• Published 19th Nov 2022
  • 1,247 Views, 31 Comments

The New Moon Rises - Kit Wolfkat

Twilight Sparkle was tasked with supervising the Lunar Moon Celebration in Ponyville. However, with the arrival of Daybreaker, she must find the Elements of Harmony to use against her while also leading a group of acquaintances in the Everfree.

  • ...

Interlude 1: A Cafe, A Broadcast and a Special Guest.

Interlude 1: Cafe, A Broadcast and A Special Guest.

3 months before Twilight’s departure.

As the sun sets and illuminates its yellow radiance over Canterlot, a small corner cafe is closing its doors.

“Thank you for enjoying yourself at my cafe! Hope all of you will have a good night!”

The last customer exited the cafe with a satiated stomach, leaving the owner tired from his work.

Finally! He thought to himself, he could rest for the day.

Donut Joe was tired, after a whole day of serving customers, preparing food and drinks and managing the counter. He sat at a nearby table and placed his head on it.

He slowly closed his eyes and as he slowly began to nod off, he was suddenly awoken by the sound of his daughter, “Heya dad! Whatcha doing slouching over the table like that?”

With a grunting sound, he lifted his head from the table and looked at his -still- energetic 18-year-old daughter. He yawned, “I’m tired honey-kin, today was a very busy rush hour, and I just want a rest after this.”

“Ah, alrighty! Say how about I get both of us some hot chocolate from the kitchen?” offered his daughter.

“That sounds great, honey-kin.”

As his daughter went straight to the kitchen to prepare 2 cups of warm chocolate, Donut Joe levitated his apron and hat off and placed them on another table.

As he observed his surroundings, he saw the wall clock on the cafe’s wall. 7.30 pm . It’s gonna get dark soon, he thought.

As he looked outside the cafe window, many convenience stores were still open, probably for night time inhabitants. Across from his shop, the night bars were opening and a line of customers, already queuing up outside; with their friends, readying to get drunk and wasted.

On the street, the hourly tram arrives again at its station, Frotherhoof. While most of its passengers left the tram to head back to their homes, the ones on the station entered, to make their journey further down the capital.

Easing himself to his chair, his daughter came back from the kitchen with a tray of hot cocoa. Using her wings, she placed the tray on the table and gave one of them to her father.

“Here ya go! 2 cups of hot cocoa for the evening!” joyfully said his daughter.

Taking a sip of the cocoa his daughter gave, “Thank you honey-kin.” It tasted divine, like an Olenian sauna settling into his mouth! He sighed with a feeling of relief and warmth.

Donut Joe looked back at his daughter, who’d sat down across the table and took the other cup. Taking it into her hooves, she drank the hot cocoa rather quickly as opposed to her father’s slow sipping.

Placing the cup back on the table, she (accidentally) and rather embarrassingly let out an audible burp from her mouth.

“Pfft hahaha! You made a cup of cocoa so good yourself couldn’t contain its pleasure!” he chuckled.

“Hmph!” she crossed her forelegs. “So…..”

“So what?”

“Soo how was business!” She looked at her father.

“Ain’t done the accounts yet, but with the amount of customers we had today we managed a good chunk of profits on the sales.” He took another sip of the cocoa, as his daughter did too, though it's more of a chug than a sip.

The cafe was quiet, too quiet. He looked to his left, on the counter there sat his Zenix branded radio.

“I got an idea, while we sit here, sippin cocoa, how bout we tune in to the radio for a while. NNN Evening’s gonna start-.”

As he turned to his daughter in front of him, she was already at the counter, picking up the radio with her wings and quickly sat back at the table with her father.

“- soon…”

His daughter grinned cheerfully as she placed the radio and turned it on. Tuning the tuner to the Channel 4 frequency, sound slowly comes out of the speakers.

“Today on January 21st, we are bringing you the evening news on Channel 4 from the National Nightly News headquarters in Manehatten, with your host: Colter Hoofkite, in 2 minutes, will bring you the reports in the kingdoms currently.” a mare's voice came out from the speaker.

3 minutes before live.

NNN headquarters Broadcasting Room

“Alright everyone! Sponsors are gonna go off in 2 point 5 minutes. Prepare cameras, audio, and lights!”

“What about our ground team, are they ready yet?”

“Got in touch with them, all are ready for broadcast.”

