• Published 23rd Sep 2012
  • 2,956 Views, 281 Comments

Decretum - BlackRoseRaven

Realities, worlds, and good and evil collide, and Luna fights one last struggle to save Equestria.

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True Sight

Chapter Nineteen: True Sight

Placing the anchor was an easier task than any of the ponies had expected: once they'd found the entrance into the tunnels beneath Canterlot, it hadn't taken them very long to find the right location to hide the anchor: a deep abyss, filled with dark water. Fearlessly, Luna Brynhild had plunged down into this to scout it out, her horn glowing and lighting up the watery depths around her, letting her armor drag her down into the deep pool as strange and alien creatures had flitted and twisted past her.

She found a nook in the cave wall, and then she had closed her eyes and called mentally up to Scrivener... and the earth pony had sighed, but then finally moodily shoved the anchor off the edge of the pit, sending it plummeting into the abyss to crash with a loud splash into the water above Luna, the winged unicorn catching it with telekinesis as it fell towards her and wincing a little as the anchor had glowed radiantly, further lightening the water around her, making her all too aware of the strange and uncomfortable life that was dancing around the edge of her vision.

She had crammed the anchor into the crack in the wall, her lungs beginning to ache from lack of oxygen before she had flicked her horn, freezing hole in the wall over... and Scrivener, high above, feeling his own chest constricting painfully, had hurriedly added his concentration and energies to Luna's before she had transfigured ice into solid rock, leaving it looking like nothing more than a flaw of blue stone amidst the black and gray of the wall. And with that, Luna had hurried to the surface, bursting out of the water and flapping her wings hard to propel herself quickly back upwards even as she'd gasped for breath.

They had taken the rest of the day after that to help out with warding Chrysalis's cell, preparing and fortifying Canterlot against possible Changeling incursions, and answering more questions from both Princess Luna and Princess Celestia. They had also met Princess Cadence: a winged unicorn with a soft-pink coat, and a mane of swirled violet, pink, and cream. Pretty, friendly, and kind... and another equine that Luna and Scrivener knew had never existed in their world, which was why Luna Brynhild took a particular fascination in studying her.

Cadence had finally awkwardly invited them to have dinner with her, Shining Armor, and Twilight Sparkle tonight, and Luna had grinned widely... but then Scrivener had hurriedly silenced her with a hoof over her mouth before asking courteously if they could bring their daughter as well. Cadence had smiled at him as Luna Brynhild has sulked, nodding and saying quietly: “Always room for more at our table. We were going to invite Twilight's friends as well, but it seems they all have plans already... but it is Canterlot, after all. There's all kinds of fun things to do here.”

“There never was in my Canterlot.” Luna muttered grumpily, and Scrivener had only petted her awkwardly before she had bopped him firmly with his horn, making him wince but Cadence laugh despite herself at the two.

Dinner was awkward: Twilight Sparkle was obviously still trying to understand both Scrivener and Luna a little more, while Shining Armor was also a little suspicious – and, as he admitted himself, slightly envious – of these two warriors who, in only a matter of a day, had outmatched both the Princess of Equestria as well as the Queen of the Changelings. Cadence was open and honest, though, friendly and easygoing, and she obviously didn't take her title of Princess as anything more than that: a title, a word. She bought her own groceries, she lived in a comfortable, cozy, but not overly-luxurious house with her husband, and she had cooked the meal up herself. Luna liked her, although in a somewhat grudging way, and Scarlet Sage found Cadence as fascinating as Cadence found the Pegasus from a different layer of reality.

But the pleasant meal had been interrupted when a letter had arrived, and Shining Armor had read this over quickly before grimacing and shaking his head, saying quietly: “I'm sorry, everypony, but the Princesses need to speak to me about some business that's come up. Don't worry, though, I'll be back sometime tonight.”

“Oh, is it something I may meddle in? I do so like to meddle.” Luna said positively, and Scrivener sighed and gave her an imploring look, but the winged unicorn only grinned widely in response to her husband, raising her head proudly. “Thou cannot say a thing, Scrivy, so far my meddling has all been authorized by Odin himself. And whilst I do not like the old lech, all the same he is of enough import I shall gladly boldly wave around whatever decree he makes that favors mine own self in it.”

“Actually, we were supposed to hide the anchor and sleep in the woods for a week. We were told specifically to not interfere in all the ways you've chosen to.” Scrivener replied dryly, and Luna huffed a little at him in response before the earth pony sighed and added finally, glancing over at Shining Armor: “But... we are glad to help if we can. Even I can't deny that. I'd like to be lazy and sit back but... Luna will pummel me if I try to worm my way out of anything.”

Luna nodded firmly as Shining Armor smiled amusedly, then he replied quietly: “Don't worry about it. You two have already done more than enough... and it's nothing that has to be acted on immediately. I'm sure the Princesses will speak to you about it themselves one way or the other.”

The two nodded as Scarlet Sage cocked her head curiously and Twilight frowned a little, the violet unicorn saying uncertainly: “But that means... is it something...”

“Now come on, sis, you know I can't talk about it even to you.” Shining Armor smiled despite himself as he stepped around the table, ruffling Twilight's mane and making her huff even as she smiled back, and then the tall unicorn stallion turned and shared a quick hug and kiss with Cadence before promising: “I'll be back as soon as I can.”

“Take care of yourself.” Cadence smiled up at him, touching his cheek gently, and he nodded in return before heading quickly away. The pink-coated winged unicorn looked almost longingly after him for a moment, then she shook her head, gazing out over the others and smiling again. “Sorry about that, friends. Being Captain of the Guard and all... he has a lot of duties. Especially since the Princesses trust him... but then again, both Shining Armor and Twilight Sparkle have always been pretty special.”

Cadence reached out and squeezed Twilight's shoulder gently, and Twilight Sparkle laughed a little and shook her head slowly. “I don't know about that these days, Cadence. I've always just... tried to do the very best I could with what I've been given, that's about all. And all too often it feels like I never manage quite enough...”

