• Published 2nd Nov 2022
  • 3,096 Views, 173 Comments

Stranger in a Strange Land - Andrew Joshua Talon

A human prince of Equestria and Twilight Sparkle's friendship over time...

  • ...

The Night Reigns

Prime Minister Fancypants practically galloped through the halls of the Canterlot Palace. The angry muttering and conversations of the Meeting Hall followed him. Every pony, whether politician, military leader, or thaumatologist was asking the same things:

Where is Princess Celestia?

What do we do about Nightmare Moon?

Where is the Prince?

Cadance was off on a diplomatic mission to the Griffins. Prince Blueblood was off meeting the Zebra tribes to the distant south (though more likely he was just having a 'working vacation'-Again). That left only one royal in charge, so where was-?!

He heard heavy footfalls and mechanical whirring, and Fancypants turned to his right. His eyes widened.

"Fancypants," Ryan spoke.

Fancypants nearly jumped out of his fur as the human walked up to him. Since his graduation, he'd put on another head's worth of height. He was now second in stature only to the Princess herself, which was impressive for a non-pony. This was enhanced by the heavy, advanced looking magitech armor he was wearing-White, silver, and gold adorned him like an ancient knight of old Equestria, while angular wings hung off a boxy metal packback. He was carrying notes and ancient tomes with him in a disorganized pile in his arms. His mentor Professor Polymath was at his side, carrying a winged helmet-Obviously the final piece of what the Prince was wearing.

"Your Majesty-I-I mean, Your Highness-!"

"I know what's going on, Prime Minister," Ryan stated, calm and cool as he headed for the meeting room, Polymath shadowing him. Fancypants kept up as quickly as he could.

"You do?"

The Prince nodded, face still grim. He kept it that way into the light of the meeting room. All conversation stopped as the young prince slammed the tomes and papers on the desk.

"Gentlestallions and mares," Prince Ryan said, loud and clear, "I have discovered what's been going on, and have divined my mother's plans. In short, the prophecy of Nightmare Moon's return has come true. She is back, and she has sealed my mother away in the sun."

Much gasping ensued. Fancypants struggled to hold onto his monocle. Despite his young age, the young Prince was unshaken.

"My mother used the Elements of Harmony to seal away Nightmare Moon the first time a thousand years ago," he continued, "but because of this act, the Elements would no longer obey her. The Elements, however, do still exist. New bearers were prophesized to take them up. I believe my mother interpreted this as Twilight Sparkle to be one of those bearers."

Wheels began turning in many heads at that. As well as questions as to Celestia's ability to divine prophecy. Whatever the conclusion the Prince had drawn, his narrowed eyes indicated he was focused on something other than his mother's decision making.

"So where is Twilight Sparkle?! Where is the Princess's Apprentice?!" Admiral Skyhook demanded.

"It is my belief," Prince Ryan said, "that she is heading to the Palace of the Twin Sisters, the Old Capital. Deep in the Everfree Forest.. Near Ponyville."

"How did she-?" General Hardtack asked, but the Prince held up a hand and glared in silence. He had learned that art well from his mother, Fancypants reflected.

"My mother sent her apprentice there, and she was there for the Summer Sun Celebration," Ryan stated, "so clearly, my mother knew what would happen and made herself Nightmare Moon's first target. To try and draw her off, and give Sparkle a chance at the Elements. And so must we!"

"What do you mean?" General Aerospike asked, hovering just above the floor with her wings.

"After sealing away my mother, where do you think the first place Nightmare Moon is heading?" Ryan demanded.

"The location of the only things that can stop her," Fancypants said, grasping it immediately. Ryan nodded, as similar looks of comprehension dawned on everypony else's faces.

"Exactly," Ryan stated, "so we need to keep Nightmare Moon distracted from Sparkle, as long as possible. Mobilize the fleet, Admiral Skyhook. The rest of you: Mobilize your commands, we may need the ground forces as well as the pegasi."

"Your Highness, er, while our forces are willing to fight," Admiral Skyhook said, "how will we make Nightmare Moon focus on us?"

"Simple," Ryan stated, "I'm going to make her focus on the other obstacle to her ascension."

"And that is?" Fancypants asked.

The prince shrugged.


