• Published 2nd Nov 2022
  • 1,527 Views, 32 Comments

This Sucks: A Story About The First Human In Equestria - Justa Dooda

This sucks, you hate being treated like an animal! But being an outsider? That Sucks too.

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The Five Stages Suck!

The Equestrian sun set over the lustrous Perilous Peaks. Its rays bask against its high peaks. Many that would set their gaze upon this divine scenery, many would proclaim beautiful, a sight to behold, an awe inspiring scene that would make anyone feel warm and fuzzy on the inside.

But the scenery all around you, it was none of those things.

There was no beauty, no magical, (figuratively speaking,) awe about this place. It all once did months ago or even just a couple of hours ago, but today is nothing but monochrome grays and sorrowful woes. Nothing special, nothing grand. To you it was just blah, a bunch of nonsense just rolling around to make up this land's texture.

You left the Kirin village shortly after the passing of Melody. You and your friends would have stayed, but Rain Shine told you all in a stern voice that she should leave. You argued, but to no avail. They needed to prepare the body for a ritual, a sacred ritual that no outsiders can spectate. Things almost got violent as you wanted to punch the tall Kirin straight in her stupid face, however it was good that Twilight was behind you, using her magic to restrain your fists of grief stricken rage.

That was maybe an hour or so ago, as you can hear up ahead, your friends were leading the way back home. They were talking amongst themselves about what transpired at the village. That just leaves you just out of earshot of your friends head hung low and just absentmindedly following their voices back to Ponyville.

"It's not fair!" Rainbow Dash shouted in frustration at the sky from her hovered position above the troupe. "That was Windle's special somepony! He should have seen her before they did that…ahh…" Rainbow stumbled over her own words.

Rarity looked up to the disgruntled pegasus, "Well Rainbow Dash as much as I would like to be around for such a ritual, it would be wrong of us to disregard the wishes of Rain Shine and her Kirin kind.”

"BUT BUT if you loved somepony and they just–" she stopped herself; you barely saw Rainbow Dash turn her head in your direction. She hovered down closer to the Elements in a hushed tone. "–died. I would have wanted to see them one last time."

"I know where you're coming from, Rainbow Dash–" from the corner of your eye you spot Twilight peering over to you, then back to her friends. "–We are all upset at this outcome, but the Kirin's are their own norms, just like how we ponies are their own."

"Maybe we should try to cheer him up?" You heard Pinkie Pie ask with high optimism.

"As much as I would want to try," Fluttershy whispered to the pink pony, "I don't think Windle wants to be cheered up right now."

“But we have to try! We have to see him smile!” You heard your friends desperately calling for their party friend to abandon her quest. But that fell on deaf ears.

Hoof steps trotted against your long gait. You knew who was next to you, but you didn't look at her.

“Hey Windle Bindle!” Pinkie Pie chipped. You don’t, or maybe couldn't break this lugubrious hold. Though this did not stop Pinkie from trying. To you, that meant so much that she was trying, but you were at the bottom of a swamp of despair, just opaque enough to see just the bare minimum of the world. You wish you could swim up to the surface and thank her, but that task was impossible right now.

Well that’s what you thought, but to Pinkie, that impossibility is impossible!

“Soooooooo Windle, you hungry?” Pinkie Pie asked. The way she asked it was strange. It was a simple question, yet there was this power behind it. You could help but to look from your locked look on the ground to shift your gaze to two bright blue eyes searching you. As soon as you made eye contact, she let out a gasp of glee.

“A HA! You are hungry! Here try this.” She reached into her mane with her forehoof to get a cupcake. An unspoiled, still fresh cupcake that had the same colored frosting as her coat color. In the center it had a very silly smiling yellow face you imagine you would see in a cartoon comic for children. That was actually kind of cute and innocent.

A trickle of happiness returns to your hollowed mind, you don’t know if you showed it, but you knew that Pinkie knew that you felt just a little bit better.

You gave out a ginger smile as you reached out for the tasty treat.

This was a mistake.

What you didn’t notice was that there was a small string at the base of this ‘treat.’ A grin longer than a mile plastered across the party ponies face as you reached. With a flash the mare reached down with her mouth and pulled that string.


