• Published 18th Aug 2022
  • 14,009 Views, 411 Comments

Alicorn in Canterlot - ramdom_player201

A human wakes up in Canterlot in the body of an alicorn. [Slow-burn Slice-of-life]

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Ch05: - Talks in the Gardens

I take in a deep breath of the fresh mountain air as we make our way outside. Snow Blossom walks beside me while that guard trails behind. We turn off the main path and onto a cobblestone one. The little pebbles are much cleaner than I would have expected, since we are in a garden, with lots of dirt and soil around. I wonder if they have ponies going around cleaning the garden paths.

Up ahead, the path winds in through a gap between two tall flower patches. I’ve never seen flowers this big before, except maybe sunflowers, but these are different. Thick vines curl up around a wooden trestle, extending to just above eye-level. The flowers are yellow like sunflowers, but not the same shape. They have bigger petals which curl inwards to form a kind of giant flower bud. The smell from them is interesting too. I can’t quite say whether it’s good or bad, but it certainly is… unique.

We soon find ourselves in a sort of enclosed space, the cobbled path spreading out into a circle, surrounded by tall bushes and flowers. In the center is a bench, sat facing towards a much lower flowerbed of more normal-looking flowers. We both go closer to inspect them. I’m pleasantly surprised to see a much more recognisable selection of flowers. In the front, there are a few daisies. A bit larger than the tiny ones I know, but I’m pretty sure that there were big ones on earth too. Behind them and to the left are a range of yellow flowers. A few of them I don’t recognise, but I do recognise the tall buttercup plants.

Turning my head to look to my right, I see… Wait, is Snow Blossom eating something?
"Hey Jonathan, you should try these rambolia, they’re really nice you know."
Don’t tell me she’s eating the garden flowers…
“Are you sure you’re meant to be eating those?”
“There’s no rules against it here. As long as you don’t eat an entire display, anypony’s free to have a taste. And as the Princesses’ guest, I’m sure she’ll be happy for you to try some too.”
“Umm, no thanks Snow.”
“Really, they taste great”

She pulls another crimson bud off the plant and waves it in front of my muzzle. I sniff it, it smells nice, but not like the kind of thing you should actually eat.
“I can see you like the smell Jonathan. Come on, just a little nibble?”
I give in and nip a small piece of the petal. Snow looks a little disappointed at my hesitance. And as before, I find I don’t like the taste. I try to hide a grimase at the flavour and proceed to swallow the small sample.

When I don’t take the rest of the flower, Snow looks a little confused, but then she floats it over and finishes it herself.
“Say Jonathan, is it true that you can’t do magic?”

“No, I suppose I can’t.”
After a moment’s silence, I ask my own question.
“When Doctor Sage found out I couldn’t do magic, he said something about it being impossible for a unicorn to not learn basic magic. What’s that about?”

“Unfortunately, I don’t really know the specifics of that… it’s something you would probably need to ask princess Celestia. She’s actually a part-time magic teacher so I’m sure she’ll be able to explain it in more detail. But back to the question at hoof, I personally have never heard of a unicorn who couldn’t do magic… Excluding the younger foals of course, but most get a basic grasp of it at quite the young age. I suppose it’s not so much that they can’t not learn it, but that all unicorns and horned species have an innate connection to their magic.

Whereas you, when Doctor Sage asked you to lift that weight, your horn showed absolutely no signs of use; not a spark, not even a flicker. I could see that you were concentrating, but for your horn to show no reaction is concerning… How long have you not been able to use magic for?”

Of course, when a pony has a horn, they’re expected to be able to use it… I guess I should have realised that. I suppose I’ll need to look into pony magic eventually… I can’t have every pony going around worrying about my lack of magic. But since they know now, no use trying hiding it, at least not here.

“Well, to be honest, that would be my first time attempting to use this horn.”
And Snow gasps, not that surprising considering how magic-centric these ponies are.
“Have you never had a unicorn around to teach you magic? Surely there must be unicorns back in your home land… Earth, was it? You’re a pony yourself after all.”

“I’ve read about unicorns in mythology books, nothing mentioning them casting magic with their horns though, although they were still listed as magical creatures.”
Snow’s eyes widen and she gasps again.
“No unicorns?! But what about pegasi? Surely you must have pegasi?”
“I’ve read about those too, ponies with wings.”

Poor Snow looks like she’s having a panic attack. Is that because where I come from doesn’t have those ponies or because I’m saying they only exist in mythology?
“But pegasi control the weather! How can you control the weather without unicorns or pegasi? Do you have–”

I cut her off.
“We don’t, the weather controls itself. But we have developed equipment which can predict it to a degree of accuracy and we collect water to use in case it decides not to rain.

