• Published 23rd Sep 2012
  • 2,956 Views, 281 Comments

Decretum - BlackRoseRaven

Realities, worlds, and good and evil collide, and Luna fights one last struggle to save Equestria.

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Prospering Friendships

Chapter Forty Two: Prospering Friendships

The wedding celebration at Sugar Cube Corners was really nothing more than a wild party: the room was crowded with enormous kegs of ale, there was a buffet table piled high with food of every sort, and the little formality was quickly swallowed up in cheering and yells.

The entire marriage ceremony itself consisted essentially of Luna in her battle armor, shouting and heckling the crowd into cheering and yelling back, Sleipnir hyperventilating in his own armor, Pinkamena standing with her tattoo proudly on display and her only adornment a simple silver locket. Celestia had tried several times to make a speech, and then finally she had snapped her horn upwards, silenced everyone with the flare of light and sound that had followed, and asked quickly before the party could recover: “Sleipnir and Pinkamena, do you take each other as husband and wife?”

Sleipnir grunted and nodded wildly, and Pinkamena shrugged, then grinned widely up at her husband, and Celestia had sighed and rolled her eyes despite her half-hidden smile before declaring mildly: “Then whether you like it or not, I declare you husband and wife. Sleipnir, kiss her.”

Pinkamena had seized him and kissed him firmly, and then Sleipnir had suddenly reached forwards and picked the half-demon up, standing on his rear hooves as they'd continued to kiss even as he'd held her up above his head to the laughs and cheers of the crowd. Finally, when he'd put her down, Luna had grinned widely over at Scrivener... and the male had winced, then turned and run as she'd chased after him, shouting loudly about how they couldn't let Sleipnir show them up.

The party went from dawn-to-dusk: Rarity and Fluttershy both seemed a little shocked afterwards at some of the things they had witnessed, and Rainbow Dash felt like he had alcohol poisoning after getting into a drinking contest with Big Mac, Greece, and Kvasir. The strange god easily drank them all under the table, while at the same time moodily discussing both Asgard and Equestria with Twilight and Celestia, adding further insult to the injury their livers had likely sustained.

Cowlick absolutely delighted in the party, even if she had to take Ross home, just as Applejack left a bit early with Avalon, not wanting her to be exposed to too much of the raucousness. Antares had also been fascinated, but had gotten a little overwhelmed, so Scarlet Sage had volunteered to take him back to the cabin, and Apple Bloom had gone with her.

Scrivener had half-wanted to leave himself, but Luna insisted on staying as long as possible, and by the end of it, Scrivener was glad he had as he, Twilight, and the few others that remained all sat and stared as Luna, Sleipnir, Celestia, and a few of the Nibelung sang an old battle chant, drinks in hoof and hand, swaying easily together. Then they had all splashed one another with their ale, and laughed at it as Pinkamena dropped her forelegs around Scrivy and Twilight, leaning between them as she said dryly: “If I'd known this is what it took to get people to start showing off their true colors, I would have gotten married to the giant oaf a long time ago. Look at all that metal falling off Celestia... guess she ain't a Clockwork Pony after all.”

It was true: there she was, laughing with her brother and sister, dripping ale, eyes bright and truly happy, so happy that it had washed away everything but passion and joy. Scrivener was amazed by the sight of it: not Baroness Celestia, not even big-sister Celestia but perhaps Valkyrie Celestia... the old Freya, rising to the surface for this special celebration with her brother Sleipnir, who always seemed able to bring out that old warrior and those old passions in his beloved big sister.

When they finally left, late at night, Celestia had gone back to the cottage with them, not wanting to spend the night alone in the library after so much fun, so much loosening up; wanting to hold on to this feeling of freedom and relaxation as long as she could. And the entire night, she spent talking with Twilight and Luna and Scrivener, telling them about the old times and the old ways, even coaxed into half-singing another old song from days long passed with Luna.

In the morning, she had thanked them profusely, but... there had been no need for that. They had thanked her, instead, embraced her, congratulated her. And then they had promised to meet with her later in town, but Twilight Sparkle had decided to walk in with her, and Luna and Scrivener were both glad for it.

In a way, it was like the move out had made Celestia and Twilight closer somehow: like not being together physically as often was helping them close the rifts and spaces between them. They were talking more, sharing more with each other... although that likely also had to do more and more with Celestia's visible loosening-up, as well.

Scrivener and Luna shared a look and a soft smile as they rested in the den together, and then the sapphire mare shook her head slowly before she murmured: “I think... 'tis more than that, too, husband. 'Tis... 'tis like a return to Celestia's true self, her Freya self, just as I found myself naturally adopting my old... Brynhild self.”

“Celestia Freya.” Scrivener hesitated after a moment, smiling a little before he glanced towards the stack of logbooks on the table, saying quietly: “Now that just makes me think of that story Bob told us.”

Luna nodded slowly, looking down thoughtfully as she murmured: “Aye, and Celestia... was more like her old Valkyrie self in that story, Scrivy. Not hiding from who she was, not afraid to pursue anything that interested her... strong, powerful. A figure to be envied, and always loyal... even if aye, she was loyal to the wrong side.” Luna smiled a little, glancing over at him softly. “Yet that, of course, only made it all the more touching that she remained so honor-bound to us.”

She stopped, looking down again and hesitating before she sighed and shook her head, looking up and asking curiously: “Did it seem as if... the story reached its apex with Gymbr, aye, but perhaps... not its true ending? They strode off into the sunset... but is that not merely a way to lay the groundwork for another story to follow?”

“There's always another story, Luna. Always. Before the beginning, and after the end, there will always be stories.” Scrivener replied softly, and the winged unicorn gave him a softly-entertained look before the stallion nodded hesitantly. “But yeah. I know what you mean and I was thinking about that myself. Maybe we should ask Bob... or maybe Gymbr.”

“Aye, the Draconequus did confess that it was the doll that gave him the story.” Luna murmured thoughtfully, and then she grimaced a little, shaking her head out after a moment and mumbling: “What a wild world we live in. My beloved brother Sleipnir is married to a half-demon who still demands to be made a full demon, Celestia is becoming her old Valkyrie self, and we are talking casually of a living doll that seems to be indestructible and is perhaps made from pure evil, but all the same is the beloved toy and protector of our innocent son.”

Scrivener smiled a bit, shrugging after a moment before he looked up and said softly: “It's a weird world we live in, Luna, that's... all there is to it. This is what we get for not living normal lives... a lot of abnormal things happening to us.”

Luna laughed quietly at this thought after a moment, nodding slowly before she sighed a bit and gazed quietly at Scrivener Blooms. The male gazed back, their eyes locking, thoughts and emotions and so much more swirling between them slowly before they both leaned forwards, gently bumping their foreheads together as their eyes closed, muzzles resting side-by-side as Luna murmured softly: “Of course we shall honor our bargain with Pinkamena. But we shall also honor our word to my brother. We shan't allow her to give herself over to Helheim in return for this power, and we shan't bind her down in any way. A dangerous gambit with a demon but... I trust Pinkamena. I trust Sleipnir. And thou... thou understands her.”

