• ...

Fluttershy pops a Wing-boner, and nopony around her notices

"Oh my, this dress is, um, quite lovely, Rarity, but-ouch-um, d-don't you think it's a little too... revealing?" Fluttershy blushed and squirmed as Rarity worked her magic to pull the hem line a bit further up under the shy pegasus' tail.

"Relax, Fluttershy, I just needed somepony to model this, I won't make you wear it in public... unless you want to, of course~!" Rarity giggled as Fluttershy's blush grew hotter. "Besides, I don't want anypony seeing my delicate and beautiful flower in such a risque outfit! That wouldn't be nice of me~!" Fluttershy's wings twitched a bit and tried to unfurl, but she managed to keep them quivering down near her sides.

"U-um, w-well, whenever you're done--"

"But I did need somepony's thoughts on the dress, so I asked some of the girls to come over so we show it off~!" Rarity yanked on a silk rope hanging overhead, and the backdrop went flying open, to show that Pinkie, Twilight, Rainbow, and a few other girls from town were looking at her with cameras and wolf-whistles.

"U-um, wh-what?!" As Fluttershy's wings promptly extended to full length, her irises shrank to pinpricks. As her voice caught in her throat, she gasped. As her face overheated, she began to glow. Then, suddenly--

The door flew open as an orange-colored pony came shooting through it, ending up in a pile of moans and flailing limbs.

Fluttershy stood frozen, rooted to the spot as everypony ignored her. "Applejack~!" Rarity whined as she approached the lump of orange pony now straddling a rainbow-maned pegasus. "You've utterly ruined my fashion show! What can you possibly--"

Rainbow Dash pushed Applejack away, face flushed and breathing hitching. "Wha-hah, hah... what the hay was that, AJ? You know I'm not into mares!"

Applejack groaned and grumbled. "Yer wings don't match what yer mouth's sayin', Dash, but that's besides the point. Just look at me!"

Everypony gasped and oohed and ahhed as they looked at the orange-feathered wings and the long, pointed horn atop her head and poking out from beneath her stetson.

Twilight got up in Applejack's face, her eyes large and starry with amazement. "Wow, Applejack... That's incredible! I didn't even know you could become an Alicorn, though I guess it might have something to do with the Elements, but that means that we all are probably going to become Alicorns at some point! Oh, this is so exciting, how was it?!"

Applejack chuckled nervously. "Uh, well, ya see..."

Still standing on the stage, wings at full mast for everypony to plainly see, stood Fluttershy. She was relieved that nopony had seen her wingboner, but at the same time... She couldn't help but feel the littlest, teeniest, tiniest bit jealous now that nopony was looking at her. "Oh, well," she mumbled. "I should get undressed so nopony thinks I'm being n-naughty..."

Fifteen minutes later, Fluttershy was at home under an ice-cold shower, washing away the embarrassment of the afternoon, when she suddenly remembered something. "Ahh! Applejack grew wings!"