“As hard upon thyself as the Twilight in our own world.” Luna remarked, shaking her head with a quiet laugh as Scrivener smiled a little as well. “Fear not, Twilight Sparkle. Thou art special. Thou has always been special, as a matter of fact... to me, to my friends, to my family. And somehow I am sure that proves true, even in this layer, as it must in every layer... but 'tis a very sad thing indeed that thou and this world's Luna have not yet slept together. Unless thou has? Has thou?”

Luna looked inquisitively, cheerfully up, and Scrivener sighed as Twilight Sparkle choked a little on her sandwich and Cadence stared dumbly across at Luna before Scarlet Sage rose a hoof, saying finally: “My mother has this problem where her mouth starts talking before her brain can tell her she's being rude.”

“I do not!” Luna huffed, rearing back before she grumbled a little, picking up a slice of apple and tossing it meditatively into her mouth. “All of thee are prudes and boring. And stuffy. Cadence, do not be stuffy. I do not wish to be the only winged unicorn who is not stuffy.”

Scrivener sighed a little at this, looking meditatively across at Luna, but she was only grinning slightly now, leaning back and looking comfortable before Cadence finally shook her head and gave a wry smile, asking dryly: “So what's your idea of having fun then, Luna?”

“Oh, I have many ideas of fun.” Luna replied with a wink and a wide grin, and then she laughed at the looks she received from around the table. “Well, 'tis true! And now thou go from prudes to perverts! 'Tis madness, just what is wrong with all of thee?”

“Much less than is wrong with you.” Scrivener muttered, and Luna shrugged agreeably. Thankfully, she calmed a little as they moved on to a few simple games and conversation, and by the end of the night, Luna, Scrivener, and Scarlet Sage felt much more relaxed as they returned to their rooms... and it had seemed as if Twilight Sparkle had lost the last of whatever worries and misgivings had been bothering her, which was an added bonus.

On the other hoof, when they returned to their room, they found Pinkamena brushing broken glass out of her mane, bruised and bloodied, and the half-demon looked up and explained rationally: “Dude tried to hit on me. I hit him. Things got out of hoof from there.”

“She beat up almost the entire bar!” Applejack's voice snapped from another room, and then the goldenrod mare poked her head out with a wince as Luna looked up in surprise; not at the fact Pinkamena had apparently beaten down an entire tavern of half-drunk ponies, but at the fact that Applejack was here. “Rainbow and I are trying to calm down Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie still and... well, we're kind of worried about what's going to happen when the Royal Guards come by looking to find out what happened!”

“That's why they're hiding.” Pinkamena said pleasantly, nodding slightly, and Applejack glowered at her before vanishing back into the rear room as Luna glared at the half-demon, who seemed to be in a surprisingly-pleasant mood now that she had apparently had a chance to take her frustrations out. “Ponies in this layer are pretty weak, pretty soft. A few of them packed pretty good punches, but... the bottles hurt a lot more than their hooves all the same.”

Luna sighed, looking exasperated before she complained: “Pinkamena, how could thou get into a bar fight without me? 'Tis a sordid betrayal!”

“Hey, you guys ran off on your merry little adventure to bust up a Changeling hive without me.” Pinkamena retorted rudely, looking irritable. “In fact, you not only didn't tell me, you left me with Sissy Two, which was not a fun way to spend my goddamn night. And then you ran off for dinner without me tonight with Twilight Two and that weirdo winged unicorn and the big handsome boy-toy, and I was left drinking with a bunch of loser lightweights.”

Luna glowered at the half-demon, stepping forwards as Scrivener slowly rubbed at his face, feeling a headache coming on as Scarlet Sage awkwardly brushed past to head to the back room and see if she could help out the apparently-panicking ponies out at all. “Can't thou behave thyself for once in thine miserable little life?”

“ I dunno, can you?” Pinkamena retorted, and then both half-demon and winged unicorn looked dumbly at Scrivener as he threw out his hooves with a groan of frustration.

“I have a headache from the constant fighting and worse, the constant socializing. Can you two just kiss and make up for tonight, then continue this at a later date?” Scrivener asked flatly, and the two glared at him, then glowered at each other for a few moments before Luna and Pinkamena firmly grabbed one another, leaned forwards, and kissed for a rough moment, Scrivener's jaw dropping before the two parted and Luna spat to the side as Pinkamena rubbed grouchily at her lips with a hoof. “I. Have no words for what I just witnessed.”

“Good. I hate you.” Pinkamena muttered, then she walked over and punched Scrivener firmly in the stomach, knocking the wind out of him. He wheezed and fell to his knees as Luna winced, and then the half-demon huffed moodily before flopping down to sit back against Scrivener, closing her eyes and mumbling: “You're both lame.”

Before Scrivener could reply, Scarlet Sage came out of the back room with a pallid Fluttershy, saying quietly: “I'm going to take Fluttershy back across Canterlot while Rainbow Dash and Applejack get Pinkie to settle a little more, okay? Pinkamena uh... maybe you could apologize...”

“Maybe I could. But I won't.” Pinkamena muttered, crossing her hooves grouchily before she looked over at Fluttershy as the golden Pegasus mumbled a little and looked apprehensively at the half-demon. “What? You want me to... oh fine.”

And with that, Pinkamena sighed grudgingly, climbing to her hooves and grunting, and Scarlet Sage was surprised as Fluttershy smiled a little and blushed, bowing her head forwards with another mumble as she glanced embarrassedly at Luna and Scrivener. The cripplingly-shy Pegasus had barely said a word to either of them, and neither of them could think of what to say to her as they stared at the fact that the Pegasus willingly walked over to the half-demon as she mumbled a quick goodbye, hurrying to the door as Pinkamena loitered grouchily behind her and Scarlet Sage followed quickly: the last was the only pony who had really been able to talk to Fluttershy so far, and that was likely only because of the fact that in their own home layer, Scarlet Sage considered Fluttershy both friend and family.

When Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack emerged from the back room, however, the story became a little clearer: one of the stallions at the bar had indeed hit on Pinkamena, but had been quickly chased off by her vicious grin and even nastier insults. But another stallion had started flirting with Fluttershy, then getting a little pushy as she had simply quailed away... and Pinkamena had yanked his glass out of his hoof, and then smashed it over his face, starting the small riot that had ensued.