Scrivener smiled awkwardly as he leaned back a bit, Luna laughing a little before she sighed and nodded, mumbling: “Aye. And I have an idea in mind of how we can achieve this, but... we must confer with Nightmare Moon. The damned and dark being has not yet outlived her usefulness, I suppose.”

Scrivener gave Luna a softly-amused look, but the winged unicorn only grumbled and shifted awkwardly before sighing and looking up at the stallion, asking dryly: “Art thou in the mood for an awkward and hopefully brief conversation? Antares and Scarlet Sage still sleep, after all. 'Twould be best to get it out of the way now, or we shall have to wait until we are again alone... which these days, is rare. I wish not to admit to Celestia nor even Twilight until after the fact that I sometimes require Nightmare Moon's help, after all.”

Scrivy smiled a bit, and then he nodded slowly, and Luna grumbled before she closed her eyes and bowed her head forwards. Scrivener Blooms bowed his own in return, feeling their minds locking together, syncing up, as a shiver passed through both their bodies, Luna's mane sparking faintly...

And when Scrivener opened his eyes, he was in darkness, Luna standing calmly beside him instead of laying across from him. It was getting easier and easier to plunge into this dark abyss... and Luna gave him a grumpy look at this thought, making the earth pony clear his throat and glance awkwardly away. “Sorry. I forget, thoughts are even easier to share down here and... you know my mind uh... well, wanders.”

“Wanders, aye, like a sheep without a shepherd may wander into a trap field and plunge into a pit of spikes and snakes.” Luna grumbled, and Scrivener looked at her mildly before she huffed: “Sheep are stupid.”

“I dunno about that. Then again, I haven't even seen any sheep on this layer of reality yet.” Scrivener shrugged, and Luna grunted before they both looked forwards as a figure strode calmly towards them out of the shadows, as the moon rose slowly in the velvety darkness above, casting a pale glow through the eternal night that surrounded them.

Nightmare Moon smiled beneath the checkerboard of scars over her features, spreading her wings slowly as her collar of metal roses gleamed, tinted red now instead of silver... and neither Luna nor Scrivener wanted to guess at what she had polished it with, particularly since it seemed... fresh. Other scars gleamed over her body... and what looked like large needles and nails stood out along her back, glinting dangerously as Scrivener winced back a little, mumbling: “Well, I don't remember doing that.”

“Fear not, Scrivener Blooms. I thought it added a special touch.” Nightmare Moon replied in her kind, strangely-considerate tones as she leaned forwards, her mane swirling backwards and lighting up the black coronet of thorns and twisted ivy that was twined around her skull. Scrivener winced a bit as he gazed over her, realizing she was wearing thick reins made of barbed metal as well, and Luna shuddered a little as Nightmare Moon licked her lips slowly, stepping forwards and smiling at them affectionately. “Welcome, my family. I am so glad to see you both... I am always your humble servant, after all.”

“What are you becoming?” Scrivener asked finally, and Nightmare Moon closed her eyes with what looked like an expression of bliss as Luna shuddered a little, rearing back.

“Better.” Nightmare Moon answered finally, with a soft, delighted sigh. “So much better. I have begun a process I should have started long ago, you see. The teasing and testing and modification of myself to better suit both of you... and yes, I speak honestly, my sweet little Luna. I am your passions, after all... and I have influenced myself more to bend in the directions that would aid you both best. You come to me, seeking knowledge of the darker things; I shall be the darkest I can be. You rely on me to aid in battle and in strife; I shall become peerless in violence. You seek me out, when you wish to inflict pain, or resist it; and, as you can see...” Nightmare Moon licked her lips slowly. “I have already learned how to turn pain into the greatest possible pleasure. I think you, Luna, would benefit from mastering this yourself...”

“This... t-this is not why we are here today, Nightmare Moon.” Luna said finally, and Nightmare Moon smiled calmly and nodded as she sat slowly back on her haunches, looking across at them curiously. For a few moments, there was silence as Luna could only stare at the creature... and then finally, she shook her head briskly out to clear her mind before saying quietly: “Pinkamena desires to be made into a full demon, and I wished... to hear thy thoughts on the matter. More, on how we could do this... to her full benefit, without forcing her to give herself over to Helheim, nor flood her with poison, nor bind her to anything.”

Nightmare Moon looked down thoughtfully, then she glanced up and said softly: “It will take time of course, oh yes. And she will be giving up her mortality, the half of her that is pony and tempers the half of her that is demon. She will develop hungers... but she is... a strange case, and came first from demonic tampering.

“Yes. You have a plan in mind already: Ambrosia and demon's blood, over a period of time...” Nightmare Moon leaned forwards, studying Luna intently as the smaller winged unicorn shifted a little, grimacing a bit at the inspection of the dark creature of passion. “And something else... yes, old, dark magic. Night-magic. Interesting.”

Luna finally looked up and glowered across at Nightmare Moon, replying irritably: “Aye, and what I am interested in most is thine opinion and thoughts. Not a summary of the very things I plan to do, nor thy snide comments.”

“I am not snide, Luna. I apologize if I come across as rude. I am truly curious, that is all, and I am glad to offer my help in any way I possibly can.” Nightmare Moon bowed her head forwards politely, respectfully, and yet it only made Luna shudder before the dark-coated winged unicorn looked up with her reptilian eyes and an almost-seductive smile. “The transformation will be difficult and painful. The time it will take to do it safely, over at least a month, will make it worse. But in a way, the timing is good: Sugar Cube Corners is closed, and Pinkamena can stay within its walls while she undergoes her changes. But if you don't want demons to be attracted here... if you don't want Helheim to try and reach up to claim her as one of its own... you will have to be very careful. Demons do not like when loopholes are found in their laws. She will be labeled 'anathema,' excommunicated from Helheim itself; the true demons will hunt her, if given chance and reason.”

“Aye, and that is the true reason I am fearful of performing this ritual. That, I think, is what Sleipnir also fears... she will be pursued by vicious forces, and forcefully dragged down to Helheim for execution and punishment as tribute to Hel and the awful ice-kingdom they have built.” Luna nodded slowly, looking moodily down. “I have tried to explain this and I am sure Sleipnir has as well, but... she does not care. She says she will do anything to protect her sister and I... both admire her and wish to smite her until sense returns to the damned creature.”

“Well, her destiny ends in Helheim no matter what we do.” Nightmare Moon said calmly, and both Scrivener and Luna looked at her sharply before the dark-coated winged unicorn shrugged with a smile. “It is only the truth, my beloved family... is it not best that I always speak the truth, even when lies would be more comforting? For Valhalla will not grant sanctuary to a half-demon, and she is a killer who delights in flouting the laws of mortals and gods alike. And now, she seeks eagerly to bathe herself all the deeper in Helheim's poisons... but all of that matters little to the simple fact that Pinkamena herself believes she deserves Helheim, so Helheim she will receive.”

