• Published 21st Sep 2012
  • 4,710 Views, 244 Comments

Inner Demons: Fragments of Truth - Azure Sandora

Rarity is forced to learn the truth behind Midnight, and her own horrible connection to the past.

  • ...

Floor VIII

Floor VIII: I Just Want The Truth...

When Rarity and Trixie reached the eighth floor, Rarity stopped short of going into the door. She hadn't spoken since getting the last memory fragment, or since losing her memories of the one she loved. The one Trixie named "Spike".

When she finally spoke, her voice was low and even.

"Trixie, you said that you'd help me make sense of all of this, right?" Rarity asked, still not turning around to face Trixie.

Trixie sighed, "Yeah, I did. Are you sure you want to know though? The truth isn't like your memories. Once you know it, you can't unknow it. It will change you, and not for the better."

"I've lost the memories of my friends, the stallion I loved," Trixie winced when she said stallion, as if she got it wrong, "I can't even remember my family. Do I have a brother? A sister? What do my parents look like? What's my special talent? The only friend I remember is Twilight, and I can't even remember how we met," she finally turned to face Trixie with a hopeless expression, "I get it, I'm not leaving this building alive. But if I have to die, I deserve to know why. I refuse to walk a step further until you tell me what's going on."

Trixie closed her eyes and considered her words for a long time. After what felt like an eternity, Trixie opened her eyes and nodded, "Alright. I'll tell you the truth."

"I wish to know as well," Rarity and Trixie turned to the side and saw another Alicorn walk in. She had a coat dark like the night sky, and a long sparkly mane and tail that looked like a starry sky. Rarity thought back to the few memories she had, and remembered who she was.

"Princess Luna?" Rarity asked, getting a nod from the Alicorn.

"I'm glad to see that you didn't completely forget me," she said with a smile.

"How did you manifest yourself here?" Trixie asked, "Our files tell us that you're only half angel, and not even your older sister can-"

"There are back doors into this domain not even the All Mother is aware of," Luna explained, "Having my body locked in the moon I had lots of time to find those back doors. Now, tell us why Rarity has to do this."

Trixie took a deep breath before she spoke, "You're Vale's Cipher."

There was that word again, the thing that Vale called Rarity in her vision.

"What's a Cipher?" Rarity asked.

"A Cipher is a special Avatar made as a place holder for an angel. You see, angels can die. Before they do though, their bodies can be preserved until they are needed again. When they are, a Cipher is put into Equestria first, and then reports back to Elysium when it's time for the angel to reawaken.

"You, Rarity, were supposed to be called back approximately twenty-five years ago, after Twilight was founded to be the reincarnation of Midnight. The current angel assigned to Equestria is a B Class named Celestia, known for her rebellious nature. Instead of reporting directly to the All Mother once she found Midnight, she took pity on Midnight and attempted to convert her. The All Mother knew the result of this action, so she attempted to call you back. However, the Sonic Rainboom interfered, and resulted in you gaining your Cutie Mark instead."

"Wait," Rarity said to herself, "So you're telling me that Vale was supposed to be awakened twenty-five years ago?"

Trixie nodded gravely, "Yes, she was."

"And what happens to the Cipher once the angel is reawakened?" Rarity asked. Apparently Trixie was dreading telling this answer as much as she was dreading hearing the answer.

"The Cipher is broken down and deleted," Luna answered for Trixie, "All information that the Cipher recorded is transferred to the angel, and the angel continues where the Cipher left off. You, Rarity, would no longer exist as yourself."

"However, in this case Vale will not acquire any information from you," Trixie said, shocking Rarity, "The All Mother wishes for Vale to accomplish a specific mission, and she feels that if she has the information you would give her she'd waver. Hence why you're losing your memories as we climb higher."

