• Published 5th Nov 2022
  • 407 Views, 2 Comments

Mane Six Adeventures in Canterlot City - Aqua Berry

  • ...

Threat Jet's Threat

Author's Note:

This series focuses on the other members of The Power Ponies after 'Enter The Doctor Story" .

It had now been a month since David Crawford took the name of Doctor Mayhem, while The Masked Matterhorn was trying to find Vargas, the others had plenty to do. At that time, Zapp, Mareveouls, Radiance, Filli-Second. and Saddle Rager had caught the attention of the media, the police, and even their school, Canterlot High.

"Nothing better than, riding a thunderbolt to school," Zapp joked as she ride on it. "Fastest way to travel."

She turned the corner when she heard someone screaming. Zapp went lower and saw three thugs coming out of the grocery store with sacks of money.

"Why are doing this?!" The store owner asked.

"Simple, we want to," The lead thug smirked.


"Shut the hell, up lady!" one of them barked, aiming his gun at her.

None of them knew that Zapp was watching the whole thing.

"Now is that any way to treat people?!" She called grabbing the thugs' attention.

"Who said that?!"

The second of his two men was shocked by a thunderbolt.

"Ahh!" He yelled.

The leader and the other thug turned and saw him lying on the ground being parazyled.

"What the hell?"

Zapp jumped off from the thunderbolt and pounced on the other henchman, knocking him out.

"Who are the hell are you?!"

"Name's Zapp," She replied.

The leader pulled his gun and fired three shots at her, but missed as she pulled an electric barrier.

"Did anyone tell you, not to play guns?" Zapp asked before she gave a mean hook to him knocking him out cold and giving the money to the store owner and leaving them.

Sometime later, the police arrived on the scene, some being baffled by what happened here.

"What happened here?" An officer asked seeing the thugs knocked out.

"What else do you think," Shining Armor said. "It was one of the Power Ponies."

Later at Canterlot High, as Rainbow ran through the hallway and made it to her locker, she grabbed her stuff, then was greeted by Soarin.

"Hey, Rainbow,"

"Oh, hi, Soarin," Rainbow said while blushing.

"I was wondering, do wanna come over to my place after school?" He asked. "I could use some help with some research."

"As much I like to do, I've had band practice with girls after school. How does tomorrow sound."

"Sure, tomorrow it is."

Unbeknownst to them, Aria Blaze and Spitfire had witnessed the whole thing.

"I told you, Crash, had a crush on him," Spitfire said to Aria.

"But I told you, Soarin is crushing on her," Aria replied.

At the old Canterlot Clock Tower... an unknown figure working on something.

"I will never forget the day you ruined my life, Thompson. Now Threat Jet is going to ruin yours."

A little later, Zapp and the others, were standing on a nearby rooftop.

"Nothing better than looking over our beautiful city," Radiance said. "But I wish our superhero duties didn't interfere with our normal life."

"Yeah, with Mayhem and Vargas still out there who knows what can happen?" Mistress Mareveulos replied.

Then suddenly Threat Jet came swooping by them.

"What was that?" Fill-Second asked then ran on ahead as Threat Jet landed on a limo.

Inside, Thomspon turned slightly as he heard a clank.

"What was that?" he asked.

"I don't know," The driver said looking through the window,

Threat Jet fired a laser that was sliced open.

"Dawson!" Thompson exclaimed as he former employee.

"Not anymore, I'm Threat Jet, and you're going to pay for running my life!"

Before Threat Jet had a chance, a rope caught him, stopping him from whatever he was about to do, at that Fill-Second and Saddle Rager ran to Thompson who was on the ground.

"You okay, sir?" Saddle Rager asked.

"Yes, I'm okay," He replied to her.

"Let me help you," Saddle Rager said as she helped Thompson back into the limo before closing the door.

Meanwhile, Mistress Mareveulos, Zapp, and Radiance battled Threat Jet.

"You'll pay for your interference!" Threat Jet hissed then fired his laser at them making them all dodge then Mistress Mareveulos lassoed her rope at Threat Jet's leg as he took off.