Much staring and silence. One admiral tried to cover an incredulous laugh with a cough.

"Your Highness, why would she take off after you instead of the things that can actually defeat her?" Skyhook demanded.

Ryan smiled. He held out his hand.


Old Professor Polymath, looking a bit exasperated, complied by handing Ryan a radio microphone. The prince took it, and held it up to his lips.

"Hello, Nightmare Moon? This is Prince Ryan," he stated, "this is being broadcast on every radio in Equestria. I want you to know: We reject your claim to the throne of Equestria. We reject you as an usurper and tyrant. And as sovereign of Equestria, I declare you the number one enemy of all ponykind. You want to rule over us? You have to get through me first. So bring it. Unless you're still a coward from hiding on the moon, after my mother last defeated you. You envious, pitiful wreck. You want to rule us? You will have to conquer our fear, and so far? I'm not seeing any reason to be afraid, Auntie."

Ryan turned off the mike, and dropped it onto the floor while holding everypony's shocked gazes.

Ryan hummed.

"Think she heard me?"

There was silence for about a minute, before an observer at the window yelped.

"Y-Your Highness-Ah-I see her! She's headed this way!"

"I would say that's a yes, Your Highness," Skyhook said dryly, "Sire, you need not-"

"You will support me only if I am in mortal peril," Ryan stated, holding out his armored hand again. Polymath handed him his helmet, and the prince lifted it up and lowered it over his face.

"You mean like now, sire?!" Aerospike suggested sarcastically.

"Either we delay Nightmare Moon, or she kills Sparkle and our only chance of winning," Prince Ryan stated, "in that calculation? My life is as expendable as anypony else's. You have your orders. FOR EQUESTRIA!"

He raised his fist and pumped it. The ponies copied him.


The Prince turned and headed off, Polymath right beside him. More than few of the soldiers, even old Hardtask, bowed in respect to the brave young prince. Fancypants fought back tears, sucking in a deep breath.

"You heard him!" Fancypants cried. "My fellow politicians! Let's get the civilians to the shelters! Let the military handle this!"

"To arms!" General Hardtask shouted, "TO ARMS!"

"Well done, my Prince," Polymath murmured to Ryan as they got out onto a skyway. The full moon glowed ominously, as the dark shadow of night grew blacker all around them. The magical power of Nightmare Moon was rushing over both mages' senses.

It was staggering.

"Even though this is easily the stupidest thing you have ever done," Polymath added, as Ryan spread his mechanical wings. It helped stabilize his armor, and thus hide how badly his knees were shaking.

"No," Ryan said, "the stupidest thing I ever did was not pack my bags and run for Las Pegasus the moment the sun didn't come up. This is only the second stupidest thing I've done."

Polymath sighed softly, and nodded.

"Good luck, young Prince... You're going to need it," he said.

"Don't I know it," Ryan quipped, his voice shaking only a little. His magical thrusters ignited as the eyes of his helmet glowed bright green with magical energy. He lifted off, and flew up into the night sky.

Coming up right at him, an enraged grin on her face, was Nightmare Moon.

Ryan sucked in a deep breath as he saw her.

"Just this once, Sparkle, please... Outdo me," he muttered.

The former Princess Luna grinned nastily as she sized up Ryan.

"Prince Ryan, was it?" She asked.


Her fist was buried in Ryan's stomach in less time than it took to blink. His armor groaned as it was deformed, and all the wind was knocked out of him. Nightmare Moon chuckled, eyes glowing in dark amusement as Ryan still managed to hover.

"Huh! That should have gone right through you! My compliments to your blacksmith," she hissed.

Ryan grabbed onto her forearm. He tried to hiss a command spell.

"Sa... Ber...!"

HIs wing binders came loose, and the additional magic thrusters in his wingpacks ignited at full burn. Nightmare Moon's eyes widened in surprise a moment before she was yanked up at high velocity.

"What the-AAAAAAAHHHH-!"


They ascended like rockets, in full view of Canterlot. Fancypants paused in his directing of civilians to shelters to peer at the spectacle through his binoculars. His companion, Fleur de Lise, looked up as well.

"Oh my," she breathed, "is the Prince... Grappling with Nightmare Moon?"

Manly tears filled Fancypants' eyes.

