• Published 4th Sep 2022
  • 1,035 Views, 23 Comments

The Bonds of Magic - L Drkheart

Once a humble library assistant, Spike finds his life forever changed when he decides to help a strange girl.

  • ...

The Strange Girl


A hand fumbled as it searched for the origin of the annoying ring that had dragged its owner from their dreams. Finding their phone as the culprit, they answered the call.

“Spike! Are you on your way yet or what? Please tell me you didn’t forget about the book fair today. The kids will be here soon and you know I don’t do well with those little monsters.” Spike cursed as he checked the time and jumped out of bed. He had to move his rock collection to grab his wallet and went around looking for clothes, nearly toppling one of his comic piles.

“Of course I didn’t forget Moony, I just slept in a bit. Soarin and Spitfire were doing some strip monopoly when I got home so you can imagine how annoying they were last night.” Moondancer made a tiny sound and Spike chuckled, almost seeing the blush on her cheeks.

“S-Spike I don’t need to know what your roommate does in his private time!”

“Heh wanna know who won?”


“Okay okay I’m on my way, just stall.” He canceled the call and stretched before he found some blue jeans and a purple shirt. After quickly slipping on his green shoes, he was brushing his teeth when Soarin came to the restroom, yawning and gently pushing Spike a bit so he could look at himself in the mirror, mostly to his neck. “Searching for hickeys?” Spike asked with the brush in his mouth.

“Yeah, You would know the struggle if you ever brought home a girl.”

“And make you look bad with how good of a boyfriend I am? Are you sure you want that? Why do you care if a hickey shows?”

“Very funny short stack. We’re supposed to have dinner with my parents tonight and kind of want to not look like a degenerate.” Spike pushed him back, spitting out his toothpaste and washing his mouth.

“But you are a degenerate.” Spike joked while he left the bathroom.

“Well yeah but I’m your favorite one and I don’t look the part.” Soarin complained before the voice of his girlfriend made him rush back to his room. Spike shook his head before leaving the apartment. Outside their building, he went for his bike but in its usual place was a note.”

“Oh no, not today.” Spike grabbed the note and sighed while he read it.

Hey Spike! It’s Thorax and uhh I really really needed to borrow your bike. My brother ditched me at home and if I’m late to work they will fire me! I owe you bro!
“Fire you, Thorax you’re basically the manager man.” He shook his head knowing how his best friend could be at times. Seeing he would now be really late, he began to run, taking as many shortcuts as he knew. Canterlot City was so massive that even the alleyways were crowded. Spike dodged and ran through people as he tried to get to the library, but someone caught his attention. It was as if the world slowed around him. Spike had just spun around a guy, running again when he noticed there was a strange purple-haired girl among the rest.

She was dressed in an elegant dress, made from different shades of purple. Her belt was gold and the bottom of the dress looked to be made up of tiny stars. Purple stockings and a purple hat kept her eyes from view. She was holding a large book and seemingly ignored the world around her. The feature that most has Spike’s attention though, was the large horn sticking from her forehead. He ran past her and tried to turn around but the action caused him to be knocked to the ground.

He got to his feet again and the girl was gone. After wasting another moment, his phone rang again and he cursed, running off. The Canterlot Library was popular among the teens of the city thanks to it employing mostly from Canterlot High. The assistant manager being Spike’s friend Moondancer. Sadly though, the poor girl had no people skills and hoped for a boring quiet desk job when she applied. She didn’t quite get what she wanted.

Spike rushed into the library and signed in, running around looking for the class of students. He managed to find the book fair and it was going as well as he expected. Moondancer was squirming in place, trying to read from a bunch of note cards she had with her but she was whispering it was hard to hear. Also the cards were out of order. The students were used to Moondancer though so they were just offering kind smiles except for two of them. Pumpkin and Pound Cake.

The twins were snickering, having been babysat by Spike and Moondancer before they had no such respect as the rest. Spike entered and messed up the twins’ hairs as he passed by them.

“Be nice you two. No worries, Moondancer I can take over.” She looked ready to hug him as she excused herself and ran off, leaving Spike to laugh. “Okay kids, the mission I have for you is simple! We’re gonna let you have any one of the books in here that you want. I want you to walk around and check any that really seem to be something you’d love! I’m sure all of you will find a story that connects. Now go and…” Spike trailed off as he looked up and in the distance, just at the library’s entrance he saw the girl again. She entered looking annoyed, she even glanced in his direction before walking off.

Spike was brought back when he was hit in the arm. The teachers criticized Pound and Pumpkin but the two apologized saying they were just helping. The two kids smirked at Spike though.