"Of crap," Mistress Mareveulos muttered.

She was then pulled on her rope as Threat jet swooped into the air.

"Off me!"

"I don't think so, you varmint or whatever you called yerself!"

"I'm Threat Jet, cowgirl!" Threat Jet snapped.

He turned right, forcing the young heroine to hang for dear life.

"Great just what we needed, A Black Hawk copycat," Zapp said as Saddle Rager and Fill-Second approached them. "How's the dude?"

"He's okay, just a little shaken up, uh, where's Marevelous?" Saddle Rager asked.

"Chasing Threat Jet turns the man we saved have some serious beef with that asshole. You and Fills stayed back in case he circled back. Me and Radiance are going to help out Mareveulos."

"Will do," Filli-Second saluted as Zapp and Radiance left.


"I can't this guy get back to him," Mareveulos said then gripped her rope then slammed him to a wall.

"Damn it, I can't shake her unless I create a diversion to keep her distracted."

Threat Jet took to the skies and fires his laser at cars, fire hydrants, and lamposts with cause people to panic.

Mareveulos turned as a lampost came down towards Apple Bloom and the others. She used her rope which then caught it before it fell down.

Then at that moment Zapp and Radiance caught up with her.

"Where did jet freak go?" Zapp asked. "We really need to put a tracer on the bad guys so we don't lose them."

Then Threat Jet was being chased by the cops.

"Never mind," Zapp said as they followed them.

"I finally lose that cowgirl, and now the cops are after me!"

He turned around, before seeing Mareveulos, Zapp, and Radiance catching up with him.

"How did she find again and who are those two?" Threat Jet as he swooped down toward a crowd of people as more police cars showed and surrounded him then Shinning Armor came out while holding a bullhorn.

"Give it, Mr. Dawnson! You're surrounded!"

"I won't come in easily! I will have my revenge!" Threat Jet snapped at him and then saw Lyra and Bon-Bon watching the scene.

He then jumped up as the police aimed their guns at him, then he swapped down and picked up Lyra then was in the air with the girl in his grasp.

"Hold your fire!"

"Make one move or the girl's toast!" He wanted them.

"What can we do?" An officer asked.

"There's nothing can do in this case,"

"Says, you, Captain!" The officers turned to see Zapp and the others.

Zapp came at him with a right hook, then Mareveouls threw a golden horseshoe at jetpack causing him to lose balance and dropping Lyra. Radiance created a pink net and catch her.

"Are you okay?" Radiance asked her.

"Yeah, but that was close," Lyra said.

"Forgive my associates, I did not count on that brute dropping you, but for your safety, please get out of here and let us handle him."

"You don't have to tell me twice," Lyra said as she ran to Bon-Bon's side where the two hugged each other.

"You'll pay for this, fool!"

Threat Jet armed his laser and fired at Zapp and Mareveouls only for Radiance to deflect it with her shield and the laser bounced back at him.

"I don't think so darling!" Radiance said then Mareveouls tied him up with her rope.

"I'll get you for this, Power Ponies!" Threat Jet growled trying to break free only for the rope to tighten him.

"I wouldn't try it, the more squirm, the more Ol' Bessie willing tighten its grip on you."

Then the police caught up with them, then Shinning Armor got out of its cars.

"He's your man, Captain," Mareveouls said as two officers grabbed Threat Jet and placed the handcuffs on him.

"Thanks," He said to them. "It's great to have you and others dealing with guys like him."

"It's our pleasure to lend a hand," Radiance replied before the three heroes left them.

Much later at Rainbow's House, the girls were having a sleepover

"So, let me get this straight, this Threat Jet guy had a jetpack and tried to take revenge on Thompson, why?" Sunset asked.

"Maybe because he was wronged by him," Pinkie replied. "How's Lyra, doing?"

"She's doing fine, but next time let's not put the innocent bystanders in harm's way."

"I hope so, it's lucky that we're a team, that guy was tough," Fluttershy shudder a bit.

"Well one thing for sure, the school is going to be buzzing tomorrow after what happened today," Applejack said while lying on the ground and then falling asleep.