• Published 19th Nov 2022
  • 1,243 Views, 31 Comments

The New Moon Rises - Kit Wolfkat

Twilight Sparkle was tasked with supervising the Lunar Moon Celebration in Ponyville. However, with the arrival of Daybreaker, she must find the Elements of Harmony to use against her while also leading a group of acquaintances in the Everfree.

  • ...

Lesson 6: Keep Calm and Carry On!

Lesson 6: Keep Calm and Carry On!

“I’m gonna carry Berry back to her home, come on Charlie.” Golden Harvest said to Applejack as she carried the inebriated Berry Punch, with Charleston Cabbage following close behind them.

“See y’all,” Applejack waved to them as they made their way out of the Sweet Apple Acres. Applejack sat on the picnic table as she pondered the earlier brunch meeting.

“That Canterlottian mare sure is a nice one isn’t she, Jackie?” said a voice beside her.

Applejack turned to find Granny Smith in her wheelchair, smiling warmly at her. Applejack only returned her a weak smile and nodded before settling back into her thoughtful look.

“And how’s yer brother of yours doing back in town? Have ya checked on him yet?” Granny Smith asked with a twinkle in her eye.

Applejack let out a deep sigh and rubbed her temples, feeling the headache that she couldn’t seem to shake. “Nope, still haven’t had the time,” she replied, her voice laced with frustration. "Ah wonder what's taking him so darn long."

“Well, he better start bringing in some Tacks back. Ah ain’t gettin any younger or older that’s fer darn sure!” Granny Smith said with a cackle as she wheeled away from the table and into the house with the rest of the Apple Family. Applejack merely rolled her eyes at her granny’s weird humour.

As Applejack was about to go back inside, she heard something breaking. Before she could do anything, something fell onto the picnic table, a bright yellow filly. “Applebloom! What in Faust’s name are you doing up there?” Applejack’s tone was a mixture of surprise and concern as she looked down at her little sister.

Applebloom rubbed her head sheepishly, “Heya sis, I was just trying to uh make a kite?” she replied, with a nervous laugh creeping in her voice.

“And what involves you climbing a tree in the middle of 3.00 o’clock?” Applejack raised an eyebrow at her younger sister.

Sticks!” she said excitedly,“I needed the perfect sticks for the kite, and the ones on the ground just aren’t good enough.” Applebloom gave a grin as she stood up and let herself drop from the table, landing gracefully on her hooves.

Applejack gave her sister a gentle head shake, “Applebloom, can you try not climb trees next time? Ah’ll get some sticks for you later,” Applejack said as she reached down to give her sister a comforting hug.

“Yeah yeah yeah, I hear ya sis. l'll go back inside fer now, I'm really tired right now.” Applebloom said as she returned the hug to her older sister, feeling a mix of exhaustion and embarrassment. As they pulled away from each other, she looked at Applejack with unease in her eyes.

“That Canterlot mare is kinda mean, sis.” Applebloom said softly. "She looks like she hates you."

Applejack looked at her sister with a comforting smile before placing a gentle hoof on her mane. “Her name’s Twilight Sparkle, Bloom. And yeah, she ain’t the friendliest too, but-”

Applebloom interrupted with a loud exclamation, “And she also lied to ya!”

Applejack’s expression momentarily fell, before returning to a neutral look. “Yeah..” she sighed heavily. “She ain’t honest too, guessing she was in a hurry?”

Applebloom gave her sister a worried look, “But why would she had to lie? It doesn’t make a lick of sense.”

Applejack gave a shrug, “Don’t worry about it, Bloom. She’s from Canterlot after all, probably had a reason like all the other fancy Canterlottians, a bit prissy?”

Applebloom frowned, “But that doesn’t make it right.” she said. “Your Honest Applejack fer Luna’s sake! She doesn’t deserve to lie to you sis!”