Every now and then, the half-demon did something that reminded Luna she had a heart, even if that heart pumped black blood and poison through her veins and likely could only be stirred in very particular circumstances. Pinkamena had perhaps overreacted, but now that they had all settled down and no guards had yet come to arrest them all, Rainbow Dash couldn't help but sit back and say admiringly: “After what I saw, I'm starting to get what you guys keep saying about coming from a tougher layer. It's funny, but I kind of wish we had experienced a little more... you know, rough stuff, ourselves. Because she creamed at least ten big, tough-looking ponies.”

“She's scary but... scary doesn't have to mean she can only do evil, huh?” Pinkie Pie asked quietly, and when Luna had nodded, the dull pink pony had lapsed into thought, leaning back with a small smile, but remaining oddly quiet even as the bounce had visibly fluffed up through her body.

When Pinkamena and Scarlet Sage had returned, Pinkie Two, as the half-demon called her, cheerfully bounced over and hugged her firmly, and Pinkamena growled and winced away, peeling her slowly off with a series of frustrated mutters and nasty remarks. Then she had half-chased Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash out, slamming the door behind them before storming to the back room and muttering grouchily: “Took even less time for my reputation to be ruined in this layer than back home. I'm going to bed.”

Scrivener agreed with this plan, heading shortly to bed himself with Luna, and Scarlet Sage stayed up only a little longer to stargaze a little before heading into the back room she was staying in with the half-demon. For the four, the night passed in comfort: Luna and Scrivener slept for only a few hours, but it was deep and refreshing and relaxing, and when they slipped out to stroll around Canterlot in the early morning hours, Luna was able to easily sneak into Princess Luna's private quarters as Scrivener grumbled the entire time about being bad guests and getting in trouble.

But Luna Brynhild was curious: thankfully, Princess Luna was out on whatever duties she had around Canterlot at night, and it let Luna nose curiously through her plush accommodations, grumbling the entire time about how she had been given nothing but a few dirty stone rooms in Canterlot when she had returned. Princess Luna, on the other hand, had carpets, expensive drapes, an enormous bed, and what drew Luna's attention most of all, a large bathing room outfitted with an enormous tub and all kinds of shampoos and soaps and washes.

Luna couldn't help herself: she filled up the tub, half-dragged Scrivener Blooms into it, and made him relax. But by the time she had just managed to get Scrivener to start enjoying the soothing warmth of the water, Luna looked slowly up to the open doorway to find Princess Luna herself staring at them, towels wrapped around her body as if she had planned on enjoying the tub herself.

Scrivener had slowly shrunk beneath the bubbles as Luna Brynhild cleared her throat and gently patted her hooves together, then looked up and declared cheerfully: “'Tis big enough for three! Come in, come in!”

In all likelihood, Princess Luna would not have climbed into the tub. But, unable to ever stop herself from pushing any situation past its breaking point, Luna Brynhild had cheerfully flicked her horn and slammed the bathroom door shut, which had knocked Princess Luna skidding over the slippery floor and then spilling into the tub with a tremendous splash. She had risen out of the water, furious and embarrassed and soaking wet, and Scrivener had simply tried to hide, not wanting to get involved in the war of the Lunas he was afraid was about to start.

But, surprisingly, Princess Luna only sighed and slumped after a few moments, the towel still half-wrapped around her sparking mane slipping slowly off to land in the water with a wet splat as she muttered: “If you wanted to use the bath, all you had to do was ask, Luna Brynhild. There are better ones than mine around Canterlot.”

“Well, what is thine is mine.” Luna said reasonably, and Princess Luna glowered over at her before the interloping mare cleared her throat. “Alright, alright, perhaps... that is stretching a bit far. But I thank thee for thy generous hospitality in any event, Princess of the Night. 'Tis a very fine tub.”

Princess Luna only sighed a little, then looked moodily over at Scrivener Blooms, blushing a bit as she added grouchily: “This is very improper.”

“Oh, thou art as stuffy as Celestia! Why are all ponies so stuffy? Scrivener Blooms, take note: we must tell Odin that I desire to go to a world where all the ponies are not so boring.” Luna Brynhild complained, and Princess Luna muttered to herself, sinking down a bit in the suds before Luna brightened and looked over at the stallion hiding on the other side of the tub. “Give the Princess a massage, help tend to her mane, I like it very much when thou does that and so shall she. Even more so, I suspect: warriors as I do not need as much primping as Princesses.”

“Please, I would rather... wait, what do you mean by that?” Princess Luna frowned moodily, then winced when Scrivener Blooms awkwardly slipped towards her. “No, no, it is... fine. Please.”

“Oh, cease, if we wanted to do improper things to thee I would have long seduced thee into bed with us.” Luna Brynhild retorted, and the Princess didn't seem to know how to respond to this, only staring as Scrivener awkwardly sat beside her. “Oh, and now look, thou hast made the poet all miserable and unnerved! Relax, Little Luna, he shan't harm thee!”

The Princess still looked uncomfortable, but she nodded sulkily after a moment, turning her back towards Scrivener and looking grouchily away. The stallion reached out, beginning to slowly rub her shoulders as Luna sat back with a grin, watching with mischievous eyes before Scrivener glared at her and said flatly: “Stop that.”

“Stop what?” Luna Brynhild asked innocently, leaning back and winking over at him. “How often does one get to watch one's beloved husband tending to the sweet, softer niceties of one's wife?”

Princess Luna blushed at this and Scrivener continued to glower at Luna Brynhild, then pointedly turned his eyes away. For a few moments, there was awkward silence as Luna rested back, continuing to watch with a wide grin before the Princess cleared her throat, saying in as serious a voice as she could manage despite the blush tinging her cheeks: “I heard from Shining Armor that you were both interested in what my sister and I have had him looking into...”