This was a major discovery for Rarity. She was a special Avatar called a Cipher, and she was Vale's Cipher. The day of the first Sonic Rainboom, she was supposed to be called back to Elysium to reawaken Vale twenty-five years ago in response to Twilight using her magic for the first time, but the Sonic Rainboom kept her form fulfilling her directive. From there she lived her life as if she were a real pony, making friends, and becoming the Element of Generosity, and falling in love. However, now the situation was so dire that Vale HAD to be awakened, and now.

Also, it made sense why the All Mother was so harsh with her, and why she was trying so hard to bring Vale back. Why she was called a thief. She did steal Vale's life. By not coming back here, she denied Vale a chance to continue her life.

"I really am a thief..." Rarity said sadly, for once in her life feeling like the worst pony in the world.

"There was no way for you to know," Luna said somberly, "This falls on Mother herself, for not telling us anything."

Trixie groaned, "You don't understand-"

"Oh I understand," Luna stated seriously, "I understand that the gods look at us as pawns. They treat us any way they please because they feel we are inferior to them and can't do anything about it. Well, we are not pawns, and our destinies belong to us!" she turned to Rarity, "Come, Rarity. I have devised a way for you to return to Equestria. Upon your safe return, I'll return here and regain your memories," Luna turned and walked off down the hall she came in from.

"I know that you feel betrayed," Trixie called out, "But believe me, Vale is necessary for Equestria's survival."

"That's what you and Mother think! Equestria is our world, and whatever evil comes our way, we will find a way to defeat it with our own hooves!" After a second, Luna realized that Rarity wasn't following her, "Rarity, come."

Rarity remained where she was, still looking down seriously. She let the words and consequences fill her mind, and she realized something horrible. She had to get to the top of this tower.

"Rarity?" Trixie asked.

"What if it were your daughter?" Rarity asked Luna, "Wouldn't you do whatever it took to bring her back to life?"

Luna turned around and sighed, "Rarity, if you continue any higher you'll lose the last of your memories. You'll only be a shadow of yourself."

"I'll tackle that issue when it comes!" Rarity shouted, "But I have to end this on my terms! The All Mother took me, and forced me to climb this tower! I have to meet the All Mother, and I have to see Vale in person, but most of all, I have to choose how this ends for myself."

"You aren't considering actually-" Luna began.

"I don't know what I'm considering! But I can't decide on anything until I see Vale!" Rarity turned to the door, "You can either help me get higher in this tower, or you can go back to Equestria and wait for the results of my decision. Trixie, let's go."

Trixie nodded and trotted after Rarity. Luna looked down for a while, not moving, but eventually turned to Rarity and Trixie again, "Wait," the two mares stopped and turned to Luna, "I'll go with you. You may still need my help to get home, assuming that is your choice."

Rarity smiled, "Thank you, Princess."

Luna did not return the smile, but she nodded. The three of them walked into the room, Rarity already knowing who the next Avatar would be. After all, if she was right, this would be the last one.

A purple alicorn about as tall as Princess Luna, with a dark purple mane and tail, and a familiar pink highlight.

"Twilight," Rarity said.

"This Avatar feels significantly stronger than the others," Luna stated, "It feels more like this is an Avatar of Midnight."

"She might represent both," Trixie explained, "Either way she was born of Rarity's memories, so however Rarity sees her is probably right."

"I already know that the All Mother needs me to awaken Vale," Rarity said, "So why make me fight more?"

"Truth is, you're the one making this harder than it needs to be," Twilight's Avatar said, "But I have to commend you. During that last fight you did something we all thougth impossible. You drew from Vale's power. As amazing as that is though, you've proven the All Mother right."

"Right about what?" Rarity asked.

"That the longer you were allowed to live, the more you and Vale would meld together. You see, we can't allow that. Vale has a special directive she has to follow, and if she' smerged with you, she might run into... difficulty."

"So the All Mother never planned for Rarity to get this high," Trixie reasoned, "She was expected to fall further down."