“Everything’s set up for broadcast. Cameras check! Audio check! Lighting check!”

“Have you connected the radio channel to the audio? Make sure the waves are correct this time around because we are NOT getting fired for another frequency mistake!!”

As the noise in the room becomes louder and the various crew members become more anxious, a grey unicorn wearing a suit with a clip-on tie finishes lining up the report notes on his desk for the broadcast.

As he looks around, he sees a bunch of his co-workers busily handling the equipment for the upcoming broadcast. A studio camera is in front of him, and three tape recorders the size of a bookshelf are behind him.

He looked at his papers, all looked well and complete, he thought to himself.

“Hey Colter!” a voice called out.

Looking to his side, he sees his fellow co-worker and camera operator, Volume Control, placing a glass of water on the desk. He gives Colter a smile.

“Thanks for the glass,” said Colter.

“No problem. We ain’t going to let you die of dehydration before ya retire soon in a couple of months, heh! But seriously, ever since you came here, you've looked like you haven't drunk anything since this morning. ”

Colter mumbles a thanks before taking the glass in his magic and immediately drinking half the water.


“Well, I gotta go back to my station. Make us proud!” said Volume, walking back to his post.

He placed the cup back on the desk, he straightened his tie, he placed himself in ease and looked straight at the cameras.





Every crew member in the studio silenced themselves, looking at the news anchor. Cameras rolled as the anchor began to speak.

“Good evening changelings, thestrals, and ponies alike, my name is Colter Hoofkite.

“Earlier this morning, Parliament erupted as Governor Hoovestrong of New Mexicolt issued a request to Princess Luna for the authorization of the state's armed forces against the Buffalo Chiefdom for alleged reasons of:

  • Alleged sabotage of the Southern Railway Company's railroads.
  • Alleged harassment of New Mexicolt settlers.
  • Alleged destruction of crops around the newly settled Appleloosa.
  • And alleged train robberies."

“However, Governor Hoovestrong’s request, was firmly refused as Princess Luna stated to him in Parliament:

Your unfounded concerns about the Buffalo Chiefdom have no merit. There is no strong evidence of ill will from the Buffaloes. As of now, the relationship between the Buffalo Tribes and the Kingdoms is repairing at a fruitful rate, and negotiations for the chiefdom's subjects to be recognized as citizens of the Kingdoms are improving. I hope, for your sake, that you would not make this kind of request again."

"In Governor Hoovestrong's words as he and the other MPs and governors were leaving the building:

The Princess's decision to deny our request to enforce our state's right to defend ourselves against the uncivilized beings of the south is extremely disappointing. However, as the governor of this beautiful state, I will never forsake my duty to protect the safety of my citizens, in the name of harmony and Faust herself!"

“However, various figures such as Minister of Internal Affairs Fancy Pants and Gladmane, the mayor of Las Pegasus, has criticised Governor Hoovestrong’s request, while others such as MP Jet Set of Canterlot and Minister of Defense, Static Fort supported the governor, stating:

"For his strong sense of liberty and caring demeanour of his state, and his loving duty to his subjects, Governor Hoovestrong showed prowess against the Buffalo for his bravery of speaking out against their crimes."

“Chief Thunderhooves, leader of the Buffalo Chiefdom, had less flattering words for the governor as the chief denounced him as a ‘warmonger, land-grubbing swine, and the bastard foal of Day Breaker.’”

"In another news, the governor of the Misaki has denounced any rumors of Solarian activity in the state itself. In his own words:

All in good order, everybeing! We haven't had a single terrorist activity since the dawn of 60s and 70s so we're all safe here. I assure you that the celebrations will go smoothly and without mishaps, under my word.

"This, conflicted with the generals of the Queen's Army as they have encouraged the governor to permit the garrison of the 5th division to be stationed in the outposts, between the capital and southern towns of the state. The report, stated that there were an usual amount of migrants travelling between towns and most notably, a few campsites located near the Everfree forest."

“IAnd in our last panel ,the Crown has been pleased to announce the location of the upcoming Lunar Moon Celebration to be arranged in the town of Ponyville, in the coming months.”

“Thus, arrangements and the budget of this year’s celebration is estimated to be around 50 thousand Tacks; accounting for the decorations, food, security and festivities. ”

“AS of now, our reporter Flavia Sorentus is now in Ponyville, bringing us a report on the preparations.”