“Oh, verily. We are meddlers, as I believe I said to Shining Armor as well. 'Twas it those exact words? I do believe it was, Scrivy.” Luna said thoughtfully, nodding after a moment before she smiled slightly as she sat back, making herself a bit more comfortable. “But do tell. Even if it is nothing thou desires our aid with I am still curious. And I would honestly like to help if I can.”

Princess Luna nodded, then let out a soft sigh when Scrivener's hooves moved in towards her neck, relaxing slowly before she murmured quietly: “This is good. And well, Brynhild... it is no matter of great importance, or at least my big sister and I hope it is not. A meteor fell from the sky, not a great distance away... somewhere in the depths of the Everfree Forest. I do not know about your world, but here it is a very rare occurrence. We simply wanted Shining Armor to put together a team capable of scouting out the location of the meteor and inspect it.”

Scrivener frowned a little at this, even as he began to gently work his hooves along the Princess's scalp, asking curiously: “What do you want with a meteor? It's just a large chunk of rock, right?”

“Well, as I said, it is rare. We would like to study it...” Princess Luna smiled a little, half-opening one eye and glancing over her shoulder. “Mostly curiosity, I suppose. Although some of the mages from the Magic Academy reported that some of their magical instruments reacted oddly to the meteor's crash... as if it released a pulse of magic when it struck the ground.”

Luna Brynhild frowned a little at this, and Scrivener felt a chill run down his own spine, but neither of them spoke as the Princess steadily relaxed. Scrivener went ahead and shampooed her mane, but it was partly simply to keep the Princess of the Night distracted while the soulmates conversed mentally, in images more than words, both feeling the same strange sense of unease.

When Scrivener finished washing off the Princess's mane, she awkwardly excused herself, toweling quickly off and blushing as she headed for her quarters. Scrivener and Luna stayed only a little longer before they let the tub drain and dried off themselves, both deciding on what seemed like the most logical course of action to them...

Well, perhaps logical isn't the right word... Scrivener thought meditatively, as they made their way back through the Castle. But Luna's instincts and my own... and with that horde of shapeshifters we encountered before...

Their thoughts were interrupted, however, as the sun began to rise outside... and Scrivener and Luna couldn't help but pause in the long corridor they were walking down, stopping to stare out and up into the early morning sky as the winged unicorn smiled a little, saying quietly: “Strange, Scrivener... I have gotten so used to living in a world where the sun does not need our guidance, but moves as if with a will of its own...”

“Oh, pardon me, Princess, I was just looking for you.” called a voice that Scrivener and Luna both felt send a bolt of recognition through them, and they turned to gaze with incredulity at a pale blue unicorn that was smiling at them, dressed in a flowing violet cloak that matched the color of eyes half-hidden beneath the eggshell bangs of her mane. She paused, leaning back in surprise at the sight of the two, then blushed a little, saying awkwardly: “Oh, wait, my mistake, you must be-”

“Trixie! 'Tis Trixie!” Luna shouted cheerfully, bouncing back and forth on her hooves, and Scrivener laughed, feeling the same surge of excitement, warmth, and the faintest dregs of deep, soft sorrow: even through their glee, after all, they both knew this wasn't the same Trixie they had known, as the unicorn only stared and dropped the bundle of parchment and quills she had been carrying with telekinesis. “Trixie the Great and Powerful, is it not thee?”

“Oh, no, no, no. That was a long time ago, Trixie... I mean, I, have learned my lessons since those days.” Trixie replied embarrassedly, shaking her head with a blush before her eyes looked up almost hopefully. “But how did you know? Unless that means, of course, your world really is a reflection of ours...”

Luna, however, snorted at this, leaning forwards and grinning slightly. “Ours a reflection of thine? Nay, I think 'tis the other way around.” she declared pompously, then huffed when Scrivener nudged her. “Oh fine, fine, 'tis neither, really, 'tis all based around Odin's damnable center world. But, aye, Trixie thou... thou wert truly...” Luna softened, quieting as she leaned forwards. “Thou earned the title they gave thee, that all of Equestria recognized thee by. 'Twas not the Great and Powerful, though, such a silly stage name held no true potency... 'twas Trixie the Brave.”

Trixie smiled at this radiantly, her eyes brightening before she nodded several times and said eagerly: “Trixie would dearly love to hear... I mean, I would really like to know more, if we could get together and talk about it... I honestly have mended my ways! Sure, I caused some trouble here and there but... eventually I ended up in Canterlot and... oh, you don't want to hear this...”

“But I do, every detail.” Luna said empathetically, and Scrivener smiled and nodded in agreement as Trixie brightened. “But Scrivener Blooms and I are looking for Princess Celestia at the moment, we have something to discuss and ask of her... does thou know where she is?”

“I was heading to find one of the Princesses myself, as a matter of fact... if you like, we can talk on the way there.” Trixie replied quickly, smiling, and Luna nodded firmly as the unicorn hurriedly gathered up her dropped things with a small blush.

As they walked, she went into unabashed detail about her life: how she had lived on the road, plotting complex schemes of revenge that would never pan out, doing shows to try and scrape together enough bits just to survive, let alone find a way to repair her broken wagon. It sounded much like the Trixie Scrivener and Luna had known, another point towards how the worlds reflected one another... but where it diverged was when Trixie had ended up in Canterlot less than a year ago, and Twilight Sparkle, of all ponies, had helped find her an appointment as an assistant to the magic school. Nothing so glamorous as she had originally hoped, since her duties were mostly carrying messages, transcribing text, and sending letters, but it had the advantage of helping her pick up more than flashy stage magic, and she was determined to prove she was more than just talk and hot air.

Luna was delighted... but she wasn't entirely sure of what to say when Trixie asked her curiously: “And what about... the Trixie in your world? I've heard so many stories! And Trixie the Brave, how did Trixie... I mean, I... earn this?”

“Through hard work... and sacrifice.” Luna murmured softly, then she shook her head and smiled a little as Trixie frowned a little, the winged unicorn saying softly: “Fear not, Trixie, I shall explain all... when we meet next. But it is a long tale and whilst I will be glad to tell it to thee, I think we had all best be in a place of better comforts.”