There was silence, and then Nightmare Moon smiled kindly. “You and Scrivener Blooms are doing a generous thing. More generous than I would be... I would desire more in return. She is already a powerful ally: I do not question that just as in the story we were told of her, she will become a truly mighty demon.”

Scrivener only shook his head slowly, and Luna sighed a little, murmuring: “Thou hast our polite thanks, Nightmare Moon, but I believe it is now time for my husband and I to take our leave.”

“I believe that Antares is almost ready to see me.” Nightmare Moon said softly, and Scrivener and Luna both looked up sharply, immediately becoming tense, but the dark-coated winged unicorn only smiled kindly across at them. “I look forwards to it. I am curious, though: when we meet, shall I appear to him like this, or shall I take on my old guise? Form does not matter to me, after all. I am passion. Passion changes for the situation, passion drives forwards but fills up the spaces that it needs filled. That is all.”

“I believe thou should take on the form that will scare our son least.” Luna replied distastefully, looking at her moodily. “Perhaps thou should pretend to be a balloon. Or a talking toy. Antares does not seem to mind evil talking toys.”

Nightmare Moon only smiled again, however, replying without hesitation: “I shall take it under advisement, Luna. Thank you for the kind advice.”

Luna only grumbled in response, then she firmly flicked her horn upwards, and Scrivener winced as darkness and vertigo assailed his senses before he blinked rapidly as reality faded in around him. He looked dumbly across at the winged unicorn as Luna looked moodily back at him, and then she sighed and bopped the end of his muzzle lightly with her horn, mumbling: “Nightmare Moon is sick. And thou art sick for the way thou wert looking at her. And thou should know it will only encourage her to do even worse things.”

“Well, maybe she'll transform herself into a living toy.” Scrivener halted, then grimaced and rubbed at his face as he muttered: “Oh wonderful. Now I can't even say things like that anymore without them coming out even more horrible than I intended.”

“See? The creature ruins everything!” Luna exclaimed, and then she leapt to her hooves and pawed at the bedding, growling under her breath. “ The damnable monster must be excised. Like a tumor. She is a tumor, Scrivener Blooms.”

Scrivener mumbled a bit, not knowing if he was agreeing or arguing before he sighed and began to stand up, but then winced when Luna half-tackled him and half-flopped on top of him, knocking him back on the bedding as she grumbled: “Nay, stay here with me, Scrivener. For once I do not even desire coffee, I only desire to cling to thee and order thee to make everything better.”

“I wish I had that power.” Scrivener mumbled, and then Luna buried her face against the side of his neck and murmured something quietly in return that he didn't hear... but all the same, he clearly felt it, clearly saw the images that rose up in his mind from hers, and he hugged her tightly against him as he closed his eyes, smiling a little.

They remained silent, wiggling around a bit on the bedding until Luna eventually crawled on top of him, pinning him beneath her body but only flopping herself grumpily over the earth pony's back, squishing him into the bedding and clinging to his neck. Her face was still buried into his mane, and Scrivener sighed a bit, only laying moodily beneath her, both cherishing the closeness and comfort of her body and grumbling about Luna's particular childishness.

Eventually, Antares wandered out of his room and into the living room, and he looked at them for a few moments as Scrivener looked back and Luna rose her head with a smile that froze on her face when the foal asked curiously: “Are you making babies?”

“What does thou know of making babies?” Luna shouted incredulously, shoving her hooves against Scrivener's skull and pushing his face into the bedding, and she winced a bit at the throb of pain that went through her own head as Scrivener flailed wildly beneath her. Antares stared at his mother, and then Luna blushed deeply as she quickly let Scrivener's head go before saying lamely: “We are simply cuddling, Antares. Cuddling. I... but... thou... babies are not made this way, they are made of... oh, damnation.”

“But that's a bad word!” Antares said, looking surprised, and Scrivener sighed tiredly before Antares blushed deeply, adding hurriedly: “I didn't mean to say anything wrong, though, Mom, I really-”

“No, no, no... 'tis... 'tis fine.” Luna mumbled, and then she sighed and slipped off Scrivener, looking down at him grumpily. “'Tis ironic, though, that he knows the stallion should be on the mare.”

Antares was giving Luna a look now, though, and Scrivener glared over at the starry-maned mare, who blushed deeply before saying hurriedly: “Milk and cookies!”

“Milk and cookies!” Antares said happily, immediately both distracted and relieved by this as Luna bounced quickly over to the kitchen, and Scrivener sat up moodily before he sighed and headed for their bedroom, deciding to dig up his parenting books.

When he came back after a quick read, he found Luna and Antares both sharing a plate of cookies, the unicorn foal with his sippy cup of milk in front of him. Scrivener smiled down at him, reaching out and ruffling his son's mane, and Antares gazed up at him with a blush before he apologized: “I didn't mean to say a bad thing.”

“You didn't, Antares. Did Gymbr tell you about that stuff?” Scrivener asked mildly, reaching out and poking the doll, and Antares shook his head with a blush, which made Scrivy tilt his head curiously. “No? Who did?”

Antares shifted embarrassedly, and Luna smiled kindly, reaching up and touching his shoulder as she said gently: “We are not mad, and 'tis not tattling because we shan't punish thee or anypony else. Nor shall we embarrass thee by attempting to scold them, we only desire to... know what thou... knows.”

The foal looked a little reassured, nodding awkwardly after a moment, and then he played quietly with Gymbr before he looked up and said finally: “Meadowlark's mommy is a doctor, so Meadowlark knows all this fancy stuff. I... I asked Scarlet Sage about some of it. She got real quiet, though, I thought I said something bad, so I left it alone, but then when I came out here, well...”

Luna grunted, then Scrivener looked over at her mildly, and the winged unicorn glowered back before she sighed and nodded moodily, taking his advice to handle the subject gingerly... but honestly. “Well, that... that is not what thou saw, no.”

Antares was looking up at them curiously, and then he asked hesitantly: “How are babies made, then?”

“Well, uh...” Scrivener hesitated, then answered in a gentle voice as Antares started to look worried again and Luna gestured at him almost frantically to handle the question: “Mommy and Daddy make love, which... we'll talk about later, when you're uh. A little older. And then the baby grows inside Mommy. And then she gives birth and... well... here you are.”

Scrivener reached out and gently bopped Antares on the nose, and the foal wrinkled his muzzle and looked reassured as he replied with a smile: “Oh, okay. Meadowlark said that Mommy and Daddy have sex, not make love.”

Scrivener dropped his face against a hoof and looked pointedly towards Luna, making Antares look confused before Luna replied with a faint grin despite herself: “That is just another name for it, Antares Mīrus. Or a form of it, anyway... making love is a very special thing shared between ponies who love one-another very, very much.”

Antares began to open his mouth, but when Luna and Scrivener both winced and leaned back, the foal hurriedly closed his jaws and only nodded seriously a few times before Luna poked her son's nose firmly, saying quietly: “Now look at thou, thou art still but a young foal, a very young foal indeed, and thou shan't have to worry about this nonsense for years and years yet, even if thou art... growing up so quickly.”