Camera’s Perspective

As the camera's red light comes on, Flavia takes a deep breath and begins speaking into the microphone. Her suit was almost pristine, with the exception of her tie.

Well it’s too late for that now.

“Thank you, Colter for your briefing! Today, Ponyville residents are jubilant hearing about the crown’s decision, considering this year itself will be the 1000th Lunar Moon Celebrations.”

“Standing with me right now, is the Mayor of Ponyville, Mayor Mare. Mayor Mare, how do you feel the Crown has chosen this town for the Lunar Moon celebrations?”

Standing next to Flavia was Mayor Mare, the mayor of Ponyville. Wearing gold encrusted glasses, greyed mane and tail, and sporting a white collar. She smiled at the camera and spoke in a calm, professional tone.

“We are absolutely thrilled to have been chosen by the Crown to host the 1000th Lunar Moon Celebration. This is a huge honour for our town and we are working hard to ensure that everything is perfect for the event!”

Flavia nodded, a smile on her face. “And, pray tell us, what about the preparations? How are things coming along?”

“In fact, we are considering using our own residents instead of the Crown's caterers, security enforcement, decorators, and musicians to prepare the celebrations.”

“In that case, who are they?” asked the reporter.

“I’ve already had a few ponies in mind, in fact there she is! Oh! RARITY, RARITY BELLE OVER HERE DEAR!” Mayor Mare said as she looked to her left.

The camera pans to the right to show a white coated unicorn approaching the camera crew and the reporter with a quick but sophisticated pace in her step. a mane and tail of long and flowing purple, curled elegantly beside her head, and deep blue eyes.

“Mayor Mare? What do you need me for?” Rarity asked, looking curiously at the mayor and the reporter.

“I have a proposition for you Rarity, how would you like to be the new and renowned decorator of this year's Lunar Moon Celebration?”

Rarity’s eyes went wide, the camera zoomed ever so closer at her face. ‘This is a once in a lifetime opportunity I have!’ she thought to herself.

Rarity couldn't contain her excitement as she exclaimed, “Oh my goodness, Mayor Mare! I would be fantastically honoured to be THE PRIME decorator for the Lunar Moon Celebration. Thank you so much for considering me for this incredible opportunity. I promise to do my very best and make sure everything is absolutely perfect, down to every detail.”

Mayor Mare smiled and patted Rarity on the shoulder. "I knew I could count-”

“ Not only that, I will use a variety of flowers and plants to create the most beautiful, natural-looking decorations throughout the town, at every corner, room and grass across the town! . And of course, I'll be sure to add my signature touch of elegance and sophistication to everything I design.” said Rarity, with an added sound of determination in her voice.

Rarity flicked her mane with her magic, closing her eyes and striking a dramatic pose with her hoof held high.

Mayor Mare looked back at the reporter, her eyes showed off an excited glint. She spoke excitedly to Flavia. “Oh, I have no doubt that Rarity will do an absolutely amazing job with the decorations. First and foremost, she’s our town’s one and only fashionista. And secondly, she has a real talent for creating the finest beauty and elegance in her fashion, and I dare to say, nopony in this town, no changelinging, no thestral, in this state could ever match up to her!”

“That’s great, and-” Flavia began but was quickly distracted by a pink earth pony who immediately stood between them and looked at Mayor Mare.


PINKIE PIE! If you’d like to calm yourself down, this reporter from Canterlot is interviewing me for the Lunar Moon Celebration.”


The camera focuses on Flavia as she looked awkwardly at Pinkie Pie, who was bouncing up and down sporadically as if she were a pogo stick, giggling with glee.

“Uh, thank you, Pinkie Pie, for your enthusiasm. It’s very clear that you have a lot of ideas for how you can contribute to the Lunar Moon Celebration. Can you tell us a little bit more about what you have in mind?”

Pinkie Pie’s eyes went wide as an equine can inflate their eyeballs and she gasped excitedly."Oh my gosh, I have so many ideas! I could make tons of delicious cakes and treats for everypony to enjoy.

“And I could help plan and organise all sorts of amazing parties and events, like fiestas and soirees and carnivals. I’m a pro at making any celebration super fun and memorable. And I’ll do it all with a big smile and lots of energy, because that's just how Pinkie Pie makes great parties!”

“Well, we are very–” but was interrupted as another pony suddenly dropped in front of her, literally falling from the sky.

