• Published 2nd Nov 2022
  • 1,538 Views, 32 Comments

This Sucks: A Story About The First Human In Equestria - Justa Dooda

This sucks, you hate being treated like an animal! But being an outsider? That Sucks too.

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Saying Goodbye Really Hurts...

Time passed. How much time has passed? Well according to Fluttershy it has been a couple of months. So much time has passed that the Summer air has slowly started to turn into Fall chills. It's hard to wrap your brain around the fact that pegasi have the power to change the weather. But it is still an adjustment to make now that you are slowly and surely figuring out how this crazy pony world works. Everyday you learn something new.

Something you learned is that ponies and other creatures that visit Ponyville really enjoy your saxophone playing. Plus a lot of the younger ones really do like the mystical glowing of your horn. So getting some bits by tips gives you motivation to keep yourself occupied. After saving some bits you got yourself some new clothes.

Simple clothes are something that Rarity finds annoying. She tells you quite frequently about your ‘lack of taste in fine fashion’ True. But that's what you like. Blue jeans and just plain t-shirts is all that you needed. Can’t change that about you.

Blending in as much as you can puts you at ease. Though getting attention when you want it also puts at ease. A very seesaw type of temperament you had that you really didn't notice until just recently. That’s alright, according to Twilight is an ‘introverted’ trait. Quite rare for ponies to have according to a book she was reading about Pony Sociology.

You have also started to really learn about yourself that you haven't really put into perspective. When it comes to food, yes meat is a big taboo for ponies. Thankfully griffons come by Ponyville from time to time. They are omnivorous like you and they pay good bits to get meat. Though going to the secluded part of time with a bunch of griffons that can absolutely overpower you when they are starved of protein is not the best idea to staying alive.

Thankfully your friends don’t judge you for it. And to be respectful, you don’t eat meat in front of them when you do have social outings. Fluttershy of course gets that you are an omnivorous type of creature, but seeing some of her friends die and be consumed by predators does shake her up a bit. It is part of the nature of predator and prey, but it still doesn't bring her mood down when a critter passes away.

So a strange compromise came from this impasse.


On Earth you hated fish! Bleh! How could anyone like to eat tuna, or bass, or pike or any aquatic animal. But when protein that you can actually digest is scarce and you need it to survive, well there is one option. Thankfully the taste can be greatly enhanced with spices that are not found on Earth.

Fluttershy is another thing you had to learn. After showing off your alien tech you two had a long talk about both of you. Who knew that you were actually overthinking things. She was just scared about some scary human, and not mad at you. She thanked you for telling her but deeply apologize for making you think that you did something wrong to her. Thankfully Twilight and Starlight were able to help with pony social dynamics to make sure such a weird little misunderstanding wouldn't happen again. Though you doubt that you can be the social master with Twilight telling how to be social around ponies….from a book about telling ponies how they socialize.

One thing that grips your soul that you have learned just by being around different ponies for as long as you have, is that you are starting to see them as, well, normal everyday people. And when you do that you just kind of go with the flow of it. Ponies have a range of needs. From a helping hand to just want to talk, to the more graining topic.

You have no idea, not a single clue why this is, but according to Rarity you are, as she puts it, ‘A striking and handsome stallion that deserves a good mare by his side!’ And as soon as she told you this information all the dots start to line up why certain mares act the way they do. It’s weird that you were actively hit on my other mares from time to time. It was flattering that ponies find you attractive, but it still felt weird.

Sure you can take the invitation to date some of the mares dropping hints on you, but there is a deep feeling in your gut that if you do pursue a romantic relationship with them, it would just feel, well wrong. A part of you knows that there is a high, HIGH chance that you will be stuck here for quite some time, or all the time. You also know that Melody is out there, the woman that you fell in love with, but never got the balls to actually seal the deal with her. What would she think if you finally find her that you mentioned, ‘Oh sorry to tell you Melody, but I fucked a mare and I really like that!’ You felt your skin crawl at the thought.

But another part about your mind picked up social cues from other pones of what is attractive and what is not. This and your own standards mixing beautifully to guide your eye to what you like. You know there is some mares that fit your standards. But there is one that truly matches and surpasses your standards.

Octavia Melody.

