• Published 21st Sep 2012
  • 4,710 Views, 244 Comments

Inner Demons: Fragments of Truth - Azure Sandora

Rarity is forced to learn the truth behind Midnight, and her own horrible connection to the past.

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Floor I

Common misconception that I wish to clear up, Equestria is the name of the country, not the world. As such, the planet will be known as Terra by the angels. I've decided to draw heavily on two of my favorite games to create this side of the world, so for those who get one reference gets a cookie. Those who get both get a whole cake all to themselves.

Floor I – What's Going On?

Inside the tower was pure white. After a while she felt tired, so she stopped running and began walking through the hallway. As she walked, she thought hard about everyone back home. Poor Sweetie Belle had to be worried sick. Apple Bloom was supposed to be leaving soon, so she was bound to be really sensitive. Fluttershy and the others would be looking for her soon, if they weren't already. Finally, Spike...

"Oh Spike," she said looking down at the golden bracelet that she wore on her front right hoof. It had the red heart stone he got for her eleven years ago in the center. It was her prized possession. At least, material wise. Looking at it made her want to cry, as she remembered the day she gave it to her.

~Last Month

Rarity was wearing a purple cocktail dress, dark purple eye shadow, and was currently applying red lipstick as she looked in the mirror. This was their ritual after they became an offical couple. They went to a different restaurant every year, trying different foods and searching for the best dish in Equestria. They also made it a habit to order something different all the time if they went to the same restaurant during that year.

Naturally she was looking forward to this day.

The doorbell rang just as she was applying her perfume. She finished up and trotted over to the door.

"Coming, I'm coming," she called out. Since her high heels were at the side of the door, she quickly put them on and opened the door. Spike did a double take when he saw Rarity.

"Wow, you look amazing."

"Thank you Spike," Rarity said softly and sweetly. These days it seemed like she and Fluttershy were switching places in how they spoke to their special someponies. In Spike's defense, he wasn't a pony, but terms like that applied to him, right?

"Oh, I got you something," Spike said reaching into his tuxedo jacket and pulling out a somewhat small box, "Remember when I asked to borrow that heart stone I gave you?"

"Yes, I remember," Rarity said.

"Well, I actually had it fitted into a bracelet, but a special kind of bracelet."

"Oh Spike, you didn't have to do all of that. I may be high class, but that doesn't mean you need to go so far for me."

"Actually... this time I did," Spike took her front right hoof into his hands, "Rarity, we met twelve years ago. Back then, I was just a baby dragon, but you were a full grown mare. I thought you were absolutely radiant then, but as I was a kid I didn't fully know how I felt. All I knew was that I wanted to make you happy."

"Spike, I-"

"Just wait. I swear this will be worth it," she knew all of what he was saying, but something told her to let him continue, so she simple smiled and nodded, "That day ten years ago, during the... incident... seeing you hurt like that woke something up inside of me. In that moment, I aged immediately into an adolescent dragon, and I knew that my feelings for you weren't just a crush. I loved you, so much that my body had to grow in order to contain it. Even now, your smile is the most precious thing in my life. I don't need anything else; money, fame, as long as I can see you smile."

"Oh... Spike, that has to be the sweetest thing you ever said to me," by now she felt tears building up in her eyes. She had never felt so loved before.

"Would you believe that I'm not done yet?" Spike asked smiling, surprising Rarity a bit. What else could he say? "I thought about how I was going to do this for a long time. I even asked Macintosh and Shining Armor for tips. In the end, none of their ideas seemed to express how much I loved you, so I decided to just follow my heart," what on earth was he talking about? It almost sounded like he was-

Rarity's breathing picked up as Spike, still holding onto her hoof, slowly knelt in front of her.

"Oh... Celestia..." she just barely got out.

"Rarity, eleven years ago I gave you my heart, and ten years ago you gave me yours. I asked to borrow mine so I could give it back, along with my soul," Spike opened the box, showing the now slightly smaller red heart stone, now fitting in the middle of a golden bracelet, "Rarity, will you marry me?"

