• Published 20th Sep 2012
  • 14,832 Views, 682 Comments

A Changeling Named Sin - Art Inspired

Princess Celestia finds a changeling in the palace. Can she go through with the execution?

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Part Four: Obstacles of Happiness

A Changeling Named Sin

Obstacles of Happiness

Early in the morning when the sun wasn’t even up yet, and Sin lay in bed, unable to sleep, her mind wrapped itself around fears of hurting her loved ones by stealing their energy, a phobia that kept her awake for long durations of multiple nights. Believe it or not, this was normal.

Nightmares were accustomed in her sleep, as was the affliction of staying awake the whole time. She only got a few hours of rest tonight, but the slumber was filled with ponies dropping due to the lack of love, the love she was given. Her eyes opened angrily as her mind realized it had been yet another night of dreamless repose. Her hooves, holed like Swiss cheese, lifted her head up while the princess looked out to see the miracle made by her mother.

Magically grabbing her triple horned crown, which she didn’t wish to wear usually, she took a gander in the mirror that sat on her dresser. The golden, lustrous mane she took care of with intricate attention almost glittered as the sun’s rays swept across the strands, while her eyes, kind and forgiving began to form into an angered gaze. Disrespect for her entire being was the cause of this mean mug.

Her hatred for taking the energy of all her friends and family members grew with each passing day, just as their hurting increased every time they saw her. With every guard that lowered their heads as she passed followed extreme guilt, and with that came self-loathing, but today, things would finally send her to do something she never considered doing, but knew was the right choice.

As her door opened, her loyal and well trusted guard Silver Blade raised his tired head. After being asleep for several minutes in the night, and his love for the princess seeping through the very walls, his duty was almost complete, but this was the toughest part of the job, and the most enjoyable in his opinion. “Good day, your highness.” he said, smiling at his crush.

The princess looked him up and down, taking in his features. He was well fed, but the absence of love made him seem pitiful. The dry lips, the blackness under his eyes, the heavy breathing he always gave off, it was all too easy for Princess Sin to see he loved her more than any stallion else in Canterlot, and after so many years, she too fell in secret love with Silver Blade, despised the state her feeding left him in. “You look pale…” she said with a worried tone. “Please… I’ll walk alone today.”

“Nonsense,” the guard said, sounding more beat than ever. “I’m perfectly fine… Never better.” His voice was unenthusiastic regardless of his proclamation. The princess loved this stallion, and if it wasn’t because of the love she ate, she’d tell him. The two walked down the hall headed for the throne room. Silver said, “May I… tell you something?” Her highness tilted her head, signaling she was all ears. “We’ve known each other for a while… and… I’m ready to tell you… how I feel.”

Before he could attempt to finish his sentence, Sin intentionally ruined the moment, knowing what he was about to say. “You love me, I know.” The guard’s silly and surprised face stared at her, and soon, she came to a stop. Staring into his eyes, right there in the halls, she was ready to explain the reason of why she couldn’t be with him, even though her heart wanted nothing more.

“I’m a changeling, Silver… In other words, I feed on your love! It’s not something I like to do, but look at you.” She summoned a cosmic mirror that reflected himself. He stared blankly, his head lowering slowly. The guard looked thrashed; worse in fact. His mane, originally blue was becoming grey, and it laid in scraggly lines down his face.

"I'm fine, Sin. Really, I'm-"

“This is what offering your love constantly to me has done to you! You think I don’t feel the same? You think I never noticed?” The mirror vanished while she finished. “I did notice! I’ve loved you since the day we met… and the constant flow of your emotions told me everything you were feeling, and more. I can’t tell you how much I truly wish to be with you, but if I do take advantage of this, I dread what could happen.”

The stallion smiled, love lost and completely submissive, he explained, “But, your highness… I don’t mind if you feed on my love… It’s what you do. Please, you can have my love…” His next words were followed by a flood of nutritious nectar the changeling fed on, which would ultimately make her feel horrible about ever telling him about her feelings. “All of my love… and gobble it up… I would love nothing more!”

The purple aura gushed out of his body and encircled the princess like dense fog. All that love was absorbed, and with no way of stopping the freely given emotion, all she could do was relish in the flavor of such potent love. While she did, however, Silver, finally tired and weak, collapsed to the floor with a heavy thud. His groans of seemingly painful agony tortured Sins ears, and as she forced herself to run so that she might be able to stop his offerings, all the stallion could do was smile, knowing he could never stop his love for her.

Entering the throne room, Sin held back tears and tried not to let the experience get to her. Though, easier said than done. Her mother, Celestia, sat on her throne looking over documentations of her daughter. Sin looked around at the fairly empty room and approached her mother, trying to smile and seem like nothing was amiss. Celestia lowered a scroll to view the golden maned mare with a grin. “How’s your morning going?”

Sin lowered her head and asked, “Why do I feed on love?”

Celestia’s lips opened to say something, but then closed again. Already, Sin could feel the energy leaving her mother's body, and seeing her daughter watch the emotion loft through the air told the sun princess she was already, unknowingly absorbing it. “You’re a changeling…” she began. “And because of this you just… eat it. There’s not much of a better explanation to it.”

“But why can’t I feed off hatred? Why can’t I eat that instead?!” Celestia knew her daughter was becoming more absorbent, like a sponge to water, but didn’t know why. It had progressed through the years, but now, things were getting drastic. Guards collapsing, Celestia’s energy being depleted; the only one that wasn’t being affected by Sin's feeding habits was Luna, who didn’t love her, but still accepted the mare as a friend by now.