“Ooo what got Spikey all distracted?”

“I bet it was a pretty girl huh?”

“Nope just thinking of all the vegetables and good old healthy foods I should make you two net time I babysit.” They stuck their tongues out and went to join their class in choosing a book. Spike looked up and wondered if he was losing his mind.

An hour later, all the kids were gone with books that Spike was sure they would enjoy. Spike was back at the front desk with Moondancer, looking around for the girl but it was just them.

“Looking for someone Spike? You seem out of it more than usual and that’s already plenty for you.”

“Very funny Moony. Hey uhh have you seen any weird people today?”

“Weird? Like… Harshwhinny weird?”

“Like… a girl with a horn weird?”

“Umm no? You sure you’re okay Spike?”

“Yeah, it’s just that the twins mentioned seeing a funny-looking person walking in and I decided to check that with you.” Moondancer laughed and shook her head.

“Come on Spike, you know better than that. Getting tricked by the twins, you’re slipping. No one like that could have just walked in without being seen by me.” She insured and Spike nodded, still feeling a bit unsure. The rest of the day was unrelenting, when Spike was putting some books away, he thought he had seen the girl out of the corner of his eye. When he cleaned the windows, she was outside on a rooftop. Finally, when he went for his lunch break, he saw her in a crowd and again looking at him when he returned to the library.

Night finally arrived and Spike rubbed his eyes as he and Moondancer were putting up the last of the book fair’s decorations. His friend frowned and touched his shoulder.

“Spike, are you sure about walking home? I mean if you can wait I can give you a ride or we can call Soarin.” Spike waved away the concern.

“Soarin is hanging out with his parents and I don’t wanna bother you Moony. You have plenty to still do and I know you’ll just wanna go home. I can walk, I walked here didn’t I? Trust me okay?” She bit her lip but sighed and smiled softly, fixing her glasses.

“I trust you, Spike. Be careful though, okay?” Spike winked and gave her a thumbs up.

“I’m always careful.” Spike gathered his stuff and waved as he left, leaving Moondancer having a bad feeling about that night…

. . .

Spike walked back through the alleyways, avoiding pretty much all the drunks that are usually out around this time. He let his mind wander about the girl that had been plaguing him seemingly all day and what he knew. No one else had seen her, she had a horn, and she seemed able to go anywhere.

“Hmm, just who are you… or what are you?”

“Hoo?” The answer made him jump as he looked around but a second hoo made him look up to see a large owl looking down at him. Spike nearly laughed at being scared by the bird.

“Maybe I am slipping. I didn’t mean you, little buddy. Have a good night.” He began to walk again when he felt his hair stand on end. His grandmother warned him of feelings like this… there was danger. The owl seemed to notice it too as it flew down toward Spike, grabbing him by his arm and pulling with his talons. Spike yelped as the claws stabbed his arm but he moved with the owl thankfully avoiding damage as the wall he had been near exploded.

Both Spike and the owl were knocked to the ground and Spike hugged the bird, both looking up as the strange girl stood, dusting herself off.

“What a jerk, but that thing really has the power to be my familiar!” The girl shouted with conviction. A purple magic circle appeared in front of her as her horn glowed. She held her arm toward it and several orbs of magic shot out, attacking something unseen. A roar shook the ground and Spike rolled to his feet, putting the owl aside and telling it to stay hidden. Running back toward the girl, a monster was now attacking her. It was a Sphinx, a real one!

Its body was that of a lion but large hawk wings decorated its back. The face was a woman’s but twisted in rage as it clawed and attempted to crush the girl. She fought back by blasting more orbs, being forced to dodge as her circle was smashed. The Sphinx charged at her before a rock hit its face and it turned in a glare. Spike stood with a stick in hand.

“Hey! You leave her alone! Fight someone your size!” The creature screeched in rage and rushed at him. “Not me!!” He ran with it on his heels, the girl staring in shock.

“He could… see us…” Spike ran, quickly grabbing a trash can lid and jumping off a wall as the Sphinx slashed at him. He used the lid to slap it in the face but it retaliated and he held it like a shield. The claws sliced through the metal as easily as paper. He held his arms over his face but a magic circle blocked the attack as the girl rejoined him. “Hey, you! I don’t know how you can see me or the Sphinx but maybe you can be useful. I need to weaken this thing to claim it. Will you help?” Spike blinked before nodding. This thing was too dangerous to be left alone.”

“What do I do?”

“Distract it, I need to charge a spell. Here, you need a bit of power with your scrawny arms.”