Twilight's Avatar nodded, "But you had to interfeer. Then you," she looked at Luna, "The half breed. You just couldn't help but poke your nose in where it wasn't needed. Thanks to you, Vale's Cipher has these weird notions of fighting for her life, as if she had a life of her own to begin with."

"Contrary to what you may think," Luna said, "Rarity is a pony, whether she be a Cipher or not, she has a life, and her life matters."

"Vale herself told me that her life was my life as well," Rarity explained, "I'm the only pony who decides what happens to my life."

Twilight's Avatar looked genuinely surprised, "You were able to speak to Vale?" she looked down for a second, and then glared at Rarity, allowing her purple eyes to glow red, "Then I'm afraid that this is the end of the line."

"No, it isn't!" Rarity said, once again calling on Vale's power, knowing full well her eyes were glowing green now. Both Trixie and Luna got in stances ready to fight, which Rarity was not complaining about. This fight would be harder than the others.

Twilight's Avatar fired a black and red beam out of her horn at the mares. Rarity dodged to the right, Trixie dodged to the left, but Luna jumped over the attack and flew directly to Twilight. She met her horn with her own, and a violent horn fight began, as if their horns were swords.

Trixie ran around the field creating runes on the ground while Rarity ran in the opposite direction firing icicles at the Avatar, who used her wing to block the attacks. She jumped away from them and pointed her horn to the ceiling. Black spears came out of the ceiling and rained down on them, but the three mares ran around the room dodging the assaults.

"LIGHTNING BOLT!!!" Trixie shouted, firing at the Avatar, but she flew up and pointed her horn at Trixie.

"HELL WAVE!!!" Twilight's Avatar shouted, firing a large black and red beam at Trixie. It was too big for her to dodge, so she fell back from the resulting wave once it hit the ground.

When Twilight's Avatar landed, Rarity charged at her and pushed her onto the rune that Trixie made, making it explode. She screamed in pain, but was otherwise unharmed. Luna flew to the ceiling above Twilight's Avatar.

"STAR SHOWER!!!" she shouted, firing large stars from her wings at Twilight's Avatar. The Avatar created a shield of darkness around herself to defend the assaults, and then created a claw of darkness that slashed Luna out of the air.

"According to the thief's memories, you were never able to defeat the real Twilight," Twilight's Avatar said, "I thought you were supposed to be the mighty Princess of the Night. The former Nightmare Moon. To think that such a powerful pony would be this weak," Luna growled in frustration as she forced herself up, "Well, in the end you are still a half breed."

"Shut... up!" Luna growled. Rarity was confused, so she ran to Trixie to help her up.

"Why does everypony here call Luna a half breed?" she asked.

"Apparently, Luna was born in Equestria, her mother being a pure Angel, and her father being an Earth Pony," Trixie explained, shocking Rarity, "Her file is on record, marking her as a Class D Angel."

"Is that low?" Rarity asked.

"The lowest," Trixie stated, "Most of her spells are Unicorn spells, the only Angel Class spell she knows being Star Shower."

Rarity looked at Luna, who was staring daggers at Twilight's Avatar. From what little she could remember, Luna lost all of her fights against Twilight. This must be a little personal for Luna.

Luna charged at Twilight's Avatar and met horns with her again, the Avatar smiling arrogantly. While they pushed at each other, Rarity created two large icicles at her side and sent them rushing at Twilight's Avatar. She flew back from Luna and the attack, and Trixie fired another large lightning bolt at the Avatar, knocking her back.

"TIME STOP!!!" Luna shouted. What Rarity saw next was weird. In one second, Twilight fell back and screamed as if she took major damage, but she didn't see Luna move. What Rarity did see though, was Luna now lying down in that same spot, but she was surrounded by electricity and it looked like she was unable to move.

"Princess!" Rarity shouted, about to run over to her.

"Attack now!" Luna said through gritted teeth. Rarity nodded in understanding and charged at Twilight, her eyes glowing green once again. She managed to knock Twilight's Avatar back onto the ground, and then clarged up her horn getting ready to finish it.