The sun princess shook her heavy head and asked, “Maybe there’s a way to make that possible, but my research on you leaves many questions unanswered… Like your mane. It’s an extremely different shade all together compared to other changelings I've seen, and I don’t know why that is, but know this… You’re a good child, and ponies give you their love freely because they admire you.”

“If they truly liked me, they’d stop admiring me so much… It's just gonna get them killed."

With this said, Sin left in a bitter fit of galloping. All she wished for was to be loved, but not feed on it. She headed to the Canterlot garden and run into Luna sitting next to a lawn table. Sin spoke, while Luna invited her over with a kind smile, something that was rarely given.

“I’m having a horrible day today,” Sin said. “May I please… uh, vent?”

Luna rolled her eyes with an amused grin and said, “You know I only have a short time before I go, so make it quick.”

“Well… I think I’m going to run away, but I don’t know if I can.” Luna’s stunned face made eye contact as she heard the statement. “See… I’m taking too much energy, more than a normal changeling should. Love, I know, is a powerful thing, and if I take too much of it, I’m scared of what might happen to my friends and family.”

Luna nodded her head and asked, “You really do drink a lot, don’t you? Well, if you need to run from this, I say go ahead.” Luna smiled at her niece. “It’s not that I want you to leave, but I understand your position, and I think the time away from Canterlot for… about a week or two will clear your head pretty good.”

Sin chuckled at the kind words. Even though Luna didn’t exactly love her, she could see the blue traces of liking. Like-emotions had a cyan pigmentation compared to love due to it being a lighter feeling. Luna sighed, “I’ve got to head on out. When you’re ready to leave, just let me know, and I’ll remove that tracking spell Celestia placed on you all those years ago.” Princess Sin looked at Luna with a curious and confused face. “Oh, you didn’t know about that? Whoops!" Walking off, Luna shot one last, friendly snicker at the changeling, leaving her to enjoy the sounds of the wildlife.

The changeling princess yawned as she sat, staring at the flora and fauna. Small, bloomed flowers of red and purple fell from the tree tops as gravity pulled them loftily down. Some rested on the ground, and some landed in the princess's mane. Her whole perspective of the situation was melted away, if only for a moment as she sat in the heavenly nature filled environment.

No disturbance so far, which was perfect for her. All she wanted right then was to contemplate on what she needed, and wanted to do. On one hoof, she could endanger all the ponies in the Canterlot palace by staying, but then, if she ran away, they’d be sure to chase her, and her mother would be worried sick about her precious kin. Finally coming to a decision, she told herself she wouldn’t run from the ordeal unless it was crucial that she departed from the city.

Returning to her room, she saw Silver Blade standing next to the door, tired and weak as usual. She attempted to walk right past him, but he stopped her from entering by saying three, heart shattering words. “I love you.”

Her highness slowed in a whimsical way. Her magic, just barely gracing the knob, she looked at his smiling face. Everything she feared came true. His love was too strong, and even though she felt like slapping him, she never would figure out why she decided to do her next deed. Her hoof wrapped comfortingly around his neck, and with a simple peck on his forehead, she sealed his fate.

Once again, his emotions for the princess flooded her holed hooves, and the sweet, tangy taste of his love roared through her veins. Soon, he collapsed, but this time, he wouldn’t be able to stand ever again. When she realized he was choking, wheezing with exasperation, she called her mother for assistance. In a flash of yellow radiance, Celestia appeared right in front of the two asking, “What happened here?”

“I don’t know!” the daughter exclaimed. “I think he's fed me every ounce of love he had left!”

The guard’s body began to hyperventilate while going into a stroke. His hooves swung violently as his eyes widened, turning blood shot. Celestia teleported herself and Silver to the Canterlot palace infirmary, leaving the changeling mare stunned. All she could do now was retreat to her room and wait impatiently for the answer of what just befell her guardian.

Hours passed while Sin paced the room, fearing the worst. Never had this happened before. A guard might bow his head, but could they actually die from the extreme loss of energy? Her thoughts swirled with fright, her entire body feeling cold. Chills sent her mind into crude fallacies of her guard and friend’s death. "Surely, he just had a small collapse," she thought. "He couldn’t actually…" She gulped at the mere thought. The room, silent except her hoof steppes was strikingly brought back to life with Celestia entering, tears running down her face.

Sin stared at her mother with a horrified look, knowing her worst fear had arrived. Her petrified face of terror was tainted with water leak from her teary eyes, and all she could say in a low, scared voice was, “No…”

Celestia bowed her head and apologized for her losses. “I know… he loved you… I often sensed it… and I wish this didn’t happen… I’m so sorry, Sin.”

The changeling gritted her teeth and shut her eyes, forcing back the tears that dominated their way through her lids. One powerful yell of anger and despair released her feelings dramatically with one single, but strong word. “NO!

Her body fell as her whole life began to spiral. The memory of her first meeting him, the incident when she realized his feelings for her were as strong as her own mother’s, every occasion they shared flashed in her mind repetitively, causing her unimaginable mental pain. No physical torture could be worse than knowing she lost her best friend she ever knew in life. All those memories, all the heartwarming events were reduced to tears that now fell to the tiled floor.

Celestia tried to come near her daughter, but was immediately pushed back by Sin whispering, “Please... I'm sorry, but get out...”

The alicorn understood that her daughter needed to be left alone, and chose to hesitantly leave the room, followed by a trail of her own salty tears leading down the way. Princess Sin raised her head and looked around the room, and with one last anguishing yell, the area was filled with the sorrowful echoes of a changeling who now regretted ever allowing the dead stallion into her heart.