• Published 12th Nov 2022
  • 2,988 Views, 355 Comments

A Dark Knight Over Canterlot - Battwell

Darkness personified. Vengeance incarnate. How does one who embodies such ideals work with those who embody Harmony and Friendship?

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Killer Airtime (Part 2)

Canterlot City

"Gotcha!!! Hahahahahahahaha!!!" Joker laughed victoriously as he moved closer towards the camera, "Turns out my little stocking stuffers weren't bombs at all. Sure I may have tricked you all, but you gotta admit. It was one hell of a trick." The villain then placed his hands behind his back as he began explaining his true intentions, "You may be asking yourselves, 'If they're not bombs, then what are they?!' Hehehehehe, let me show you."

Joker then reached into his pocket and pulled out a miniature remote. The Dazzlings stopped swaying to the background music and looked on in confusion. When suddenly, three of Joker's thugs appeared behind them and placed a collar on them individually.

"Hey!" Adagio shouted as the collar clamped around her neck.

"What gives?!" Sonata exclaimed.

"Get your filthy hands off me!!!" Aria screamed at the top of her lungs.

All three girls tried taking the collars off, but stopped when Joker turned around and wiggled the remote in his hand, "I wouldn't do that if I were you."

Adagio glared at the psychotic human, "And why shouldn't we?!"

Joker smiled, "Because, those little gifts around your neck have a certain... Explosive trait to them."

The Dazzlings paled as they all slowly looked down at their collars in fear. "Y-YOU PUT BOMBS AROUND OUR NECKS?!!!" Aria shouted in pure terror.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Not just bombs, sweet heart. There's another special trait to these little collars of yours. Remember when I told you three that I did my research before coming to this place? Well I found out that when you losers tried taking over that school, you lost your ability to mind control people. So being the generous person that I am, I decided to give that back to you as a little Christmas present."

The Clown Prince of Crime then turned around to face the camera.

"Canterlot City, those bombs that have been plastered around aren't bombs at all, they're amplified speakers!" Joker explained, "Thanks to Eddie's technology, I've been able to connect his mind control tech with The Dazzlings latent magic, so when they start singing, you're minds will be bent to my will! Except, with the little adjustments that I've made, instead of succumbing to mind control, The Dazzlings beautiful voices will drive you all crazy! Just. Like. Me!"

Adagio and her sisters gasped loudly before taking a step back in horror. They never signed up for this, they only did this so that they wouldn't die. Now they had no way out of this.

"Oh, and girls!" Joker piped up with a sick grin on his face, getting the girls' attention, "If you so much as lower your pitch by a single decibel... KABLOOWE!!! You'll literally lose your heads!" He threatened before pressing the button on the remote, activating the collars, "Ooooh, they're active! Sing, sing, sing, sing, sing!!!"

As their collars began to blink and beep, The Dazzlings had no choice but to follow Joker's order.

So they sang like their lives depended on it, because in this scenario, it did.

As the screen inside the now revealed speaker shut off, miniature loud speakers sprung out of the top of the device. Then suddenly, the singing voices of The Dazzlings began to play out of the speaker. Twilight covered her ears with her hands, not wanting to be driven crazy.

"Ngh!!! BATMAN!!!" Twilight shouted over the blaring sound of the speaker, "WHAT DO WE DO?!" She asked as she turned around, only to find that Batman was already gone.

Sunset covered her ears as she tried running away from the speaker, only to find that it produced sound all throughout the school, making it impossible for her to escape the maddening sound. She barged out of the door as Rainbow Dash sped right past her before she crashed into a bush.

Sunset rushed over to her friend, worried for her safety, "Rainbow, are you okay?" She asked, helping the prismatic girl out of the bush.

RD shook her head, "No, Sunset it's bad! Like really bad! As soon as the speakers started playing, everyone in the mall just... just.."

"Just what?" Sunset asked, tilting her head to the side.

Rainbow shivered as the memory played back in her head, "Just started... laughing."

Now Sunset was confused, if it was as instantaneous as Rainbow said it was, then why weren't they affected? Her eyes shot open as she suddenly felt a warm feeling on her chest. She reached into her shirt and pulled out her pendant. It was glowing, humming softly as it brightened up.

"The pendants?" She thought to herself before snapping her fingers, "THAT'S IT!" The Equestrian turned human looked to her friend with determination written all over her face, "Rainbow, I need you to take me to Sweet Apple Acres. After that, speed off and bring everyone else there, we don't have time to lose."

Rainbow, although confused, nodded and grabbed hold of Sunset before speeding off to Sweet Apple Acres.

"WHEEEEEEEEEEE!!!" Pinkie exclaimed happily as Rainbow speed her into the barn of Sweet Apple Acres. Once she arrived through the door of the barn, she set Pinkie sown next to Fluttershy, who was shaking due to the fear she was currently feeling.

Rainbow nodded to Sunset, signaling for her to start speaking, "I think I've figured out a way to help put a stop to all of this." Now she had everyone's attention. Sunset took out her pendant and showed it off to everyone, "It's our pendants, they're made up of Equestrian magic! Somehow they're shielding us from The Dazzlings voices, that's why we aren't insane yet!"

Everyone, sans Princess Twilight, took out their pendants and surely enough, they were all glowing.