She couldn't believe it. She knew that this day would come, but she had no idea it was going to come today, like this. Thankfully she knew how to apply make-up without ruining it, because her tears were coming down like a waterfall now. She couldn't tell if she was laughing or crying, but she knew that right now, she felt so much joy, so once she found her voice...

"Y-yes!" Rarity cried, "Yes Spike! I'll marry you!"

Spike's eyes were wide, but once he calmed down a bit, he gently put the bracelet on her hoof. He then stood up, slowly raising Rarity onto her hind legs, and kissed her. Oh, screw dinner, Rarity thought as she lead Spike inside. After that confession, dinner seemed less important than what she wanted, needed to do with Spike right now.

~Present Day

"I have to get back to him," Rarity said to herself, "Spike, wait for me."

She found her second wind and galloped onward. At the end of the hallway she saw a golden door with the number "I" one it. She slowly approached the door, about to open it.

So, have you finally come to your senses? Are you ready to continue your Directive?

Directive? What directive? And who was that voice?

"Um, excuse me?" Rarity called out, "I'm sorry to sound rude, but I simply must be on my way. You see, my family is probably looking for me, and I-"

Through this door is a memory fragment. It contains Vale's memory, as well as that of others associated with her. All you have to do is proceed with the memory.

"Hello? I don't think you quite heard me. I said that I have to-"

Often times you'll find yourself facing demons in Vale's past. If this happens, just act naturally. This is Vale's memory being repaired, and the demons are the remains of darkness that infected her. Now, open the door when you're ready.

"Are you ignoring me?!" Rarity fumed, "I will not be ignored! Now, I demand that you send me home this INSTANT!" she stomped her hoof, expecting the voice to speak up. Sure enough, they were ignoring her. Sighing in frustration, Rarity decided to do the only thing she could do. She didn't know how to get back to Equestria, and apparently that person speaking wasn't going to tell her what was going on, at least not yet. With no other alternative...

Rarity opened the door...

The room was very large, and it sort of looked like an arena. There were really brigt lights close to the ceiling, and the architecture was very much like what Rarity would have seen in Canterlot castle. In the center of the room she saw what looked like a pony standing with their back turned to her. They were wearing a white cloak, and all Rarity could see was they had a blond tail.

"Um, excuse me," Rarity called out, "Do you know why I'm here?" the pony in front of her was deathly silent, "Ah, I see. You're here against your will too. In that case, perhaps it would be best if we worked together," they remained silent, as if they didn't even hear her. Rarity groaned in frustration and trotted over to the pony, "Now look here, I have been ignored from the moment I arrived in this tower, and quite frankly I'm sick of it. You will aknowledge me!" she put her hoof on their shoulder to turn them around.

You will give back her soul, even if we have to pry it out of you...

"Huh?" Rarity stepped back when she heard that voice. It was almost like a whisper, yet it was perfectly clear in her head. The pony turned around, showing their face. They were pure white, they had a blond mane, much like their tail, but they had a white band covering their eyes. They also had a long unicorn horn on their head. It took a second, but when Rarity realized what this was, she saw red.

"Wait... you! You're the one who-" the pony lunged forward, forcing Rarity to jump back. As she landed she saw the pony's cloak had fallen off, revealing long white pegasus wings. This pony was an Alicorn.

No... based off of what she learned over the years, this pony was an angel.

If you don't want to be deleted, then face the opponent in front of you. Either way we still get what we set out for. It's up to you how we get it.

This was getting so out of hoof. She still had no idea why any of this was happening, and no one was telling her anything. All she knew at this moment, was she had to fight. She charged up the power of the Element of Generosity, noticing how cold the air around her got. This was a good sign. She hadn't used its power in a long time, so hopefully she hadn't forgotten anything.

"I don't know why you brought me here, but I have no plans on dieing just yet!"

The angel spread his wings and lunged at Rarity, who jumped to the side. The angel rushed up to her again and locked horns with her. It seriously had been a long time since Rarity was in a serious fight like this, but thankfully she gained knowledge of combat when the Element of Generosity was in combat mode. She and the angel clashed horns for a good few minutes, until she saw an opening.

