• Published 18th Aug 2022
  • 14,085 Views, 412 Comments

Alicorn in Canterlot - ramdom_player201

A human wakes up in Canterlot in the body of an alicorn. [Slow-burn Slice-of-life]

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Ch:03 - Pony Food

Walking down the corridor with Snow Blossom and the guard, I study the structure around me. It curves slightly inwards as far as I can see, such that I cannot see the end. It seems like nothing I’ve seen in this city has any right angles or sharp geometry. To our right, we pass countless identical doors, the only straight line on them being where they meet the floor. Each one starts to bend inwards slightly right from the bottom, gradually increasing in gradient until the 2 outer edges meet together in a smooth arch.

The floor is made up of hard marble tiles, which subtly bend to follow the curve of the hallway. A soft, yet thin carpet runs along the middle, with segments branching out to join each door. Between every door, there is a large plant pot containing a plant of which I have no experience to comment on. They look like any ordinary generic plants, with only a few bearing flowers. An unlit torch bracket is placed above each of these, although the bright light filtering in through the open archways along the left-walls is more than enough to keep the room pleasantly lit, while also letting in the fresh outdoor air.

I slow to a stop and make my way over to one of the arches to take a proper look outside. The view is absolutely breathtaking. We seem to be really high up, probably in the mountains since I can see a thin cloudlayer below us. Craning my neck over the edge, I look down at the courtyard below. There’s only a thin strip of green between the building and another drop, with only open-air and the ground far below visible beyond. Peering closer, I can make out a number of ponies milling around, smelling flowers and examining statues. I never realised my vision was this good, I shouldn’t be able to see all that detail at this distance.

I tear my eyes away from the view and refocus on the ponies accompanying me. Snow Blossom looks curiously back at me, while the pegasus guard stands impassively to attention. I almost want to ask why there’s a guard with me, but I’m afraid I already know why and don’t want to be reminded. I pass a brief smile over to them before resuming our journey.

It’s not long before we reach a set of shallow steps which Snow Blossom directs me down. Further inside, there seems to be much more activity. For one, there are quite a few guards down here. A pair guarding the bottom of the staircase we emerged from and a few others standing to attention at the ends of corridors. We pass a range of ponies hurrying to-and-thro as we make our way to the cafeteria. Most seem quite busy and run by us without a glance, although a few do stop and wave with a few even casting curious glances at me. I’m a bit nervous with all these ponies about, but a quick glance over my back reassures me that my wings are sufficiently hidden. Not that it matters that much, I’m sure at least some of these ponies will know by now.

It’s not that long before we make it to a cafeteria. I’m already starting to feel quite a bit hungrier from that walk here. I’m sure it wasn’t that far, yet it still feels like I was walking for much longer. Not because I’m hungry, but more because of how surreal this place feels. My stomach growls as I see tables through the open doors. Our guard nods subtly to the guards either side of the cafeteria entrance as we enter, before making his way to stand in a corner somewhere; probably so he can have a good view of the whole room.

As Snow leads me towards the servery, I can’t help but notice how empty the cafe feels. There is still the odd pony sitting around with their meal dotted around the room, but I suspect that they might be keeping the room empty on purpose.

“So… Jonathan(?)… is there anything on this menu which catches your fancy?”

The menu in question is once again written in that language I don’t recognise, I hope this doesn’t become a problem. I stare intently, trying to determine if there are any similarities I could use to piece together its meaning, but still I draw a blank.

What should I do? I don’t want to simply tell them that I can’t read their written language, but I guess I’ll have to do it at some point. Snow Blossom seems to take my extended silence as indecision and luckily saves me from my dilemma.

“Not sure Jonathan? Would you maybe like a daisy sandwich, or maybe a nice hayburger?”

Hayburger? I suppose since ponies are vegetarians, they probably don’t eat meat, but hayburger? Really? Neither of the options she gives sound like proper food. I suppose that since I’m a pony now, I’ll probably have to get used to pony food. I raise my nose and take a whiff of the scents wafting out from the servery. Not much of it smells particularly appetising, but I can sense some normal food among the mix. Is that apple? Wow, this pony nose is better than I thought.

“Umm, could I get some apples Miss Blossom?”

“Just apples?”

I nod

“Are you sure you only want apples? Why not a hayburger? How could anypony turn down a hayburger?”

“Sure I guess… but can I also have those apples?”

I mean, there’s no point putting off the inevitable, I guess I should try their food since I am a pony now, but I don’t really know what to expect from it.

“Why don’t you go find yourself a table, Jonathan, and I’ll bring over some breakfast.