She is an interesting mare. Every time you meet up with her, whether that is at the saloon with the hard ass Sour Mash runs. Or spending tea with her and her housemate Vinyl Scratch, who turned out to be a DJ with the stage name, ‘DJ PON3.’ You slowly get to know her. And the more you get to know her the more you grow more fond of her. You think that you have a crush on the cellist, or maybe your friendship was just that deep. Whatever it is, you are happy just to be around a mare like her. When you feel like shit, she's there to tell you about something oddly specific about her career or something silly that happened to her when she was on the job. Easily distracting from your silly little woes. Though it made you wonder if she had the same feelings for you? It was clear that she must have liked you to some extent with all the time you spent with her. But does she like you?

Some parts of mind tell you that will never work, that Melody is the one woman for you, but there are times when you have certain fantasies about the gray earth mare. Wishing you could wake up next to her and tell her how much you fucking mean to her.

Another thing you learned is that Twilight Sparkle and Starlight Glimmer have solved a problem for you ever since you came here, and wow you are thankful that they did!

They made a bracelet that was heavily enchanted with the spell that Starlight put on you all those months ago, that can turn on with a flick of a switch presto chango, you can talk and read Ponish! Oh thank Celestia…god…that you don’t have to deal with magical sparkle dust up your nose anymore! And when you want to tune out somepony just one click of the gears inside the bracelet, and back to an alien language that you cant understand and they cant understand you.

Very convenient.

Right now you, Fluttershy and Applejack were having tomato sandwiches. The topic at hand was interesting. Both the shy pegasus and the cowpony were talking about how you should have your own place to live rather than taking the space in the living room of Fluttershy cottage. Well you would agree that it would be nice to have a place that is solely your own. However, the two ponies were in heavy discussion on how you were going to get a place.

Technically, yes you were not a citizen of Equestria, let alone a residence of Ponyville officially. That would make it illegal for you to own property or at the very least rent property that didn't fall in line with an inn. Twilight assured you that she was talking with the Ruler of Equestria, her friend and mentor, Princess Celestia about how that can be arranged for me. It will take some time for that to happen, but for now you are being taken care of by your friends.

Applejack's suggestion was that her family could raise bits so that they can raise a mini barn for you. You sigh internally regretting sharing the one story that you grew up on a farm that raised sheep for wool. Now she is all over that idea thinking you were as country as her, when in reality you are quite the opposite of that.

Fluttershy suggestion was not a great solution either. She and with the help of her animal friends want to make human size burrows just like a badger or other critters that dig, but with the same furnishings as a normal pony have. She very much described it as something very similar to an ancient trilogy book you read about people trying to destroy a ring of some kind and the fantasy people lived in the ground? It’s hard to remember but living in a place like that well, that won’t do. She most of got the idea that you want that after describing some of the books you read back on earth.

The discussion was reaching its peak, and judging by the two of them are now arguing, you have to step in.

“Okay, I have to put a stop to this,” You raise your hand to stop them both in their tracks, two pairs of eyes on you. “And It means so much that you two care so deeply for my well being. But I'm getting the feeling that this was a helpful discussion moving forward, that we are now moving backwards.” You take a bite of your sandwich with a deadpan look on your face.

“But Windle, Mah idea is great. Have you ever had a barn for yourself?” Applejack peered into you.

“No, well yes I had to once to make sure nothing bad happened to the sheep during lambing season.”

“See Ah betcha it was a ol—”

“—I hated every single second of it during the winter.”

Applejack ears flattened at your response.

Fluttershy quickly jumped in, “Well then the hole in the ground idea would be a wonderful idea wouldn't it?”

“What would happen if there was a flood, or if I burn something and smoke myself out?”

“Oh my, I didn’t think about that.” Fluttershy eyes widened.

“If it makes you feel better, why don’t we just save some bits, and make a temporary cabin close by here?” You gesture to the plethora of land that Fluttershy has at her disposal.

Applejack opened her muzzle to speak but she was interrupted when the local mailmare came flying in. You still don’t know how that gray mare did her job with her eyes being crossed. But she did it, with very little errors to boot. Good for her.

She made a full stop about putting some mail into Fluttershy's box, but instead flew over and directly handed it to its destined recipient.