"You may look like Twilight, and fight like her," Rarity said, "but the real Twilight is a lot mightier than you!"

Rarity was about to finish her off, but in a shocking turn, Luna charged past Rarity and impaled Twilight's Avatar.

"Luna!" Trixie called out, "Rarity was supposed to-"

"I don't care what Rarity was supposed to do," Luna said pulling her horn out of the Avatar, "Besides, aren't we acting on our own accord now?"

Trixie looked down when Luna said that. She had a point, but even Rarity felt sort of funny with somepony else delivering the final blow. The Avatar smiled spitefully at Luna as she faded away.

"This doesn't change anything," she said, "You're still no match for the real-"

"Your talking bores me," Luna said, smashing the remains of the Avatar with her hooves, leaving the memory fragment in her place. Rarity and Trixie were both shocked by Luna's actions, and the dark expression on her face.

"Are you okay?" Trixie asked.

"Check the door," Luna commanded, "If we don't have to analyze the memory fragment, then Rarity shouldn't-"

"I still want to take the memory fragment," Rarity said, shocking Luna.

"Rarity?! There's no need to continue with this charade!"

"I owe it to Vale," Rarity said calmly, "I need to know what happened to her. I get the feeling that this memory fragment will tell me a bit about how Vale got hurt in the first place. If you can get out of here, then wait for me on the next floor."

Luna frowned, but she nodded and walked after Trixie, who managed to get the door open. Now that she was alone, Rarity pointed her horn at the memory fragment, taking it in and merging with Vale. Something was telling her that this memory fragment was going to be heavier than the others.

After making sure that Morgana was locked up, Vale made her way back to the hill in the meadow so she could talk to the All Mother. She needed to know a few things, but most of all she needed the comfort of home.

"Mother, I..."

Something is amiss with your mentality.

What is troubling you?

She didn't have the heart to tell her mother that she was almost killed, or that she was actually afraid for her life. That sword could have truly destroyed Vale, and she'd never recover.

No, Morgana hadn't wanted to kill her. She wanted to steal her powers. After that she'd be Morgana's slave, and that frightened her the most.


"S-sorry Mother," Vale said shaking her head, "I needed to ask you about something I heard about down here. Is it true that the Destroyer of Equestria is here on Terra?"

Have you made contact with them?

"I think so," Vale said looking down, "But I'm curious. The pony that shows the signs of being the Destroyer isn't at all what I expected. She's usually sweet, soft spoken, faint hearted to a fault, and only concerned with making ponies happy. If she is the Destroyer of Equestria though, does that mean-"

Guardian, you must not be swayed.

The Destroyer of Equestria is the most dangerous being in all of Equestria apart from Katastroph himself.

"I honestly don't see how-"

At her core, she's still a demon from Tartarus, and like you she has a directive embedded deep in her subconscious.

A directive that if pushed far enough, she will procede with it.

"What must I do then?" Vale asked, dreading the upcoming answer.

As the Guardian of Equestria, her very existence goes against what you stand for.

No matter what, you must kill this pony.

There it was. The one thing that Vale didn't wish to hear. She and Midnight were polar opposites, thus meant from the beginning to fight each other, with only one of them coming out victorious.

"There is no chance that this pony can be reasoned with?" Vale asked softly.

Once she falls to far into the darkness, then no.

She is the Destroyer, and you are the Guardian.

The two forces cannot coexist.

Vale sighed in sadness, "I understand Mother. I will carry out your will," the light faded and Vale started making her way back to the village. Midnight was her friend. How could she kill her, even if she fell into the darkest of darkness.

"I don't know if I can do this," Vale said, lying down on the grass shedding a few tears of sadness herself, "Midnight is my friend... How can I kill her? Why do I have to be the Guardian of Equestria? Azure... Bayonet... I'm sorry..."