I wander off a short distance and find a table in a corner away from the other ponies before climbing carefully into a seat. My pony body is quick to find a comfortable seating position, but my blanket disagrees and piles up at the bottom of the chair. I freeze up, but when nopony takes any notice, I let out my breath. My back is facing a wall and there’s little chance that any pony would notice me here. I don’t know that I can comfortably keep my wings hidden from this position and I don’t want to actively draw attention to them by constantly trying to keep them covered. Although I should probably try to find some way to obtain a cloak that won’t just fall off.

It isn’t long before Snow Blossom comes trotting over with two plates floating alongside her with a faint green aura around them. A sandwich (with white flower sticking out) lands at an empty space opposite me where she easily seats herself. While what looks like a burger filled with dried grass lands in front of me alongside some apples. These are then followed by two glasses of water.

While Snow is quick to float her sandwich up to her mouth, I take some time to examine my food closer. The burger buns look pretty much the same as any regular bun, while the hay kinda looks like… regular hay. I cautiously lean forwards and take a small nibble at the hay. Unsurprisingly, and a bit disappointingly, it tastes disgusting. I resist blanching from the taste and turn my attention to my apples. Tentatively, I prod one with my hoof. How do ponies do this? I notice that Snow has set down her half-eaten flower sandwich to watch me with some curiosity.

Carefully, I wrap my foreleg around the bottom of the apple and, once satisfied that it won’t fall out, I raise it up to my mouth and take an awkward bite. Pony mouths are weird shapes, biting is weird. Luckily, the apple tastes edible. More than that, it tastes delicious, better than any apple I’ve ever tasted. I quickly finish off the apple, using my tongue to twist it round in my hoof to clear the core, before clumsily dropping it over the plate with the uneaten hayburger.

Snow has resumed eating, but continues to watch me with curiosity. Upon noticing me noticing her, she lifts a hoof to point at her faintly glowing horn. Oh right, magical unicorns in magical pony land use magic. And since I’ve also got a horn, I guess that makes me a magical pony too. Uh no. Even if I wanted to touch magic, I have no idea how, and I have no desire to learn either. I assume it’s the horn which they use since that’s the glowy part and not all the other ponies have horns. If they can live without, so can I. I simply give her a non-commital shrug and move onto my next apple.

I manage to finish it in record time, although Snow’s expression is somewhere between worried and confused, but I choose to ignore that.

“Jonathan, are you not going to eat your hayburger?”

I’m still a little hungry, but there’s no way I’m eating that hay. Although… I haven’t tried the bread yet. I bite the bun off the top of the burger and hungry pull it into my mouth. Yay, at least the bread’s good, better than normal bread, but still not on par with the apples. Snow raises an eyebrow when I brush the hay from the burger to reach the bottom bun.

One bun later and my throat is a little dry, so I bring my attention to the glass. Luckily, it’s a slightly conical cylinder so I can wrap my hoof around the bottom without it slipping through my grasp. Setting down the glass with a sigh, I notice Snow glancing between me and the hay.

“Don’t you want to eat your hay?” she asks in a confused tone.

“No thanks, I don’t think I like hay.”

I give another shrug. Snow Blossom remains in a contemplative silence, likely trying to get her head around how a pony could not like hay. I mean sure, I’ve got a pony body now, but it’s not like any of my tastes have actually changed. I wonder what else stayed the same? I haven’t really seen myself in a mirror yet, and neither do I want to. My voice, now that I think about it, does seem the same if not a little higher. But it’s still distinctly my voice and still masculine. Now that I think about it, weren’t all the alicorn ponies females in the show?

Snow Blossom distracts me suddenly from my thoughts.
“Jonathan, the doctor wanted me to bring you to see him after breakfast. It’s important that we get you a checkup to make sure that you’re healthy. Are you fine with that?”

While I’m not particularly interested in going to see a pony doctor, I doubt I’d realistically be allowed to put it off for very long, if at all.

“Sure, I guess I’m fine with that.”

“Good, come along and I’ll take you there. I promise it won’t take too long.”

And with that said, Snow Blossom got up, casually floating our used plates and glasses back over to the servery hatch, before making her way towards the cafe entrance. I made to follow, hopping down from the chair, but stopped when I remembered my blanket. I used my teeth to tug it quickly over my back and once I was confident it was settled, made to follow after Snow. The guard in the corner quietly fell into step behind us as we made our way out.

Author's Note:

Here is chapter 3, Jonathan gets to try pony food.
Release of newer chapters from this point are likely to slow down.
As always, let me know what you think of this chapter and feel free to provide your predictions or ideas for what could happen with Jonathan moving forwards.

This story has already gotten twice as many views as my other story and about as many comments in the first day alone.