The mailmare fished out a letter that had the seal of Twilight’s Cutie Mark.

“A letter from Twilight?” Fluttershy looked down at her flank, “Well the map isn’t calling us, I wonder what it is. Thank you Muffins.” Fluttershy waved goodbye.

“Ah letter from Twi? I wonder if it's some kind of special get together?” Applejack mused. Fluttershy opens the letter and reads the contents.

“Oh oh my, It says that everypony needs to be Twilight immediately,” She looks over to you, “And Twilight asks for you to come too.”

“Huh is that normal Applejack?” You peer over to her.


“Welp, Let me get my stuff and I'll meet you all there.” You finish off your sandwich and wander inside to get a jacket and to grab your phone. Whatever Twilight wants, it got to be important.

You were the last one to enter Twilight’s castle. With a loud knock Spike opened the door and escorted you to the map room. All of the Elements of Harmony were all seated around the map.

“Windle! You're late,” Twilight jested to you as you walked in with your hands in your jacket.

“Time is relative, I am late and early at the same time.” You fire right back.

“Twilight! You turned the awesome human into an egghead human!” Rainbow Dash groans.

“No I did not!” Twilight was taken aback by the comment.

You and your friends laugh with each other. Before Twilight brings everyone back into the meeting at hand.

“I have gathered you all here because I got a very interesting letter from Starswirled the Bearded.” She used her magic to grab the parchment letter and unfurled it. She began to read.

“Dear Twilight Sparkle, as you know I have been traveling all over Equestria finding the power of friendship. The world I knew that was once my home has changed. A change for the better! —”

Rainbow Dash sputtered out, interrupting the dynamic reading, “Just skip to the part that Windle cares about!”

Twilight glared at her friend before she reached the bottom of the very long letter.

“As for your request if I know anything about humans, regrettably I have nothing to report on ancient history about humans. However, I have come across another human that you described as Melody. She has been living peacefully with the Kirins, at Peaks of Peril. Please write more as we have much to discuss.

Your friend, Starswirl the Bearded.

You freeze as you hear Melody's name. She was alive! And she was in a place that your friends have been before! Oh this is the best news you have heard for such a long time!

“Wait so she’s alive? Alive and well?” You say with a shaky voice.

“Did you mention that Melody was the one true love dear?” Rarity asked.

“Yes, yes of course!” You shouted excitedly. “Where is this Kirin Grove? Can we go? Like now?”

“I told you Windle Bindle wants to see his special somepony!” Pinkie Pie punches her fore hooves together.

“Of course we should go!” Starlight commented.

With that all of your friends all agreed. It was time to go and see not only the Kirins, but to see Melody. The journey would be long warned Twilight but you will be damned if anything would get in the way of your joyous reunion!

You have spent many days with the seven ponies you grew to have a bond of friendship. Through long train rides and a long trek through thick jungle. But through many days on a cramped train and many hours hiking going through the ‘Peaks of Peril.’ To say that this was perilous is an understatement, this place is just jungle and, well cliffs and peaks. Thankfully Fluttershy and Applejack had made this journey before.

Eventually you find yourself in what you would assume was the Kirin village. It was very beautiful. But by looking at the architecture this was an old race of people, huts and holes in the ground just like in the book you read long ago. The Kirin themselves, they were a very interesting equine creature. They remind you of the ponies you knew in Ponyville, but there were some very clear differences.

First their manes were more styled or more of a lion's mate than the many staples you have seen with ponies. They all had horns that remind you of branches that are actually bone or ivory. Very well developed clove hooves and their flanks and hindquarters were covered in dragon-like scales. Very interesting ponies…Kirin folks.

A very tall Kirin, actually taller than your height, approached your group with a small crown on her head. She introduced herself as Rain Shine, leader of the Kirin community here.

“Hello! I am Twilight Sparkle, you met Applejack and Fluttershy, and this,” Twilight gestured to you, “And this is Windle, and we hope that you knew another human name Melody? We would like to speak with her.”

Rain Shine looked down at you with a sadden frown on her muzzle. “Melody, Ah yes Melody, such a sweet creature she is. It is unfair what has happened to her.” She bowed her head sorrowfully. “You will find her at Summer Fire’s place. Just follow the path.”