Luna gazed softly over the foal: only almost two, yet well ahead of peers his age, at least mentally. Physically, too, but not as much... and he had a long way to go to pass through adolescence. But all the same, this was a reminder that... Antares was indeed growing up. That foal or not, he was learning about the world... sometimes learning things they didn't want him to, as Scrivener made a mental note to somehow slip chatty little Meadowlark some piece of information she could repeat to her parents and make them feel horribly awkward.

After Antares finished his milk and breakfast of cookies, they went upstairs with him, letting the foal help out with the process of cleaning up after them as they worked on finishing off the few things left to do in the rooms. Mostly detailing, cleaning up and polishing away messes and scratches, and finishing off the edges of floors and windows.

Scarlet Sage came up to join them in the late morning, and Luna gave her a horrible look, making the Pegasus wince in surprise before Luna hurriedly looked over her shoulder, but Antares was in the other room, sweeping industriously up while he talked to his father, as Scrivener sanded down the frame for a window. Then the winged unicorn quickly turned her eyes back to Scarlet Sage, whispering loudly: “Why did thou not warn us that damnable Meadowlark gossiped with Antares about things little foals should not know about? Damnation, the foal came into the living room, found me cuddling with thy father, and asked if we were making babies!”

Scarlet Sage stared... then she covered her mouth with one hoof as she began to giggle madly even as she flushed a bit, and Luna gave her another horrible look, muttering: “'Tis not funny. 'Tis not funny at all. 'Tis because of that damnable Ameliorate telling her daughter... sinful things! By Asgard, I shall smite her!”

“Mom, it's not that big a deal. I mean, I got my first talk about sex... before my real parents died.” Scarlet Sage grew a bit quieter, and Luna looked up in surprise, tilting her head curiously before she smiled a bit over at the winged unicorn. “No, it wasn't anything like what you gave me. It was more... kind of a prelude.”

She looked down, rubbing at her face slowly before she shook her head a bit and said softly: “Sometimes I think my Mom and Dad knew... something was wrong. That something bad was going to happen to us... but they were trying to protect me. Yet at the same time... they gave me... I dunno, told me all this stuff. About life, about everything... and what really, really sucks is that I was too scared back then, too confused by everything, to remember a lot of it now.”

She halted, then smiled and looked up and shook her head. “Sorry, Mom. Didn't mean to get... bogged down and stuff.”

“It is okay, Scarlet Sage, 'tis very understandable.” Luna said quietly, and Scarlet Sage smiled in return as Luna felt a flutter of warmth that was only made sweeter by the soft sorrow she felt in the air. “Have I ever told thee how much it means to me that... thou calls me so readily 'Mom,' and thy father 'Dad?'”

“Have I ever told you how much it means to me that both of you always say these days, 'this is our daughter,' instead of 'this is our adopted daughter?'” Scarlet Sage replied gently, and she smiled a little, leaning forwards and sharing a quick nuzzle with Luna before she sat back and added shyly: “And... before I wimp out... I... I really would like to bring Apple Bloom by tonight. Maybe... she can even spend the night out here. I want to... I mean, I know you guys know her and everything but I really want to officially... introduce her as...”

“I understand.” Luna said gently, smiling and nodding firmly once, and Scarlet Sage nodded back before stepping forwards and hugging the winged unicorn fiercely, and Luna hugged her tightly back, closing her eyes and squeezing her silently close. “I look forwards to it. Scrivener Blooms and I will be returning here in the evening, after meeting with Celestia, Sleipnir and Pinkamena... I know, take some money from our piggy bank, treat thyself and Apple Bloom to a good long dinner, and then the theater.”

Scarlet Sage smiled warmly again at this, and then she nodded and blushed a bit. “Thanks Mom. I... I really am lucky to have you guys.”

“Bah, thou could be better off.” Luna laughed and shook her head, then she winked at the Pegasus with a playful grin. “We'll see how thou feels once thou art forced to explain the nature of such relationships to Antares.”

The Pegasus only rolled her eyes in amusement, however, turning to head off... but she took a few moments to greet Antares and speak with him for a moment, and Luna smiled warmly at her daughter. It was the little things like that which truly added up to make Scarlet Sage such a wonderful daughter... and if she ever wanted to be one day, a wonderful parent.

Not that Luna thought Apple Bloom was only going through a phase, or doubted her daughter knew her own preferences, and the winged unicorn grinned a little to herself as she sanded down the edge of a window, murmuring amusedly: “Oh, all those years ago, I do remember when I was trying to discuss handsome stallions with Celestia, and she simply ignored me... and then how Sleipnir swept in, sat down beside me, and agreed cheerfully that the stallion I was pointing at, he was very handsome, but would not be interested in me as he had only recently spent the night with him...”

Luna laughed to herself, then turned around and grinned widely at Scrivener Blooms, who was leaning in the doorway and looking entertained. “You two are weird, you know that?”

“Oh, thou art one to talk.” Luna scoffed, and Scrivener snorted in amusement before he turned and headed back to check on Antares, as the winged unicorn called after him loudly: “Do not think I do not know what goes on in the depths of thy sordid mind!”

Then she huffed and turned around... and stared at the sight of Discombobulation now standing behind her, peering around the room thoughtfully. “Creature!”

“I like it, but do you have it in fuchsia?” Discombobulation asked mildly, then he snapped his fingers, and the white walls turned a bright violet, the Draconequus giving a moue of distaste. “Ouch. Well, my sense of color never was exactly spot-on. I think that's why they never gave any of my designs a chance. No, not clothing designs, don't be silly, I don't wear clothes, but I do sometimes wear cologne, and as anyone will tell you, smell is all about color.”

For a few moments Luna only looked at him incredulously... and then she paused and peered around at the room before saying thoughtfully: “I actually enjoy this color. Thou hast my thanks, Bob.”

“Oh. Well. This is awkward.” Discombobulation said moodily, and then he looked up and called: “Other ponies! Come and see what color Scrivener Blooms has made this room!”

Luna glared at him, and Antares giggled as he ran across the hall, then stared around at the violet walls before Scrivener curiously approached and entered as well... then he grimaced and winced a bit, saying flatly: “It's like Twilight Sparkle is all around me.”

“Then thou must truly be fond of it.” Luna said ironically, making Antares giggle and Scrivener sigh tiredly, and then the winged unicorn grinned amusedly. “Twilight Sparkle all around me...”

“You're weird.” Scrivener said finally, as Antares ran around the room, poking a little at the walls and marveling over the change.

“But aren't all mares basically bisexual?” Discombobulation asked seriously, and then he held out a fist to Luna and looked at her pointedly, and she grinned and laughed before punching it with her hoof. “What's the point of being bisexual if you're celibate?”

Antares was now looking at them curiously, so Scrivener only sighed, walking over to pick up his son and gently put him on his back, and the foal giggled as the male said dryly: “Please don't encourage the Draconequus, Luna. Besides, don't you usually pummel him when he says things like that?”