“Oh, of course... Trixie shall be patient as she can. She has learned much, much, much patience from all her time... I'm doing it again.” Trixie blushed and shook her head quickly, smiling a little. “Well. Old habits die hard. I still find myself wanting the thrill of the stage these days, to be honest... but honestly, to see them laugh and applaud not... not to simply show up or trick other ponies.”

“I believe that.” Scrivener said softly, smiling over at her before the trio looked ahead as they stepped through a set of open double doors and into the royal library. Celestia was sitting at a table, several books stacked out in front of her, and the Princess glanced up curiously as they approached before Scrivy smiled and jerked his head to Trixie. “You go ahead first. You're on business.”

Trixie smiled in return, then glanced towards Celestia respectfully, bowing her head and holding up the bundle of letters. “As you requested, your majesty, all the records from the magic school regarding celestial anomalies. 'Twas Trixie's pleasure to be of service.”

“Thank you, Trixie, I appreciate you being so prompt in bringing these to me. Now, Luna Brynhild, Scrivener Blooms... I expect your business with me has something to do with this, doesn't it?”

Trixie stepped back, looking curious, but then she blushed when the others looked at her, clearing her throat a bit and turning to hurry away. Princess Celestia shook her head with a smile before returning her eyes to Scrivener and Luna, saying softly: “I imagine we share the same concern as well, that this meteor is no coincidence... as I am well aware you already spent some time with my little sister this morning.”

“'Twas good time, too.” Luna said cheerfully, but Celestia only smiled, not falling for the trick, and this only made the sapphire winged unicorn grumble. “Stuffy Nice Celestia. But aye, that worry admittedly has risen in both our minds. We wish to go and inspect this meteor for ourselves, if thou will allow it.”

“Of course. But would you mind waiting until this afternoon? You can go with the scouting troop that Shining Armor is putting together. We aren't precisely sure of the location where the meteor fell, after all.. and due to the nature of the Everfree Forest, it may require some time to track down.”

Scrivener and Luna both nodded, before the charcoal stallion said softly: “If it has something to do with those shapeshifters, or is part of one of Valthrudnir's machines... Luna and I will feel it. I'm... particularly sensitive to it, at least when I know what I'm looking for.”

He shook his head after a moment, and Celestia hesitated for a moment before she pushed the packet of papers aside, saying quietly: “Then perhaps you should both fill me in on this story of Valthrudnir, and... tell me more about what we could be dealing with.”

Luna and Scrivener traded a look at this... but as Luna softened, Scrivener smiled faintly and nodded slowly before he turned his eyes to Celestia, sighing a little as he slipped forwards to sit at the table as he began quietly: “Valthrudnir was a Jötnar... and to this day, I don't believe we ever really beat him, but he defeated himself...”

Scrivener Blooms was quiet: thoughts of their discussion in the morning with Celestia still lingered through his mind, dampening his mood. The day had been a day of questions, discussion, and preparation for the worst... which was why Scrivener was walking next to Shining Armor ahead of a column of soldiers that included Applejack, Twilight Sparkle, and Pinkamena.

Overhead, Luna was flying slowly in formation with Rainbow Dash, Scarlet Sage, and several Pegasus soldiers, the dusky light of the setting sun glimmering off their armor making them look like slow moving stars. Scrivener looked up at this as they strode down the dirt road leading into the creaking, whispering Everfree Forest, and then he grimaced a little and glanced awkwardly to the side as he heard Shining Armor ask him something. “Sorry, I was... thinking. What did you say?”

“I was just wondering if you were okay. You seem a little out of it, and I'm guessing it wasn't the long walk from Canterlot that did it.” Shining Armor replied quietly, looking over him with honest concern, and Scrivener couldn't help but smile: apparently compassion ran deep in Twilight's family. “You sure you'll be okay by yourself?”

“The Forest and I have always gotten along pretty well. It's normal pony society that gives me trouble, not the wild lands.” Scrivener replied mildly, and Shining Armor gave a small smile before the unicorn looked ahead as the earth pony asked quietly: “What about you? How are you feeling about this?”

“Kind of worried.” Shining Armor admitted after a moment, shaking his head slowly as they continued down the dirt road, and then he shook his head slowly. “The Princesses informed me of some of the things that we could be facing and... let's just say that if you guys really have fought stuff like that before, you're a lot braver than I ever was.”

Scrivener smiled at this, looking ahead and saying softly: “Bravery is measured by what we face even when we're scared, Shining Armor. As I've heard it, you've never run away from anything or anyone that threatened who or what you care about. Me, I run away from things all the time. Especially Luna.”

Shining Armor laughed a bit at this, looking over at him with a smile before he asked finally: “So she really is your wife, huh?”

“Yep.” Scrivener smiled amusedly back. “I think our relationship may be just a tad different from yours and Cadence's, of course. You two are a nice couple. Maybe even 'normal,' Horses of Heaven forbid. Discombobulation once referred to Luna and me as a 'match made in mad libs.'”

“What does that even mean? And who's Discombobulation?” Shining Armor asked, and Scrivener snorted in amusement.

“A Draconequus who steals more references than I ever could. And here I was hoping you might have some idea yourself. See, he has a bad habit of talking about things no one understands, mostly because he feeds off confusion, but partly, I think, because he just likes to let his mouth run. Good guy, though. My son really likes him.” Scrivener replied, and then he smiled a little at the look on Shining Armor's face. “Yeah, well, you don't even know the punchline to the joke. Believe me, there's weirder than the fact we're friends with a Draconequus.”

Shining Armor only shook his head, then he glanced up before grimacing and coming to a halt, flicking his horn firmly upwards. There was a snap like a whip and a bright pulse, and the soldiers immediately halted, the Pegasi and Luna winging downwards to look at the Captain of the Guard and he turned around, shouting clearly: “Alright, spread out and search into the forest! We meet back here in an hour, no exceptions! If anyone finds the meteor, send up a signal!”

“Yeah, yeah, boring. Dinner break.” Pinkamena muttered, even as she stomped fearlessly into the forest, but Scrivener winced as he got the distinct feeling she wasn't going in to look for the meteor. Shining Armor winced a little as well, seeming to pick up on this, but then he shook his head and turned towards the forest himself, giving a last smile to Scrivener before pushing into the underbrush.