"Like a hero! He's grappling with her to drive her from the city! My colt... I'm so sorry I ever doubted you...!"

"LET ME GO YOU WRETCH!" Nightmare Moon bellowed, using her free hand to continue punching Ryan. "LET ME GO NOW-!"


The thrusters went into full reverse, and sent the two combatants spiraling for the ground like diving falcons. Ryan was already plenty disoriented from the punches, but the moment Nightmare Moon formed a black sword of dark magic, he decided his luck had run out-And he let go, flaring his wings to try and slow his descent.


Nightmare Moon impacted the ground ahead of him, throwing up a plume of rocks and debris. Ryan blew threw it, the rocks clattering over his armor like rain on a tin roof. Frantically he tried to get his thrusters under control, and succeeded in slowing himself-

And then he hit a tree.

The tree fell over, as Ryan tumbled off it onto the ground. He very slowly stood up, stars exploding in his vision as he staggered away.

"Ugggghhh... Mental note... Redo... voice command runes," he muttered. He managed to get up to his feet and stand more or less still, even though the ground was refusing to do the same. Nightmare Moon oozed out of the crater she'd dug like black ink, and reformed in her full, terrible glory a hundred hooves away from him. She sneered.

"So... You're more clever than you seem, boy!" She boomed. "I had taken you for a witless fool, but you're a fairly cunning warrior!"

Blueblood had said there was a time and place for honesty in tense negotiations. That time was 'never' and that place was 'nowhere.'

"Maybe I'm not the mere 'boy' that you thought I was," Ryan returned, trying to focus his eyes on Nightmare Moon. His vision kept insisting there were two of her.

"Indeed! Well, let's see what you can do when it comes to spell casting," Nightmare Moon said, her grin as predatory as a dragon's, "I want you to hit me with your most powerful spell."

"Oh?" Ryan asked.

"Yes," Nightmare Moon stated, crossing her arms over her chest arrogantly.

"Right now?" Ryan asked.

"Yes, right now," Nightmare Moon growled, "stop testing my patience by stalling, boy!"

"Stalling? Me?" Ryan asked again.


"Is that what I'm doing-?"

"Yes that is exactly what you are doing, now HIT ME!" Nightmare Moon demanded.

Ryan took a deep breath. He checked the magicite reactors.

Great. Fifty percent gone already, just to keep me alive, he thought, gotta find more power somewhere... For now...!

Ryan held up his armored gauntlets, and channeled the magic of the reactors and a bit of his own. A huge, brilliant fireball the size of a watermelon burst to life between his palms... And then he made it bigger, bigger... The size of a small wagon...!

He shrank it back down, just for an instant-And then unleashed the spell!

"SOLAR FLARE!" Ryan bellowed, as the blast connected with Nightmare Moon. The resulting explosion made the ground rumble underneath his feet, and a new crater was dug by the large amount of dirt and roots that rained down through the moonlight. Ryan took deep breaths, his vision clearing a bit, as he checked his power reserves.

Forty percent. Geez, should have checked this thing under actual combat conditions before now... Oh COME ON!

Nightmare Moon appeared as the smoke cleared... utterly unmoved and untouched. She shook her head with a condescending smile on her face.

"Hmmm... Not bad," she admitted, "but I believe you were trying for something like this."

She formed a similar burning sphere, expanded it to the size of a house, then compressed it.

Oh buck-

And the world exploded.

Ryan was sent flying by the blast, and he was glad for it. The massive crater that formed in the wake of the blast was big enough you could have lost the main portion of Canterlot Palace in it! He regained his stability with his wings and thrusters, and continued to fly away from the moon alicorn.

He could see the airship fleet finally coming up over the mountains and heading into the Valley, over Ponyville. If he could reach them, he could get a recharge-

"I'm sorry," Nightmare Moon said sarcastically, teleporting right next to him, "did I say you could leave our lesson?!"

She formed a sword as black as midnight, and Ryan barely got his gauntlets up in a block before she slashed him. The blade hit like a locomotive on full, and he was sent flying again. Through a tree... Another tree... And finally smashing into a house.

He was left seeing stars as he staggered back up. He held out his hand as Nightmare Moon charged!

"SWORD!" He bellowed... And a spear teleported into his hands. "Buck it!"