You and friends look at each other. That didn't sound good. The way Rain Shine described her sounded like she was not doing well. You bid her gratitude and followed the path.

Fluttershy walk up to your side. “Are you okay Windle? You don’t look so good.”

You thought for a response as you watched the Kirin do their daily activities, “I…I am just worried, the way she described Melody, it sounded like…” You couldn’t continue that sentence. Fluttershy put a reassuring wing against your back as you walked.

“Whatever happens things will always work out in the end.” You smiled at her. You had a feeling this was not going to end well. But you just had to have hope. You came this far, and waited this long to finally reunite with her. You just got to believe.

You and your troupe made it to a tree house with a spiraling staircase. This tree house was built around the top branches and it looks ancient, but beautiful. It was difficult to describe the beauty.

“I…I think I should be alone with you guys.” You turn around to address your friends.

Rainbow Dash smirked, “Heh, go get 'em tiger! Let's give the egghead some space girls.” The troupe turned and left.

Fluttershy looked back to you. “If you need us we will be catching up with Autumn Breeze.” You give a thumbs up to your friends. You made your way up, each step getting heavier as you climbed. Terrible thoughts ran ramped. Will she remember you? Can you be forgiven for making her live here in Equestria rather than on Earth? You shook your head. No this is Melody we are talking about! She has one of your best friends, and your one true love.

You made it to the top of the house with a small door. You took a deep breath and knocked on the door. There was a pause before hoof steps got louder until the door opened.

You were greeted with a Kirin mare that was on the older side. She had dark golden fur and a silver mane with a cracked dark auburn horn with old eyes that had seen a lifetime. Her eyes go wide as she sees you.

“Umm…hi, Y-you must be Summer Fire?” She nodded trying to say something but was just stammering.

You continue, “I was looking for another Human, um M-m-melody?”

Then you heard another feminine voice from the room. It was a tired voice and raspy but you knew that voice.

“Summer Fire…let him in, I know that voice…”

Summer opened the door and you were allowed entry. Inside was a quaint filled with many woven baskets and paintings. In the round room you notice a bed and you see her.

Your heart sank as you saw your love. It was her yes, but time has not been kind to her. She has aged, maybe fifty years? Seventy years? You can’t tell but she had silver hair, skinny to the bone and her face sagged. She wore a intricately woven leaf gown. But she still kept a smile, one that you knew all to well.

“Hi…hi…Melody…” You say as you approached, trying and failing to keep tears behind your eyes.

“Hi…Liam.” She says in a heavy breath.

Liam...that's my name...

“You…you look great.”

“And you look just the same as I remembered.”

You let out a shaky chuckle and kneeled down next to Melody’s bed, “So…um…how…how you have been?” You awkwardly try to engage in small talk.

“I have been well, I..I don’t know if you can tell, but I have gotten a little older,” She let out a sarcastic chuckle.

“I…I can see that…Melody…Listen I..I’m…I'm so sorry I should of just left that…thi—”

“—Don’t be sorry Liam…What happened to me, what happened to you? It wasn’t your fault. Summer Fire told me all about magic and how it can be used to do wonderful things. Right my Little Campfire.~” Her gaze looked over to the Kirin with a look of sadness on his muzzle. You blink away some tears. Little Campfire? That sounds like a pet name…

“But look at you…I…What happened?” You were barely keeping it together, this massive guilt hanging over your head soon her, the love of your life, in a state like this because of your dumb actions.

“Take a seat Liam, I'll tell you.” She smiled as she got more comfortable in her bed.

And she began to tell her story.

After the three fell into the portal she found herself falling for some time. Then just like that she found herself in the Kirin village. At first the Kirin were worried about Melody being a creature that would bring harm onto them, but with much convincing she was allowed to stay in the village. It was quite a shock for her! Being in a place filled with Kirin that can understand her and her to them. But Melody never turned down a good challenge. It was hard for her to get back on her feet.