Applejack put a comforting hoof around her sister’s shoulder. “Ah know what ya mean, Bloom. Truth is, Ah've been pondering over it for a while now. Maybe she had her reasons, maybe not. Who knows?”

Applebloom nodded, still isn’t convinced. Applejack noticed the apprehension on her sister’s face and gave her a reassuring smile. “What about this? I'm headin’ to Ponyville to check on your brother, maybe if Ah see her in town Ah’ll ask her?”

Applebloom brightened up but before she could express her thanks, Applejack gave her the easiest task of all, “One promise, do your homework tonight.”

Applebloom let out a loud whine before reluctantly nodding, “Fine, Ah’ll do it.”

Applejack chuckled, “Good filly, Applebloom.”

Applebloom rolled her eyes before nodding her head. As she started to walk away from Applejack and into the house, she turned to Applejack with an expectant look on her face. “Set her straight, sis!” Applebloom said before disappearing into the farmhouse.

Applejack gave herself a short chuckle, “Oh, Applebloom. Well, guess Ah should get moving.”

“Awww, so early? But I have some questions to ask you, Applejackie!” a voice called out from behind her.

The farm mare’s ear went up and she immediately turned herself behind but nobody was there.

“I’m up here silly!”

Applejack looked up to see a pink earth pony mare hanging from a tree by her tail. The mare had a bright pink coat and a tuft of pink mane. Applejack knew exactly who it was.

“Pinkie Pie! What’re y’all doing up on my tree?” Applejack remarked in surprise. Pinkie Pie only gave a short laugh before dropping onto the ground, “To see you silly filly!” Pinkie Pie said as she bounced over to Applejack.

Applejack only gave a short wistful chuckle, “Well I was kinda heading out to town to find Big Mac, granny’s been nagging for him to bring home some Tacks notes he got from the stall.”

“Sounds like a pickle!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed happily.

Applejack smiled, “But it’s nothing Ah can’t handle. What about you, Pinkie Pie? What brings you to this part of the orchard?” she asked.

Pinkie Pie’s eyes lit up in jocund excitement, “I have a question, no several questions!”

Applejack chuckled, “Well, what kind of questions ya got there, Pinkie Pie?”

Pinkie Pie’s face beamed with excitement, “Oh, just some silly things I’ve been wondering about. Like if I were a purple unicorn mare from Canterlot, who loves reading and works in a library and has a baby dragon, what would I eat usually?”

Applejack’s face slowly turned into a face of minor annoyance, “Are you talking about that Twilight Sparkle mare earlier?”

Pinkie Pie’s eyes grew wide and she nodded vigorously, “Yeppers! She’s a very new pony! And her baby dragon is a new uh, BABY DRAGON!”

Applejack bit her lips a bit, “Well Pinkie Pie, she ain’t exactly the nicest one around.” Applejack’s face gradually shifted to a more serious expression as she continued, “Ah’ve met her before, and she doesn’t seem to be a very friendly or sociable one.”

Pinkie Pie, however, simply chuckled and her eyes lit up with a hint of mischievousness, “Oh Applejack, I already knew that!” she said, her voice suddenly changing to a softer and calmer tone. “I’m just asking what food she and the baby dragon like, since she came here earlier,” she explained, her voice filled with excitement and a curious glint in her eye.

Pinkie Pie closed the distance between them as she stared at the farm mare right in the eyes, her voice lowering to a quiet and hushed tone. “It’s a surprise party, Applejack!” she whispered excitedly.

Applejack’s eyes widened in surprise as she took a step back, “A surprise party? For Twilight Sparkle?” she asked incredulously.

Pinkie nodded vigorously, her head almost seemingly on a spring.

Applejack took another step back as she processed Pinkie Pie’s words, “But she’s not exactly the friendliest pony around, heck Ah've met a lot of pegasi who's hogwashing all words that comes out from their mouth.” she said with a tone of disbelief. "And the only one that Ah actually like is that Fluttershy mare near the Everfree."