He thrust the spear for Nightmare Moon, and she barely teleported out of the way. She reappeared right behind him, but thankfully Ryan had already begun to spin around to meet her. He parried her blows with the spear, metal flaking off his magically forced weapon, but he was holding her at bay!

Nightmare Moon then formed a second sword, and crossed them in front of her. His spear fell in three neat pieces to the wrecked wooden floor.

Ryan fought the urge to gulp in terror. And he was suddenly very glad he'd gone to the bathroom before this had started.

"SWORD!" He tried again... And another spear teleported into his hands. He thrust a few more times at Nightmare Moon, who eyed him with amusement.

"Really? Is this the best you can do?" She asked. "I'm getting bored. You're boring me."

She held up her sword, and extended the magic weapon to a truly ludicrous size. Just before she gripped it with both hands, and swung it down at incredible speed. Ryan barely had time to hit his thrusters to escape. The house they'd been fighting in didn't-It fell into two neat pieces below him as he ascended.

He hit his radio.

"Admiral Skyhook," he called, "order all ships to fire their lightning cannons at me!"

The admiral sputtered over the radio.

"You can't be serious, Your Highness! We can't-!"

Nightmare Moon erupted from the ruined house, still wielding her impossibly huge sword with a feral grin.

"JUST DO IT!" Ryan shouted, as he shot up higher into the sky. Nightmare Moon easily matched his speed, looking at him with a disappointed expression.

"Honestly, is this what Equestria has been reduced to?" She asked, "defended by my sister's pet monkey? You have some tricks, boy, but not enough to truly fight me. Why bother prolonging the inevitable?"

Ryan searched for something clever and heroic to say, as the static electricity began to build in the air around them. He held up his spear, and set his suit to the 'lightning' element.

"Buck you, that's why," he decided on, just as lightning erupted from every ship in the Equestrial Royal Navy that had shown up.

Dozens of lines of electricity followed magical lines through the air, all zeroing in on Ryan's suit. They connected, the power filling his depleted reserves... And then some!

Nightmare Moon only had a moment's shock before Ryan channeled every bit of that power he could right into the spear, and at her!


The blast was so brilliant, Ryan had to shut his eyes as his suit's visor darkened to protect him. His ears were left ringing as the maelstrom died down. He slowly, hesitantly opened his eyes again.

He saw Nightmare Moon fall, right for the ground far below. She impacted into a large lake, sending up a massive plume of water into the air. The plume arc up into the air, then fell back down as rain. The lake was left trembling and full of waves.

Ryan's heart beat hard in his chest, as nothing happened. Had he gotten her? Had he actually defeated Nightmare Moon?

Sure, ancient prophecy was ancient prophecy, but his mother had said to not take them at face value, and-

And a familiar black shape teleported back in front of him, grinning widely.

"Now, that is more like it!" Nightmare Moon cackled, producing two deadly swords.

"I'm glad you're finally taking this seriously!"

Her grin widened as her eyes shined in devilish delight.

"So will I~."

"Oh, buck-!"

Nightmare Moon didn't bother with anything fancy: She just kicked Ryan as she feinted with her blades. He tumbled through the air, streaking for the ground. He was moments from impact, when Nightmare Moon teleported right behind him... And kicked him right back up.


And then she teleported in his flight path, and knocked him away, once more. Again and again, she continued her mad pinball game with Ryan as the ball. He finally managed to get his wits together after... He didn't know how many times, and spoke a command.


A large shield, and his magic sword (finally) teleported into his hands. He brought them up, swinging his blade for Nightmare Moon as she teleported right in front of him.

Their blades met with a boom of thunder, and the crackling of repressed magical energies. Nightmare Moon bared her teeth, her eyes burning with fire.

"Yes, YES! Start fighting me for real, boy! A warrior cannot fight only with your mind, but your heart and soul! FIGHT!"

Ryan swung his blade fiercely, then hit his thrusters. He ducked down and thrust for Nightmare Moon's stomach. She teleported out of the way, and reappeared to his side. He went full burn, charging her and tackling the mad alicorn princess. They broke through the air in a spiral, grazing the grass covered hills of Ponyville and leaving fires in their wake.

Ryan struggled in Nightmare Moon's monstrously strong grip, feeling his armor bend under her fingers.