Rarity used that opening to lunge at the angel herself, knocking him down. As he got up, Rarity charged up energy into her horn. She then fired icicles at the angel, who flew out of the way still making his way over to Rarity. When he reached her, their horns locked again, but this time he managed to push Rarity down onto the floor.

It is inevitable. Return that which does not belong to you.

"Shut up!" Rarity shouted. She got up and charged up energy through her horn again, this time longer than before. The angel rushed over to her, but she moved to the side and out of the way. For a good while the angel just chased Rarity around the arena. After she had built up enough power in her horn, she jumped far away from her opponent and pointed her horn at him. She unleashed her attack in the form of a large ice beam, encasing the angel in a large icicle. She followed up by charging through the icicle, knocking the angel onto the the floor.

She stomped her feet looking at the angel, ready to charge again if he attacked.

Soon you will see that it is pointless to resist.
You're only hope is to go forward.
She won't let you do otherwise.

The angle fell limb and began to glow. He slowly vanished before Rarity's eyes, shocking her a bit. Did she actually...?

You can't kill what doesn't truly exist. You two actually have a lot in common.

"Wh-what?" Rarity asked looking up, "What could he and I ever have in common?"

Perhaps seeing the memory fragments of what happened will make you more willing to proceed with your directive.

"What are you talking about? What directive?" Rarity asked. Once again her question fell on deaf ears, but Rarity noticed a bright light above her. The light condensed into a small orb that fell to the tip of Rarity's horn. The second it made contact Rarity felt a sharp pain in her head, so much that she fell to the floor. She then felt images forced into her head, almost like they were her own thoughts. Even though her head was hurting beyond a migraine, all she could do now was proceed with the images in front of her.

Your reawakening is at hoof...
Rise up...
Guardian of Equestria...

She opened her eyes and looked around. She was still in the Tower of Light, the white walls and machines giving it away.

"Guardian, look up."

The Guardian looked up at the large Alicorn standing on a pedestal in front of her, the light emanating off of her was so much that the young Alicorn wasn't able to see her.

"Please state your name and rank," the glowing entity commanded.

"Guardian Vale, Angel Class S, under direct command of Faust, also known as the All Mother." the Guardian said seriously, her voice somewhat deep yet feminine.

"Tell me what your directive is," the glowing entity commanded.

"I was created with the mission to protect Equestria from the darkness of Tartarus. My title is Guardian of Equestria."

"Good, being asleep hasn't taken away your memory," the glowing entity said, motioning to the window. The young mare walked over to the window and saw the planet outside.

"Vale," the entity asked, "You remember Equestria, do you not?"

"I do," Vale said nodding, "I have been there numerous times."

"You have friends down there, correct?" the entity asked, getting Vale's attention.

"They haven't died?" she asked.

"I do not believe so. Imprinting your directive only took fifteen years, so they should be alive."

Vale looked back at the blue planet, smiling a bit. Good, she thought, they're still there. She hoped that they still remembered her.

"I know that your awakening was sudden," the All Mother said, "You see, the situation on Terra has changed dramatically."

"How so?" Vale asked looking up at the entity.

"The monsters of Tartarus have begun their assault. Information on Tartarus should have been sent directly to you."

Vale thought back, and sure enough she did know about Tartarus. It was like the information was always there, even if she could remember a time where it wasn't.

"Tartarus is the opposite section to Elysium. It can be reached directly from Elysium, and a gate to Tartarus exists somewhere in the country of Equestria," Vale explained. What she didn't say was that one of her friends was from Tartarus. She would never say that, for she feared what would happen if the All Mother found out.

"Correct, currently the gate to Tartarus has cracked open. Monsters are leaking out."

"What?!" Vale asked, showing the most emotion she has shown since awakening. The All Mother took note silently.

"Also," the All Mother continued, "Somepony has accessed the code needed to control day and night. Originally dominion of the sun and moon was to go to you, but your function has been adjusted for this mission. You have been redesigned strictly for combat purposes."

