• Published 12th Nov 2022
  • 2,958 Views, 355 Comments

A Dark Knight Over Canterlot - Battwell

Darkness personified. Vengeance incarnate. How does one who embodies such ideals work with those who embody Harmony and Friendship?

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Arguments and Detective Work

Canterlot City

The door to Sunset's apartment flew open as an angry Princess Twilight Sparkle and an equally angry Sunset Shimmer, with a neutral and confused Spike, all walked into the apartment. Twilight stomped towards the couch while Sunset took Spike out of the backpack so he could finally move around.

"Okay, Twilight, confession time!" Sunset started in a stern tone, trying really hard not to lose her cool, "You are going to tell me what the hell is wrong with you right now!"

Twilight groaned exasperatedly before dragging her hand down her face, "Sunset, for the last time, I don't want to talk about it!"

But Sunset wasn't having any of it, evident when she stomped her foot on the floor, "NO! That's not an excuse anymore! For God's sake, Twi, you nearly got us all killed! Do you even realize the amount of danger you put us in?!"

Being as defiant as ever, Twilight crossed her arms, "I-I had it handled..." She replied, not even convinced herself that she had the situation under control.

Sunset, resisting the urge to groan, gave her friend a stern look, "You're so full of it. Twilight you need to learn that this," She gestured to her surroundings with her hands, "Isn't Equestria, where you sing a little song and your problems magically disappear!"

Spike, who jumped onto Sunset's sofa, looked to Twilight and nodded in agreement, "She's right, Twilight."

Twilight snapped her head to Spike and gave him an angry look, "Since when do you always take her side?!"

"SINCE SHE BECAME THE ONE MAKING SENSE!!!" Spike shouted back, trying and hoping to get through to his best friend, "This is just like what happened back on Mt. Aris! You shut yourself down and carried the weight of the world on your shoulders until you lashed out on everypony! Driving them away when you needed them most!"

Twilight curled her fingers in frustration, "That's different, young Dragon!"

"It isn't and you know it!" Spike replied hotly.

Sunset, having had enough of this, stomped over to Twilight, "You want proof? Fine! You have been nothing but distant since you got here, you're temperamental and hot headed, which is unlike you, you won't talk to anyone, you rush into things without thinking clearly, and you have been nothing but cold to Twilight." Sunset listed off to her angry friend and teacher.

Twilight snarled and all of a sudden, stomped her foot on the ground, "SHE'S NOT TWILIGHT!!! I'M TWILIGHT!!!" She shouted, catching Sunset off guard, "So what? You meet a new version of me and suddenly I'm not good enough anymore? She's suddenly your Twilight? Glad to know that I'm sooo easy to replace!"

"R-Replace?" Sunset stuttered out before asking, "What do you mean by that?"

Twilight rolled her eyes as she folded her arms over her chest, "Hmm, let's see. Ever since you met the other me, you've barely stayed in contact with me using the journal. The last message I wrote to you was months ago and you didn't even respond! Now you're calling her your Twilight when I'm right there with you, do you know how that makes me feel? It makes me feel like you don't need me anymore! Which makes sense since not even Equestria needs me! I'm a failure there and I'm a failure here, so thank you so much, Sunset, for showing just how much you don't need me and how much of a bucking failure I am!!!" She finished shouting, panting heavily with her face so red due to how angry she was.

The apartment was silent until the dams finally burst.

Twilight started to cry.

She fell to her knees and covered her face, Sunset instantly rushing over to comfort her distraught friend. Spike whimpered and jumped off the couch and curled up next to his mother figure to try and comfort her. As Twilight sobbed into Sunset's chest, the former Unicorn couldn't help but wrap her arms around her friend for support.

The docks were abandoned, perfect for a temporary base of operations. The Batwing slowly landed next to the warehouse, covered in its cloaking mechanism as to not draw attention towards the docks. Once the Batwing landed, the top of the cockpit slid open, allowing Batman to jump out before closing again.

The Dark Knight entered the warehouse, it was a small setup, what with the two training dummies, the weights, and the miniature Batcomputer at the back of the warehouse. Batman removed his cowl and made his way towards the Batcomputer as it turned itself on.

Bruce Wayne, billionaire playboy by day, vigilante by night.

Bruce took out the device he found from his Utility Belt and placed it on the scanner to his left. He then typed on the keyboard and brought up multiple pop up windows as the scanner finished scanning the strange device. Once the scanner did its job, another window popped up, showing some sort of map of Canterlot City.

"This must be how the device is connecting to Nygma's main server. But if I want to find out where he is held up, I'm going to need the other devices he has placed around Canterlot to build a stronger connection to the server." Wayne thought to himself as he typed on a few more keys to try and locate the next device.

Unfortunately as soon as he pressed a key, another window popped up, this time one of Riddler's head and a wagging finger with the text, "Ah ah ah, you didn't say the magic word." The window stayed like that for a few seconds before it disappeared, a window with a riddle and an answer box replacing it.

"A riddle, how original."

The riddle on the Batcomputer appeared to be one that led to the next device's location. The riddle asked,"I’m a dividing line at an edge; a squiggle of land lacking rock or ledge.
I stretch out far and sometimes wide, but you'll stay dry if you pick my side.
There's salt on my breath, and I've sand for feet; you sometimes sit with me in the heat.
When waves come to call, I hold them back- keeping your visit right on track.
But remember, should they ever choose to rise, those who leave surly are wise.

What am I?"

Batman shook his head before typing in the answer, "The Beach." He pressed the 'Enter' key, to which the pop up window disappeared and moved towards Canterlot Beach, where the entire area was highlighted.

"Riddler's not making it easy." Bruce thought to himself before bringing up his own map of Canterlot for reference. He zoomed in on Canterlot Beach and the various buildings and construction sites in the surrounding area. He zoomed in on a Shipping Yard that was close to the beach itself, "There's a Shipping Yard right next to the beach. It's secluded and abandoned, has been ever since it was bought out from Filthy Rich. That's where the next device is." He deduced before shutting off the Batcomputer and putting on his cowl.

He pressed his finger to his ear, activating the Comms in his cowl, "Alfred, Nygma has the next device stored in a Storage Yard next to Canterlot Beach. I'm heading there now to retrieve it."

"Be careful sir, there's no telling what that mad man has in store for you at that Shipping Yard." Alfred reminded his surrogate son in a worried manner, "He obviously wanted you to find it."

"Makes sense. This is all a game to him, Alfred, to prove that he's smarter than I am." Batman said as he made his way out of the warehouse towards the cloaked Batwing, "I'm going to prove him wrong."

Author's Note:

Next chapter Twilight opens up, the girls come up with a plan, and the Worlds Greatest Detective comes face-to-face with the World's Deadliest Assassin