“Aye, but I am in a good mood today and 'tis nothing that bothers me. 'Tis like when we debate the topic of pro-” Luna halted and cleared her throat when Scrivener halted in the hallway and glared at her as Antares poked his head up interestedly. “Those... certain. Types. Yes.”

She rose her front hooves in a gesture of surrender as Discombobulation mimicked her, and Antares giggled again before Scrivener sighed and turned, grumpily heading for the stairs as he said loudly: “Come on, Antares. Let's get you a little lunch, then we'll go into Ponyville.”

Luna and Discombobulation peered at each other at the sound of the door opening and closing, and then the Draconequus dropped his hands as Luna settled back as well, saying mildly: “He's usually so much more fun than that. Is he having rivalry issues with your brother? Because I want you to know that while I think your brother is a very fun pony, I all the same still hold against him the fact that the first thing he did when we met was ram his skull into my groin. It was a very-literally-below-the-belt blow.”

“What? Oh nay, Scrivy is just stressed over raising Antares properly.” Luna paused, then grinned slightly up at Discombobulation, making the chimerical creature wince back a little. “Perhaps thou can help, though! And better yet, thou would get to cause a little mischief... thou likes mischief, does thou not?”

Discombobulation gazed apprehensively down at Luna, even as he looked intrigued, rubbing slowly at his chin. “This doesn't end with me getting sold out and shot in the back, yes? Because I really don't want to go into witness protection. That's a bit difficult when you look like I do. Wearing an elephant trunk just won't cut it for me, like it did for that blonde guy with the sunglasses and the posing.”

Discombobulation accented by suddenly snapping into a sharp stance with one hand out and the other raised by his turned head, the movement instantaneous and making a sound like a cracking whip, and Luna stared for a moment before she snorted in amusement and shook her head, saying cheerfully: “Nay, I simply wish for thee to sneak into the house belonging to Ameliorate and her husband, Engelhart, find something particularly humiliating, and leave it out for Meadowlark to find.”

“Oh wow, this isn't a sitcom-level plan that could backfire in one of a thousand different ways.” Discombobulation said flatly, and Luna glared up at him, making the Draconequus wince. “By which I mean you should first consider how this could affect you, Scrivener Blooms. Think about it: what if, say, I find some bondage apparel, everything goes according to plan, parents are horrified when little filly starts asking about Mommy's crotchless leather chaps... and then Meadowlark blabs to Antares about this whole new game she's found out about?”

“Well, that is fine, all of mine own bondage apparel is safely locked away in a trunk in the closet.” Luna said blandly, and Discombobulation dropped his face against his eagle talon before Luna huffed and flailed her hooves at him. “'Twill not overspill onto Antares Mīrus! But damnation, Discombobulation, they have put me through awkwardness! I shall put them through awkwardness in return!”

“Your plan makes absolutely no sense. No sense. None.” Discombobulation paused meditatively, then he nodded thoughtfully as he looked up. “And the thought of it actually amuses me so, very well, I'll do it.”

“Just do not scar the filly! Make it something... something awkward, but nothing that would scare nor upset the child.” Luna said firmly, and Discombobulation nodded before saluting her, then he turned around and reached out, brushing aside reality like a curtain and vanishing into a green vortex beyond.

This blinked out of existence a moment later, leaving only the unblemished air, and Luna looked moodily into this space before she asked herself morbidly: “Oh Gods above, what evil have I unleashed?”

Luna headed downstairs to join Antares and Scrivener for lunch, and the stallion looked at her sourly for a few long minutes until she huffed at him and mumbled that it was fair revenge. Antares, at least, was energetic and had apparently forgotten about the conversation from that morning already, and they were able to pack up quickly before heading into town.

The unicorn foal tired himself out about halfway to Ponyville, so Luna picked her child up and gently set him on Scrivener's back. His father carried him without complaint, smiling a little over his shoulder as the saddlebags filled with the child's things and other miscellanea swayed at his side, and Luna paced beside him before she finally glanced at him awkwardly, leaning over and kissing the side of his neck gently. “Thou art worrying too much.”

“I... yeah.” Scrivener admitted, then he looked down and added mildly: “You know, we kind of broke our word on this one. We'll have to put some stuff in the lie jar.”

“Nay, I do not see how. We are not going to confront Meadowlark or her parents about it, we are merely playing a fun prank on them.” Luna replied cheerfully, then she leaned over and nuzzled him gently, saying softly: “We are doing the best we can, Scrivy. Aye, I was... not prepared for this, but I am beginning to realize that... we are not prepared for any of the things we thought we were with our foal.”

Scrivener Blooms smiled a little at this, looking down and nodding slowly as he murmured: “Like when he got his first little touch of a cold, how much we both freaked out. How he was so clumsy as a baby... and of course, things like his wings.”

“Aye. We simply... do not know what the future holds, and try as we might, there are things we cannot prepare for.” Luna said softly, looking ahead down the brightly-lit forest path. “But when we trust in our instincts... we seem to do well, do we not? So... we are far from failures too. I do not know how good we are as parents but I can say with confidence we are not the worst.”

Scrivener smiled a bit at this and nodded slowly, and then he turned his eyes to Luna, studying her as she gazed back at him softly, then she smiled slightly and simply shrugged, looking ahead warmly. “Nay, we are not particularly good people. And this is a silly vengeance we have wreaked but... 'tis hilarious all the same and I do so look forwards to hearing about how it plays out and hope it means that Meadowlark's mother will be more careful in keeping certain things quiet from her chatty child. And besides, think of this: perhaps one day Pinkamena and Sleipnir will have a foal.”

Scrivener laughed and shook his head slowly before he looked with amusement over at the winged unicorn, saying softly: “But your brother is amazing with kids, Luna. And Pinkamena, well...”

“Aye, she would be a strange but good mother. She is better with foals than she lets on or allows others to think.” Luna replied thoughtfully, nodding in return to Scrivener before they traded a look and soft thoughts, and then she smiled at him quietly. “Thou does not need to apologize to me, Scrivy.”

“Then I won't.” Scrivener smiled slightly as well as he looked ahead, then he laughed when Luna bumped against him firmly with a snort of amusement. “Hypocrite.”

“Oh, yes, thou art one to accuse me of that.” Luna remarked, then she leaned over and firmly kissed his cheek. “Insufferable beetle.”

The stallion smiled, nodding agreeably as they continued down the forest path; an easy, comfortable journey, as they faded into a comfortable lull of silence. They were together, and that was all that mattered, their son safe and secure, and not far ahead in town, Scarlet Sage was with the young mare she had begun to court.

As they left the Everfree Forest, Scrivener let his mind muse over this subject, looking towards the gates of Ponyville before he asked curiously: “Have you ever been in an extended relationship with a mare? Other than Twilight, I mean.”