Terra's orbit was different than other worlds. It was an experiment, using magic to control the planet's orbit. Every few millenniums Elysium would send an angel down to actively monitor the code and control day and night. This generation's angel was supposed to be Vale, but apparently the situation had changed.

That was when Vale looked at her flank. Normally the angel sent to hold dominion of the sun had a "Cutie Mark" shaped like the sun, but in the case of Vale right now hers was a sword and shield.

"Vale, as you have friends down there, I understand if you do not feel up for this mission. If necessary, I can send-"

"With all due respect, All Mother," Vale said looking up, "it is because my friends are down there that I must accept this mission. If anything happens to them I would never forgive myself. Please All Mother, allow me to go to Terra."

The All Mother looked down for a second thinking, "Very well," she said, "You will be sent down to Terra using the same Light Road you used when you were a filly. As such, you will land in Equestria at the same entry point. Unlike back then though, you will not be required to return to Elysium at the end of the day. You will remain in Equestria until your mission is complete."

This meant she could remain with Bayonet and Azure this time. She couldn't help but smile a bit hearing that.

"Upon arriving in Equestria, you will have two missions. Mission one is the most important. You must act to protect Equestria from any demons that invade. No matter what form they take, you have to destroy them."

"Understood," Vale said nodding.

"Your second mission is to find the pony who is using the code. At the moment we do not sense a threat from this, but the only pony who should be able to control the sun and moon should be an angel. You must find this pony and insure they are trustworthy. If they are, protect them, as I'm sure that the demons of Tartarus will be targeting that pony. The demons have been trying to gain control of the sun and moon for eons."

"Protect Equestria and find the pony with the code, got it," Vale said.

"The Light Road has been prepared. Vale, you may descend whenever you are ready," the All Mother said.

"Then I will depart immediately," Vale turned around and galloped down the hall. Now that she was out of the view of the All Mother, she could emote a little more. The only thing on her mind right now was the safety of her friends.

"Azure Sky, Bayonet, I'm coming," she said to herself. She wouldn't let the demons of Tartarus destroy her second home. She wouldn't let them kill her friends.

At the end of the hallway she was running in, she saw what looked like a glowing pool of water, but she knew better. She stopped in front of it, and slowly walked onto the pool, actually standing on the water. Once she was in the center she flexed her wings and allowed the light to envelop her. Her surroundings faded away, and she started to feel like she was falling.

She closed her eyes and began to focus on flying down. She had done this so many times in her youth she wasn't afraid of falling. In fact, by flying she could get there quicker.

After a minute or two, she felt the cool air of Equestria. She shifted her stance so she could slowly descend and land on her feet, and once she felt the cool grass on her hooves she opened her eyes. It was night time, but it looked the same. She could even see the village in the distance.

"Looks like I'm not too late," Vale said with a smile. She began trotting over to the village, deciding it would be best to start there.

She walked through the forest, remembering the times she and her friends played together here. She was sad when she had to leave to be conditioned for her directive, but it would all be okay now. She would meet up with her friends, ensure their safety, and then be on the lookout for any demons.

As she walked, she heard something. It was soft, but the sound was unmistakable.


Somepony was crying...

Vale stopped and looked around, following the sound to a bush next to her. Suddenly she remembered the first time they met... her.

"Impossible..." Vale said to herself. The odds of it were...

When she looked through the bush, she was shocked. It was a young mare about her age, maybe a few years younger. She was an Alicorn just like Vale, and even though she was bigger now (about the same height as Vale), her mane and tail were fuller, her wings were larger, and her horn was longer, Vale recognized the crying mare immediately, as her Cutie Mark gave her away.

"Midnight?" Vale asked walking over to the mare. She looked up at Vale after a second, her eyes red showing how long she had been crying. Her eyes lit up however when she saw her friend.

"V-Vale...? Is that you...?" she asked, her voice deeper, but recognizable. When Vale nodded smiling, Midnight beamed and embraced her, "Vale! I can't believe it! It's really you!"

"I see you haven't changed," Vale said returning the hug from her friend.