Pinkie Pie’s face lit up with excitement as she bounced towards Applejack, “Oh, I know she’s not the friendliest one around, but that’s why we’re throwing her a surprise party! To show her that she’s welcome here in Ponyville and that we’re all friends!”

“Alright, Pinkie Pie,” Applejack said with a hint of reluctance. She couldn’t help but worry about how the new pony would react to a surprise party, especially given her reserved and unfriendly demeanour.

Undeterred, Pinkie Pie leaned in, her eyes shining with anticipation. “So what do they like?” she asked eagerly as she pulled out a notebook from Faust knows where.

Taking a deep breath, “Well, Twilight ain’t a fritter enjoyer that’s for darn sure,” Applejack said with a chuckle. “But Ah do remember seeing her polish off a whole pie that Granny Smith made. And she seemed to enjoy the apple stew Ah've made for breakfast the other day.”

Pinkie Pie’s eyes widened with interest, her pencil poised over her notebook. “Ooh, that’s a good one! Bright and clean flavours, delicious and warming. What about spice?”

Applejack furrowed her brow as she thought for a moment. “Ah don’t recall her mentioning anything about spice, but she did seem to enjoy the cinnamon in the pie. Maybe she has a sweet tooth? And Ah’ve seen her drinking a bit of my peppermint tea? "

Pinkie Pie scribbled down some notes in her notebook, “Peppermint tea, got it! What about the baby dragon? Any idea what he likes? Maybe since he’s a dragon, extremely spicy food just like in the dragon lands! Or if he doesn’t like that I’ll give him lots of cookies since he’s a baby dragon!”

“Well, Ah did see him eat the spiced apple Caramel made and-”

Pinkie Pie’s eyes lit up with excitement at the mention of the spiced apple, “Ooh, spiced apple! That sounds perfect for the party. And don’t worry, I’ll make sure to have some cookies for the baby dragon too,” she said with a grin.

Applejack looked over to Pinkie Pie with a slight smile, happy to see her friend’s enthusiasm for the party. “Well, alright then. Just make sure to not go overboard with the spicy stuff for the little one.”

Pinkie Pie laughed and she simply gave a wave of a hoof, “Oh you silly Applejack, I’m just bringing a chilli sauce over. I’m also gonna bring a plate of chocolate muffins, peppermint tea, a fruit punch for the others and delicious cookies! Oh and also hayfries too!”

Applejack chuckled a bit, “Well, sounds like ya’ve got everything covered then, Pinkie.”

“Yepperies!” Pinkie Pie said as she quickly jotted down the last of the words. She closed the notebook and hid it in her mane. “I’m gonna head towards the bakery and quickly set up!” she said.

“Well Ah’m glad to help,” she started to say, but before she could finish, Pinkie Pie suddenly enveloped her in a crushing hug.

“Thanks Applejackie! I promise to invite you to the party!” she said excitedly before beginning to trot off. As Applejack began to follow Pinkie to Ponyville, she heard her friend call out, “Oh, and before I forget, Rainbow Dash got arrested by Copper Top today!”

Wait WHAT!


“I can tell you’re holding back your laughter, Spike.” Twilight Sparkle said as they arrived back at the Ponyville Town Hall.

“No I’m not pfft, haha!”

As they entered the building, Twilight noticed Spike trying to stifle a giggle. She furrowed her brow in confusion, “What’s so funny, Spike?”

Spike looked at her his claws closing his mouth tight, “Nope nothing, absolutely nothing at all.” he said as he looked at Twilight’s incredibly messy and poofed up mane.

Twilight rolled her eyes, “Come on Spike, Mayor Mare’s in here. We can get some more information from her about the next one, uh what’s their name again?” she asked. “Supposed to be a decorator or something.”

Spike unrolled the checklist and he looked at the next name, “Rarity Belle, decorator for the celebrations. And that’s all it says here.”

