• Published 26th Jul 2022
  • 155 Views, 2 Comments

The Price of Amber - De Writer

Dawn Fire has some lovely amber stones that he wishes to sell to Princess Luna. She wants one more, larger one to be the center piece of a necklace. Getting it has a "Minor" obstacle!

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Chapter 2

He sneered, “War with a fifteen year old filly? How can you possibly stand against the might of Prance?”

Arianne smiled sweetly and retorted, “I am sixteen now, Sir. What you have said, plainly put, is that we are at war. And you seem to have mislaid the fact that I flattened your first invasion attempt and have now quashed your second. I am holding three hundred and seventy four more prisoners, over half of which are receiving medical aid. Some few of those may still die from their wounds, but that is the current tally.”

The Ambassador turned to the Thrones of Equestria and demanded, “Can you allow such a travesty by a mere filly in your Court?”

Luna looked over to Celestia and they both nodded. Celestia tilted her head slightly as she regarded the Ambassador and said gently, “Perhaps you were not paying close attention a little bit ago. This one that you have dismissed as a mere filly was just elevated as Arianne, Countess Corbistep. We did not do that lightly.

“She has fairly stated what she has already accomplished. Your nation invaded Us on Hearthwarming last. Countess Arianne destroyed that army, capturing over 400 of your forces. Unwisely, you have invaded a second time, only six months later. She directed her troops in the utter destruction of your second army, capturing 374 more prisoners, before even notifying Us that you had crossed our border.

“She has managed these military feats while also directing the rebuilding of the Corbiestep barracks and armory and preparing the foundations for the new Corbiestep castle.”

Luna added, “If this is the work of a mere filly, Equestria needs more of them. Further, here in open Court she has proved her right to the loot she has garnered from both of your invasions.

“She then asked you to speak directly to whether We are at war with Prance. Your answer, referring as it did to Arianne standing against the might of Prance, cannot be construed in any other terms than those that she has stated so clearly.

“We are now at war with Prance. You may leave Our Court to communicate this news to your nation.”

Up in the balcony, Dawn Fire raised his eyebrows almost up into his forelock. Luna had certainly been right that Court might be interesting! He was wondering how this development could lead to simplifying his project. However, things were not quite done before the Thrones.

Arianne bowed before the Thrones and requested, “While I am most mindful of the honors bestowed upon me, Your Highnesses, I must repair to my County of Corbiestep at once. What the Ambassador of Prance just made most clear is that they do plan further invasion. I must go to marshal my troops against it and make such other preparations as are needful.”

Celestia nodded graciously and held out a hoof which Arianne tapped with her own. “This request to return to your County is granted, Corbiestep. There, you are to make all such preparation as you think needful and may carry out this war as you see fit until such time as Prance shall sue for peace and a peace be concluded.”

A smiling Luna added, “To speed you upon your way, Dear Corbiestep, I am, as High Commissioner of the Royal Roads and Railroads, ordering you a fast engine with a single coach. All of the Mainlines between here and Corbiestep terminal are to be cleared for your passage. A swift journey to you.”

Arianne left the Thrones Room to a veritable roar of whispered conversation!

A pair of unicorns of noble bearing, having decorations from campaigns among their Duties, requested to approach the Thrones. “Your Highnesses, perhaps it was an oversight, but General Neighsmith and I should accompany Countess Corbistep and give her the advantage of our leadership in military matters. After all, she is but an untried filly who has no real experience in the managing of a campaign. We are, as you are aware, experienced generals.”

Luna sat up sternly in her throne and declared, “General Nullit, it would appear that the Ambassador of Prance was not the only one failing to pay attention today. Arianne may be young but she has considerable skill at war. Which, given the current situation, We wish to test.

“With limited troops and munitions, due to the criminal negligence of the prior Count, she stopped, held and later destroyed the Prance invasion through Corbiestep pass. Six months later, she found, engaged and destroyed a second and covert invasion attempt. In the process, she has captured a substantial amount of munitions and other supplies along with the gold that was shown today in Court.

“We are well mindful that you plan to hijack her campaign and claim the credit for it should it succeed. Likewise, if it should fail, you will try to set the blame on her. You did as much during the Gryphon Empire Slaver's Revolt, attempting to sieze credit for the ground tactics training being given by our Master Sargent Ironhooves as soon as it was shown to be turning the tide of that war.