"Nnngh... Blasters! BLASTERS!" He shouted.

On his shoulders, magic blasters erupted with fireballs. Nightmare Moon teleported away, flickering like a shadow as she gained some distance. She dodged through the fire, as Ryan turned himself to try and keep a bead on her. She teleported away, and reappeared right above him. She swung her sword, and Ryan barely brought his shield up to block.


The impact cracked his shield in half, and the young prince was lucky to escape without losing his arm as he hit full reverse on his thrusters. Even as he did so, he screamed as the force snapped the bones in his forearm. He swung his magic blade at Nightmare Moon, pivoting his thrusters to strike as hard as he could.

She blocked his blade with her own, and her grin gleamed in the starlight as Ryan put every bit of power he had into his suit, trying to force her back. Her heels dug into the soil, but she didn't seem to be straining at all.

"You can feel it! That rush!" Nightmare Moon cackled. "The fire of battle! Truly testing your mettle! There's nothing like it, boy!"

Ryan had his right wing thruster fire forward, while his left wing fired in reverse. He spun like a top, and leaned forward, hoping to slash Nightmare Moon across her belly. He felt his blade pierce her flesh, and she flew back with a flap of her broad, dark wings. She rested a hand over her stomach, her smile broad.

"Yes... Use that fire, boy!" She bellowed. She took hold of her dark blade in both hands, and pointed it at Ryan. "Put every last bit of your strength into it! One final strike against the night!"

"Nngh... Grah..." Ryan pointed his sword at Nightmare Moon, his left arm limp and useless. He checked his power reserves.

Ten percent... All I've got left... She knows...!

The images of Celestia, Polymath, Raven Quill, Soarin, Cadance, Blueblood, Trixie... Even Twilight swam in his mind. He powered up his magic, his suit fairly rattling with how much he was channeling.

He hit his thrusters to full, and charged with one last, defiant scream.


He thrust his sword...!

And hit nothing but air. He stumbled... And fell to his knees, as his armor fell apart around him. He nearly fell onto his face, save for his unbroken arm lashing out to hold him up. He breathed hard as without his armor's support spells... He was now drowning in agony all over his body.

"Haa... Haa... Haa... H-How...?"

Nightmare Moon appeared over him, a triumphant smirk on her dark face.

"You fought well... Well enough that I might spare you for some..." She rested the flat of her blade under his chin, and lifted up his face to see his glaring eyes.

"... Minor position," she finished, licking her sharp teeth.

Ryan glared silently. Not just in defiance... But because it literally hurt too much to say anything.

"You don't seem like a fool, so why would you engage... Me...?"

Nightmare Moon's smile vanished, and her eyes narrowed.

"Of course," she hissed, "a distraction. Well, too bad. I know where the Elements are, and where Twilight Sparkle is. And I will not be so merciful to them!"

"W-Wait," Ryan tried, but Nightmare Moon simply backhanded him. He felt his jaw crack, as he was sent tumbling through the dirt. He came to a stop under an apple tree. Again, he tried to rise, grabbing onto the tree trunk as a desperate handhold. He made it to a knee, and turned around.

"Wait!" He gasped.

Nightmare Moon turned away, illuminated by the fires burning across the fields.

The evil alicorn took off, teleporting into the night.

Ryan tried to push himself up... But his body refused. His strength faded, and he slumped against the bark. Tears he had been trying to hold back poured down his cheeks, as he desperately gripped the bark.


No... No... Damnit... DAMNIT...!

He wanted to cry out, to scream. But his body was shutting down. His arm shook, and finally gave up as he collapsed.

No... Please... Mom... Please... Twilight... Don't... Don't you give up... Please...

He shut his eyes, and knew nothing more besides the smell of burning wood and grass, and the night.

"Ryan... Ryan... Ryan...?"

Ryan slowly opened his eyes. He was numb... Everywhere. It all felt like a big... Floaty cloud of floaty... Things.

The room was bathed in sunlight. Gentle, beautiful. Everything was glowing a faint white color.

And there... Was his mother, sitting over him. Tears were in her gentle eyes. He felt them in his own, but blinked them away out of instinct.

He looked away.

"Mom," he murmured, "I'm sorry... I failed."

