• Published 4th Sep 2022
  • 1,035 Views, 23 Comments

The Bonds of Magic - L Drkheart

Once a humble library assistant, Spike finds his life forever changed when he decides to help a strange girl.

  • ...

Principle Plans

Spike and Twilight were led away from the stage, from the whispering crowd, by a woman with purple and pink hair and kind green eyes. She was an Earth Clan and her dress had flowers. As they passed the other teachers, Spike saw a stern dark tall man with long wild black hair and a red horn, a strange-looking older man with misshapen features that smirked at him and gave a thumbs up before laughing, and strong dark woman with tribal markings and a mohawk that looked sorry for them.

“I’m gonna get expelled… my parents are gonna kill me…” Spike looked over at Twilight as she used her hat to hide her face, shaking her head as she whispered to herself.

“Uhh… Twilight? I’m sorry about-” She turned on him when he spoke, her eyes now softly glaring.

“I thought I told you to stay put!”

“What?! I did stay put! You were about to be attacked and I was teleported to you, this is your fault.”

“My fault?! It wasn’t my fault that some scrawny human got in the way of my mission!”

“Can you chill with the scrawny comments?”

“No, I will not!”

“Enough!” They went quiet as the woman stopped and rubbed her eyes. “Look… you two don’t have the time to be complaining and arguing. What happened out there… it’s unheard of for a human to become a familiar.”

“But I didn’t-”

“Sparkle, let me finish.” Twilight nodded and stepped back. “I don’t know what happened out there but this is the truth of the situation. Luckily, the Principle may be able to help. Whatever happens, stick together okay? Like it or not, there is no changing fate. We just have to make the best of it.”

“Yes, Miss Cheerilee. Thank you.” Twilight bowed and she elbowed Spike, making him bow too.

“Ow! Uhh yeah thanks…” She giggles and patted their heads before leaving them outside the principal’s office. Spike took a seat with Twilight and he touched his chest, tracing the mark that was etched into him. “Are we in trouble?” Twilight sighed, taking her hat off.

“I am… making a familiar of a creature like a human has never been done. It is seen as a kind of enslavement by most and they are weak anyway so why bother?”

“Hey! I threw that bear thing back, didn't I?”

“Yes, and that is even more of a problem! You should have been able to do that. It could be possible your body somehow absorbed my power when I placed that enhancement on you to fight the Sphinx and we teleported. If true, I’m weaker than I was and you’re far stronger.”

“Can’t you just send me home and go after another Sphinx?”

“It doesn’t work that way, we’re now-”

“Sparkle. You may enter now.” Luna’s voice came from inside and they walked in, Spike being shocked as all the teachers were inside despite him passing them earlier, including three new ones. A strange fanged man with long hair that reached down his back and large wings but they were furry and sharper than pegasus ones. A woman that had an air as strong as Celestia’s but she had vivid blue and purple hair and wings that also looked strange with almost fin-like properties. The final one was a woman with long purple hair and a scar over an eye. Her horn was broken. The two took a seat in front of the Principal's desk. There was a heavy aura in the room from the other teachers, but Celestia smiled and offered the two apples. Spike accepted and bit into it, shocked at the juiciness of the fruit.


“Surprised? The Apple family is quite well known for their fruit to be the best in all the land. I suppose your reaction means they could be the best in all dimensions too.” Celestia smiled.

“I’d say.”

“Sister, now is not the time for fruit.” Celestia sighed and leaned back in her chair.

“I suppose you are correct there sister. My faithful student, would you please explain everything that happened once you left for Earth?” Twilight eagerly stood and bowed her head. “Oh and mister…?”

“Oh! Spike ma’m!”

“Spike. You are allowed to add what you know.” And so the teachers listened intently as she recounted what happened, telling how she had spent hours looking for her familiar that she could feel was near but found no monsters. It wasn’t until the night did she finally find one but she noted that the Sphinx seemed confused, almost like it had just gotten to Earth. Spike added seeing Twilight throughout the day and how he met her as he was attacked. Finally, they ended their story and everyone was quiet before the dark man with the red horn stepped forward.

“Well, this obviously seems to be a mistake in the form of Miss Sparkle’s own magic interfering with the familiar ceremony. We should be able to repair the bond that was meant to be, however I say Miss Sparkle should be punished for her actions. They endangered the boy and more so all of us by bringing him here. Erase the boy’s memories and send him home.” Twilight paled and looked on the verge of crying but Cheerilee stepped forward at this moment.