"But I don't understand." Twilight spoke up, gaining everyone's attention, "I don't have a pendant, why aren't I crazy yet?"

Sunset stroked her chin in thought, "I think it's all the built up magic inside of you. It's temporarily shielding you, but I don't know how long that will last."

"Darling that's all well and good, but how are we suppose to fix all of this. It's a complete disaster. Of all the things that could happen, this is the worst POSSIBLE THING!"

Sunset smirked as she folded her arms over her chest, "Simple. We're going to help Batman stop The Joker."

"But how exactly are we meant to stop him? One, he is the most dangerous super villain in the entire world, and two, we don't even know where he is!"

It was at this time that Pinkie giggled, "Of course we do silly! He's at the movie set, y'know, where Mr. Zoom let us see the 'Daring Do movie get made?"

All of The Rainbooms looked at Pinkie as if she were either a genius or a crazy person. They all then proceeded to smack their foreheads, why hadn't they thought of that?

"Y'know Pinkie, for someone as random as you, you actually manage to make a lot of sense sometimes." Applejack complimented the pink girl, at least, Pinkie took it as a compliment.

"Thanks!" She expressed her gratitude by pulling out a cupcake from her hair and offering it to Applejack.

Princess Twilight raised a finger in confusion, "Um, someone is going to have to fill me in here."

"We'll fill you in on the way, Twi. For now," Sunset looked at AJ, "get the van ready, we're going back to the movie set!"

"You feel it, don't you Canterlot?" Joker asked as he leaned in closer towards the camera, "Your minds turning to mush. Your skin crawling. Like you're being watched? Trust me when I say that you'll get used to it. Give it time and it will become the greatest feeling you'll ever feel. It's like I've always said, 'All it takes is one bad day to drive the sanest man alive to lunacy.' That's how far the world is from where I am. Just one. Bad. Day."

Joker turned around to face The Dazzlings to see how they were doing. He saw that they all had scared looks on their faces, Sonata even had tears falling from her eyes on account of how scared she was.

"Oh don't be such a crybaby, Sonata! It's Christmas after all, don't wanna lose your head now, do you?" Joker laughed as he waved the remote in his hand, taunting the distraught girl even more.

"PUDDIN'!!!" A sudden shout caught the clown's attention.

Joker's eyes widened as he turned around to see his girl running right towards him, "HARLEY?!" His surprised expression turned to one of pure rage as she got closer, "What are you doing here?! I told you to stay at Equestria Land!"

"But Puddin', Batman was there with some teenage brat! I had to get away so I wouldn't get caught." Harley explained as she came to a stop right in front of The Joker.

Joker's right eye twitched as he loomed over Harley, "You saw Batsy... and you came running here?!"

Harley looked a little hurt, what was the big deal?


"You just don't get it, do you?" Joker snarled slowly before grabbing Harley by the throat, cutting off her flow of oxygen, "You led Batman RIGHT TO MY DOORSTEP!!!" He shouted before backhanding Harley to the floor, knocking her unconscious. The Clown Prince of Chaos tugged on his jacket as he exhaled heavily. "Good help is so hard to find these days, wouldn't you say so Batman?"

No response.

Joker put his hands to the side of his mouth to amplify his voice, "YOO HOO!!! Batsy?! I know you're here some-- OOF!!!" He let out a pained grunt as he was punched directly in the nose by a gloved hand. Joker fell on his back as Batman emerged from the shadows.

He did not look happy.

Joker rubbed his face before smiling up at his adversary, "Oh there you are."

Batman grabbed Joker by the scruff of his collar and got right in his face, "Shut it down." He growled lowly, Batman wasn't in the mood for games.

Joker responded by spraying Batman with some acid from his flower. The dark hero grunted in pain as the acid met with his shoulder, burning the fabric of his suit and exposing his now burnt skin. Joker took this chance to reach into his jacket, he then pulled out a crowbar and smacked Batman up the side of the head with it.

Batman fell to the floor, his ears ringing from the impact. His sight was blurry, he felt dizzy and nauseous.

Joker sighed contently as he stroked his crowbar fondly, "Ah, the memories." He then smiled evilly as Batman tried getting back up, before he brought the crowbar down onto Batman's back, sending him back down onto the floor. As blood pooled out of Batman's nose, Joker decided to kick the downed hero in the face, sending him onto his back.

"Big old Bats has fallen down!" He delivered a swift kick to Batman's rib cage, "On the ground!" A stomp on Batman's chest kept him down. The ringing in Batman's ears returned as he sprawled over onto his chest and tried to pick himself back up, "Mind unsound!" Joker walked in front of Batman and smacked him in the face with his crowbar, sending the hero back onto his back, "Big old Bats has fallen down!" He then pressed his foot onto Batman's chest, keeping him down, "I'm so happy!"

The Dazzlings could only watch on in horror as Joker tossed away the crowbar and pulled out a gun from inside his jacket. The Clown Prince of Crime aimed the gun directly into Batman's face, his finger placed on the trigger, ready to fire at any given moment.

He was about to kill him, and there was nothing that Adagio and her sisters could do to stop him. They could only just stand there and sing as they watched Joker cock back the gun.

"Now," Joker began as his smile grew even wider, "time to deliver the punchline."