“Not the time!” She reached a finger over and made a tiny magic circle on the back of his right hand, making it glow a bit. “Whoa…”

“What are you waiting for?!” He nodded and aimed a punch right at the Sphinx’s face, knocking it back several feet.

“Oh shit!” He smiled and looked at his fist in shock before the screech brought him back and he smiled, ready for a fight. It struck fast, but it was single-minded only going for his head or heart. Trying to end the fight, letting Spike know how to dodge. It swiped at his head, making him duck and land an uppercut. It tried to fly to use its height advantage but Spike began to punch mailboxes at the beast. One managed to cut its wing and it angrily roared, diving at him. Spike stood his ground and went for another punch but it retracted its wings and crashed into the ground, taking the moment of confusion to slice into Spike’s leg.

“Look out!” The girl shouted as Spike was on his knee, holding his bleeding leg when it went for a stab to his neck, thankfully the owl from before flew in and attacked one of the creature’s eyes. It screamed and thrashed around in pain and rage. The girl rushed over to cast a shield around Spike but it shattered and both her and Spike were thrown into a wall. They both were injured and next to each other as the beast ran for them. “I have to… do it now…” She raised her hand at the monster, but it was weak and just as it was about to fall, Spike held it up.

“Let’s finish it…” She looked shocked but nodded to him. “You got a name?”

“...Twilight Sparkle. You?” It was roaring and jumped at them.

“Spike.” They looked up as the beast slashed and a bright light enveloped the alley.

. . .

Twilight Sparkle opened her eyes and was on the ground, the soft fuzziness of carpet was under her. She was back home! She must have done it then! She cast a magic circle under her, the resulting healing causing the cuts all over to close and her soreness to disappear. She did feel bad to have left that boy behind but there was no helping it and she was sure he’d be okay.

“Now for my new-” She stood and her heart nearly stopped when she looked down and saw the human boy being looked after by Owlicious. “No no no! Oh Celestia I’m gonna be in so much trouble! I brought a human to Equestria!” She seemed to be having a panic attack before her owl friend pointed out the clock and she cursed. “The ceremony… I can’t just leave him here or he may talk! Maybe I should… get rid of him.” The owl glared. “Okay okay I know.” She got down and shook him.

“Ugggh… Soarin if you don’t get out of my room, I swear I’m gonna kick your smug a-ahhh!!” Spike jumped and looked around in shock at his surroundings. He was in some kind of classroom by the look of it but far nicer than any classroom he had ever seen. “Where…”

“No time, come with me.” He stood and his hand was grabbed roughly by Twilight. “I can’t believe you followed me. You just had to play a hero, didn’t you? Stupid. Stupid.” Spike didn’t answer as she just seemed to be talking to herself now. Before they left the room, she glared at him. No… at his hair. “You need to fit in, at least until I have the time to find a way to send you home. That means no standing out.”

“What do you-” His question was answered when she cast a spell and his brown hair changed to a bright green. “W-what did you do to me?! Why green?!” He shouted, touching his hair and trying to make it change back by will alone.

“Oh please, it looks better this way. Now shut up and keep up.” She dragged him out and Spike quickly realized she was right as they began to pass other people. They all looked similar to her or rather the horned ones did. They all wore magic robes and hats but some looked more ragged and cheap compared to hers. Then there were people with no horns but wings instead. They were dressed in more tight-fitting clothes with some wearing bomber jackets showing off medals. Lastly were those with neither. They were far more simply dressed, much like himself.

“Wow… what’s special about those ones? The ones without a horn or wings?”

“Earth clans? Nothing worth talking about really. They have amazing strength and they make things grow, now shush and act like you’re meant to be here.” Spike rolled his eyes at her commands. There were a few people talking, pointing at them but they were much more focused on Twilight instead of him.

She is with a Earth Clan?”

“I thought she was too good for our kind.”

“He looks more like a pet than a boyfriend.” Spike rubbed his temple as he was still trying to understand this place, but he did manage to put a tiny bit together. He was in some kind of school. The aesthetics were all better than any school would be but everything seemed to fit, even down to the gossip.

“Sparkle! There you are, you will be one of the ones to show your familiarity. My sister seemed to be quite excited to see what you would show.” A tall woman walked up to the two. She had glasses, a stern face, and long blue hair that was black at the end. It seemed to flow in some invisible breeze. She was dressed in a black and blue dress that had some silver ornaments of the moon. Most stunning though was the fact she had wings and a horn. “Who is this? He doesn’t look familiar…”

“V-Vice Principal Luna! This is Spike! Here’s new… I was helping him get back to the ceremony since he got himself lost.” Luna looked suspicious but the ringing of a bell distracted everyone.