Other soldiers began to push into the forest as the Pegasi shot overhead to scan the ground, and Scrivener looked up, trading a silent flurry of thoughts with Luna before she winged onwards, flying low over the thick canopy of treetops. Scrivener, meanwhile, felt an odd tingle, and instead of pushing into the forest, he found himself walking calmly onwards down the dirt path, simply letting his mind wander as he made his way quietly onwards.

He couldn't describe it: he didn't think even Luna felt this lure, but that could well be because her mind was occupied with her own thoughts, and she was flying eastwards out over the forest. Scrivener looked slowly up as he felt the setting sun on his body like a tangible thing and saw the shadows squirm around him like he was alive, and he closed his eyes as he wondered for a brief moment if the visions were returning.

His head swam a little, and he lost track of time as he continued down the road before finding himself meandering down a path carved through the road by some wild animal that likely frequented the area. He followed the natural path calmly onwards, not even realizing the sun had almost set completely as a wave of nausea twisted in his stomach and a strange sensation twisted through his mind... not a lure, not a hook, not even a pull exactly... more like the faintest touch of fingers, like a thin paper sheet brushing against his face...

He stepped off the natural path to push into a clearing, looking up... and blinking in surprise as he realized night had fallen completely, and the moon had risen. He frowned a little, reaching up and rubbing slowly at his face, knowing that the hour must already be up... but he felt a strange static, too, making it hard to sense anything, to feel his link with Luna...

He grimaced as he strode across the field towards a misshapen boulder, sighing a little as he leaned against it, then grimaced in disgust and drew away when it felt... warm. He looked back at the strange, enormous rock... and then his eyes widened dumbly as he realized he'd found the meteor.

Its surface was cracked and marred, the rock brown and ugly, the earth around it humped up and forming a cradle from the long skid it had left behind, the earth pony hurrying to the other side to see the trench it had ripped through the earth, not to mention a multitude of broken trees and chunks of other debris. He stared at this, then turned his eyes toward the wall of the meteor as something caught in his eye, stepping apprehensively towards it as something twinkled...

He reached up and pushed nervously against the brittle rock, and it cracked at just his touch, strangely-warm chunks of stone falling away to reveal an inside that was filled with crystals. Crystals of all shape and size, the multicolored stones emitting a hum and exuding a dry heat that made him shiver and feel a strange disgust as he stepped away, muttering: “Incredible... and that... sensation...”

He frowned, reaching up and touching his head: closer to the stone, he felt it all the clearer: a feeling he couldn't completely describe and didn't entirely want to, a sensation like something stroking against his mind, a static that riddled his thoughts and made him feel like his brain was covered by a thin curtain, and beneath it, something... something more...

Scrivener heard a crunch behind him, feeling a rush of instinct, and he began to spin around... just in time for the blow that would have connected with the back of his head to instead smash into his cheek and knock him backwards against the warm stone of the meteor, cracking apart more of the rocky shell as he snarled and shoved quickly away from it, turning to glare at his attacker as it leapt quickly away, the shape of a Pegasus flitting through the air before it landed on its hooves with a loud clank.

The moonlight illuminated it, the Pegasus' head bowed low, its wings spread... and while one was feathered, the other was made of a thin metallic frame beneath thick sheets of what looked like some kind of translucent plastic. Dirty, hay-colored locks spilled around its face, streaked with dried blood, and one ear was almost entirely missing. Scrivener could only stare at it, as it slowly rose its head, breathing hard, teeth long replaced by sharpened, gleaming jaws of metal that were bent and broken here and there... and its eyes covered completely by a dirt-streaked blindfold tied tightly at the side of its features.

Its coat was gray, and it was thin, wings trembling as they stood fully out of its frame, its hooves grinding against the ground. Almost half of one foreleg had been replaced by some kind of metal prosthetic, and Scrivener thought with horror that it had a thick vest of some kind literally stitched into its body, as the Pegasus rasped in a harsh voice: “That corruption in your mind is a dead giveaway.”

“Well it's hard to scrape out. What the hell are you?” Scrivener snarled in return, readying himself... and then he winced when the Pegasus leapt forwards, moving faster than he'd expected, the charcoal stallion barely able to rear back in time to half-catch the winged equine as it swung its hooves down into his shoulders, the two wrestling as he cursed under his breath before he was shoved hard backwards, shocked at the strength of the Pegasus before it leapt backwards.

“Valthrudnir called me Visionary... called me a failure and a lot of other things, too. I'll show him what the failure mare can do, though!” Visionary shouted, her voice raw and emotional before she lunged forwards, and Scrivener could only stare before a hoof smashed into his face, knocking him crashing backwards.

He cursed under his breath, picking himself hurriedly up, but Visionary was already charging, her mismatched wings spread before she leapt suddenly upwards when Scrivener dropped back in a ready position, and his eyes widened as she caught the air and shot overtop him, kicking her rear legs out as she passed. The stallion barely ducked beneath this before he looked sharply over his shoulder as the Pegasus twisted at the last moment, impacting a tree with all four hooves but running straight up it, ignoring the slender branches she tore through and sent flying in all directions before she spun and launched herself in a spear-like dive towards the earth pony.

Scrivener flung himself backwards, crashing down on his back and kicking both rear legs savagely outwards as he tried to process what she had said, but Visionary halted herself in mid-flight, just avoiding the kick before she seized his rear legs in both her front limbs and half-spun with a snarl, yanking the earth pony off the ground and throwing him into the meteor. He bounced painfully off the side of the sickly-warm stone, cracking it inwards as his body half-flipped backwards before he fell heavily on top of the meteor... only for Visionary to rush forwards and try to slam herself down on top of him.

Scrivener managed to roll awkwardly out of the way, throwing himself off the boulder and bouncing painfully down to the other side of the field as Visionary yelped and crashed violently down into the interior of the meteor, crystals exploding around her before she roared and leapt upwards, sending out a geyser of diamond dust with the force of her passage. Her eyes locked on Scrivener as the earth pony rolled to his hooves and she shot down in a curving, long arc towards him, shooting in low to the ground before Scrivener leaned forwards with a snarl and intercepted her attack with a hard, straight punch to her face.