“So you’re saying that your homeland has only earth ponies? Or do you not have ponies at all.. but how–”

“Yes, we have ponies. I guess they’re similar to your earth ponies in a way, no horns or wings. The place is called Earth after all.”

She pauses a moment before continuing.
“But earlier, you called yourself a pegacorn. Does that mean you have alicorns– or pegacorns?”

“We don’t, not even in mythology, but people have come up with their own ideas for what the combination of a unicorn or a pegasus might be like. Pegacorn is one of those names used, mixing pega- from pegasus and -corn from unicorn.”

Snow still looks a little sad. I think it’s time we stop discussing this. I stand up.
“Come on Snow, I want to see more of these gardens, you coming?”

Upon hearing this, she perks up again.
“Of course, I can’t wait to show you the statues! Maybe I can teach you some of our own pony history!”
We both stand up and make our way to the opposite side of the circle where a small arch leads the way through into the next section.

Turning my head back, I notice that I cannot see our guard anymore. I wonder where he went off to?
“Ahem– sorry ponies but the royal gardens are closed to visitors until further notice. I have been instructed to escort all ponies away from the castle. Princess’s orders.”
A unicorn guard had come round the corner while I wasn’t looking and now stands in our path. I think I can guess what this is about… and checking my wing covers, they’re still perfectly hidden.

I glance over at Snow and give a mischievous smile. She seems confused, but only for a moment as she is quick to catch on.
“Oh of course, lead the way. Although I must ask, what might this be about?” she asks.

“That’s confidential information.”
He starts walking back the way we came and we follow behind. Snow comes up to his side and then suddenly asks in a conspiratorial tone, “this wouldn’t have anything to do with, say… those rumours of an alicorn colt would it?”
The guard stops suddenly, rounding on both of us.

“Who told you that! I’m afraid I’ll need to take you in for questioning… and are you wearing bedsheets?”
His shout quickly turning to one of confusion. Snow speaks up.

“Oh, this here is Jonathan, I’ve been assigned to look after him until later this evening…”
“What’s your name miss?”

“Snow Blossom, sir.”
She turns to show her cutie mark to the guard. This sparks some recognition.

“Oh… umm… my apologies miss Snow Blossom. Princess Celestia said you would be on duty… with the… alicorn… colt…”
He glances back over to my bedsheets.
“You wouldn’t happen to be that alicorn colt the princess mentioned would you?”
He doesn’t wait for an answer, and instead goes ahead and pulls off my covers with his magic, revealing my wings.

“My deepest and most sincere apologies… You think you could maybe… promise not to tell anypony of this mix up?”

Snow Blossom laughs.
“Oh don’t worry, we were just having a little fun. Nopony need ever know.”
At that point, the guard who had been trailing up until a short time ago finally reappears from around the bushes. His eyes widen slightly when he sees the unicorn guard with us.

The unicorn guard speaks up.
“Patroller Soft Wing... Where have you been? You were meant to be watching over these two.”
“Umm, I’m really sorry commander. I just got a little distracted by the gardens and maybe might have lost them.”
“And I found them right here, right by the entrance. I almost apprehended them because I didn’t recognise them myself. This is your job, patroller. I really need you to step up your game…”

The commander sounds tired. I wonder how long this has been going on between these two.
The pegasus patroller wilts under his disappointment.
“I’m really sorry sir, it won’t happen again.”

“It better not do, but I’ll let you off just this once.”

“Really sir?”

The commander nods.
“But just this once. Well, I best be going now, need to keep up my patrol. Have a nice day everypony.”
And then he leaves. Our guard, Soft Wing, is quick to compose himself and stand to attention.

“Well, I think it’s getting close to lunch, everypony want to head down to the cafeteria?” Snow asks.

And actually, I am beginning to feel hungry again.
“Ye, sure, that sounds nice.”

Soft Wing ignores the question, keeping his face straight and impassive as before. But what about Soft Wing? He probably had breakfast early this morning, but surely he won’t go without lunch. I wonder if he’ll swap out with another guard or stay and eat with us…
“Hey Soft Wing! I asked if you wanted to get some lunch at the cafeteria?”

“Umm, sorry Snow, but protocol won’t permit that. You go on ahead.”
And with that, we all begin to make our way back to the castle.

Author's Note:

Writing this chapter was quite difficult. Especially directing the conversations between Snow and Jonathan. It took a couple rewrites of the starting paragraphs, but I managed to get it done in the end.

Other than that, I got my exam results back today.
So should the next chapter skip to the dinner meeting with Princess Celestia or does anyone else have ideas for them to spend the rest of the afternoon doing up to that point?

People in the comments have pointed out that roses are edible and taste good. Just pretend it's a type of Equestrian rose that wouldn't taste good to humans for now. I might go back and replace the rose with another flower later. Replaced roses with made up flower.