He sighed softly.

"Maybe I never had a chance in the first place... To be your son..."

He could feel Celestia's frown.

"What do you mean, Ryan?"

"I... Twilight was destined to get the Elements again," Ryan said softly, "I-I realized... That's why you made her your apprentice. Not me... All down to destiny..."

He closed his eyes.

"I tried... I tried to help her," he spoke, the words thick with grief, "but I... I wasn't strong enough... I wasn't smart enough! I couldn't stop her! I couldn't save Twilight! I-I couldn't save anyone!"

The waterworks were coming freely now. He felt such grief, such self loathing.

"She... I didn't hate her! Without her, I-I wouldn't... Have pushed myself so hard... But it still wasn't enough," he blubbered.

He felt his mother hug him tightly. Her hands stroked through his hair, and he leaned in as he sobbed.

"Son... Is that what you think all of this was about?" Celestia asked softly. She held his head back, so she could look into his eyes. He looked away, afraid of what he might see...

But he dared a glance back. His jaw dropped.

His mother was still smiling, loving and radiant as always. She stroked his face.

"Ryan... Yes, I thought she would be the one to take up the Elements of Harmony," she said softly, "but I didn't know it. I've had apprentices before. So many had such potential... And some just didn't measure up. But I didn't choose her over you as my apprentice over a silly prophecy. I did it... Because you had your own path to walk. And if you were my apprentice, I would just stifle you. I know little of metal working, or engineering, or the other fantastic things you have done. But I am proud of you, always..."

Here she smiled enough to show off her dimples, as she wiped away his tears with magic. Just as she'd done when he was a mere toddler.

"Because you didn't fail me. You didn't fail anypony."

The door burst open. A frantic looking Twilight Sparkle rushed in, eyes wide. Despite the crown on her head, she looked frazzled.

"Princess Celestia! Is-Is he-?"

"Sparkle?" Ryan managed, staring in amazement. Her usual sweater vest, sensible skirt, and stockings had been replaced with a beautiful white gown-Flowing and magical. It showed off her beauty, making her appear like an angel.

"He's all right, Twilight," Celestia said with a warm smile, "we're all all right. Though he's going to need some time to recover."

She kissed Ryan's forehead, and pulled away very slowly. She squeezed his hand with a loving beam, one he returned.

"I'll be right outside," she said softly, walking out with her usual grace. The door shut behind her. Ryan and Twilight suddenly looked aside from one another, as awkward as Academy students.

That felt... So long ago now.

"I... I heard you fought Nightmare Moon," Twilight said softly. Ryan nodded.

"I heard you beat her," he said.

Twilight smiled shyly.

"Not without the help of my friends," she said, "and... you too."

Ryan stared at her, the familiar snark rising... But without bile to fuel it.

"So I'm not your friend?" He asked, faintly amused. Twilight shook her head.

"N-No, no, that's not what I meant," Twilight said quickly, "I just..."

She bowed her head.

"You kept her busy... Nearly lost your life," she murmured. "And I... I wanted to thank you for that."

"Well... Thank you for stopping her," Ryan said, "we're even."

"Yeah... Yeah, we are," she said.

Silence ensued. Twilight cleared her throat.

"So... I'm going to be staying in Ponyville for a while. Uh... To study the Elements of Harmony, and the magic of friendship," she said. Ryan slowly nodded.

"That's good."

"I-I've got a home, all picked out. It's the library," she further explained.

"Perfect place for you," Ryan teased her. Twilight giggled-the first time he'd ever heard her do that. It was kind of nice.

"Yeah! Yeah, it is," she said. She stared at him. "And uh... I mean, as much as I... Er..."


"GAH!" Ryan jumped, as a pink Earth pony girl popped up next to him. "What in the-?!"

"Hi! I'm Pinkie Pie!" The pink pony introduced herself, "and I was eavesdropping! Sorry not sorry! Heard you got beat up bad in your fight with Nightmare Moon! Oh! She's Princess Luna again, so she's not evil anymore! Isn't that great?"

"Uhhh... Sure is," Ryan managed.

Twilight giggled.

"Pinkie, ease up! He only just woke up!"

"That just means no time to lose!" Pinkie declared, "because according to his chart, he's not allowed to be moved from Ponyville for a few months!"