“Well it’s better than no name, come on Spike. The mayor knows more in her office.”

They passed the various decorations in the hall, already set up the day before, banners of every colour hung from the ceiling and beautiful assortments of flowers adorned every corner. As they climbed the stairs, they could see national flags lining the hallway, proudly waving in the breeze that came through the windows.

Spike couldn’t help but admire the decorations. “They really did a great job with the decorations, didn’t they?” he said, looking at Twilight. Twilight only gave a half-hearted nod.

As they made their way up the stairs, Twilight couldn’t help but feel a twinge of anxiety in her stomach. “Spike, I’m just hoping that this next one actually cares about her job and is more reasonable than the last two.” she said with a sigh.

Spike looked at her anxiously as he took another step, “I hear ya, Twi. But can I ask you to be a bit nicer to this next one?”

Twilight paused for a moment, before sighing with her head down. “I guess I’ll try my best, Spike. As long as she’s better than the other two,” she said, turning to him with a small smile.

As they reached the door to Mayor Mare’s office, Twilight took a deep breath and knocked. There was some rustling behind the door, and before long the door opened. Nero Severus held the door handle and gestured for them to enter the office.

Twilight and Spike entered the office, and Mayor Mare greeted them with a warm smile. “Oh, Miss Sparkle and uh Spike! What brings you here this afternoon?” she asked.

“Nice to meet you Mayor Mare, I’ve found the checklist again and I’ve already met with the other 2 planners. And well we were hoping to get some more information on the next one, Rarity Belle?” Twilight explained, handing over the checklist to the mayor.

Mayor Mare looked over the checklist, and she took a pen on the table and quickly signed it on the bottom of the checklist.

“Well, Rarity Belle is quite the talented decorator, and I’m sure she’ll do a fantastic job for the upcoming celebration,” Mayor Mare said as she hoofed back the checklist to Twilight much to her bewilderment.

“Uh Mayor? I thought you’d sign it after the celebrations?”

Mayor Mare chuckled, “Oh, don’t worry, Miss Sparkle. It’s just a formality. Besides I’m sure you are doing the job fantastically, you are Princess Luna’s protege after all!”

Twilight had a look of relief on her face, but there was still a lingering sense of uneasiness in the back of her mind. She still has a question for Mayor Mare.

“Excuse me, Mayor Mare,” Twilight said, “I was just wondering if there’s anything else we should know about Rarity Belle, any quirks or particularities that we should be aware of?”

Mayor Mare put her hoof under her chin as she carefully thought for a moment, “Hmm, Rarity Belle is a bit of a perfectionist at times, and she has a keen eye for detail and.. What else am I forgetting?”

“Mayor Mare?” Nero spoke up, looking outside the office window. “Rarity Belle’s outside the town hall.” Twilight and Spike turned to look at Nero, surprised at his sudden interjection.

“Really? That was fast,” Twilight said as she walked over to the window and peered outside and sure enough, Rarity was making her way towards the front entrance.

“Well, that saves us a trip to find her,” Twilight said, grateful for the timing. She turned back to the mayor, “Thank you for your time, Mayor Mare. We’ll head downstairs and meet with Miss Belle for now.”

As Twilight and Spike hurried out of the mayor’s office, they couldn’t help but notice the elaborate flags that hung proudly from the walls of the town hall. The banners were a beautiful sight, with an assortment of colours and designs that represented the different regions of the kingdom.

Twilight and Spike walked through the main hall, stopping to admire the stunning decorations that adorned every inch of the space.

The walls were covered in beautiful linen coverings, embroidered with intricate designs, while the floor was adorned with a grand navy blue carpet, embellished with golden patterns and the emblems of different regions of the kingdom. The windows were framed with flowers, shaped in a variety of colours and sizes, giving the room a charming and welcoming ambiance.

Twilight and Spike stopped in their tracks to admire everything around them, “Woah, I thought the stairs were great, this is just so.. So,” Twilight exclaimed.