An explosion of confetti and frosting blinded your vision. You sputter, whipping the offending prank of your face.

Peh plah pfffft Pinkie! What th–”

“HAAAHAHAHA–snort–haha!” Pinkie Pie eyes filled with joyous tears and laughter radiating from her small from. Your other friends gasp at the prank. With the exception of Rainbow Dash she let out a small chortle before catching herself.

"Pinkie! This is not the time for pranks!" Rarity galloped over and used her magic to try to clean your face up.

You definitely didn't enjoy that aura around magic, it tickled and got past your skin causing the worst itching of all time!

"Oh come on, Rarity! Now is the best time!" Pinkie Pie countered.

The rest of your friends double back to you as they argue with themselves. It started out simple with whether or not pranking was a good idea. However rather quickly it spires out of control about your feelings, your wishes. What they thought was the right thing to do for you. Funny enough they didn't voice these opinions to you.

A deep roiling anger started to rise to the surface. You try to hold back but a stray piece of confetti stung your eye. Finally the prank of your face, you saw your friends bickering and you just couldn't hold it in any longer.

"EVERYONE SHUT THE–" you scream, balling up your fists, hearing the creasing of the skin against itself.

Wait, you can't tell them that, take a breather, Liam

You hold your tongue, a frustrated growl escapes your throat, suppressing your anger. You gazed up to the face of your friends, a mix of hurt or surprise.

You cleared your throat, restraining the anger back down to the depths of your soul, and try to relax your body and hands. "–I appreciate it that you all want to try to help, I really do. But right now I just lo–" you stopped yourself as your throat clenches. You don't know if you can say that word about Melody.

You resumed "–It just, I, fuuuuuuck me,” You pressed your index fingers hard against your temples, “Can we please just get home? Just put this shit all behind me and completely forgot that we came here?" You did a dynamic gesture to this god forsaken place.

Your friends with dower looked all nodded and without any more words exchanged, the troupe and yourself made it out of the peaks and headed straight for the train station ready to return home.

Well good job Liam, bring the whole mood down and be a dick.

It was the beginning of nightfall when the train finally made it stop in Ponyville. The ride there was uneventful but filled with tension and awkwardness. You knew it was partially your fault, what with yelling at them and bringing them along this incredible journey only to be left empty handed. That shit sucks!

When you all step onto the loading dock many of your friends casually remark on the long ride, or other small talk. But you knew they just wanted to get home and process today just as much as you did. However you had a dagger in your stomach and you needed to get it out.

"Hey, um…" you sratched the back of your head. Many pony eyes looked back at you. "Im…I'm sorry, I just…things are…I" it was hard to form sentences. It was tougher trying to explain how you felt.

How could you?

Being a lone species and getting news that finally, FINALLY, have the love of your life be found safe from how you got here, only to be taken away? The torrent of emotions was difficult to process, so difficult that your brain just defaulted to small, awkward chuckles when you spoke and sputtered your apology.

Suddenly you were cut off as your vision was filled with yellow fur. Fluttershy without warming flapped to your level and gave you a deep hug.

"It's okay Windle, I forgive you, it's hard….I know it's really hard." She quivered. You freeze up. You were not expecting the Element of Kindness to do something kind for you.

You had to mentally kick yourself for that line of thought. Of course she would do that, she's Kindness Incarnate and your friend!

Though what was odd is that she knew how much you hurt. For how long? Why didn't she say anything until now?

Before you could question your concerns, more bodies started to hug you. You could help but shed a single tear of just how comforting this was. After a tender moment, they released the hug from you.

"Listen ya egghead, if you want to play me again in, I'll let you win this time." Rainbow Dash punches your shoulder

"Or maybe we can go to the spa, let the sisters just melt all of your troubles away." Rarity added.

"Shucks maybe doing sum hard workin' will do the trick fer ya, I know it helps me out from time ta time."

Twilight yawned, "Maybe getting some sleep would do everypony some good. What do you say girls?"

The rest of them all agreed that would be the best option. They bid their farewells as they went their own separate ways. When the last pony left, you turned off the station platform and started to walk away.

"Windle, are you not coming back home?" Fluttershy asked from behind you.

You stopped and turned your head to her with a weak smile.

