• Published 21st Sep 2012
  • 1,143 Views, 58 Comments

Thirty-ish Minute Pony Stories - Abecedarian

Stories submitted to the Thirty Minute Pony Stories Tumblr - They vary in quality, but at least they're all short.

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Jupiter and Mercury Went Wandering One Day (Prompt #412)

TMP Prompt #412 – “Just So”

Prompt: How the sun got her fire/How the moon got her spots


Jupiter and Mercury Went Wandering One Day

“Our gratitude toward your hospitality cannot be expressed in mere words,” the dark-coated pegasus, Dusky, said. “But rest assured--“

Her companion, Dawn, a pale-orange earth pony with a vibrant pink mane, nudged her.

“Uh, thanks. Is what I meant. D-dudeskis.”

“Well with this big storm a-comin’, we could hardly make y’all stay out, could we?” Applejack said. We got plenty a’ room in our tents, eh gals?”

The Crusaders and Fluttershy nodded, the former enthusiastically, the latter from behind her wing.

“Yeah! It’s gonna be huge.” Scootaloo grinned. “You might get blown away, or struck by lightning, or--“

Fluttershy made a noise somewhere between a squeak and a wibbly sort of screech, and Scootaloo shut her mouth.

“What are you guys doin’ here anyway?” Apple Bloom asked. “’It’s dangerous in the forest, ‘specially with a storm comin’”

“We live here/we’re wandering troubadors,” both ponies said at once, then looked each other, startled. “We’re messengers/gathering herbs.”

Dawn cleared her throat.


“We are--“

“We’re troubadors.” Dawn said, glaring at Dusky. “Who live in forests instead of towns and make money by conveying messages and gathering and selling herbs. Apparently.”

“Right on, sister. Totally bodacious.”

Silence reigned for a second.

“That’s so neat!” Sweetie Belle cried. “I’d love to do that!”

“But why are all of you here?”

“Ugh,” Applejack sighed “It’s like--“

“We’re gonna get our storm chaser Cutie Marks!” Sweetie Belle said. “We’re gonna watch lightning bolts!”

“It’s gonna be so awesome!”

“And since they were so fired up they were prob’ly gonna go off an’ do it anyway, Ah figured Ah might as well keep ‘em out of trouble. Ah also had Twilight enchant our tents against weather.”

“Vindale’s Etheric Windbreaker, no doubt,” Dawn nodded. “I’m really quite proud of--“

Dusky cleared her throat, hard.

“Sounds neat,” Dawn said, turning to Fluttershy. “And you’re here to help protect them, too?”

“Oh, no, I could never…” Fluttershy blushed. “I’m just here because I’m watching Scootaloo this week. I don’t know anything about controlling weather.”

“Should it get too powerful, surely we can dispel it-“ Dusky blinked, her freckled face twisting into a too-wide smile. “If we had horns, which of course neither of us do.”


“It’s gettin’ dark.” Applejack said. “Anypony wanna help me gather up some more firewood just in case?”

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo enthusiastically raised their hooves.

“Okay, can ya’ll make up a fire while we’re gone. We got enough wood ta get one started, anyway.”

“Verily we-uh, no problem, babycakes.”

“We should be able to,” Dawn nodded. “Be careful.”

“So tell me everything about being a tr-tr--“

“Troubador, dear,” Dawn said as she sized up the small pile of wood before her. “Mostly it’s just wandering around playing music…”

“Listening to the grievances and sufferings of mortal ponies so that we may better…Um, it’s a real drag, yo.” Dusky gulped. “How is that fire coming?”

“I, um…Fluttershy! Why don’t you make the fire?”

“I don’t know how. S-sorry.”

“Hm.” Suddenly Dawn looked up sharply. “Gosh that storm cloud looks terrible! Dusky, why don’t you fly up there, where nopony can see you, and try to do something about it?”

“But we want storm clouds!” Sweetie Belle protested.

“Yes, do we not?”

“Sweetie, it would be better for your friends to be here before the storms, starts, wouldn’t it? And Dusky?” She nudged the pile of sticks. “Do something.”

“Ah, right.”

Dusky soared into the sky.

“I think we’d better stand ba--“

A dark-blue thunderbolt slammed into the earth, sending burning sticks everywhere.

Applejack and the others came rushing back, as Dusky flew back to the ground.

“Land sakes, ya’ll okay!?”

Dawn and Sweetie nodded, the latter rubbing her ears.

“Ah never saw a bolt of lightning like that!”

“Yes, it was almost unbelievable.” Dawn glared at Dusky, who shrugged. “It definitely came from the cloud, though.”


“Cool! Sweetie, did you get your mark?”

“Nope. Darn.”

For her part, Fluttershy stared at Dawn and Dusky, eyes tiny blue spots in a sea of white, mouth working soundlessly.

“Fluttershy, hon, are you alright? Ya look pale.”

The troubadors looked back at her, Dusky raising an eyebrow.

“F-fine,” she squeaked. “Ju-just-just fine.”


Author's Note:

I finally have the right combination of time and availability for a TMP critique and THIS is the story I submit?

Norse Pony rightly called this out as being flat and that the dialogue doesn't feel like a proper conversation.

The only defense I can offer was that I was rushing to get this done before I had to shower for work, and that I only visualized it for a couple of minutes beforehand.

I promise that when I finally, finally get something longer finished, it'll be better.
2022 Me: Still HAAAATE this.

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