• Published 21st Sep 2012
  • 1,143 Views, 58 Comments

Thirty-ish Minute Pony Stories - Abecedarian

Stories submitted to the Thirty Minute Pony Stories Tumblr - They vary in quality, but at least they're all short.

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Coming Attractions and Missed Opportunities (Prompt #359)

TMP Prompt #359 -

Prompt: Mare Do Well: Year One


Coming Attractions and Missed Opportunities

A shrill cackle rang out as the dam exploded, and with an ear-splitting roar, a massive wave of water rushed toward the unsuspecting town.

On their precarious high-ground position, the soaked survivors huddled together for warmth. Suddenly one of them jabbed a hoof upwards, pointing at something unseen.

“Mare-Do-Well’s a menace!” cried the rough-looking newspaper editor. “And I won’t rest ‘til everypony knows it!”

The tourists screamed as their wagon flew from the cliff, a scream that ended in an astonished gasp as the their fall was halted by some unseen force. Slowly, slowly, they were pulled upwards. One of them ventured a glance toward the cliff’s edge and gasped.

“Mare-Do-Well’s a hero!” cried the plucky heroine. “She saves lives!”

The balloon careened through the city, its helpless pilot wailing in terror. Suddenly a violet streak snatched him from the basket.

“Don’t worry! I’ve got—”

Another streak slammed into them.

“Two!?” The beleaguered mayor sank into her chair. “One good and one…No, I-I can’t believe it.”

Two blue-and-violet figures glared at each other from across the rooftop.

“Don’t,” The scientist whipped off her glasses dramatically. “You see—”

The camera pulled back to reveal a third figure.

“I’ll kill anyone who stands in my way!” The feminine voice rang out “There can only be one Mare-Do-Well!“

The plucky heroine slapped the editor across his face.

“You’ll pay for what you did to me!”

The editor merely smirked.

“Dear Celestia,” the scientist whipped her glasses off. “It can’t be!” She put her glasses back on and peered at the results of her test. “But it is!”

“What is it?” asked the plucky heroine.

“I ain’t afraid a’ Mare-Do-Well,” the editor scoffed. “I’ll say anythin’ I want about her.”

“But sir,” the cub reporter quailed. “What about the death threats?”

“Tch. I’ll bring her down first.”

“Which one?”

“All of ‘em!”

“The suit’s unstable. One of these Mare-Do-Wells…” The scientist whipped her glasses off. “…Is going to explode.”

Mare-Do-Well leapt from rooftop to rooftop, the plucky heroine in hot pursuit.

“Please! You have to listen to me!”

“WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!?” The editor slammed his hooves against the glass window before him. “HOW DARE YOU!?”

The three Mare-Do-Wells glared at one another…

“Who am I?” A feminine voice whispered. “Who am I?!”

…and charged into battle.

There was an explosion—



“Oh, man, oh man, oh man…” Rainbow Dash leaned forward in her theater seat. “This is gonna be so epic!”

“I know!” Pinkie Pie grinned, bouncing up and down. “I don’t know if I can wait!”

Twilight Sparkle just bowed her head, jerking upward when Applejack poked her.

“Rarity says ‘Copyright Mare-Do-Well? Rarity, that’s a crazy idea! Why would we wanna do that?‘.”

Twilight set her jaw and said nothing.

“You coulda copyrighted Mare-Do-Well?!” Rainbow cried. “Do you know how big she’s gotten!?”

“Yes,” Twilight said through clenched teeth. “Yes I do.”

“There’s Mare-Do-well comics and movies and video games, and radio shows,“ Pinkie recited. “Bath soap, water guns…”

“You could be millionaires right now!”

"I know, Dash."

“Rarity says she ain’t talkin’ to ya.”

“I figured that out after the first couple of days, thanks.”

“...Drinking glasses, reading glasses, sunglasses, coasters, costumes, duh…”

“Scratch that, you could have been billionaires!”

“She says, ‘That’s Sweetie Belle’s college tuition up there. Also—” Applejack blinked, turning to Rarity. “Also Apple Bloom’s? Really?”

The white unicorn nodded, her lips a thin, tight, line as she glared at Twilight.

“Well, now Ah don’t feel like talkin’ to ya.”

“...Flashlights, wallets, spray bottles, personal watercraft…”


Twilight just sighed and buried her face in her hooves.

Author's Note:

I'm an idiot and I missed a lot of errors when I submitted this to TMP. I'll credit being in a rush, not having had any sleep, and work being hell.

Punched up the writing a little, too.

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