• Published 2nd Nov 2022
  • 3,099 Views, 173 Comments

Stranger in a Strange Land - Andrew Joshua Talon

A human prince of Equestria and Twilight Sparkle's friendship over time...

  • ...

Boast Busters 1

"It's wonderful to see you again, Prince Ryan!"

Twilight Velvet Sparkle and Night Light Sparkle smiled at Ryan across the dinner table in the library. Twilight was next to him, while Spike relaxed at the head of the table. They were all eating lunch, quite happily. Ryan beamed back at the Sparkles.

"Nice to see you again too, Mister and Mrs. Sparkle."

"Now now, no need to be so formal, Prince Ryan," Night Light chuckled, "you're practically family!"

Twilight stiffened and blushed at that, but Night Light still grinned.

"That's... A little weird, but thank you," Ryan said, shrugging.

"How are you recovering?" Twilight Velvet asked.

"Slowly, but surely," Ryan said, "though Twilight's stopped treating me like I'm made of glass."

"You fought Nightmare Moon and almost died," Twilight groaned, "stop trying to be macho!"

"I am not," Ryan grumbled. Spike patted Ryan's hand.

"It was pretty cool, though. Wish I could have seen it."

"Trust me, no you don't," Ryan sighed.

"So, you two are living together?" Twilight Velvet asked. Twilight and Ryan flushed.

"Er, well, he sleeps around at different houses, but he has been staying with me more often-"

"Though Applejack's home cooking is a good argument to stay with her," Ryan said. Spike frowned.

Ryan coughed.

"But uh, Spike's cooking is good too! No offense!"

"Nah, I'd move in with Applejack if I could, too," Spike said.

Twilight scowled.

"Glad to see your loyalty can be bought for some apple fritters, Spike."

"If it's just about food, yes, but you're my sis!" Spike said happily. "Besides, it's fun to watch you in the kitchen. It's hilarious."

"Speak for yourself, you're fireproof," Ryan grumbled.

Night Light sighed.

"Did she burn down the kitchen again?"

"I DIDN'T BURN DOWN THE KITCHEN!" Twilight said, her cheeks bright red.

"Yeah, it's still there."


Ryan, exerting just a bit of royal social graces, cleared his throat loudly.

"Well! Isn't it about time for my walk outside?"

"It is?" Twilight asked. Ryan gave her a sideways look, and Twilight coughed.

"Oh yes! So it is! Spike? Why don't you and my parents have some fun?"

"We'll rearrange your kitchen," Twilight Velvet said gently, "make sure you're eating well."

"Mom! That's quite unneeded!" Twilight growled.

"It is especially needed," Spike said.

"SPIIIIKE!" Twilight groaned.

Needless to say, Twilight pushed the prince out the door in his wheelchair, grumbling all the way. Ryan grinned up at her.

"Oh come on... They're just showing they care for you," he said.

"In the least delicate way possible," she grumbled.

"Pssh, please," Ryan snorted, "my mom is worse."

"Princess Celestia? No, no she isn't!" Twilight insisted.

"Who are you gonna believe? Me, or your lying eyes?" Ryan snorted.

Twilight sighed, trying not to jostle him too much.

"Let's just enjoy the sunshine, okay?"

"Yes, yes..."

It had taken far longer than Trixie would have liked, but she pushed her old magic wagon all the way to Ponyville. She got to the train station, and looked intently at the teller.

"I want an express ticket to Canterlot, right now!" She cried. The teller hummed.

"All right... That'll be one hundred and twenty bits."

Trixie's jaw dropped.

"One hundred twenty?!"

"The battle with Nightmare Moon wrecked the lines up the mountain," the teller said, "so you have to go around to Hoofington and then Ponyburg, and then take the northern route down-"

"I get it, I get it," Trixie sighed. She pulled out her bits bag, and rummaged through it. She looked up at the teller with a pleading expression.

"L-Listen, I'm a little short, but I desperately need to-"

The teller gave Trixie a deadpan look.

"No bits? No tickets? It's that simple," she stated.

Trixie groaned, and rubbed her face furiously.

"FIne, fine... Just hold that ticket for me, understand?! It's a matter of life and death!"

The teller snorted.

"I've heard that before."

Trixie rushed off.

"Fine... I can make money... I can make money..."

She ran back to her wagon, and hopped onto it. She took refuge inside the wagon. She focused, and a spell lit up the wagon. She turned it around, and sent it barreling into the center of the town.

Numerous curious onlookers watched, shocked, at the ruckus that ensued. Good. It's all she needed.

Trixie cast another spell, and the wagon opened up. She took a deep breath, chanted something in her mind, and stepped out onto the stage with a burst of smoke and a hail of fireworks. She made sure to strut, and every stallion's eye locked onto her. She smirked and held out her arms.



The cry was soft, but... Instantly recognizable. Trixie's eyes locked onto a form of a male in a wheelchair. Twilight Sparkle was standing behind him. In an instant, Trixie's bravado and confidence evaporated away at the broken form of the boy.


"Hey!" Ryan grinned. "Long time no see!"

That smile... He was alive... That smile... He was alive...!

Trixie Lulamoon had imagined what she would do when she saw Ryan, alive and whole, again.

Leaping off the stage to kiss him soundly in front of a crowd of ponies was probably not the best plan. But it was all that came to her in that instant.

Author's Note:

A Merry Christmas update, I hope you enjoy!