She stayed in the forest and cried for a few minutes. She hoped that once she got back to the village she could steel her nerves, then she could figure out what to do about this. Maybe Midnight wouldn't succumb to her darkness. Then she'd never have to-

"Vale! VALE!" she heard in the distance. She looked up and saw Bayonet running to her frantic. Vale wiped her eyes and stood up when Bayonet reached her.

"Bayonet? What's wrong?" Vale asked. Bayonet took a second to catch her breath before speaking.

"Canter... Village... riot... Midnight's... Castle...!"

"What did you say?!" Vale asked, "Riot!"

"Yeah," Bayonet stood up straight and looked in Vale's eyes, she was terrified, "The ponies of Canter Village accused Midnight of being a demon and threatened to kill her!"

"You and Azure never told anypony where Midnight came from though."

"Only Morgana, but she's still locked up! How did the villagers find out-"

Vale gasped, "The colt! He must have told everyone about Midnight's powers!"

"Wait, what colt?"

"We have to get moving now!" Vale immediately galloped back to the village. Bayonet galloped after her, but they both stopped when they reached a cliff overlooking the village.

Canter Village was burning to the ground.

Bayonet back away, holding a hoof over her mouth in horror, her entire body trembling, "Faust...! Oh FAUST!!!"

Vale's breathing picked up to the point that she was hyperventalating. She shook her head, denying what she knew in her heart.

"No... It's can't be her..." she said to herself, "Bayonet, I'll meet you in the village..."

"H-huh?" Bayonet asked, clearly traumatized by the sight before her. Vale didn't repeat herself. She took to the skies and flew to the village at high speed.

When she arrived in the village, she landed and ran to the castle looking around for any signs of life. All she saw were bodies. Dead bodies.

"No... No...! No!" Vale screamed pounding the ground with her hooves, "WHY?!!! WHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE HER?!!! WHY DO I HAVE TO BE THE GUARDIAN?!!!" she sobbed loudly, and then looked up at the sky, "SHE'S MY FRIEND!!!! YOU'RE ASKING ME TO KILL MY FRIEND!!!!" she collapsed onto the ground again and continued to sob loudly. She knew, surrounded by all this destruction, what she had to do. Before she could do it though, she had to let all of her emotions out.

So she cried even more, forcing all of the sadness, grief, and guilt for what she was about to do, out of her. She let Midnight's friend Vale emote as long as she needed, so that Guardian of Equestria Vale could do her job.

And kill Midnight...

After letting her emotions out, she continued her search for Midnight. She figured Midnight would be at the castle, so she trotted there. The castle was in bad shape, but still standing. When Vale stepped inside, she saw Midnight. She was sitting on the floor in the throne room, crying deep, heavy sobs, and holding a familiar blue unicorn in her forelegs.

Azure Sky, and she wasn't breathing.

"Oh, Midnight..." Vale said somberly walking over to Midnight and Azure.

"They killed her..." Midnight just barely got out, "She wanted to protect me... but they killed her..."

At least she knew that Midnight hadn't killed Azure Sky, but that didn't excuse her for killing all of the villagers.

"Midnight, why did you destroy the village?" Vale asked, not needing anymore convincing. Midnight looked up at Vale with an intense glare filled with dispair and hatred.

"Because they betrayed me!" she screamed, making Vale step back, "They turned on me first! That much I could have forgiven," she looked down at Azure Sky's body, a stab wound on her chest, "But they killed her. She stayed behind when they broke into the castle, and they... killed her... because she defended me. Why did they kill her, Vale?"

Vale sighed and looked away, "You were created to be the Destroyer of Equestria, weren't you?" she asked, Midnight craddling Azure Sky's body ignoring Vale, "Where did you aquire the Code for Orbital Control, Midnight?" this time when Midnight didn't answer, Vale got angry and picked her up and held her against a wall.

"Answer me!" Vale commanded, "Where did you get the Code?!"

"Azure... help me..." Midnight said softly.