“While I do agree with Sombra that her actions were ill-advised, her record does speak for itself. She’s one of the most talented and hard-working students of her age. I argue that she should not be so heavily punished.” The woman with the fin-like wings stepped forward.

“Of course you would argue for that.”

“Miss Novo please, this was an accident.”

“I agree with Cheerilee.” The scarred woman with the broken horn stepped forward. “While I am more concerned with her lack of care for magic rules, she is strong and it would be a shame to kick from of school before we see her limits.”

“Discord? Are you laughing?” The long haired man asked as everyone turned to Discord and he burst into laughter. “Why..?”

“Well my dearest friend, Scorpan, I’m laughing at our fellow colleagues here.” Novo, Sombra, and Tempest glared while Cheerilee sighed. “As much as I would love to punish Celestia’s favorite little pet here, this girl has sadly done nothing wrong. Isn’t that right Tia?” Everyone turned to Celestia who looked deep in thought, noticing everyone was looking at her.

“Sister… is there something you aren’t telling us?”

“Discord is right… Twilight didn’t mess up any spell. This boy was always meant to be her familiar. She just had the luck or rather misfortune to come across a rogue monster before anyone arrived to take care of it. Spike the human was always meant to be her familiar. It would explain why he was able to see her long before the Sphinx arrived.”

“W-wait wait! If this was always meant to be… this human must be something else right?” Everyone looked at Spike who jumped and laughed nervously while rubbing his head. From behind him, Discord smirked and his gold eyes glowed.

“I could always tear him apart to see what secrets he has inside.” Spike yelped but Cheerilee whacked him on the head, making Celestia giggle.

“I’m sure that won’t be needed. Besides, harming Spike could very much lead to Twilight’s own death.” Spike tilted his head.

“What? Why?” Celestia’s horn glowed and sparkles formed the shapes of a large blue dog creature and a red humanoid appeared.

“Sombra, Cheerilee, this is your expertise.” Cheerilee stepped forward.

“The full science of bonding isn’t fully known as familiars can’t really explain fully how they feel until the bond has taken place and the closest we know is for most it’s like waking from a dream. They gain new intelligence and power.”

“We do know however that the bonding ceremony begins when an Equestrian becomes of age and they choose to go for their partner. They arrive at a special location connected to the universe such as this school and through magic, are teleported right where they need to be.”

“Sometimes you must subdue or convince your partner to join you. Once the bonding spell or incantation has been cast, you and them are forever changed.” The images of the humanoid and dog changed as sparks of lightning brought them together and their colors became purple. “You and them are now one.”

“Fates intertwined. You both abandoned your own souls and fuse them into one shared soul. It was likely why Miss Sparkle could summon you back on stage.”

“W-wait wait… if we share one soul. Does this mean I can no longer go home?” Celestia shook her head.

“It wouldn’t be advised… with Twilight’s soul now mixed with yours, monsters are likely to follow you now shall you leave our world. You could endanger those you love.”

“B-but Moony, Soarin, The twins! My mom and sister! I can’t just leave them without a word! Isn’t there a way to separate the souls?” Sombra laughed, there was no humor in it. It was cold.

“Sure, there are ways thought it would shatter your very beings and likely kill ones as small as you two. Say you manage to live, it would be leaving you in pain for the rest of your lives and past that. You would forever feel like you are missing something. It would leave you half a soul… half a life.” Spike sat back down and put his head in his hands. A kind hand touched his head and he looked up to see Celestia.

“I’m sorry Spike… I will do what I can to help but this is how things are. I ask you to trust us to do what is best.” He looked at those eyes and felt strangely calm. They look so… familiar.

“Alright… so I can’t leave. What does that mean for me?”

“Me too. I don’t suspect that I can just go back to the Unicorn Dorm with him.” Twilight spoke up.

“No… hmm perhaps this could be a blessing in disguise. Not just for you two but the school.” Twilight and Spike shared a confused look before Celestia smiled. “That is enough for now. Tomorrow, I will inform you of what will become of you two. Cheerilee, if you two would be so kind as to take these two to the fourth dorm. Scorpan, seeing as they missed the feast I ask you to get them some food from the kitchens please.” They both nodded and went off to do their tasks, taking Spike and Twilight. Celestia spun in her chair, looking out the large window that overlooked her school, the starry night sky already out.