"I'm just, I'm gonna…I am just gonna take a walk." You gesture with a thumb to the open Ponyville at night.

"Oh, well, um don't be out too long okay?"

"Okay…goodnight, Fluttershy."

"Goodnight, Windle."

With that your feet carried you to an unknown destination. You couldn't ask for anything better.

It never really occurred to you, but walking at night was very therapeutic for you. Ever since you can remember you were always that guy that took nightly walks to mull over things. It was magical back on Earth. Thankfully this 'magic' worked here in Equestria.

Well it usually works.

Tonight, on this chilled fall night, the magic of walking did not work .

More often than not your mind would wander over Melody. Asking questions why? Why didn't you spring into action as soon as you saw that video? If you went searching for her sooner she would have not died.

Magical aging be damned!

You happen to pass Sugar Cube Corner, closed and its residents rested for the night. You imagine how nice it would have been if you and Melody were hand in hand, going on a date to get some sugary treat, like a scone or maybe a cinnamon roll.

You smiled at the imagery. Melody would differently get a kick out of Pinkie Pie. Maybe they would have been sisterly friends. You knew Melody would like her in Ponyville. Hell maybe you could have asked her to marry you after a year or two living on this equine line. You and her, versus the world.

You shake that impossible thought of your head. Thinking about what could have been was too painful. Too heartbreaking to bear. Tears started to form around your eyes. You blink them away and continue walking aimlessly into the night.

After some more time, you find yourself in the park that you play from time to time. It was serene with just you walking its path. Your mind wonders once more back to her. Thinking that she would find it humorous that your prized instrument glowed like a children's toy at night. But the sound it makes? Oh you wished you could see the look on her face when you played.

You hold your head as you are hit with reality again. This walk is not helping. If you stay out here any longer you're going to have a mental break down and sob uncontrollably in public at night when everyone is asleep. You wouldn't be surprised if you got fined or arrested for that kind of disturbance.

Plink plink plink.

You felt raindrops starting to hit your face and the dirt ground. Of course it's gonna rain. Why would it not? You quicken your pace as you decide that your walk has been cut short.

Finding the path you followed it hoping you were going the right way.

You were not.

Your eyes keep passing more and more darkened houses. But not a cottage on the edge of the Everfree.

Wait, your eyes spot a house up a path. Its architecture was split into two down the middle. One side had organ pipes that could be a chimney, while another was a darker blue with different Clefts that made the window frame. More importantly the house still had its lights on.

Should I say hello to Octavia? It is pretty late.

Your mind starts to wonder what that mare would be doing up this late. Maybe she is writing a new song. Or perhaps she is relaxing by an open fire? It is cold and a fire would be nice. It would definitely be nice to be next to her by the fire. Her soft coat against yours as you snuggle up to her. The fire along with her soft, warm body keeps you warm. Watching her cute face relax with your grasp. Her lips are just begging to be kissed by you.

No. No stop.

Stop thinking about Octavia like that. She is a pony, and you just think this because you can’t get Melody off of your mind.

Then a memory stirred to the front of your mind.

'I fell in love with Summer Fire, and we had the quietest reception ever seen!'

You pull out your phone and turn it on to be greeted with the younger Melody and yourself. You stare at her smiling face for quite some time clicking your teeth in deep thought.

You remembered that she told you about her life before you came. She missed you, but she moved on and found someone…somepony that she loved.

Throughout her life she had friends and showed fondness to other creatures. She fell in love with a Kirin.

Actually loved a Kirin, but not only loved but married to a Kirin!

She didn't find it weird or awful or creepy or immoral. She just…

She just lived.

She went through life and lived.

You smiled sadly.

That is why you fell in love with Melody in the first place. She just lived. Didn’t really think about the future or what would happen, or anything. She just woke up, and decided that she was going to be content and just live her life.

You only dreamed you could just live like her. Throughout your own life you were only thinking about the future, or how you can be better. A better musician, a better human being, a better everything. But seeing her just live and take moments as they come regardless if it was good or bad was just magical to watch.

And now she's gone, but not forgotten.

Leaving you, in the rain, feeling strong emotions to two creatures that you know that you love dearly. One of which is up late right now during a rainy night.