"Only angels are supposed to have access to that power! You're a demon from Tartarus, so you shouldn't be able to control the sun and moon!"

"Azure...! Help me...!" Midnight cried, louder this time.

"Your father is King Katastroph, the King of Tartarus, right?! That makes you the Princess of Tartarus! He stole the code and gave it to you, didn't he?!"

"AZURE!!! HELP ME!!!" Midnight screamed.

"AZURE IS DEAD!!!" Vale shouted shaking Midnight a bit, "She's dead because she tried to protect you!" she didn't think she would cry, but there were tears coming from Vale's eyes, "Are you really this weak?! Azure is dead, and not only do you throw the biggest temper tantrum in history, but you sit here and cry for her to help you?!" Vale actually threw Midnight onto the ground and walked off a bit, putting a hoof on the wall.

"Bloody hell! This is so screwed up! Why do you, of all ponies, have to be the Destroyer of Equestria?!" Vale shouted, unsure if she was angry at Midnight for what she had done, angry for what Midnight was, or angry for what she knew she'd have to do.

"I had to do it..." Midnight said softly through her tears, "They killed Azure..."

"You keep saying that," Vale said through gritted teeth.

"You'll protect me, right Vale?" Midnight asked desparately, holding onto Vale's leg, "Even better, you can talk to your mother and ask her to bring Azure back! You can do that, right?"

Vale groaned in agony, thankful that her mane covered her eyes at the moment, "It doesn't work like that, Midnight. I can't bring ponies back to life."

"So... she's really gone...?" Midnight asked.

"Midnight, let go of my leg," Vale commanded.

"Vale...? What's wro-"

"MIDNIGHT! LET GO OF MY LEG!!!" Vale shouted, making Midnight let go immediately.

"Vale, did I do something wrong?" Midnight asked.

"Did you-" Vale almost threw up when Midnight asked that question, "Look outside for Faust's sake! All of that was you! Stallions, mares, even foals, foals!" Vale couldn't even look at Midnight right now, she was so angry, "All of them dead, and you killed them! Does that mean anything to you?!"

"No! It doesn't!" Midnight said, "I hate this village! I hate all of Equestria! Azure was the most important thing to me! Without her, this world is ugly! Daddy was right, this world doesn't deserve to exist!"

That did it. It confirmed everything that the All Mother said. Deep down, she was still a demon. She lacked empathy, and saw no value for life. Vale took a deep breath, and spoke the words that she knew would forever define their relationship from here on out.

"Then you leave me no choice, demon."

Midnight was silent for a while, her eyes wide in shock, "Wh-what did you say?"

"You are the Destroyer of Equestria, and I am the Guardian of Equestria," Vale explained, her tone low and even, almost devoid of emotion, "As long as we possess those titles, we cannot coexist. I see that now. Deep down, you are a monster, and I can't allow something that would kill so many innocent ponies with such ease exist."

"Innocent?! Innocent?! I thought these ponies loved me! I thought they were my friends! I thought we were friends! Why are you saying these things, Vale?!"

"Because I am the Guardian of Equestria first!" Vale said turning to Midnight, "Before my friendship with you, Azure, and Bayonet, my duties to Elysium and Equestria come first! Even if my target is my friend, I will complete my mission!"

Midnight looked horrified for a second, but almost immediately the innocence on her face was gone, replaced with a dark and hate filled glare, "Then even my friends turn against me. Fine, that's how it is then. I hate you too."

(Play Song: Meaning of Birth/Tales of the Abyss)

"Then I don't have to feel too guilty about ridding this world of you," Vale's eyes turned green, "Prepare yourself, vile beast! Your end is at hoof!"

Midnight's eyes turned red, "You're dead to me, angel. I'll kill you... I'll KILL YOU!!!"