“You are both directly confined to the city of Canterlot. If either or both of you leave the city for any reason without Our written leave over Our joint seals, you will both be broken of all ranks and honors and set to work on the Royal Roads. Am I clear?”

Both of them tried to exclaim, “Your Highness! It is most unsuitable to say such things publicly in Court!”

Luna promptly retorted, “But it was perfectly acceptable to openly try to grab the leadership of a campaign that my Sister and I have just given to a different pony? I think not. The terms of your parole remain as I have stated them. You are dismissed!”

Not long after, Dawn Fire found one of the castle's Royal dining halls. The matré de blocked his path. “Commoners can use the basement cafeteria.”

Dawn Fire produced his pass. “Um, Princess Luna told me that I could eat in any of the dining halls.”

The matré de took one look at Luna's Royal Seal and bowed obsequiously. “My pardon, good Sir. Please come this way. Would you like window seating or one of the booths?”

“A window seat, please. I would like the view.”

He seated Dawn Fire and laid a menu in front of him. “Simply order whatever you wish, Sir. Ignore the prices. Your meal is on the Bounty of the Princess.”

Dawn Fire was just finishing up his meal with a delightful cherry ice when he heard, faint with distance, the whistle of a steam train. Watching from the window, he saw one of Princess Luna's express engines pulling a fuel car and a single passenger car, as it began a high speed run to the north.

That train was followed by a second, with a deeper whistle. It was one of the Equestrian Defense Bureau's monster armored engines. It had eight huge drive wheels propelled by two big double acting pistons on each side. The fuel car and all of the cars behind it were armored as well. The flat cars were loaded with enormous 200 cm mage mortars! There were over fifty cars in the train.

Returning to his seat and his dessert, Dawn Fire reflected that the apparent surprise declaration of war in court that morning might not have been very much of a surprise to the Princesses. Or to Countess Arianne, either, come to think of it.

Over the next week, there was little news from County Corbiestep. Dawn Fire awoke on the eighth day of his stay in Castle Canterlot to find, along side his morning tea and sweet biscuits, The Canterlot Crier.

The headline proclaimed, “WAR!” The stories told how forces launched through four passes in the Sunset Mountains of County Corbiestep in a daring night time strike, had already captured three war staging encampments and a major ammunition dump! Arianne, Countess Corbiestep's forces were thirty kilometers into Prance and holding strategic supply routes by dawn.

Dawn Fire went to his favorite dining hall to have his breakfast. The matre de was now well familiar with him and saw him to a table at once. He exclaimed, “It is amazing news! I mean, yes, the war was declared, but who would have expected so young a pony to strike so deeply into Prance? I do wonder if Arianne can hold what she has taken? Prance is a substantial nation.”

Dawn Fire replied, “Considering what she has already done, I would worry more about the freshness of the strawberries on our buttered oatmeal! I think that this morning's Court will be fascinating.”

“Indeed, Sir. Your server will be here immediately.”

While waiting on his breakfast, he was listening to the buzz of conversation around him.

“Total madness! Do you know that I heard that her troops were firing MT84s and 40mm mage mortars from TREES!”

“Infantry should march to battle! She is using captured TRAINS to haul them!”

“Emergency Military Teleport is supposed to be for EMERGENCIES! I heard that she is using it to leapfrog over Prance positions with light artillery to strike them from behind in a cowardly fashion! Besides, it is too short range to be much use in most situations. ”

As Dawn Fire ate his eggs and oatmeal with coffee, he tried to figure out what the outrage was for. It appeared that Arianne's unorthodox tactics were working! Breakfast over, he quietly went to get a good balcony seat to wait for the morning Court. He was not alone. The balcony was nearly filled with mostly retired military ponies.

Even there, he overheard, “Sure, she's grabbed land with a surprise attack. Anypony could do that. Can she hold it? I think not. Prance has many seasoned generals. They will beat her back to the mountains by tomorrow.”

There was a stuttering thunder approaching the castle from the north. It stopped suddenly. Visible through one of the large north facing windows, a formation of pegassi carrying some sort of load glided down, landing out of sight.