"A few months?!" Ryan asked in disbelief. Pinkie nodded, holding up the medical chart. He and Twilight both looked it over. Twilight cringed.

"How are you still alive?!" She hissed. Ryan shrugged.

"You act like this is my fault," he muttered back.

"Anyway, that means you need a party!" Pinkie declared. "But! Since you're still recovering, we'll start you off slow! Come on in!"

The door opened, and a strange assortment of other ponies entered. A beautiful white unicorn strode up, dressed to the nines. She took Ryan's hand and beamed.

"My name is Rarity Belle, Prince Ryan, and I must say, you look even more dashing than your pictures suggest! I'm glad you're going to be staying with us for a while!"

A familiar blonde Earth pony in a Stetson hat joined Rarity, and gently pushed her away.

"Howdy. Ah'm Applejack. Jest a member of the Apple family. Nice t' meetcha."

"But we've-" Ryan trailed off at the severe look Applejack gave him, "ah, right, Miss Applejack. Nice to meet you."

A blue pegasus in tight workout clothing with rainbow hair dashed up, grinning broadly.

"Hey! Prince Ryan! I'm Rainbow Dash! Fastest flyer in the skies! Great to meet you! Heard you fought Nightmare Moon! Wow! You'll have to tell me all about it! Sounds so awesome!"

"It really wasn't," Ryan said dryly.


And an extremely beautiful, natural-looking beauty of a pegasus peeked at Ryan from behind Applejack. Her hair was long, pink, and covered up one eye.

"H-Hi... I'm Fluttershy... It's... It's nice to meet you, Prince Ryan," she mumbled.

"They're all the other Holders of the Elements of Harmony," Twilight explained.

"I gathered," Ryan said.

"So! You up for a party or what?" Pinkie Pie asked eagerly.

"Maybe after I've had some time to rest?" Ryan said diplomatically. Pinkie Pie nodded.

"All right, but I'm holding you to it! You can't escape my party! You'll only party tired."

Ryan blinked. He looked back over at Twilight.

"You guys... Saved the world, huh?"

"The only one more surprised than you is me," Twilight said dryly.

"HEY!" Dash growled.

"I'm kidding! Really!"

His mother did some more mothering, and Twilight's new friends were entertaining. Ryan did enjoy it... And then he blacked out.

He awoke to an empty room, the moon shining brightly through the windows into his simple hospital room. Strange, it seemed far darker than it was before... Like inky darkness was consuming everything around...

Oh no...

Green eyes peered out from the darkness. Slitted like a cat's. The dark form of Nightmare Moon stepped out, smirking viciously.

"N-No," Ryan muttered, "no... You're gone!"

"You thought you had escaped me? You thought I could be defeated?"

"N-No... This isn't real," Ryan muttered, pulling the blankets up like he was a child again, "you can't be real!"

She was on him in an instant, grasping his throat. He grabbed at her fingers, but they may as well have been made of metal-They didn't budge. Despite the hand around his throat, he was breathing faster, his heart pounding in terror as Nightmare Moon lifted up her sword.

"You will die first... Then everyone else you care for-!"


This second voice was strong, female... Almost familiar. Nightmare Moon shuddered, and her form began to waver like smoke in the wind. She glared over her shoulder as another figure approached.

"As long as he has this fear... I will never leave!"

"Then I will help him conquer it! No matter the cost! BEGONE!"

Nightmare Moon cried out in pain, as she blew away. She faded, and the room became brighter for it.

Ryan was breathing hard, his chest hurting through the haze of painkillers. His heart still pounded like a drum.

He felt a hand take his, and he squeezed it for all it was worth. He hugged the owner of the hand-Someone lithe, and female.

"It's all right... You're safe... She's gone, and never coming back," the voice said softly.

"Haa... Haa... Haa... T-Thanks," Ryan managed quietly. He pulled back, just enough to see his savior. He blinked in confusion.


A pale, lithe female form appeared. Ethereal, pale, yet... Strangely familiar.

Ryan blinked.

"Um... What happened?" He asked. "Who are you?"

She was heartbreakingly beautiful, the kind of woman who made you cry and you loved her for it. A simple blue crown was atop her head, as a beautiful blue and black gown flattered her athletic body.