The two mares charged at each other, horns met in a clash. They jumped away from each other, and Midnight fired black darts out of her horn, but Vale galloped to the side and shot a white beam out of her horn at Minight. The blast knocked Midnight to the ground, and Vale flew over her and spread her wings out.

White lasers of light shot out of her wings, but Midnight rolled to the side to dodge. When Vale landed, Midnight buck kicked Vale hard in the face, knocking her back. She then jumped on top of Vale and tried to impale the Guardian with her horn, but Vale moved her head out of the way and pushed Midnight off of her.

Vale stomped the ground preparing to charge, waiting for Midnight to get up. Once she did, Vale flew into her as fast as she could, but Midnight cast the spell Arcane Shield, defending her from the attack. Vale was forced back, and Midnight pointed her horn to the ceiling.

She screamed, and Vale saw sharp blades coming out of the ground. Vale flew up to dodge, but Midnight fired large blasts out of her horn at Vale as she flew around the room. Vale stopped flying in circles and then flew into Midnight. From here she began slashing wildly with her horn, Midnight using her horn to block. Midnight spun around and used a hind leg to kick Vale into a wall, and then charged at Vale.

This time Vale created a light shield to block Midnight's charge, and then grabbed her and flew out of the castle into the village remains.

Now that they were outside, Vale had more room to maneuver. She jumped on a building and fired a white beam at Midnight, who jumped onto another building launching a black and red blast at Vale. She flew away, but the building was destroyed.

For a good while, the two mares flew around the entire village, launching blasts at each other, doing more damage to the village remains than to each other.

Vale charged magic all through her body, "PRISM STAR!!!" Vale shouted, standing straight in the air and spreading her fore hooves out. A multicolored star appeared in front of Vale, and she lauched it at Midnight, who flew to the side already charging up her own magic.

"HELL WAVE!!!" she shouted, firing the largest beam Vale had ever seen at her. Vale was unable to dodge, so she blocked it as best as she could with her magic, but her shield shattered from the force of the wave, knocking her to the ground.

When Vale got up, she was immediately assaulted by Midnight horn. She blocked with her hoof, paying for that by having Midnight stab her hoof, and then kicked Midnight away from her. She then charged up her horn. Midnight caught herself and did the same. The two near godly mares then fired their own beams at each other, Midnight's being black and red, and Vale's being white and blue. The two beams met in a power struggle right in the middle.

Vale was a little surprised. Midnight truly was just as strong as she was. This fight could go on forever. Bayonet chose that time to run to the scene, shocked by what she was seeing.

"Midnight! Vale!" Bayonet called out. Vale lost focus for a split second when her name was called, and payed for that by having Midnight's attack go through and knock her back, "VALE!!!"

Vale staggared to her feet as Midnight walked over to her. She then kicked Vale in the side hard with her hind legs, and then slapping her to the ground with her fore hoof. Midnight picked up Vale and glared at the bloody and bruised Guardian.

(End Meaning of Birth)

"You have it backwards, Giardian," Midnight said, "You weren't made in response to me. I was made in response to you."

"Damn... you... Midnight..." Vale breathed out.

"I should thank you though, because once again you showed me the truth. I can't depend on anypony, so from now on, I'll be alone. I'll destroy everything, kill everypony, so that I'll be alone."

"I... won't... let... you...!" Vale said, making Midnight laugh.

"What can you do to stop me?" Midnight asked, "This time, you're the weak one."

"Midnight, stop!" Bayonet cried out, "You two are friends! We shouldn't fight each other!"

"This mare... is no friend of mine!" Midnight spat, throwing Vale to the ground, "Azure is dead, Equestria hates me, and now Vale has become my enemy. I have no friends anymore."

"That's not true!" Bayonet urged, "We can talk this out! You don't have to turn against everypony! Azure was my friend too! I'm hurting just as much as-"

"SHUT UP!!!" Midnight screamed, "I don't want to hear it! Either you're with me or against me!"

"I've... made my... decision..." Vale said forcing herself up, "I can never stand beside a monster like you!"