Her wings twisted almost unnaturally, halting her in midair and flapping hard as her hooves dropped to the ground, landing and stumbling backwards, and Scrivener pressed the advantage, leaping towards her and slamming his hooves back and forth across her features before she threw a hard elbow into the side of his neck when he began to get too close. He was knocked back on his haunches, grabbing automatically at the hurt area before Visionary tackled him and crushed him down into the ground, and Scrivener kicked savagely up into her stomach immediately, but failed to dislodge her as she only twitched before bringing both her hooves up, meaning to crush in his skull with a deathblow.

Instead, Scrivener swung his hooves into her upper legs as she began to bring them both down, and there was a loud crack from one as a bone snapped, Visionary crying out in pain and dropping forwards... and as she fell, Scrivener slammed his head upwards, smashing his skull against the end of her muzzle and knocking her staggering backwards before he kicked both rear legs out. His hooves collided with her sewed-on vest, and she was knocked staggering with a grunt before he slammed another kick outwards that struck squarely into her face and sent her flopping onto her back, stunned for a moment as Scrivener breathed hard and scrambled up to his hooves.

Visionary rolled to her own in moments as well however, snarling and seeming to simply ignore the fact one of her upper legs was broken, even as it twitched violently and refused to fully support her weight. She dropped herself forwards as her wings spread, and then she lunged towards him in a preternatural burst of speed that shook the air around her with the force of her passage, crashing into him and wrapping her upper limbs around his body in a bear-hug before she kicked off the ground and flapped her wings again to launch herself high into the sky.

She corkscrewed violently as she shot into the air, carrying Scrivener with her as he gargled in pain, his ribs creaking from the force of her embrace and eyes bulging as vertigo tore through his senses, and then she snapped her entire body suddenly upwards, flinging Scrivener high into the air as he flailed his limbs helplessly. But only a moment later, Visionary was after him, slamming a shoulder up into his back with enough force to make him howl in pain and fling him in a lazy arc through the sky before she shot beneath him and spun around, slamming both hooves viciously into his face and making his head whiplash as blood burst from his jaws.

He flew back in the direction he had been launched from, and Visionary shot forwards again beneath him before she spun around and slammed both rear hooves savagely up into his lower back, knocking him higher upwards with a yell of pain. Scrivener was disoriented, defenseless, almost helpless as he snarled in agony, tears of pain leaking from his eyes before he thought of how Luna was feeling every blow, enduring this battle as well... and the earth pony gritted his teeth before he felt himself beginning to free-fall, forcing his body to cooperate as he looked over his shoulder and saw Visionary waiting for him with her body tensed...

At the last possible moment, Scrivener spun around, whipping a hoof across her face in a stunning smack that made her flinch... before his other hoof slammed downwards, crunching solidly into one blindfolded eye with a strange sound like shattering glass. Visionary went rigid for that moment, her back arching before the stallion's heavy body collided with hers and knocked the wind from her wings, and she let out a gasp before Scrivener slammed a hoof across her face and twisted his body hard as he grabbed at her wildly with his other forelimb, clinging to her as they began to spiral wildly downwards through the air.

Visionary gave a raw yell, kicking at him, shoving her hooves into him, but unable to do anything as they spun downwards out of control. And only a moment later, they smashed directly into the brittle meteor, crystals erupting with bursts of light and magic and sound around them as agony ripped through Scrivener's body and he was flung through the air by the blast, Visionary hurled towards the other side of the field as the meteor blew apart into shards of crystal and brown, brittle tile and shale.

Scrivener's mind went blurry for a few moments, laying weak and prone, breathing hard before he slowly forced himself to sit up despite the agony... and then stared in horror at the sight of Visionary on the other side of the field that was now lit up by glowing, broken chunks of crystal. She was covered in wounds and bruises, her vest torn loose from her stitches and revealing raw, ugly flesh beneath this, and her false wing had been torn from her body, one of the long metal rods of the skeleton spurting a black, oily substance that looked like mechanical blood. She rasped slowly in and out, blood spilling from beneath the blindfold that was steadily being soaked with red before she whispered: “I won't let it... end... here...”

Slowly, she dragged herself to her hooves as Scrivener yanked himself to his own... and then Visionary stiffened before lashing her head backwards a moment before a knife shot past her, burying into a tree as Pinkamena snapped: “Goddammit, why the hell do you assholes keep getting all the fun?”

The half demon charged across the field from the forest, snarling, before she leapt towards Visionary as she tore her axe off her back and swung it forwards in a beheading rend... only for the Pegasus to slip smoothly backwards, avoiding the attack with ease before seizing the back of the axe and lashing the flat of the massive blade across the half-demon's face, knocking her flat. Visionary spun the weapon easily, gripping it by the handle before raising it high as Scrivener gave a strangled shout... but then the Pegasus slammed it down and struck Pinkamena's skull with the blunt back of the weapon instead of the sharp edge, knocking her in a dazed heap instead of decapitating her.

The Pegasus tossed the axe away, slowly staring towards Scrivener as Scrivener stared back, even as others began to arrive: Scarlet Sage, and bruised and battered Luna, who half-fell to the ground, snarling and bleeding as she shouted in a raw voice: “Stay away from my husband, creature!”

“Husband...” Visionary seemed to stare towards the new arrivals... and then, slowly, the Pegasus turned and began to stumble towards Scrivener, even as they heard Shining Armor's voice through the trees, as Rainbow Dash shot down to land beside stunned Pinkamena with a curse and stare in horror at the back of the ripped-apart creature, as others arrived...

And yet even Luna could only watch as Visionary half-stumbled and half-dragged herself towards Scrivener Blooms, rasping hard as she stared at him from behind her blindfold with intent that had gone from malicious to questioning before she halted in front of the battered and beaten earth pony. There was no aggression, no violence any longer as they studied each other, and then Visionary whispered: “You're like me. And maybe with the right push...”