“Sister… what are you planning?” Celestia didn’t answer for a bit but she spun back and had a large smile on her face, making the teachers before her shiver.

“I plan to do the very thing this school was made for.” She dug into her desk and pulled out a yellow parchment, setting it down for everyone to read.

“You can’t be serious…” Tempest reread the title several times before it settled in her mind. Discord, meanwhile, began to laugh again.

“Oh dear…” Novo whispered and looked at the paper with concern.

“You truly have lost it,” Sombra stated bluntly. Celestia's smile only widened and she told them to go get food and rest as things would change come morning. That left only Luna and Celestia. Luna took the parchment and rubbed her eyes.

“Sister… this plan of yours. It’s radical! It will be seen as madness! As… as…”

“Change Luna. It will be seen as change, exactly what our world has needed! What our school has needed! I allowed these fools to order me around, to run my own school! I will no longer bow to their complaints.”

“If there is no stopping you… we must do this wisely. The actions shown today will have many people questioning the very will of magic itself. Using our former positions, we can have this… Class Eight created and forced them to accept it for at least one semester. However, they will have had to prove themselves to be worth keeping. We’ll need the best of the best…”

“I have a list already made up.” Celestia wrote down the names.

“You… have awful choices sister… You wish to place faith in these students working together? They were bred to hate each other.”

“Faith Luna is all we have when you take all else away. Faith and hope. I ask you to trust me.” Luna sighed and nodded, saying it would be done. She goes to leave but stops.

“We all trust your judgment Celestia.” With that she leaves, Celestia turns in her chair and stares at the moon.

. . .

Freshly finished dinner plates were set beside their beds as Twilight and Spike lay in beds, surrounded by eight more. It was meant to supply one gender but there was no need for them to be separated seeing as there were just the two of them.

“I’m… sorry Spike.” Spike’s eyes popped open as he had been laying in bed, trying to sleep the best he could. Some part of him hoped this was all some sick dream but no. He could feel something in him had changed. He turned in his bed. It was soft… comfy and perfect. Too perfect. It wasn’t his bed. His eyes went to Twilight once he heard her apology.

“If what they say is true… it wasn’t you. It was magic. It… chose me. Sorry, you got stuck with a human familiar.”

“Well… could be worse I guess. I could have gotten a Parasprite. Guess I’ll just have to work extra hard so he matches everyone else.” Spike rolled his eyes.

“Oh look at the time, I’m tired. I walk up pretty late so I should rest.”

“Hey! You can’t go sleeping in! We have class assignments in the morning! All familiars must accompany their masters!” Spike pretended to snore and Twilight threw a pillow at him before realizing what she did and ordering him to return it. Which he did by throwing it back at her. The two ended up making a rather large mess before tiring themselves out and crashing on their beds.

The morning sun hadn’t even fully come up before Spike was forced out of bed, his stomach hitting the floor as Twilight stood dressed in her usual outfit. He groaned loudly and glared up at her.


“You should get dressed and grab yourself some breakfast, I refuse to have my Familiar complaining when the assigning is happening! I’ll be at the library. Just follow everyone else when they leave.” She walked away and left him alone. He groaned again and got to his feet, collecting his clothes and making a mental note to get more when he can. Only after getting dressed did he realize that Twilight never told him where to go. He cursed and went in search of food.

It took twenty minutes but he managed to find the cafeteria and entered, looking around and heading for the buffet. He noticed how people immediately started to point at him and whispered among themselves. He sighed and shook his head, not in the mood for this. He was given some… oatmeal? That was the closest he could tell but it smelled divine. He looked up at the chef who was an Earth Clan woman.

“Is something wrong?”

“O-oh no! Thanks, sorry.” He went on his way before the woman gasped and raced to the back, likely to tell her coworkers about who he was. He grabbed some juice and a cupcake before looking out at the cafeteria and most were looking in his direction. He swallowed his courage and walked out to find a seat. Many eyes followed him as he looked for an empty table but there were none and he nearly left the cafeteria before a shout rang out.