Luna shrugged, tilting her head up as she said thoughtfully: “Well... I was not in many true 'relationships' in the past, Scrivener Blooms. Ignominious...” Luna fell quiet for a moment, then she smiled a little over at him when he gazed towards her. “No, 'tis alright. The wretch is dead, after all, and I can let the past rest. Ignominious and I were together the longest. Five... nay, seven. Seven years. But it was because he was a Paladin who traveled with us... and worry not, he was neither as good in bed as thou art and nor was he as accepting of my particular adventurousness. And there were, of course, periods during those years when we were apart, either physically or... well, emotionally, I suppose.”

Scrivener nodded slowly as Luna's memories filtered quietly through his mind, filling in details and gaps, sharing the story with him further before the winged unicorn shook her head, then turned her eyes forwards. They were quiet as they passed the Nibelung, nodding and smiling to them, before Luna continued thoughtfully: “Yes, there was more than one mare I cared for very deeply. That I would have pursued more of a relationship with, had I the chance. That... interested me, I suppose.”

Luna smiled a little. “But all relationships are both very different and very much the same. 'Tis simply ponies who are trying, for some insane reason we call 'love,' to attempt to be with one-another through good and bad and everything in between. Who are attempting to fill in one another's flaws, and protect each other from the world and themselves. Who at first are together purely because 'tis enjoyable... but then it evolves into something more, or decays into something less. And honestly, Scrivener Blooms, I know not what I wish for our daughter. For I know I have never felt happier, or purer, or better, or stronger than when I am with thee. That 'tis not even the serenity thou brings that is truly important to me anymore, 'tis the sense of being... complete. But at the same time...” Luna grinned widely. “I had centuries to sample life's pleasures and eventually find thee, and I would dearly like for Scarlet Sage to be able to sample more than one dish from the buffet.”

“Because you're a good example of staying happy with just one dish.” Scrivener said mildly, and Luna shrugged and winked at him before the stallion gazed ahead and smiled a little. “But I guess I'm not, either.”

Luna nodded agreeably, then she looked ahead and shrugged as her mane twisted out behind her, saying softly: “But at the same time, both of us... could give up everything for each other, could we not? Thou makes me happy, I make thee happy, we are... soulmates. And we are bound, as one soul...” Luna looked over at him thoughtfully, murmuring quietly: “Sometimes I wonder if thou art not a shard of my dreams and hopes and narcissism made whole into a living being. Whether or not we are two ponies... or simply one pony, who happen to be split between these two bodies... I the stallion, and thou the mare.”

“And we're back to the gender jokes, just as things start to get too serious.” Scrivener said mildly, rolling his eyes but smiling despite himself. Luna leaned over and nuzzled firmly into his neck, and the two continued easily forwards, the male gazing ahead and then smiling as the library came in sight... and in front of it were Twilight and Celestia, talking warmly with Fluttershy as her Phooka friend, Nirvana, sat calmly beside her.

The blonde Pegasus glanced up as they approached, then blushed a little and bowed her head towards them, saying softly: “Hello... and oh, hello Antares. It's wonderful to see you all, and I was actually hoping to talk to you, Luna...”

Scrivener glanced over his shoulder and smiled when he saw that Antares was awake and yawning a little, as Luna cocked her head and asked curiously: “And what about thou, fair Fluttershy? Don't tell me, thou wishes for me to marry thee to this handsome Phooka, is that it?”

Fluttershy turned beet-red at this, shaking her head quickly as the Phooka glowered moodily at Luna, and Celestia sighed a little before she said gently to her younger sibling: “Now that the animal center has been finished, Fluttershy was hoping to get some help dealing with some of the creatures moving in... I have every confidence myself that she'll be able to handle these animals, but I understand her desire to want an extra hoof or two nearby while getting used to them. In fact, I applaud her for coming forwards to ask for it.”

The Pegasus only smiled embarrassedly at this, and then Luna brightened, stomping a hoof cheerfully. “Then we must fetch Sleipnir!”

Twilight looked surprised at this, leaning back a bit before her surprise only increased when Celestia nodded calmly and smiled. “That was exactly what I was thinking, little sister. But I thought that for today, we could help out a little ourselves, too. There's quite a variety she'll be tending to, after all... everything from domestic pets to Hellhounds.”

“A Hellhound would make a fine pet! Antares, what does thou think, would thou like a Hellhound for a pet?” Luna asked cheerfully, and when Scrivener gave her a flat look, she huffed at him grouchily. “Do not be prejudicial, Scrivener Blooms! 'Twould be like any other pet!” Luna half-pleaded, looking pointedly over at Scrivener. “Thou adores pets! Besides, no matter what, any pet can be nurtured and trained into being obedient and good-natured, is this not true, Fluttershy?”

“I... well...” Fluttershy hesitated, looking awkward before she smiled a little. “If you can raise them from birth there's certainly a good chance, but... a lot of these are rescue animals. Ones we found hurt in the wild, or... that don't have any place to go or in a few rare cases were even brought here for us to take care of by demons. It's funny... I never imagined that demons kept pets, too.”

The Phooka rumbled quietly, and Fluttershy turned to Nirvana curiously as Luna and Scrivener both smiled softly: the same Phooka as Fluttershy had always had following at her side, the same Phooka that in Discombobulation's story had become more than a friend to her... and while Luna thought even Celestia was curious how Fluttershy felt for the Phooka, they all were respecting the Pegasus' privacy for now. Tempting as it was for Luna to try and simply plow forwards and ask sometimes... and the winged unicorn had to resist this urge as she prompted gently: “Thou art nursing the demon's pets, too?”

“Oh, no. Just room and board.” Fluttershy looked up with a blush and a laugh, reaching a hoof out and quietly stroking against Nirvana's side, and that alone was enough to make the Phooka visibly relax as the Pegasus continued in her gentle voice: “They aren't quite as bad to try and look after... for the most part, they're already trained, if not completely... docile. But I've never even seen some of these animals that are coming in now, and they're admittedly a little scary.”

Luna nodded, then looked curiously over at Celestia and Twilight, and the violet mare answered before the sapphire winged unicorn could even ask: “Black drakes, Hellhounds, a basilisk, a few pseudodragons, and a few other species... this is only our test run, too, but they have nowhere to go, and well...”

“But I know that Fluttershy will do a fine job, particularly with the Phooka able to help out and calm the creatures that don't respond to her natural skills.” Celestia paused after a moment, adding thoughtfully: “Although you may wish to be careful with the basilisk. Between a basilisk and a Phooka, I'm not entirely sure which species would win.”

“A Phooka can best a cockatrice, aye?” Luna looked curiously over at Celestia, who nodded hesitantly after a moment before the sapphire winged unicorn grinned a little. “But even an adult cockatrice is not nearly as dangerous as a basilisk. No ripping claws, no rending fangs, no poison...”

Fluttershy winced a little at this, shrinking back a bit, and Scrivener firmly nudged Luna before the sapphire mare cleared her throat awkwardly and added hurriedly: “But I am sure thou shall do a fine job with it all the same... thou has a wonderful talent for beasts of every shape and size, after all.”