Slowly, Visionary reached up, pulling off her blindfold, and Scrivener stared in shock: her eyes were lidless, raw sockets, inside which rested black, cracked spheres of glass... one of which had been partly shattered from Scrivener's direct blow to it. Blood and black bile spilled from this socket like tears, as Scrivener found himself staring into the depths of the broken obsidian glass, and at the flares of light that they cradled, the white fires at their very core as Visionary slowly rose a hoof.

“You can see.”

Scrivener frowned at her, and then his eyes widened as those bright flares, those miniature suns in her eyes brightened and something in his mind burst into life, screamed as

she had never screamed before. She panted hard, blood and drool dripping from her mouth, hanging weakly by the dragon's hand locked around her throat. The creature called itself Valthrudnir, called itself a Jötnar, and it grinned at her, keeping her pinned easily against the wall as he mocked: “How hideous! Look at this disgusting creature, look at its eyes... they don't even line up properly. Tell me, pathetic little pony... how would you like me to fix that nasty problem for you?”

“N-No... there's nothing w-wrong with me... let me go...” the Pegasus rasped, trembling weakly as her wings fluttered behind her, closing her golden, crossed eyes... but Valthrudnir drew her back and slammed her against the window wall again, making her cry out in agony and open her eyes as tears spilled down her cheeks, staring weakly up at him. “Please...”

“Nothing wrong with you? Nothing wrong with you!” Valthrudnir threw his head back and laughed, shaking his head slowly before he grinned over his shoulder at the others: others who had given in, others who he had made into monsters. “What a joke! Did you hear this creature? She says there's 'nothing wrong with her,' Worthless little mongrel, why don't you take a look in the mirror?”

With that, the Jötnar dragged her backwards, turning her around and slamming her face into the window wall hard enough to crack it, forcing her to stare out into the prison yard beyond filled with terrified ponies fenced in by steel and spikes and lightning... and at herself, at her crossed eyes, at her unflattering features. “You're hideous. You're ugly. You're disgusting. You are a living mistake.”

“No... I'm... I'm n-not...” she whispered, rasping hard in and out, trembling violently, trying to close her eyes: not to block out the broken reflection of herself, but to take her eyes away from the horrors of the yard beyond, of the broken, beaten, and bloodied ponies all standing and waiting for death... or worse.

“Yes you are.” Valthrudnir's voice was almost kind, mocking, sincere. “As a matter of fact, you are a superior example... of an inferior being. Tell me, do you want to give birth to worthless children just like you?”

“Dinky is beautiful, you... you stay away from her...” the Pegasus whispered before she could stop herself, trembling weakly, and behind her Valthrudnir crowed laughter.

“You do have a child? And you dare threaten me? The cross-eyed Pegasus threatens me, how entertaining!” The dragon, the Jötnar, the terrible entity that had done this to their beautiful world, their beautiful Equestria laughed again. “And how pathetic. Very well, let's see just how well your eyes work... tell me what you see when I kill your child.”

Valthrudnir grinned coldly as he yanked the Pegasus away from the glass and held her up, even as she cried out, even as she shook her head in denial and stared: stared out into the prison yard beyond, and stared at the reflection of the Jötnar, watching as he rose his free hand and snapped his fingers... and outside, the crowd was parted like a wave as some alien force rasped through their ranks, knocking ponies sprawling in all directions. All except for one little unicorn filly, staring up at the glass weakly, at the sight of her mother being held up, tortured, by the unstoppable Jötnar...

The Pegasus screamed, shaking her head wildly before she shrieked: “No! Dinky, run away! Forget about Mommy and run, run away!”

“Too late.” Valthrudnir said almost kindly, and then he simply clenched his hand into a fist as there was a faint pulse of light... and in the yard, the foal staggered backwards as its body glowed for a moment before exploding in a blast of blood and liquified organs that splattered to the ground in a wide circle, ponies yelling in horror and the Pegasus howling in misery as Valthrudnir remarked: “What a big mess such a small child can make.

“And, as for you...” Valthrudnir turned, hurling the Pegasus to the ground, and she landed brokenly on the concrete on her stomach, only able to sob, to cry, to tremble as agony raced through her body, her eyes refusing to focus at all, seeing only blurred shapes of hooves through the flow of her tears as the Jötnar instructed calmly: “Cut out her eyes. Then we'll give her the gift of real sight.”

And the Pegasus felt strong limbs yank her up to her hooves, felt all hope draining from her body as

pain tore through his system, as he felt his mind flooded with thoughts, memories, violent imaginings that weren't his own, the earth pony coughing black bile as tears of blood spilled from eyes that stared stupidly across at the Pegasus...

And then Visionary smiled weakly at him, even as her breath halted and the flares of light in her glass eyes whiffed out. She stood for a moment longer as her hoof dropped away from his forehead, and then she slowly listed to the side before falling in a broken sprawl as Scrivener staggered backwards, then grabbed at his forehead and dropped his skull to the ground, screaming as he felt the corruption from the Tyrant Wyrm in his mind bubbling viciously, spreading deeper, fusing further into his thoughts as he collapsed forwards in a shivering heap and Luna stared at him with silent horror.

Then, a moment later, she was at his side, embracing him tightly, soothing him as Scarlet Sage rushed over, tossing a single scared look at the body as Shining Armor and Twilight Sparkle both staggered into the clearing and looked from broken meteor to broken corpse... to broken earth pony, as Scrivener howled again in torment even as Luna trembled and held him fiercely, holding him tightly around the neck, soothing him as she caught the wisps of alien and monstrous thought and memory twisting into her own mind as she whispered fiercely: “Scrivener, Scrivener, I am here, calm down now, calm down... I am here, beloved, I am here, I have thee now and everything, everything is alright...”

But even as she spoke the words, she was terrified they weren't true, terrified of what this meant, of what the vision she had only caught glimpses of through their linked soul could mean for them as Scrivener broke down into sobs and held tightly onto his skull as black, bloody tears spilled from his eyes, barely able to comprehend the world around him as the corruption surged and roared and kissed through his damaged mind.

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