But eventually she got to her feet, worked with the community. Turns out that having fingers was quite useful to begin to patch up and mend the sick and hurt. One Kirin by the name of Summer Fire took Melody under her hoof and trained her to be a medicine woman. She was happy. She found a purpose. Life was hard, but it was worth it. It was worth seeing the happy faces of those who cared about her

Soon the peaceful village turned upside down when heated words were exchanged and quite literally turned themselves on fire, Nirik. Creatures of fiery anger and passion came into being and burned down much of the village. Rain Shrine told everyone to go into the river of silences, making all of the Kirin find themselves dead silent. Unable to speak or to sing or to argue. She wasn’t a Kirin so she didn’t have to be a part of this ritual. One Kirin by the name of Autumn Breeze decided she would self banish before sacrificing her voice.

It was hard for Melody to get used to the silences. Life continued on for many years. Melody did her best as the main medicine woman with the help of her mentor Summer Fire. Even after losing her voice, Melody knew that Summer Fire cared deeply for Melody. It didn't take long before they were in love with each other. They didn't have to say anything to each other they just knew.

They got married a couple years later in the quietest reception ever seen!

Years and years went by and age started to get a hold of Melody. A rabid aging from an unknown force, slowly breaking down her body. But she still kept with her duties to treat and cure the sick and the wounded. Until one day she got too old to do her job. Melody was unable to help herself. That's when two ponies came into the groove, solving what they called a friendship problem.

Though Melody was too weak to see all the Kirin get their voices back they hailed them as heroes. The first words the Summer Fire told to Melody was 'I love you, Melody.' Melody responded back with 'I love you too.' However throughout the entire time she loved her in the groove the one thing that helped her to keep her in high spirits was to see Liam again. That one day, he would show up with a false cocky grin waiting to save her from this place. But that day never came. That is—

"—until you walk in my life, just the way you are." She concluded her long tale.

You held Melody's cold elderly hands in your own younger hands. "You, you found love?" You look over to the other Kirin.

She nodded, "It has been the most blessed years of my life knowing you Melody."

The older human chuckled that quickly turned into a coughing fit. Summer Fire used her magic to grab a bowl of water for Melody. She thanked the Kirin and took the water only gingerly sipping it.

"Don't be such a little sap now, I don't have time for that kinda of thing."

Panic set in from hearing those words. "Melody, don't say that, I… I have friends in powerful places—"


"—Magic caused this so magic can fix this! I can go get Twilight, s-she can help with—"

"—Liam, it's okay." Her shallow voice cuts you through you deep. "You don't have to worry. It's gonna be alright." She reaches out to place her other hand on top of yours. "I always wanted to ask you something Liam."


"Do you remember the song you showed me when we were in school, an old, old song from our parents' youth?"

Ahh that song. She always had a taste for older music, never really listened to the current stuff.

"Yeah, I know it, why?" You asked, dreading her response.

"Can you sing it for me? I always liked your playing, but I figured you were a singer."

Melody please, I don't know if— "I'm not the best, but I can certainly try." You blinked the tears away.

You try to relax as you begin to sing.

The melody was sweet but hard since it was in an uncommon key. Also very haunting. A happy song in the style of a trio barbershop acapella. The singer telling their sweetheart that they didn't have to do certain things, but they did anyway. Ranging from looking their way, calling their name, holding their hand and so on.

The song continued saying that the singer was waiting there their entire lives and not wanting to live their life alone. And waiting for their sweetheart all their lives.

What really drove a stake into your heart was the main chorus came in, the singer asking their lover to set them free, and saying that they were their 'Honeybee.'

Of course Melody would love this song. It's sappy, weird and sad, on top of it all it was talking about her favorite animal.

You continued to sing to your lover of a different time. You were dreading the ending. But it was inevitable. Everything has a beginning, and everything has an ending. And you really, really didn't want this to end.

But you pushed through with a shaky voice. The very last part of the song was a series of 'hellos' and 'goodbyes' that was just too much.

You looked down at Melody, her eyes were closed and she looked like she was sleeping peacefully. You touch her face. She was cold to the touch and she did not raise her chest.

"Hello….goodbye….it…it was nice to know you Melody…" You crumple to the floor as you feel sorrow on a level you have never felt in your life.

Melody, the friend you knew for almost your entire life. A fiery redhead kind soul that you fell in love with, but never got the courage to tell her how you feel, was gone.


Your wonderful Melody...

She was gone.

Author's Note:

In case you were wondering what the song was. 'Honeybee' by Steam Powered Giraffe.