• Published 5th Nov 2022
  • 407 Views, 2 Comments

Mane Six Adeventures in Canterlot City - Aqua Berry

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The Fearsome Five Part 1

It was late in the morning at Sunset's Apartment, as of late Sunset was able to harness fire through her body.

"This is sweet, I have powers just like the others, better start making a suit so I can help the others."

Meanwhile, in Tirek's skyscraper, Tirek and Cozy Glow were having a video talk with the other crime lords.

You mean to tell us, that you have been unable to kill The Power Ponies?!"

"Yes, they are a lot trickier to kill than I thought, but do not worry, my next plan will deal with them once and for all," Tirek replied. "All we need is 48 hours."

Alright, but this plan of yours better work for you and the kid. Every crime lord is in danger by those freaks."

The screens turned off, then Cozy and Tirek turned to each other.

"This better work."

"Trust me, boss, this will work."

Much later at Canterlot Penitentiary, A guard came over and open the cells of Threat Jet, Sound Breaker, and Overload, along with two other villains, one wearing a black cloak with an oxygen mask and one wearing a roller derby suit.

"All right you lot, bail's been paid, you free to go," The guard said then handed them their gear.

"Does anyone know what the hell going on?" Threat Jet asked. "And who are you two?"

"I'm High Heel, and that is Chiller."

Then a limo came and Cozy popped out.

"Maybe I can explain," Cozy said as her driver opened the door.

Later, the lime was parked in front of a warehouse, and then all seven of them piled out.

"Welcome, Threat Jet, Overload, Sound Breaker, Chiller, and High Heel, my Fearsome Five," A voice that belongs to Tirek as he approached them.

"And you are?" Threat Jet asked.

"My name is Tirek and this is my assistant Cozy Glow," He explained. "Now most of you are wondering why you are here. You see, I need you all, to eliminate the Power Ponies."

"No offense, I have my own plan to get rid of them," Threat Jet said.

"So do I," High Heel said. "The Masked Matterhorn and her foolish friends have ruined my payday one too many."

"Solo efforts, I assume."

"He who travels fastest, travels alone," Overload quoted.

"And where did you end up when working alone? Prison. Gentlemen, and ladies, we need each other. With our combined talents, we are sure to defeat them once and for all. But on one condition, you must agree to serve me?"

He held his hand out, and then Sound Breaker approached him,

"You can count me in," Sound Breaker said he puts his hand over his,

"Same here," Threat Jet did the same.

"Anything to get back at them," Overload said while Chiller said nothing and then put her hand out there.

"High Heel, are you in?" Cozy asked.

"Yeah, right, like I join with the rest of you, losers," High Heel proudly said.

"Did I mention that there is a massive payout?"

"They won't hit them until it's too late."

At Canterlot City Center, The Fearsome Five were rampaging through the street causing people all over to panic.

"That's right, fools, run!" Sound Breaker laughed while firing his gauntlets that created a hole in a wall.

Threat Jet fire his laser which caused the fire hydrant to explode. Overload fire electricity that knocks over a few lampposts. Chiller did an ice blast that created several ice shards. Then High Heel used her swords and slice through two cars making more people run away in terror.

"If this doesn't get their attention, then nothing will," High Heel said then her earpiece rang.

It's me Cozy Glow, how it's going? Are the Power Ponies there?

"No, they haven't shown up, if they got the message from the news, they should be there in about 10 mins or less."

Good, the boss and I will be watching for when they arrive.

"I think I see them," Theart Jet shouted seeing them.

"Now does everyone remember the plan?" High Heel asked.

"Yes," the rest of the Fearsome Five replied with Chiller nodding.

"Good. Take your positions."

All five of them took their hiding spots and about a minute later The Power Ponies arrived.

"Are sure, they are here?" Mareveouls asked.

"The news report said, they were right here," Zapp said unaware that Chiller was about to attack.

"Girls, get down!" Radiance said then conjured a pink dome that block Chiller's ice blast.

"Chiller! It's ice to see you again," Fill-Second joked.

"The feeling's mutual, Fill-Second," Overload barked as he came from the right and Sound Breaker came from the left.

The five of them gasped as High Heel and Threat Jet showed and the five circled them.

"You five and the Matterhorn will pay for putting us in prison!" Threat Jet said.