A rainbow-maned pegasus crashed to the ground, creating a small crater on the street as she landed. The pony had a bright blue coat and a cutie mark shaped like a rainbow-coloured lightning bolt.

The pegasus let out a whimper of pain as she clutched the side of her head. When she looked up, she saw that everyone was staring at her with a mix of concern and curiosity.

She turned to look behind her and saw Mayor Mare wearing a perplexed expression, Pinkie Pie with a mix of joy and worry on her face, still bouncing up and down, and Rarity with a shocked expression, her mouth hanging open and her eyes wide.

Flavia, quickly recomposed herself. She turned to the camera operator to signal him to approach the pegasus.

Holding out her microphone to the fallen pegasus, "Are you okay? Can you tell us what happened?"

The pegasus, still a bit dizzy from her fall, groaned and stood up, holding her head with one of her wings, “Ughh, sorry bout that. I was just practising one of my tricks near the clouds there and hehe, may have stumbled on your conversation about the festivals?”

“And your name?” the reporter asked.

“The name is Rainbow Dash, with an R!” Rainbow pointed to herself, “ I'm one of the weather ponies on duty here in Ponyville. Bit of a bruise from my fall, but nothing to worry about!”
“I’m one of the fastest, coolest and daringest flyer in Ponyville!” the brash pegasus said.

She flew up from the reporter and started performing a few tricks in the air. She looped and spun through the air, leaving a trail of rainbow-coloured sparks behind her. A crowd formed, marvelling at the display, and the camera zoomed in, panned, and tracked each part of the stunt in the air.

Flavia looked in astonishment at the tricks performed by Rainbow Dash. “Holy mother of Faust, she is astonishing.”

“She is, according to HERself ,the greatest flyer in the Kingdom.”

The camera operator quickly panned to the left to show a grey-coated quite young stallion looking up at Rainbow Dash, still performing her stunts. His eyes were bright blue and his mane was short, with dark blue hair and white stripes.

“Oh uh..” Flavia began but was quickly interrupted by a-

WINTIEEEEES!” said an overly - enthusiastic and highly jovial Pinkie, immediately sprinting and tackling the stallion to ground in a bearhug.


“Pinkie..” a small groan slowly let out from the stallion. “Could you stop crushing my spine?”

Flavia chuckled at the sight of Pinkie’s enthusiasm and the stallion’s misfortune. She turned to the camera and said, “Well everyone, it appears this town as we all are, extremely excited for the celebrations and oh, shhhhiit.” she looked down, realising that she forgot a few more questions.

She covered her mouth with her holed hoof and quickly looked at her notes, “Let's see, you've got decorations covered from that fashionista and Pinkie Pie’s on party duty. What about catering? And security enforcement?”

The mayor nodded. “We've got everything covered, Ms. Sorentus. The catering will be taken care of by the Farmer’s Association of Ponyville, headed by Sweet Apple Acres, Berry Punch's Distillery, Carrot's Orchard and other smaller farms, and we've enlisted the help of the local town watch to make sure everything runs smoothly."

“Wait, why the town watch, why not the local police force?”

The mayor paused a moment before answering, “Well, you see. The town watch is made up of volunteers from the town's community. They’re eager, very familiar with the everypony and the resources to be provided to them are inexpensive, to manage I mean.”

Looking at the camera, Flavia Sorentus gave a warm smile and said, "Well, that's all for today, folks. We've had a great time covering the initial preparations for the Lunar Moon Celebration here in Ponyville, and we can't wait to see how it all turns out. Back to you Colter.”

NNN headquarters Broadcasting Room

As the reporter signed off and Colter began to speak towards the camera. A panicked cyan changeling comes into the room, panting and out of breath.

Some of the technical crew looked over at the tired changeling, who’s panting profusely.

Standby Checkings, the news director came over to him and put a hoof over the changeling’s back chitin, “Hey Halyx, you’re good buddy?”

Still panting, “Just received word.. huff .. huff.. that Princess Luna has agreed.. huff…. to a surprise interview with us in 30 minutes.”

Everyone in the room froze in shock at the news. The princess, here? For a surprise interview?

Colter too froze in shock, hearing the news. Realising that cameras were still rolling at him, he quickly spoke to the camera Uh, sorry about that folks. It looks like we've just received some exciting news - Princess Luna has agreed to a surprise interview with us in just a few minutes.”