“Very well, make sure he gets to the Earth Clan’s section and go to the stage. My sister will be watching.” They nodded and she walked off, leaving Twilight to sigh and glare at Spike.

“Look, I have to get going. I’ll find you once the ceremony is done, don’t do anything stupid. Follow her.” She pointed to a tall blond wearing a worn stetson. With that, she ran off leaving Spike to sigh and obey. He followed the girl, taking a seat next to her. They were in a large auditorium but they were far in the back making it a bit hard to see. He squinted and leaned a bit forward which made the blond next to him snicker.

“Yeah, not exactly the best seats in the house are they?” Spike blushed a bit and leaned back, rubbing his head.

“You can say that again. How do they expect us to see anything?”

“I don’t think our kind was thought of very much when this place was designed. You can tell a unicorn designed it. I’m glad the princess err Principal added a speaker back here so we could at least hear her speeches. So where in Terra are you from?” Spike bit his lip and felt his throat dry up.

“T-the… north?”

“Really? I’m near the center but my family has basically a hold in every city. We may not be born royal or anything but the Apple Family earned our fame and trust. I’m Applejack. Nice to meet ya, partner.” She held out a hand and Spike shook it. Her grip nearly cracked his hand though.

“Spike.” The lights dimmed and Principal Celestia took the stage. She was ever taller than Luna, her outfit was white and gold. Her hair was extremely long and rainbow-colored. It even sparkled. She too had wings and a horn, but her face looked familiar.

“Welcome new and old! It’s so nice to see so many eyes willing and eager to learn. My sister and our teachers can not wait to meet all of you and share what they have to teach. I created this school over a thousand years ago as a way to unite and show that the three races need each other and can live in peace. While not having gotten as far as I wished, I do believe we have taken steps in the right direction. I trust in the ability of each and every one of you to not only pass but to take something from here that will stay with you forever. Magic, Kindness, Generosity, Loyalty, Honesty, and Laughter make up the core traits that we look for in our students. I hope you will display them today and in turn gain the most important thing you can. Friendship. Thank you. Welcome to Equestria’s Stars.”

Everyone cheered and Spike felt warmth in his heart from her words. Luna took the stage and introduced the ones that would be called on to show their familiars. Most were Unicorns including the current princess of Unicornia, Rarity. Applejack was one of the only three Earth Clan ones to be called. Her familiar being a large monstrous dog but it bowed to her showing loyalty. The show ended with Twilight getting up on stage. She cast a magic circle but when nothing seemed to happen, Spike suddenly felt a strange heat in his chest. A minute passed and the heat turned into a fire. It was getting harder to breathe and Applejack asked if he was okay.

“Enough with the buildup Sparkle! Call on the Familiar!” Another Unicorn girl shouted as she walked onto the stage. Swagger in each step, long white hair perfectly styled, her annoyance was obvious on her face. She wore a flashy outfit that almost mirrored Twilight’s. At her side was her familiar, a large bear that looked to be made of stars. “You know you wanna show off so do it like you always do!”

“Get off my stage, Trixie.”

“Care to make me? The Great and Powerful Trixie calls for a duel with our familiars!” She announced and everyone in the front sighed like they had expected this. “Prepare yourself for defeat Sparkle!”

“Trixie, don’t you get tired of this?”

“Never!” She ordered an attack and the bear ran for Twilight. Spike stood out of reflex and shouted.

“Twilight!!” Twilight’s eyes opened and she looked at the crowd.

“Spike?” Just as the name escaped her mouth, a light illuminated the whole room. It blinded everyone before it dimmed and in front of Twilight, holding the paw of the attacking bear creature was Spike. His eyes were glowing green and the whole auditorium raised a few degrees. “Spike…”

“W-what is this?! Who dares interrupt our duel?!”

“I do, now leave her alone!!” He pushed back the bear effortlessly. Trixie glared at Spike and ordered another attack but the boy pulled his fist back, a green flame surrounding it as he punched the bear and knocked it into its master. Spike stood full of confidence until the silence of the room reached him and he turned back to Twilight. “Are you okay?”

“A-are you?” Spike tilted his head before he looked down, his shirt was nearly fully burned away but on his chest was a symbol etched. The symbol he had seen just a few minutes ago. The symbol of a familiar.

Author's Note:

I know I know I been gone quite a long time. I have actually been doing my own original work an actual book so I apologize for not really explaining myself. I wanted to put this beginning out there since I was rewatching some mlp and the inspiration hit. Also I wanted to show my improvements as a writer! What do you all think? Also I do know Twilight is a bit mean and OOC in this but there are reasons for that! Anyway, happy to know some people still read my stuff haha.