The Pegasus only smiled awkwardly at this, shifting a little before Twilight strode over and gave her a quick, reassuring hug around the neck, and Fluttershy smiled again as she leaned forwards against the violet mare for a moment, closing her eyes and relaxing slowly. The two parted, trading a soft look... and then Fluttershy squeaked and jumped when a jovial voice shouted cheerfully: “And look at this fine group, beneath Midgard's fine sun! Gorgeous sisters, is it not a beautiful day today?”

Sleipnir was grinning cheerfully, striding towards them with Pinkamena beside him, the half-demon rolling her eyes and firmly elbowing the enormous, vine-maned stallion as she said moodily: “If I'd known you'd be so happy each and every day, I would never have married you. It's worse than waking up in bed with sissy.”

“I would not mind waking up in bed with thy sister.” Sleipnir said brightly, and then he grunted when Pinkamena kicked him firmly in the kidney with a rear hoof, making him stagger. “Harpy!”

Pinkamena only grumbled under her breath as the two halted in front of the group, Fluttershy and Nirvana both looking nervously at Sleipnir before the enormous stallion smiled warmly over them both, not seeming to think anything was out of the ordinary despite the Phooka before he leaned forwards and asked kindly: “Thy name is Fluttershy, yes? And thou art in charge of caring for nature's children, is this not so?”

Fluttershy nodded a little, blushing a bit, and Sleipnir smiled warmly before he leaned forwards and pulled her into a tight, sudden hug, making the Pegasus squeak for a moment as Nirvana rumbled apprehensively. “Then we are going to be the best of friends, thou and I! Shy maiden, fear not, for nothing in this land shall hurt thee under my watch! And... what, does thou desire a hug too?”

Sleipnir laughed, reaching forwards and easily sweeping the Phooka up in his other foreleg, the semi-incorporeal creature flailing wildly as it was pulled into the crushing embrace. The creatures weren't physical enough to feel pain, but it wasn't immaterial enough to slip free either as Pinkamena rolled her eyes and watched with a grudging smile as the enormous stallion squeezed both pony and Phooka close. “Yes, yes, friends! We are all friends here, are we not?”

“Sleipnir, cease molesting the poor creatures now, thou art going to terrify them.” Luna said gently, but she was grinning all the same as her brother grumbled for a moment before finally releasing both pony and shadowy equine, and Fluttershy wheezed for breath as she dropped her head forwards and stumbled away, while the Phooka skittered quickly to a safe distance and glowered over its shoulder at the enormous, vine-maned stallion. “Thou has as much a concept of 'personal space' as ever, I see. But do try and be gentler.”

“I am gentle! I am very gentle!” Sleipnir said grouchily, and then he grinned widely over at Pinkamena, winking at her. “Unless of course, I am asked to be rough...”

Pinkamena rolled her eyes and swung a hoof into his face without bothering to look at him, making Sleipnir flinch back before she looked moodily over the group assembled in front of the library. “So where are we going? Pretty obvious you losers have some plan in mind.”

“Pinkamena, Scrivy and I would like to speak to thee about that certain desire thou had, if thou has a moment.” Luna said gently, and the half-demon looked up in sharp interest as Sleipnir frowned worriedly, but Luna only grinned widely. “Trust in me, brother. Besides, thou has babies to take care of. Nature-babies. Fluttershy and friends have requested thy help at the animal nursery, after all.”

Slowly, Sleipnir's eyes grew wide and large as he stared towards Fluttershy, and the Pegasus winced back a bit from this look before she started awkwardly: “It's more of a care center-”

“Delightful! Of course, of course!” Sleipnir shouted cheerfully, bouncing back and forth on his hooves childishly, and Scrivener and Twilight stared as Luna giggled and Celestia only sighed and shook her head, even as she gave a faint smile. “Oh most excellent indeed!”

“Oh frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!” cried another voice, and Discombobulation skidded in from thin air, Sleipnir laughing as he spun towards the Draconequus and leapt up on his hind hooves. Discombobulation caught the front hooves of the enormous earth pony in his own hands, and they danced in a quick, cheerful circle before quickly parting and leaping back from each other, the earth pony grinning widely up at Discombobulation as the Draconequus pointed towards him and said in an almost-admiring voice: “You, sir, are very good at improv. I like that. That makes me change my opinion of you a little.”

Then the chimerical creature paused before glancing towards Luna, adding seriously: “By the way. I took care of that little problem you asked me to. It wasn't overly difficult... they almost caught me, but thankfully my camouflage index was high enough I was able to slowly crawl to a safe hiding spot and equip my cardboard box.”

“Good.” Luna said cheerfully, and then she cleared her throat when Celestia looked at her dryly before the winged unicorn hurriedly turned towards the library. “Come, Pinkamena, let us discuss this new development!”

“Wait, Kvasir is in there and he's... well...” Twilight hesitated, looking awkward as Luna looked curiously over her shoulder. “Well. He's not exactly friendly, but I think he's kind of trying, at least. So Celestia and I were going to give him some space...”

“He can have his space after I talk with Pinkamena. Fear not, I can be very good with people when I desire to be, including foul little god-things.” Luna said positively, and Scrivener winced a bit at this as Antares giggled a little on the stallion's back, before the winged unicorn cleared her throat and added: “But perhaps, Sleipnir, thou and Fluttershy can take my son and show him all the amazing animals at the animal center. 'Twould be most appreciated.”

“I am most glad to!” Sleipnir said brightly, striding over and picking up Antares easily, and the colt giggled again before Sleipnir easily tossed him to the side, Scrivener, Luna and Celestia all giving Sleipnir a horrible look even as Antares laughed before he landed with a grunt on the Phooka. Immediately, the smoky equine stiffened, wincing over its shoulder at the child happily sitting astride it now as Luna turned her horrendous look on Sleipnir, but the earth pony only said cheerfully: “Oh come now! This good Phooka here is a friend to us, aye? He is not about to bolt off with this little colt... and how many foals are so fortunate to get to ride a Phooka, aye?”

Then Sleipnir grinned, waggling his eyebrows as he began seriously: “Why, I remember when I rode my first Phooka-”

Pinkamena punched him in the stomach, and Sleipnir wheezed and slowly lowered himself to the ground until he was laying flat, his eyes bulging as he rasped for air before the half -demon strode moodily forwards and past Luna to shove her way into the library. Twilight looked awkwardly over her shoulder at this, and then she smiled a little over at Luna, asking finally: “Do... you want me to stay, too?”

Celestia gazed softly at Twilight, then over at Luna, amethyst eyes both concerned and trusting. Luna met her big sister's eyes, then she gave a slight smile of her own as her dark cyan irises slid to Twilight, saying gently: “Nay, 'tis fine. Go with Celestia. I fear that Fluttershy will need thy aid more in dealing with Sleipnir.”

Sleipnir grumbled at this from the ground, and Twilight and Celestia both nodded before the ivory winged unicorn said softly: “Don't take too long then, little sister. We'll be waiting for you.”