He continued, “In the meantime, in Marechester, it’s the third day of strikes at the factories in the city. Poor working conditions, coupled with unfair wages and the recent managerial shuffle, according to strikers, mob bosses lookalikes. Our ground team is on the scene, bringing you live updates as the situation develops. We'll bring you more information as soon as we have it.”

The camera’s red light went off and Colter let out a sigh of relief. He stood up from the news desk and turned to the rest of the crew and said, “Alright everyone, we only have a few minutes until the princess gets here, so we better prepare fast, all hooves in the interview room!”

The interview room was tense, Colter sat in an interview chair, waiting for the princess waiting for the princess to arrive. The technicians were checking the cameras, lighting and sound equipment, to ensure everything was in working order.

“Our ground team’s about to sign off in 3 minutes and they’ll pass on to us.” said Checkings, looking at his watch.

Everyone collectively nodded, including Colter, who looked at his notes for the final time. It was a big moment for him, as the Crown rarely makes public appearances, let alone grants interviews with the princess.

Just as he was to finish reading his notes, the interview door opened. Princess Luna entered, radiating majesty and royal elegance. She wore small oval glasses and was adorned in a beautifully modest light blue dress that draped over her figure.

The technicians, director, camera operator and Colter, bowed as she approached, feeling of awe and respect for their princess.

Princess Luna nodded, acknowledging them of their respect for her. She took a seat at one of the interview chairs, as did Colter.

“I hope I‘m not too late for the interview.” the princess said with a note of worry in her voice.

Colter looked at Princess Luna with a shake of his head and a smile, “Nothing of sorts your, Majesty! In fact, our ground team has already finished their report and will sign off to us in the studio.”

The princess, relieved, smiled warmly at Colter. Colter smiled, nodded back at the princess, turned to the camera which shone a red light, signalling they were live.

“Good evening, changelings, ponies, and thestrals alike. My name is Colter Hoofkite and welcome back. Earlier, we promised you that a surprise interview with the princess will be available to you all tonight, and we're happy to say here she is with us.”

He continued, “Her Royal Majesty of the Crown, and princess of The United Queendoms, Princess Luna Faustus.”

“Thank you, it’s a pleasure to be in the studio with you, Sir Colter.”

“Likewise, Your Majesty. Now, for your appearance in this broadcast, I want to ask you a few questions.”

"Very well."

“The first question is about your recent refusal of Governor Hoovestrong's request for military force against the Buffalo Chiefdom. What are the ramifications that may erupt from this incident?”

“For now, I ensure that this incident will only be a minor setback in the negotiations for the Buffalo's citizenship into our Kingdoms.” replied Princess Luna.

She continued, “When the Buffalo Crisis started, our New Mexicolt settlers, fearing that their land, purchased from the Buffaloes, could be threatened, began to arm themselves against the Buffaloes and most decided to ban the buffaloes from trading in or even entering the towns. In turn, the Buffaloes began harassing settlers, stealing crops, causing property damage, and even resorting to physically attacking them. This led to a cycle of resentment and hate between both sides, becoming increasingly hostile and violent.”

“What about Governor Hoovestrong?” asked the interviewer.

“While I understand Governor Hoovestrong, and I wholeheartedly respect his ultimate patriotism to his citizens and their safety, I have made it clear to Governor Hoovestrong that I will not allow the use of armed force against the Buffalo Chiefdom.”

“In what step would you and the Crown take to resolve this crisis?” asked Colter.

“A peaceful resolution, one that would not only ensure the protections of our settlers but also respect the rights of the Buffalo Chiefdom.” she replied, a sincere smile on her face stretched sweetly.

“Very well, Your Majesty.” Colter looked over his notes, the 2nd question in mind.

"2nd question, your highness. We received conflicting reports about the presence of Solarian activities in the state with the governor so do you have any comments on that.-"

The princess bit the edge of her lip, before quickly responding. "I fully trust the governor to do his duty. And I assure everybeing, that nothing will disturb our celebrations. We shouldn't be worried about Solarian activities as most of them have been quelled or have been peacefully subdued.

"But in the matter of national security and your authority, many of the generals have been urging the governor to garrison the troops in-"

"What matters that? Solarians have been slowing the activity for the past few years now, to the point that their descriptions as terrorists are painfully overvalued. Merest, they've been organising minimal rallies, a few hoofful propaganda posters and meetings of their group are at their lowest membership."