Hey, he was still technically a teenager.

"You passed out. The exertion was too much for you," she said softly, in a voice heavy with guilt and sorrow, "as for who I am..."

She sucked in a breath.

"I am Princess Luna," she said gently, "your aunt. I... I was Nightmare Moon."

Ryan managed to slowly nod.

"O-Oh... I see..."

Luna dropped to her knees. Ryan immediately held his hands up, confused.

"I-Woah-Aunt, what are you-?"

She bowed her head, as though in prayer.

"I... I know I did not choose to do those things to you," she said, "but the Nightmare still used my power to harm you. To injure you. I am so sorry, for the terrible things I have done."

"Oh," Ryan said, still in shock.

"I am going to return to my duties, as Princess of the Night, and Guardian of the Dreamscape," she explained, "and I thought that... I should start with you. You faced Nightmare Moon in battle, knowing you had no chance."

Ryan looked away, any thought of bravado vanishing instantly.

"... Yeah," he muttered, "I thought... I was expendable."

Luna looked up, confused.

"Why?" She asked.

Ryan sighed, and looked up at the ceiling.

"It... It was stupid, really," he said, "I still thought that my mom choosing Spark... Twilight, over me for her apprentice was, ya know... A slight. And that I wasn't good enough for her. And then I figured out Mom sent Twilight to get the Elements and... Yeah..."

He bowed his head.

"... I thought that the only way I could make a difference was by fighting like my life didn't matter," Ryan said softly, "for those who did. Like I had nothing left to lose."

Luna's hands found his again. He looked up into her green eyes.

"I felt that way once before, too," Luna admitted, "and I know my sister's true thoughts over it. She can't hide them from me. When she banished me... She felt nothing but grief, and loss, and self hatred for what she had done. While necessary... She was so lost. She loves you, Ryan. Just as she loves me. She feels guilt over what you had to go through. It was necessary to save me, save all of us... But she feels the pain. Because she loves us."

Luna paused.

"I was blind to this once... Please... Do not go down my path, and reject the truth."

Ryan felt the urge to hug his small aunt tightly. She stiffened a bit in surprise, but she returned it.

"I won't," he said softly, "as long as you do the same, huh Auntie?"

She sniffled, and began to cry quietly. Ryan still held her tightly, stroking her back.

Her grip was still quite tight, even in this form, but not painful.

After a while, Luna composed herself. Just enough to wipe her eyes, and sit on the bed calmly. She looked at her nephew.

"Tell me, young Ryan... What has your life been like?"

So Ryan told her. Everything he could remember, anyway. Luna hummed as she listened to his life, only nodding or asking a few clarifying questions here and there.

At last though...

"Have you any idea where you came from?" She asked.

Ryan shrugged.

"None," he said, "I've read up on ancient humans in mythology, but... There's not much to go on."

"It must have been lonely," Luna said quietly. Ryan nodded.

"Sometimes," he admitted, "but... I have made a few friends. And Mom's always supported me. Polymath, too."

Luna slowly nodded again.

"It will be... A difficult transition to make," she said softly, "for both of us."

Ryan smiled at his aunt.

"I'd... Like to help you with it," he said, "um, if you'd like?"

Luna studied him, and finally gave him a tiny smile.

"I would like that," she said, "I was... Impressed. To a point. With how well you fought."

Ryan blinked.

"To a point...?"

"Apologies," Luna said, "I was the combat strategist to my sister's... More outgoing personality. And your... Form was inventive but... Unrefined."

Ryan sighed.

"Then... I guess it's good I know a good teacher in fighting?" He asked.

Luna blinked.

"Me? But... After Nightmare Moon-!"

"I... Don't wanna learn it right now," Ryan said quietly, "I really don't. But I... I mean... If another threat to Equestria rises? I wanna at least be able to fight."

Luna nodded, and squeezed his hand.

"Very well," she said, rising from the bed, "for now though... You should rest. Reconnect with the world. And your friend, Twilight Sparkle. We both... Have a great deal to learn."

"So it would seem," Ryan said with a smile, "thank you, Auntie."

Luna finally fully smiled, and it was beautiful.

"No... Thank you, nephew."

The rest of Ryan's night was peaceful slumber.