“'Twill be moments.” Luna reassured, winking up at her older sibling, and Celestia nodded again as Discombobulation gave a little wave before the sapphire mare turned and Scrivener followed her into the library, closing the door quietly behind him.

Then both ponies looked up in surprise to see Kvasir standing moodily near the library shelves on his rear legs, a book in what looked like a lineless black hand, his gaze sour as Pinkamena dug through the papers he had left scattered over the table. The strange, polymorphed god sighed tiredly after a moment, then he loudly shut the book and asked grouchily: “What are you doing here, Helheim spawn? And wonderful, Brynhild and her... consort.”

“Concubine.” Luna nudged Scrivener playfully, then huffed when he simply glowered at her before she shook her head and said flatly: “In any event, we simply required a moment of privacy, 'tis all. We shall be out of thy mane in moments, worry not. But perhaps thou could retire to another room, 'twould be most appreciated.”

“Uh. No.” Kvasir snorted in distaste at this, walking calmly over to the table and tossing the book down on a cluster of papers Pinkamena was peering at, making her growl and glare up at him. “Do you not understand basic etiquette?”

“Better than you do.” Pinkamena muttered, then she snorted and turned away from the table, saying moodily: “Anyway, if this is about the demon thing, go ahead and say it in front of him. I don't give a crowbait's flank what he thinks, after all.”

Kvasir looked strangely insulted by this, rearing back a bit before he frowned when Luna nodded and simply plunged forwards, saying calmly: “If we ward thy home and take our time with the transformation instead of infusing thou all at once with a mass quantity of demonic essence, it should... have the most desirable result. But it will hurt. I cannot emphasize how much it will hurt, and the fact thou will undoubtedly desire to speed the transformation up... but the faster we make thee into a full demon, the greater the chances of instability in thy being, of... both attracting foul entities that will wish to harm thee as well as... death, in a word. Although 'death' is not entirely accurate, either.”

The half-demon snorted, looking down moodily before she sighed a little, looking up and asking grouchily: “How long are we talking here?”

Luna began to answer, but she was cut off as Kvasir snapped: “What idiocy is this? You're not happy being a pony, so you desire to sink yourself lower than even the Ginnungagap rat and plunge yourself into Helheim's corruption? Please. What a childish desire for power... what a fool's errand.”

“Funny. You saying that just makes me want to do it all the more.” Pinkamena grinned coldly over at him, even as her eyes flashed and she growled low in her throat. “Besides, what the hell would you know, pretty-boy? I'm a half-demon anyway... you know what that's like? Every goddamn day anyway, I feel that demon side of me crawling more and more through me, throbbing like a goddamn infection. I feel like a living, walking tumor, reeking of death and needs that no other pony is going to understand. I feel out of control and full of conflict and emotion and hate: I want to feel like I'm one or the other. Not a trick coin, stuck on its side, unable to fall to heads or tails.”

Kvasir looked at her silently, and then he shook his head moodily. Pinkamena snarled at him, and there was silence for a few moments before Luna said quietly: “It shall take at least a month, and it will hurt. We shall use Ambrosia as well, to better influence the process...”

“Stupidity.” Kvasir muttered, and Luna glared at him as Scrivener looked up sourly. The god shook his head moodily, looking around at them before he snorted. “I'm incredulous, honestly, that you would even consider this is a viable option.”

“Yeah, well, you don't know what it's like to spend your entire life behind the broken mirror and in the shadows.” Pinkamena replied, sitting back on her haunches and looking over at him with disgust. “Why don't you go crawl back up Heaven's ass?”

Slowly, Kvasir's face puckered as if he'd just bitten into something incredibly sour, and then Luna added sharply, glaring over at the god: “Pinkamena has made her decision. I would not support her if I did not understand her reasons, creature. And we have weighed our options accordingly and already decided upon the best course of action. Demon blood, mixed with Ambrosia to accelerate and act as a binding agent. 'Tis not hard-”

“It's stupid. It will only madden the half-demon.” Kvasir retorted, and then he snorted before shaking his head, saying disgustedly: “You need to balance the mixture out, you need something that will do more than simply accelerate the transformation, unless you want her to become a mindless demon thrall. You need something that will work to keep her pain at a minimum and sharpen her mind, or she will lose what little empathy and morals and maybe even those shreds of sanity I half-doubt exist, to nothing but raw and base animal instinct. In other words, something to temper the mixture, turn it from poison to serum. Something like... like my blood.”

Kvasir looked moodily down at his own forelimb, flexing his black hand slowly, and Luna and Scrivener both looked surprised before Pinkamena slowly looked over her shoulder, asking moodily: “You offering, or does that mean I should take it from you?”

“Get out of my library.” Kvasir said moodily, and Luna only gave the god a flat look even as Pinkamena rolled her eyes and climbed to her hooves, even as she tossed a wary glance over shoulder at the god.

He gave no reply to either gaze, however, only turning around and resting his hands against the table as Scrivener frowned at Kvasir's back, but then sighed when Luna touched his shoulder, turning to follow her as Pinkamena loitered along grumpily... but just as they opened the door, the god looked over his shoulder and said distastefully: “Come back here tonight and we'll discuss this further. If one day I'm supposed to watch over you pathetic ponies, I suppose I had best take Odin's advice into account and attempt to talk sense into you, even on matters such as this. Especially since I'm dealing with the famous and much-loved Brynhild and her... concubine.”

Scrivener muttered under his breath as Luna looked thoughtfully at Kvasir, but Pinkamena only grunted and shoved out the door before the winged unicorn said helpfully: “Thou hast my thanks. Not for being a quote-unquote 'douchebag,' but rather for at least pretending to offer some small aid. 'Tis unexpected.”

Kvasir huffed, however, turning around and putting his hands behind his back as he surveyed them moodily before saying finally: “Well, whether I like it or not... we're in this together. And I have already been told several times by Odin that when dealing with you, Brynhild... it's best to try and minimize the damage from your plans as much as possible, but otherwise to trust in your instincts. However... strange your ideas may seem.”

Luna smiled slightly after a moment, nodding slowly, and Kvasir grunted as he waved at her dismissively before turning around. For a moment, the winged unicorn considered setting him on fire... but then she settled for only flicking her horn firmly, smashing him in the back with a telekinetic hammer that sent the polymorphed god skidding onto the tabletop in a burst of papers and books before she said sweetly: “Thou shall find that 'tis best to treat me with a bit more dignity too, in the future. Fare well, Kvasir.”

With that, Luna strode out of the library with Scrivener Blooms and slammed the door behind her, and Kvasir sighed as he carefully pushed himself off the tabletop, glowering over his shoulder and muttering grumpily: “Ponies. Mimir help me, I don't understand why you had to go and make them so difficult, Odin... ponies.”

With that, the god brushed himself moodily off, then dropped into a seat, picking up a nearby sheet of paper and going back to his study of Equestrian culture as he continued to grumble under his breath... yet all the same, felt a strange sense of accomplishment despite himself, as if he had finally managed to do something a little bit right.

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