“So beautiful!” Spike remarked. Twilight nodded, “Yeah, the decor looks amazing. The decorations team has done a fantastic job,” she said, taking in the sight.

Spike shook his head as he was admiring something or rather someone else in particular, “Not the decor! Her!” Spike drew Twilight’s attention to the unicorn. The unicorn had a long, wavy purple mane and tail with lovely blue eyes that gave an air of elegance and sophistication. She had a white coat and cutie mark that was adorned with three diamonds.

Twilight immediately took the checklist from the awestruck Spike and quickly looked at the name, “Well, let’s introduce ourselves and hope that this one is better.” Twilight said.

They approached Rarity Belle, who was in the midst of directing a duo of pegasi hanging an engraved banner on the interior balcony. Rarity had a nervous look as she pointed her hoof towards the end of the balcony.

“Darlings, you must align it with the centre of the stage, otherwise it will look unbalanced. And for the love of Faust, please be careful with the banner, it’s very delicate,” Rarity said with a worried tone.

Twilight approached Rarity, and spoke up. “Uh, nice to meet you Miss-” she began but Rarity quickly shushed her.

“I’m sorry darling, but I’m not in the mood for silly banter, right now these banners are of the utmost importance for the celebration,” Rarity said, her eyes flickering back and forth between the banner and the pegasi handling it.

Twilight looked at Spike hoping that he could help, but he seemed to be infatuated with Rarity to even care with Twilight. Twilight tried again, “Uh Miss Belle, I’m the royal supervisor for the celebrations and-”

Rarity quickly turned around with surprise, “Oh, I’m sorry for that. My name is Rarity Belle, the official decorator for the celebrations!” she said with a nervous smile, bowing her head.

“Now you don’t have to me, I’m not exactly royal material.” Twilight said, looking at the unicorns bowing pose.

Rarity lifted her head, a hint of relief in her expression. “Oh, thank goodness. I was worried I might have offended a princess or something.” She let out a small chuckle before composing herself. “So, what can I do for youaaaagh!” she yelped in surprise taking a step back.

Twilight only looked at her confusion, “What’s wrong?” she asked the scared mare.

“Oh my goodness, darling! Whatever happened to your coiffure?!” she yelled in shock.

Twilight lifted a hoof to her head. “My what?” she asked.

Is she from Prance or something?

“Your hair, darling! It’s all askew and out of place,” Rarity exclaimed, trotting closer to Twilight and desperately trying to fix her mane.

“Oh, you mean my mane? Well, it’s a long story. I’m just here to check on the decorations, and then I’ll be out of your tail!” she said with a bit of nonchalance.

MY TAIL!” she gasped out, and she quickly looked behind her. Her tail was clean and pristine as it should be. Rarity let out a sigh of relief.

“What no I mean-” Twilight tried to explain but Rarity quickly set her sights on Twilight, grabbing her by the neck and dragging her out of the town hall. “Wait! Where are we going?! Help me Spike! Spike? SPIKE!” she shouted out to him, but he was too focused on following Rarity.

“Darlings, do your work properly thank you!” she shouted to the pegasi duo, much to their confusion.

“So how long are we gonna hold this thing?” one of them asked.

“Beats me.”

Rarity dragged Twilight out of the town hall and down the cobblestone streets of Ponyville. Twilight struggled to keep up with the fast-moving unicorn, her hooves scrambling to keep pace with Rarity’s long strides.

She was about to protest when Rarity suddenly stopped in front of a small boutique. It had a small sign on the front door.


Where everything is chic, unique, and magnifique!

“This is my shop, darling. We simply must get you fixed up!” Rarity exclaimed, pushing Twilight inside the boutique with Spike following.

The inside of the boutique was just as beautiful as the town hall. The walls were covered with tapestries and paintings, while the floors were lined with plush red carpets. There were mannequins in elegant dresses placed all around the room, and a large vanity mirror sat in the centre of the room.

