breath he admired the subtle way that, with no fanfare, she had totally misdirected the Royal Intelligence Services of many realms.

The innmare was sitting in the hallway looking so dejected that Dawn Fire stepped close and asked, “My errand should take less than a week. Could you please hold this room against my return, starting four days hence? I will pay you for any day it is vacant, as well as the day that I use.”

She looked up, her lips quirking up in a small smile as she replied, “I can do that. What happened to your broken accent? Now you seem to speak perfect Prench.”

He tapped his nose lightly as he responded, “You did. I heard what you said. Of course I cannot confirm it or deny it but it was a masterful analysis.”

“What now, sir?”

“With this bout of light exercise, I expect that I will be sleeping until around noon. Wake me then, if I am not up. I will have the breakfast that I asked for. Then I must be on my way, if I am to get where I need to be in time.”

“Yes, good sir, it shall be as you requested it.”

He passed a restful time, awakened by a soft knock at the door.

Calling, “Down in a moment!” Dawn Fire rolled out and strapped on the transport box of treats. His war knife fastened at the ready, he trotted down the hall. He was half way downstairs when he heard and saw the innmare striking a pony away from the fireplace!

“What was that? This is a customer meal! Get you gone!”

Dawn Fire launched from the stairs with a powerhouse of a flap adding to his trained leap! He was over the head of the retreating pony before he banked sharply, bringing all four hooves against the door! A rolling drop had him on his feet in front of the miscreant, Gryphon War Knife on guard!

He called, “Good mare! Do not discard that gruel! Put it in a stoneware bowl for this fine pony who has seasoned it for me! It will make him a lovely snack! Use a clean pot to make me mine. Some poisons are that nasty!”

The brownish pony was staring crosseyed at the point of the War Knife following his every move. Dawn Fire nodded, “That is right. Sit. Eat what you just prepared for me. If you don't eat it you will eat Gryphon Forged Steel. Understand? No need to like it, just do it. Or be killed.”

With a bit of a suppressed chuckle, Dawn Fire added, “Good innmare, if I do have to stab him, I will pay extra for removing the blood stained shredded bark flooring and replacing it.”

Seeing his cheerful attitude, she responded in kind, “His is served! Yours will need a few more minutes! I have your breads, coffee and a goodly bowl of butter for the breads! For this pony's inconveniencing you, I have added a bowl of strawberries, on the house.”

She served Dawn Fire's prisoner from across his table, where he could not grab a hostage without exposing himself to the War Knife of an experienced warrior.

Very hesitantly he started to eat, his every pause met by a prick of sharp steel. “There! Ate it all! Now let me go!”

Dawn Fire pulled back his War Knife. “Go, then. I wonder how far you will get?”

As the door closed behind him, the innmare snorted, “He won't go far! I had the courtyard gates shut until you leave! Here is your breakfast.”

She watched protectively over him while he tasted the gruel, added honey and butter, which he stirred in. Then he topped it with strawberries and ate it with every evidence of delight. He lingered over his coffee and breads spread with honey and butter.

Finally, he got up and strolled out to continue his flight. The mare found an entire golden Farthing under his bowl as she cleared up. Then she called the gandarmarie for the pony collapsed in the courtyard.

Dawn Fire was enjoying the exercise as he flew, a few flaps now and again, followed by long glides, searching out thermal updrafts and spiraling high before continuing.

Keeping an eye on the two pegassi following him was fun too. Thinking to himself, If those are veterans of Prance's service, it is no wonder that they loose in the air! I know that Prance's pegassi are bigger and slower than Equestrian pegassi, but this is ridiculous! I have had to slow down and wait for them to catch up twice! Time to play, I guess.

They had old fashioned single shot crossbows. The sort that can't be cocked and loaded while airborne. He went into a dive straight towards them, using only enough wing to maintain control!

They had to dodge out of his way! He held close to the one on his left, his War Knife slashing at the crossbow string as he flashed past!

With a squall, the pegasus dropped the weapon that had just turned on him! It slashed his face with the cut string that flailed about as the bow released! He barely caught himself from a falling tumble, getting his wings under him in time to control his hard landing!

Dawn Fire broke his dive with wide spread wings and swooped up as far as momentum could carry him! He flew hard, passing under the remaining pegasus. That one was trying to aim steeply down at a target that was passing toward his rear! Dawn Fire was climbing on hard driven wings behind his opponent! The pegasus tried to make a sharp turn to face his enemy! Looking frantically about, he realized too late that Dawn Fire was above him and stooping like a huge hawk!

The crunch as Dawn Fire's hooves struck between his wings told of broken bones! With a drawn out scream, he fluttered toward the ground! There was a crackling whump as he hit a thicket!

Dawn Fire continued quietly on his way, arriving at his destination, the village of Sudanweird. Alighting politely outside the village proper, he trotted to the local inn.