There was much muttering among the nobles and military ponies in the galleries and down on the floor of the Court. The Royal procession was late! That was nearly unheard of.

Shortly, the fanfare announced the tardy start of the Procession. The cause for the delay was announced immediately after their Royal Highnesses, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. “Arianne, Countess Corbiestep, Commander of Equestria's Expeditionary Forces in Prance!”

As she took her place on the runner between the Thrones of the Princesses, just in front of the Empty Throne of the Queen, all could see that Arianne was in a plain infantry uniform, distinguished only by her pectoral of County.

Princess Luna whispered to her Herald who announced, “The normal business of this Court shall be delayed. We have a current war situation report to be given by Force Leader Arianne, Countess Corbiestep who has come to us by Military Teleportation Transport.”

A large display type of magic net mirror was rolled in on wheels and set up where all the Court could see it. As quickly as it was up, it displayed a map of Prance.

Arianne took a pointer in her magic and began, “Moving by night, we struck across Corbiestep Pass, the Candlestick, and Wethall Pass and through the rail line at Grimald Pass. We had little trouble because Prance has had crews clearing the passes during the last four days in preparation for their planned invasion. We simply hit first!

“By midnight, we had captured all three of their invasion staging camps. A great plus for us was taking their central ammunition depot intended to supply their invasion. Since we got it, we have not needed to use any of our own ammo except for small arms and MT84s. Their small arms and ours do not match well and they have almost no MT84 portable cannons. Their 40 and 60mm mage mortar ammo works very well in our weapons so we have been using it.”

She used the pointer to draw on the map. “We secured this bridgehead 30 kilometers into Prance to protect the passes and give our reinforcements swift and safe passage. As soon as it was secure, we sent flying units and Military Teleportation units carrying MT84s, 40 and 60mm mage mortars, ammo and gun crews to take all the railroad and road bridges along the Grimald River, from the Sunset Mountains west to the Grey Flow. We also took the railroad border station at the Grimald Pass. That is allowing us a direct railroad connection to Equestria, which has made our supply and reinforcement situation very favorable.

“These events have fully isolated the whole north eastern quarter of Prance. In a wedge from the Far Northern Dales in the north, to the Grimald River in the south, we are reducing the assorted bases and armories of Prance. We are using their own excellent rail system to move our troops swiftly to every hard point for combat.

“When I left to give this report, we were holding 75 kilometers from the Sunset Mountains, west into Prance. We estimate five more days to secure the whole captured area.

“We have taken 2,560 prisoners so far.”

She put down the pointer to a shocked silence from military and noble alike! No pony in history had waged such a massive and swift campaign against a modern and well equipped army.

Dawn Fire noticed that the already captured area included the entire Weird Wood. He thoughtfully acknowledged the sheer brilliance of Princess Luna. A possible route to the Weird Wood indeed! He became sure that she already knew this was going to happen.

Without waiting to be recognized, the Ambassador of Prance was storming, “This is madness! No pony can possibly have taken so large a swath of Prance in under a day! To the Grey Flow it is more than 300 kilometers! You have, by your own admission, only taken 75 kilometers! Our Generals' counter attack will drive your insolence back into the Royal Gardens of this city!”

Arianne waited until he had run down before riposting, “I think not. To effectively assault our positions, they will need to cross the Grimald River. We hold all of the Grimald valley and its bridges and have lookouts in between them. I have some reports of an attempt to bring massed troops against us for an assault.

“We let them approach to within 20 kilometers of the Highfold Road bridge. That is when we hit them with our 200 centimeter railroad mounted Mage mortars backed up by T Jumping MT84 and mage mortar units preventing them from spreading out to lower their casualties. Their retreat has showed them that our railroad guns have an accurate range of 50 kilometers. Our troops were assessing Prance's losses, securing prisoners and taking reports of civilian casualties and damages from the battle when I left.”

Ears back and neck bowed in dismay, the Ambassador asked, “Why would you worry about civilian casualties and damage? Is not reducing your enemy enough?”

Arianne looked compassionately at him for a few moments before responding gently, “I believe that your questions reveal the difference between our nations better than I could have stated them.”