“Now, take a seat and let’s get to work,” Rarity said, pointing to a stool in front of the vanity. She grabbed a brush and began working on Twilight’s dishevelled mane.

Twilight sat in silence, feeling the awkwardness of the situation as Rarity worked on her hair. She watched as Rarity’s skilled hooves brushed and styled her mane with precision, feeling a tiny sense of gratitude and a major discomfort at the same time.

This is weird, this mare just dragged me and started to do my mane for no reason… wait. Mayor Mare did say she’s a perfectionist.

Finally, Rarity finished and stepped back to admire her work. “There, that’s much better, don’t you think?” she said with a smile.

Twilight looked at the mirror, her mane was now sleek and stylish, with each strand perfectly in place. Rarity looked at her expectantly for praise. Finally a praise did come about, from someone else.

“Wow! That was amazing, you’re so beautifu- I mean amazing at your job!” Spike interjected, looking at Rarity with admiration and with a heart piece in his eyes.

Rarity simply smiled at Spike’s compliment, seemingly pleased with his words. “Thank you. It’s always nice for a uh, gentle drake to give compliments for the mare’s work,” she said, before turning back to Twilight.

“Well uh.. I guess thanks?” Twilight said, still feeling a bit uncomfortable with the situation.

Rarity chuckled softly. “Don’t worry, darling,” she said before turning back to Twilight. “Now, what were you saying earlier about checking on the decorations?”

Twilight cleared her throat and composed herself before speaking. “Yes, as the royal supervisor for the celebrations, I need to ensure that everything is running smoothly and that the decorations meet the standards for the event.”

Rarity let out a slight chuckle, “Well you don’t have to worry about that! We were just finishing up on the final touches, to make it magnifique and fantastique !” she said with a big smile, and raising her hoof in the air.

“Well if that’s the case-”

“May I ask, where are you from?” Rarity suddenly asked, quickly cutting off Twilight.

Twilight paused for a moment, “Uh.. I’m from Canterlot?”

Rarity’s eyes gleamed as she yelped in joviality, “Oh my stars, Canterlot! The most glamorous and splendidly beautiful city in all of the world!” she said, putting her hoof on her head in a sort of mock faintness.

Twilight smiled, her nerves slowly disappearing.

I guess she isn’t so bad after all!

“Well, I guess you could say that. I mean I do live there after all.” Twilight said to Rarity much to the other unicorn’s enjoyment. Rarity turned to Twilight with a weird glint.

“You must tell me, do you know Prince Blueblood by any chance?” she said with a slight twinkle in her eye.

Twilight shook her head as quickly as she could, “What, of course not! I’m not even allowed to go anywhere near the other members of the royal family except-” she said before Rarity quickly interrupted her.

“Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry. You’re the royal supervisor after all, and you must’ve met many important ponies in your line of work. I’m sure you must have your reasons for not being able to meet with Prince Blueblood,” Rarity said, her tone apologetic.

“But I-” Twilight began but Rarity cut her off again.

“Now now, since you’re extremely busy,”

“OF COURSE I AM!” Twilight shouted out, before quickly closing her mouth in embarrassment. Even Spike, who spent the last minutes ogling at Rarity, looked at Twilight in surprise.

Rarity looked at her in a shocked and otherwise strained expression, “Oh uh, have I been pushing you too much, darling?”

Twilight took a deep breath, trying to calm down. “No, it’s not you, Miss Belle. Well partly, but it’s just that... I’ve been working so hard trying to make sure everything's in order.” she said.

“First was the checklist being missing, the catering, and the weather. Now, I’m just wishing for this to be over and done with.” Twilight sighed, with Spike patting Twilight on the back. “So yeah, I’m a bit stressed out.”