“HEY!! Human boy! Over here over here! Come eat with us!!” A girl with large pink poofy hair shouted and Spike winced. He looked around and walked over, getting closer he saw the girl was an Earth Clan and across from her was Applejack. “Hi! So you’re the human?! I have never met a human before! I met loads of other creatures though! Pegasi, Unicorns, Griffins, Sea Clan, Diamond Dogs, Hippogriffs, Breez-” Applejack quieted her down with an apple which she ate happily.

“Sit.” Spike obeyed and looked down at his food.

“I’m um… sorry I lied.”

“I knew you did, but I have to admit that I didn’t expect you to be human… kind of sad that I couldn't see it. Guess we aren’t all that different. That girl there is Pinkie.” Pinkie waved happily. “So Spike. Where’s your unicorn?”

“Twilight? She’s in the library… kind of wish I stayed with her to avoid all of… this…” Applejack looked around and glared at those staring, most turning away.

“They’re curious. Mostly on why you haven’t been sent back home.”

“I can’t go back… I really am her familiar…” Applejack looked at him with pity and gave him an orange. “Here. Consider it a gift from my cousins. I can’t say what is in store for ya but well at least you have a place here with the Earth Clan.”

“Yeah! We’re gonna have so much fun! We can bake some sweets, play some games, destroy some unicorns and pegasi in dodgeball! Ooo! Maybe we could-” She was drowned out as the cafeteria seem to sigh in unison. Applejack rolled her eyes as the princess Spike heard mentioned before entered. She was even more stunning up close. She wore a crown of all kinds of jewels and walked in with swagger. She gathered her food and everyone was asking her to sit with them.

“Who is that?”

“Princess Rarity! I hear she is so rich her castle has castles!”

“Just a stuck-up Unicorn too big for her breeches. She thinks she is stronger than anyone else because she is born royal.”

“Well… is she?” Applejack opened her mouth but that was interrupted by a sudden gust of wind and a shrill scream as Rarity had a stain where her cupcake had hit her dress. She turned with her horn sparking, glaring at the one that had caused the wind. A pegasus girl with rainbow hair and a cocky smirk. She was standing with her plate full of food. How she got it so fast, Spike couldn’t say

“Y-you!! You scoundrel! How dare you!”

“Hey, you should have been sitting like everyone else Princess, now move you’re in my way!” Applejack sighed as she stood up to stop the arguing girls before it became a fight. Spike watched wearingly as he ate and a bell rang for them to gather. Rarity ran off to change her dress while Rainbow Dash groaned and began to eat and run. Applejack came back to grab her stuff and told Pinkie and Spike to follow.

They all gathered once again in the Auditorium where Spike joined the Earth Clan and he saw Twilight walk in to join the unicorns. He wondered if he should join her but decided to stay where he was as the teachers took the stage. All but Celestia had a piece of paper, calling out names to put them into classes one through seven. Spike noticed Classes one and two were made of Unicorns, three and four were Pegasi, and five, six, and seven were Earth Clan. Soon they were all taken away, leaving only a handful of people left with Celestia being the only one on stage.

“The rest of you remaining, Please all join us in the front row.” Applejack frowned and looked at Spike who shrugged before they got up to head down, Pinkie happily bouncing right behind. Spike noticed Rainbow on the other side climbing down as well with a pink-hair girl at her back. In the front row were Rarity and Twilight. Rarity glared at Applejack and Rainbow, setting her crown in the seat next to her and her purse in the other seat, Applejack shook her head and sat next to Twilight but leaned away from her. Rainbow and the other girl sat next to Rarity’s crown.

“Now I hope you all are excited! This year I decided to change things! You seven have been chosen to be a part of my new class! Class Eight, a mixed class with me as the teacher!” Celestia giggled and waited for applause but all of the students had an expression of shock, anger, or nervousness. Except for Pinkie, who smiled and cheered.

“Ooo! This will be fun!”

Author's Note:

Sorry if the chapter isn't the best! I'm kind of tired so if there are any mistakes I will fix them. But I hope you all enjoyed the chapter!

Comments ( 8 )

I'm looking foward to see what happens next.

Thanks! I am writing another chapter now, for an old favorite story. I will be back on this one though!

I can't wait for the chaos to happen in this world and the romantic Part but that's a bonus in my opinion

Celestia's plan is just a hotbed for chaos

Oh really now that's going to be beautiful when that does happen we don't get any clues towards us audience readers some of us like to be surprised.🤫😈

Yay for Choas!:moustache::trollestia:

I don’t want to be rude, but can I get a status update on this story?

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