Colter nodded but was a bit unsatisfied, however didn't show it to the camera; instead he looked at his notes again, with his final question : the Lunar Moon Celebration.

“My final question is about the next Lunar Moon Celebration. Why did you choose the small town of Ponyville as its venue?”

“Simple, I have fond memories of that town. Before it became a town, it was a sort of playground for my sister and me.”

“I’m very sorry to interrupt your story, Your Highness, but... is your sister by any chance Celestia?"

“Indeed she is, but she's referred to as Daybreaker these days by everyone . It's a bit of history, but not many refer to her by her old name now, only scholars and historians.” she replied solemnly. Realising that the pace is going to get more sombre, Colter decided to change the subject slightly.

“Well uh, seems quite a story Your Majesty! How do you hope the Lunar Moon Celebration in Ponyville will be received by the public?” asked Colter quickly.

Her eyes and tone shone a hopeful note, “Solidarity, peace and most importantly, friendship. Sir Colter.”

Colter nodded, smiling at the princess. “I think that's a message that everypony could use right now, Your Majesty. Thank you again for joining us and sharing your thoughts with us.”

“It’s a pleasure, Sir Colter. Have a good night to the National Nightly News crew.”

"Well that's all folks, this is the National Nightly News, and have a good night."

As the red light on the camera went off, signaling the end of the interview, everyone bowed to the princess, thanking her for the interview.

Princess Luna too, in her royal regality, bowed slightly to the crew before leaving the interview room.


“Huh, what wrong honey-kin?” asked Donut Joe, he looked at his daughter, pulling back from the radio.

His daughter looked thoughtful, “Can we get a television?”

‘What! There’s no way he could afford a television! Maybe he can-

“What about a black and white one?” she remarked. “ They're cheaper than a coloured ones and besides, they have a bigger and better quality!”

Well that's a bit cheaper. Still..

“Well, we ain’t got much honey-kin.” Joe started, but was quickly cut off by a whimper.

“ But Daaad, most of everyone has a black and white now. I know the coloured ones are expensive but can we?”

Donut Joe looked at his daughter, looking at him with a mix of hope.

Sighing to himself, he ruffled his daughter’s mane. He knew how much his daughter wanted a television, and he wanted to make her happy. ‘ Faust bless her heart.’ he thought to himself.

“Alright honey-kin, I’ll try to get a loan from the bank, and try to get one.” he said with a smile.

Her eyes brightened up, as if they were spotlights shining in a theatre. “Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh. Thank you DADDY!”

She hugged her father tightly, squeezing him close. He hugged her back and placed his hoof behind her head, pulling her in for a warm embrace.

“But I want you to promise me,” said Donut Joe suddenly and sternly.

He pulled back from his daughter, who looked at him nervously.

“There ain’t gonna be television without business, ain’t there gonna be business without sales and there ain’t gonna be no sales without your help.” he said to his daughter.

Her eyes temporarily went wide, but then quickly nodded.

“I promise!” she spoke determinedly and excitedly.

He sighed happily at his daughter, who was willing to help him in the cafe.

He pointed his hoof at the tables around him, “You’ll help serve food and drinks to the guests. Keep a smile, be nice and don’t ever lose your cool.”

She snorted, “When have I ever gotten angry dad?”

“Not yet, but any guests who come here can sometimes be a bit rude. So remember, smile, be friendly, and stay calm.” he repeated.

“Yeah, yeah, I get it. Smile, be friendly, stay calm. Point taken.” she said confidently.

He briefly smiled at his daughter's enthusiasm before glancing at the wall clock. It was almost 9 at night.

"Dad! Do you think we'll have time to go to the celebration there?" His daughter quickly asked another question.

"Ah, heck why not? I'll get the train tickets before you know it. Just hoping that they won't run out to Ponyville, or the train lines are blocked or something." Donut Joe nodded, waving a hoof in a mix of dismissiveness and submission as he agreed to his daughter's proposal. They haven't gone out for a while as a family, so they could use their free time to see the celebrations.

She grinned, "Yeah! Can't wait to see the moon appear!" she cheered, quickly running up the stairs in excitement. "Good night daddy!"

He smiled at her as the sounds of her hoofsteps disappeared upstairs. What's the worst that can happen to him?