Rarity’s expression softened as she listened to Twilight. “Oh my dear, I understand completely. Event planning can be so stressful, especially when you want everything to be perfect.” she placed a hoof on her shoulder. “Rest assured darling, I’ll do my best to make the decorations spectacular!”

Twilight smiled as she looked at Rarity, “Thanks, you know? Out of all the organisers I’ve had to deal with so far, you’re the most reasonable.”

Rarity beamed at Twilight’s words. “Why, thank you, darling!” she said with a grin. “I’ll make sure to keep up the good work and make this event a success for you.”

Spike grinned while still looking at Rarity, “Yeah, and uh Twilight’s cool and all. And uh, I’m sure you’re gonna be the most beautiful- I mean MAKE the most beautiful decorations!” he said.

Rarity chuckled at Spike’s compliment, “Why thank you, uh drake. I’ll make sure the decorations are nothing short of fabulous!” she said with a subtle wink, much to Spike’s heart.

Twilight meanwhile stood up from the stool, “Well, I guess we better get going. We still have a few more to check on. Spike, who’s next on our list?”

Spike, snapping out of his phase, unrolled the checklist at the next name. He let out a troubled look before looking back at Twilight, “Uh, you might remember him?”

Twilight looked at him curiously, “What do you mean?”

Spike looked back and forth between the checklist and Twilight before handing it over to her. Twilight looked at the next name of the checklist.

Applejack : Caterer leader, and a proprietor of Sweet Apple Acres.

Rainbow Dash : Leader of the weather crew. Must have sunny skies.

Rarity Belle : Decorator planner. Ensure the national flags are in place.

Leslie Winters : Head of the Town Watch. Ensure every member has a firearm.

Flutter von Shy : Head of the musical choir. DO NOT frighten the planner.

Pinkie Pie : Party planner. Make sure the she’s kept in check, specifically her.

Oh great, him again.

“So.. What’re we gonna do next?” Spike asked.

Rarity looked at the checklist full of names and information, but she stopped short when she saw Winters’ name. “Pfthahahaha! That’s his full name, Leslie?” Rarity tried to stifle her laughter, but couldn’t help giggling at the name.

Twilight rolled her eyes, “You know him?” she asked, as Rarity bit her lip to stifle her chuckle.

“Of course! He’s my friend after all, good friend! Why I remember when he first came here, I-” she began before Twilight quickly shushed her off.

“Nope, we don’t have time for that right now.” she said. Picking up Spike in her magic and placing him on her back, “Come on Spike.” she said as she walked out of the store.

But Rarity quickly followed them out, “Wait darlings! You forgot something!” she shouted out.

Twilight stopped in her tracks, turning to Rarity with a curious expression. “What do you want, Miss Belle?” she asked, a hint of impatience in her voice.

Rarity waved off the notion, “Don’t call me that dear, Rarity should be good enough. And before you go, I believe you might need a bit of information,” she said with a small smile, pulling out a piece of paper from her purse.

Twilight raised an eyebrow, taking the paper from Rarity’s magic. “What’s this?” she asked, examining the paper carefully.

“Why, the stallion hall of course! The Town Watch gathers there every week,” Rarity replied with a hint of casualness, twirling a strand of her mane around her hoof.

Twilight’s eyes widened as she realised the significance of the information. “That’s incredibly helpful, Rarity! Thank you so much,” she said with a grateful smile. “How much should I pay you for-”

“Why a hint of generosity is nothing compared to the joy of helping a friend in need,” Rarity interrupted, flashing a warm smile. Rarity waved a hoof at them, going back to the Town Hall. “Now I have urgent celebrations to handle! Keep calm and carry on, dearies!”

Twilight and Spike watched as Rarity disappeared back into the Town Hall, and then turned to Spike, “Looks like we have a new destination,” she said, holding up the piece of paper with the location of the stallion hall.

“Though I’m kinda worried what she meant by a friend. Hopefully she meant him.”

“She’s beautiful, Twi.”

“Oh shut up Casanova.”