"You can't stop all of us!" High Heel said.

The Fearsome Five all charged at the girls. High Heel and Radiance clashed with other with their swords. Marevelous dodged blasts of electricity from Overload, Threat Jet and Zapp battled in the air, Fill-Second was avoiding Chiller's ice blasts and Saddle Rager did her best to avoid Sound Breaker.

"Man fighting these guys one at a time was bad enough, but together these guys are tough!" Zapp exclaimed as she deflected Threat Jet's laser. then kick him only for him to punch right in the gut.

"Bet you can't blast me!" Fill-Second taunted Chiller then the frosty villain created an ice wall that cause Fill-Second to crash right into each other.

Saddle Rager hid behind a tree but was blasted by Sound Breaker's gauntlets then he fired a sonic blast at her only to miss and Chiller took the hit.

"Looks like your aim has improved, Sound Breaker!" Fill-Second laughed then grabbed the others and hightail out of there.

"Damn it, they escape!" Overload grunted.

"I think we have bigger problems," Sound Breaker said seeing the cops.

"Everyone regroup at the warehouse!" High Heel said and all of them headed in different directions.

Later, at the same warehouse, The Fearsome Five reunited along with Cozy Glow.

"Now that everyone is here, what's the plan to lure them out again."

"We could attack the city, expect they could the escape by using the high buildings around," Threat Jet spoke first/

"True, but what if we do it in Canterlot Park, there's a lot of places to escape," Sound Breaker reasoned.

"Good point, and think I've figured out how can we trap them and eliminate them once and for all." High Heel said then explained her plan to the others.

Meanwhile, The Mane Five were sitting on a rooftop trying to recover from their battle against the Fearsome Five.

"Look like stopping the five dumbasses is going to be tricky," Zapp said.

"They're probably going to strike where innocent people are around," Marevelous said then pull up her phone. "Well speak of the devil, looks like the Fearsome Five are now at Canterlot Park."

"We should get over there," Radiance said. "By the way, as anyone spoke to Sunset earlier today?"

"I have, but Sunset was in the middle of something," Fill-Second asked. "And soon I tried to ask, she pulled a PInkie Promise on me."

"If she pulled Pinkie Promise on you, that means she doesn't want anyone to find out. But we can worry about that later."

Meanwhile at Sunset's Apartment, Sunset spent most of the day finishing her costume, which she'd been working on every spare minute she had for the past week.

It is composed of a red jumpsuit, black high-heel boots, and a red cape with the shimmering sun. Then Sunset put on her costume along with a red mask then went outside to a little field test

"I could get used to this," Sunset said. "Now I need to come up with a name, that's always a hard part.

She thought long and hard for about 10 minutes before she came up with one.

"People said I'm like a phoenix that is blazing so how about Pheonix Blaze," Sunset thoughted then looked at a TV showing the news saying that High Heel, leader of the Fearsome Five have demanded Power Ponies to show up within the hour or they start wrecking the place.

"Look like Phoenix Blaze's making her grand debut sooner than planned," She said then headed out. "Hang on girls, Phoenix Blaze's coming."

At Canterlot Park, The Fearsome Five were all waiting around the lake for The Power Ponies to show up.

"Where are they!?" Sound Breaker exclaimed impatient.

"Have patience, they'll be here. It just depends on which part of the city there were in when the news was broadcast," High Heel explained.

"Heel's got a point, they could be on the other side of the city at the time, and they wouldn't see these poor people get hurt," Overload said grinning a bit as Threat jet came down.

"I've spotted them, they'll be there in a few minutes," He explained.

"Good, let's get into position," High Heel said as they hid behind the bushes and the trees nearby.

Moments later, the five girls were at the park.

"I have a bad feeling about this," Saddle Rager said while feeling uneasy.

"All of us do, Saddle," Zapp told her. "There clearly set a trap for us, but we can't those creeps tear up the city again."

Then suddenly all five villains jumped out from their hiding spots and surrounded them.

"You're not getting away this time, you five!" High Heel snarled as she draws her swords.

"You walked right into our trap!" Sound Breaker sneered.

"And this time, you're history!" Overload shouted while Chiller grunted.

As the five started them all down, none of them knew how to fight all off and get out of this since the park didn't have that many hiding spots, to begin with.

To Be Continued...