In the morning, Dawn Fire found himself treated almost like royalty by the mare who ran the Three Little Pigs. As he pushed back from a third helping of excellent toasted bread, dipped in egg batter and fried, served with berries and dusted with confectioner's sugar, he asked, “What brought this on? Not that I am objecting, mind you. Just wondering why I am paying regular breakfast rates for this. Marvelous coffee, by the way.”

The mare giggled and replied, “Magic Net is wonderful, is it not? Charmane, who you stayed with night before last, called all of the inns within a day's flight to tell of your stay with her. She did mention that you are held in such esteem that you are not only allowed but required to be armed in the Royal Presences of the Gryphon Empire, Equestria and at least allowed it in King Leiuee's presence.”

“I see. Tell me, how did she work out the Gryphon Empire part?”

“Umm, according to her account, you had an active night and morning. She got the opportunity to see your War Knife up close. It is etched she said, 'From the claws of the Throne of Empire for Meritorious Service to the Realm.' In the Empire, a weapon given by the Throne is expected to be worn in the presence of either Strong Wings or the Empress herself.

“Besides that, at the Peace Accord, you were armed beside Princess Luna and also between the Princess and in the presence of our King Leiuee.

“During the negotiation of the Trade Agreement, you were at the same table with the good Countess Arianne, our King Leiuee, and seated between the Princesses of Equestria. She sent the news pictures around to back it up.”

Dawn Fire's wings were shaking with suppressed chuckles as he nodded, “Charmane is a sharp one, I give you that, my good Fleur.

“Now I need to get in touch with Mister Hishine, but I see that his shop is closed.”

Fleur gave him a curtsy as she shook her head, “He is staying with widow Moren, who runs a rooming house. His shop was foreclosed last week by the Shire Bank, at the order of Duke Deepinit, to whom Mister Hishine owed a substantial sum.”

“I see. Tell him to bring the Note of Payment, his drafts against it and all notices of impending foreclosure, as well as the foreclosure itself. I wish to review the documents before doing anything rash. If I find what I expect, I will be doing something very rash!”

Fleur's eyes opened wide and her ears shot up! Excited, she got to her Magic Net mirror and made a call! She began working down a list, making call after call!

Returning to Dawn Fire's table, she curtsied deeply. “Good Sir, I have gone beyond your direct order. Mister Hishine was but the first to be foreclosed. There are others all about the village as well. I took the liberty of calling them, too.”

Dawn Fire suggested, “Looks like a busy morning, after all. I hope that you have lots of coffee and pastries to go around among these good ponies. Me too, of course.”

“I did think that might be your order, Sir. I have already spoken to the kitchen staff.” With a truly happy smile, ears up and forward, she added, “If you can do as I hope, you will owe me naught. These ponies are all friends and associates of mine.”

“What of you, Fleur? Do you have any such debit?”

“Nay, good Sir. Though it appeared to cost me much, I have always required good coin for payment.”

“Wise, indeed. Have you any more coffee? I think that I am going to need it.”

A serving pony in surprisingly skimpy attire for this area, came out, pushing a service cart with two urns on it and three big trays of filled croissants and other fine, flaky pastries.

She drew Dawn Fire a cup and added a chocolate filled croissant. Fleur snickered at his stare. “That's one of the reasons that we have continued to draw good coin instead of worthless bits of paper.”

Soon the room was filled up with ponies, some of them mares. All of them clutching papers. Some were in envelopes, some in files and a few simply trying to keep track of all the treacherous bits that wanted to fly on every breeze or draft.

“Mister Hishine, I want to start with you. Please bring me your papers.” Dawn Fire began to study them, brow drawn down in concentration. Shaking his head, he stated, “You were literally robbed. We will fix this. I want to see the others before we get the crowns involved.”

“What!? This is just a local property thing. How are the crowned heads involved?”

Dawn Fire answered with a grim smile, “This has been done by a direct violation of Prance's banking laws. It also commits treason by a direct and willful violation of the newly signed Peace Accord. Putting a topper on the snack, it is a criminal breach of the Royal Exchequer.

“King Leiuee will be most interested.”

He carefully put the incriminating papers into a file and called the next one. And the one after that and the next. It did not take long at all to go through the lot of them.

Dawn Fire addressed them all, “I must notify my superiors about this. We will then go to the Shire bank and your situations will be sorted out today or there will be some serious repercussions, particularly for Duke Deepinit. In any case, these bogus problems will be taken care of and your places will be safe.”

Hishine muttered, “That's fine for them, my place is already gone.”

Fleur snorted, “And you are going to get it back!”

Turning to Dawn Fire, she offered, “I will take care of this lot out here. My office is through those doors. Make all your calls in full privacy.”

Ensconced in Fleur's office, Dawn Fire called, “Countess Arianne, how are you? I have something for you. Don't want to get your hopes up but your troops might get a precision strike or two out of this. That will depend on King Leiuee.”

He explained the situation in a few words.

She replied brightly, “Certainly sounds like you have something. Shall I call him? We have private line.”