"When Azure and Bayonet told me that you returned to Elysium for your directive, I thought I'd never see you again!" she looked in Vale's eyes, crying again, but now she was smiling, "I'm so happy!"

"I'm glad that you're happy now, but why were you crying earlier? Those weren't tears of happiness, darling," Vale asked almost motherly.

"Um..." Midnight looked away ashamed. That meant that whatever she was crying about was something that she didn't want to share. When they were kids Midnight was always sensitive, so often she would start crying for silly reasons. You'd think that after fifteen years she'd have grown up a bit.

A deep growl was heard that caught Vale and Midnight's attention. A sense of wrongness came over Vale. She knew exactly what that was.


Small black clouds appeared on the ground all around them, and small black trolls came out of them. They were half the size of the two Alicorns, and there were at least ten of them. Vale braced herself, but she noticed Midnight hiding behind her. Vale took a look at her friend and noticed how bad she was trembling.

"Is this what has you so afraid?" Vale asked softly, Midnight's only response was to back away a little more. Vale then turned to the approaching demons. She hunched over spreading her wings in a threatening manner, her sapphire blue eyes suddenly glowing green as she summoned her new powers.

"You are not welcome in this place!" Vale proclaimed.

The trolls rushed over to the two Alicorns, but Vale turned around and buck kicked a troll into the group knocking the rest of them back. She then looked at Midnight seriously, her eyes still green.

"Find someplace to hide!" Vale commanded. Midnight nodded and ran behind a large rock watching the angelic Alicorn fight.

Vale turned back to the trolls and charged at them, leading with her horn. She blew most of the trolls away, but one got impaled on her horn. She slammed her horn onto a tree making the troll disappear in a black mist.

The trolls starting firing small black beams out of their fingers at Vale, but she rolled out of the way and fired white blasts out of her horn at them. She hit four of the trolls, dispersing them.

Five down, five to go.

The remaining trolls ran up to Vale, but she kicked, swung with her horn, everything in her power to keep the trolls away. She jumped in the air as the trolls lunged at her, causing them to hit each other as Vale landed behind them. She turned around to face them, and then flew up into the air a bit. She spread her wings, causing multiple lasers of light to rain down on the trolls, killing the rest of them.

Vale landed, allowing her powers to die down.

"Midnight? Darling? Are you here?" Vale asked.

"Y-yes. I'm here," Midnight said stepping out from behind her rock, "You were amazing, Vale. Was that from your training on Elysium?"

"Yes, actually," Vale said walking over to her friend, "Are you staying in the village?"

Midnight nodded, "Would you escort me?"

"Of course, dear," Vale said, "Let's go."

The two Alicorns began walking to the village. Once they were about halfway there, Midnight looked like she remembered something.

"Wait, what time is it?" she asked.

"Well, I left Elysium at about five Equestrian Time, and it's been an hour since then, so that makes it six."

"It's that late?! I almost missed it! Azure would have been so mad at me!" Midnight said.

"Almost missed what?" Vale asked watching Midnight run off over to a high point. Midnight looked at the sky and closed her eyes, making her horn glow. At first Vale wasn't sure what she was doing, but after a second Vale noticed something.

The sun was rising...

"Midnight... are you raising the sun?" Vale asked as Midnight turned around with a sheepish expression.

"Is that bad? I know that angels are the ones meant to control the sun, but I wanted to help..."

Vale was shocked, but it answered why the demons of Tartarus were after Midnight. She was the one with the code.

Rarity stood up as the images faded. Those were some of the characters from her dreams. She remembered the names Bayonet and Azure Sky, that purple pony that looked like Twilight was Midnight...

And Vale...

She saw everything though her eyes, as if she were Vale. But that was impossible. She wasn't an Alicorn, nor was her Cutie Mark a sword and shield.

"I don't understand this at all," Rarity said to herself, "Why am I even here?" she looked down at her heartstone bracelet, fighting back a few tears, "I just want to go home..."

She shook it off, and walked over to the door in front of her, figuring that the only way she could go was forward. If nothing else, she might figure out what's going on if she moved on.