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Pinkie Pie Becomes an Alicorn while sleeping and doesn't give a flying squirrel

Pinkie's tail wobbled.

Now, this wasn't a twitcha-twitch, so nothing was falling. She kept her eyes closed, trying to once again fall asleep.

Ear itchy, tummy grumble, left eye barrel, right eye roll.

Pinkie sat up in bed, looking around her room wearily. "Ooookay, the last time I got that combination, Pound and Pumpkin were poised precariously on the hoof of my bed, a giant bag of flour floating above them. What else with wings and a horn could be in my room?"

Leaping out of bed, Pinkie's wings fluttered a little so she'd hit the ground softly, trying not to wake up anypony else, as it was still quite early. Not seeing anypony in her room, Pinkie shrugged it off; maybe it didn't mean in her room specifically; maybe it could just mean something about the Cake's' twins. Opening the door to their room, she found the two of them sound asleep... but also stuck to the ceiling with glue. The glue bottle was stuck as well. "Well, that's probably it, then. Okay, time to get you two down from there..."

A few minutes later, and Pinkie had the twins safely tucked into their crib, manes and coats glue-free. Sighing happily, she made her way downstairs to get herself something to eat.

Now, this wasn't something many new about Pinkie, but she could be considered scarily calm during the morning, and without a small breakfast (usually consisting of 12 cupcakes, 9 pancakes, 6 flapjacks, 3 apple strudels, and 15 cups of chocolate milk), she would be only as 'exuberant' as any other pony on the street. Walking into the kitchen, she began whipping up some of her favorites, when she decided on something different today. Dumping the pancake mix and the cupcake mix into one big bowl, and stirring in a generous amount of chocolate chips and syrup, she began to shovel large amounts of the mix into muffin trays, and set them to bake. If these turned out well, they could sell them as breakfast muffins!

Her breakfast finished, she forewent her chocolate milk and instead poured herself a nice cup of Earl Grey tea, setting aside a bag of muffins for Ditzy, who came and went on her way not long after, happy with a nice present from her favorite bakery. Stretching her wings, Pinkie flew up towards Rainbow Dash's house, to see how her friend was doing. Upon arriving, however, her friend promptly yelled in inarticulate confusion, and jumped back in bed, wishing that it was only a nightmare.

Finally, unable to convince herself that she was, in fact, dreaming (as the numerous self-plucked feathers and a few bite marks could attest to), Rainbow Dash flew as fast as she could to find Twilight.


Twilight, in the midst of having a pleasant mid-morning meal with her draconic helper, found her ear flicking as a sound steadily grew louder. "Twiiiiiiiiiiiilllliiiiiiiight!!!"

Sudden blindness, the world was sent askew, then she found herself with Rainbow Dash's plot blocking her field of vision in a glorious display of toned muscle, for a whole half a second that would later resurface as a moment of embarrassment, but was, at that point, just a point in time that went by too fast for it to truly register. "Twilight!" Dash yelled right into her face as she whipped around, her eyes crazed. "Pinkie Pie grew wings!"

Now, Twilight knew that Rainbow Dash was prone to exaggerating things, but didn't outright discount the possibility; this was Pinkie, after all. Nothing could be certain with her. "Well," Twilight began, before being interrupted as Pinkie jumped out of her pantry.

"Heya, Twi-Twi! Why the long face? Heehee, get it? Because we're ponies? No? Eh, whatever. The author just wanted a filler joke anyways, and using 'heeere's PINKIE!' would be too close to the Shining, and-"

"Pinkie!" Twilight gasped as she stared at her friend in wide-eyed bewilderment.


"You-you're an Alicorn!"

Pinkie looked at her wings, and then up to her forehead, where a regal pink shaft you dirty minded bastards was prominently jutting out. "Huh, so you can finally see them?"

"I can final- what?!"

"Oh, I've always had these, silly! How do you think I'm me?" Pinkie's face became what was possibly the second cutest attempt at a scary glare Equestria had seen in at least three decades. "I'm a natural disaster. Rules? Screw the rules, I'm Pinkie!" Pinkie then shrunk in on herself, until she popped back out, only this time as a little taller, and with a pair of broken shades. She turned her head towards her two dumbfounded friends (and a dumbfounded, and somewhat catatonic dragon, but he's not really important here), one of her irises now glowing red, and said in as macho a voice she could muster, "Hasta La Veestuh, Dashie."

Twilight fainted from shock, and Dash's wings popped out wide.