"Ahh fuck it, if she can do it, so can I," you whispered to yourself.

You put your wet phone back in your pocket and made your way to Octavia's front door.

From your dreamless sleep, you were awoken by the sound of someone humming.

Your eyes drift open slowly as they readjust to the new early light and new environment.

You were in Octavia’s room.

She had some interesting taste in floor and room design. Red silk sheets covered a king size bed by human standards. Musical paraphernalia organized perfectly throughout her room. Many different orchestral instruments in every corner.

And finally Octavia herself in front of a Victorian style vanity drawer. In the reflection, you saw the mare fixing up her coat and mane into what you're used to when she was in public. Her eyes looked over to the right of her trying to find something else to add to her beauty routine. Her mulberry eyes spotted you in the mirrored reflection, a sultry smile formed on her lips.

She spoke, but in that alien language. You put up a finger as you find your bracelet on a nightstand close to you.

Click Click

“What did you say?

“I said I was wondering if you would ever return to Equestria.”

You gave a warm grin sitting up to your elbows. “Well I was hoping I could just sleep with you all day.”

“Windle, as much as I would like to do such debauchery, a mare like me has responsibilities.”

Well you can't argue with that. You let out a sigh.

“Well if that’s the case, then when would be a good time to see you?”

Octavia paused from her mane brushing and tapped her chin. “Well, if you insist, I have some private lessons I have to teach later in the evening. Maybe some tea afterwards?”

Ah yes, this was perfect, not only did Octavia reciprocate your feelings you shared last night, but she is still in the same swing of things from the past couple of months.

“Yeah, that sounds great,” You say, climbing out of bed and retrieving your clothes.

Octavia sniffed the air, her muzzle scrunched up from a foul odor. “Also could you please bathe, you smell worse than a wet griffon.”

You squint at her. You don’t smell, do you?

Sniff Sniff

On second thought, she was right about that.

After you got yourself cleaned up, saying hello to Vinyl as she was knee deep in her own project, Octavia walked you out.

You took a step outside the threshold before you turned around.



“I think I forgot something important.”

She raised a suspicious eyebrow, suspecting something from you.

“No, really!” You leaned down reaching for something, but you leaned in to kiss her.

Octavia groaned as she pushed your lips away with her forehoof. She knew exactly what you were planning.

“Windle, you are terrible at this.” She giggled before she spin the tables on you, she wrapped a leg around your neck as she placed a light kiss in your lips “But I will keep you around. Show you how it's properly done.”

You straightened up blushing profusely. “I…um yeah, S-see you around.” You turned around and started to walk away, only for Octavia to stop you once more.

“Oh, Windle?”

You turn around to meet her gaze.

“You may have lost your Melody, but that doesn’t mean you lost all harmony of the musical piece of your life. Remember that will you now?”

That…is surprisingly deep by a musical professional, “Yeah…of course…Thank you Octavia…”

With that you give her your farewells as you start to walk back to Fluttershy’s place.

Oh shit.

Fluttershy is probably worried sick about you! You quicken your pace as you find your way back. What will you say to your friend? Shit. Maybe just tell her the truth. Yeah, taking a hint from the Element of Honesty is always a good way to explain yourself.

You rehearsed what you were going to say, however that was cut short.

When you reached the path that led outside of town, something came out of the bushes lighting fast!

This thing tackled you to the ground knocking the air out of you. You struggle as adrenaline kicks in as your brain finally tells you that you were under attack.

You catch a glimpse of your assailant.

It was that cloaked human! Bigger than what you saw all those nights ago. Stronger too as you kick and thrash only in vain.

You grunted as his arms wrapped around your neck, putting you into a hold, squeezing taut.

“You were supposed to be that pegasus place last night, now this ruins everything I have been working towards you pathetic cow!” He growled at you. His dialect is very different from your own. Maybe some time when kings and queens were in power, castles, claymores and warhorses.

You struggle more, your vision blackening from the lack of oxygen.

This is bad, this is really bad!

“Fuck…you…HELP!” You gurgle as loud as you can. But no pony heard you.

Soon the blackness closes in, your body falling limp.

Your last thought before you fade to blackness.

I am so happy that I told Octavia that I loved her.

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