Midnight looked visibly hurt by that, and Bayonet was taken aback by those words as well, "Then you can die with the others."

"Like hell!" Vale shouted, once again charging at Midnight. She responded by charging magic into her horn, and when Vale reached her, she let out a small blast hitting Vale in the heart.

"NOOOO!!!!!!!" Bayonet screamed as Vale fell to the ground. Midnight looked down at Vale and laughed, her expression maniacle.

"I did it..." she said, "I defeated the Guardian of Equestria..." she turned to Bayonet and smiled evilly, "I'll be waiting for you, Bayonet. Give me your decision then."

Midnight flew off, and Bayonet ran over Vale, who at the moment was still breathing.

"Vale... what happend?! Why were you and Midnight-"

Vale coughed, "She... destroyed... the village..."

Bayonet was horrified, "Midnight did..."

"Need... to get... back... Elysium..." Vale wheezed.

"Wh-what?! Vale, what's-"

"I'm... dying... Bayonet..." Vale stated. Instantly Bayonet's expression was crestfallen.

"N-no..." Bayonet said, tears streaming down her face.

"If I do not... get to... Elysium... my death... will be... permanent... Please Bayonet..."

Bayonet nodded, still crying, and put Vale on her back. She then galloped as fast as she could to the meadow.

It took a few minutes, but Bayonet never stopped galloping so she made it to the hill Vale used to transfer between worlds. Bayonet set Vale on the ground and ran up to the hill, calling out to the sky.

"Somepony! Vale's really hurt! She needs help!" a second later, a bright light came out of the sky. Bayonet ran back to Vale and nuzzled her, "Vale, I'm sorry!" Bayonet cried, "Because we kept this from you, now-"

Vale silently shushed her friend, "Dry your tears... dear friend... I could never... be angry at... you..." Vale slowly returned the loving gesture of her dear friend, "Do you remember... what I said to you... when we... met...?"

"Th-that Earth P-Ponies are known f-for their s-s-strength, both physical and e-emotional..." Bayonet cried.

"That's right..." Vale said smiling.

"You'll... come back, r-right?" Bayonet asked.

"I don't think so..." Vale said, "The damage... to my... body and... mind are... to extensive..." Vale explained with a sadened smile, "It will take... more than your... lifetime... to be... healed... Worry not... for another... angel... will come... in my... place..."

"I don't want another angel though!" Bayonet said hugging Vale, "I want you! You're my best friend, Vale!"

"Oh Bayonet..." Vale said, "When I do... reawaken... I hope to meet... you... again... my dearest friend..."

Bayonet slowly picked up Vale and lead her to the light. She set Vale down ans stepped away, still looking at Vale.

"Promise me... that you'll... stop Midnight... She'll... destroy... Equestria if you..."

"What can I do?" Bayonet asked.

"Elements... of Harmony... use them..." Vale said as he started to teleport, "The power of the... gods... in the... hooves... of mortals..."

"I'll stop her!" Bayonet said, tears in her eyes, "I promise you, I'll stop Midnight!"

Vale felt herself relax and closed her eyes, knowing full well that it would be a long time before she ever saw Equestria again. Though her mission was a failure, she was confident that her friend could save Equestria.

Mortal ponies...
Are in fact superior...
To the gods...

Bayonet... my friend...
I believe in you...

When Rarity came to, she couldn't help but cry. She now understood Vale truly. She was truly a good pony, but was forced to fight her friend because of her directive. She remembered the pain Vale felt, the sadness knowing that she had to fight Midnight, and the grief in knowing that she might never see her best friends again.

"Vale..." Rarity said, "I'm sorry for what you had to go through. I'll find some way to make this right."

With her new found resolve, she thought back to the Avatar she faced. She knew that it was of Midnight, but didn't she go by another name now? Oh well, she'd get it back soon. She was almost there. All she had to do now was face the All Mother and reach the top.

It's almost over...