• Published 3rd Dec 2022
  • 1,104 Views, 27 Comments

Froppy in Equestria - Crossover_Addict

Tsuyu Asui from My Hero Academia gets sent to Equestria!

  • ...

Unknown Land

Deep in the woods of the Everfree Forest, there was a human girl that somewhat resembles a frog. She has long dark green hair and big oval eyes. Her name is Tsuyu Asui and she has no idea where she is. However, she knows how she got here.


Back in Tsuyu's home world, Japan to be more specific, she and her friend Uraraka were tasked with helping the police in raiding a shady warehouse. It was all part of their internship under Ryuko, a.k.a "The Dragoon Hero: Ryukyu". The raid was successful and all of the suspects were apprehended. All except for one man who managed to avoid the cops by hiding inside a crate.

While Tsuyu Asui was camouflaged and sticking to the warehouse's ceiling to watch over her allies, she noticed a crate opening up from the inside. To her surprise, a scrawny and suspicious looking man got out from the crate and slowly made his way to the warehouse's exist door.

Tsuyu, while still camouflaged, followed the shady man until he got out of the warehouse. Before the man could start running away from the warehouse, a long strong tongue appeared out of seemingly nowhere and wrapped the man and then lifted him up into the air.

"What the hell!" shouted the shady man.

"I got you, ribbit" said Tsuyu triumphantly.

"L.. let me go you frog bitch!" said the man as he laid all five of his fingers on Tsuyu's tongue.

"I don't appreciate your language, mister. Now I will take you to the..." before Tsuyu could finish her sentence, she suddenly found herself surrounded by trees and bushes instead of buildings.

"....... ribbit?" was all what Tsuyu could utter in her state of confusion.


"Maybe that guy had some kind of a teleportation quirk" thought Tsuyu Asui to herself. "But where did he teleport me to?"

As Tsuyu continued to ponder on her whereabouts, she heard the sounds of movements emitting from the bushes. She looked towards the bushes and saw dozens of green eyes. She then looked to her left and then to her right and then to every conceivable direction. She saw that she was surrounded by a large number of green glowing eyes. Once those eyes started to emerge from the bushes, Tsuyu saw that they belonged to what appears to be.... wolves made out of wood?

Tsuyu didn't know what those wooden wolves are, but at least she could tell that they didn't seem friendly. The froggy girl immediately took a fighting stance and prepared herself for what's to come.

Multiple wooden wolves tried to pounce at her, but she immediately jumped out of the way and whipped out her tongue and slammed it at two of her assailants, breaking them into many pieces in the process.

Before Tsuyu could feel the satisfaction of her feat, she felt something sharp slash at her back. She screamed in pain and hopped forward to create a safe distance between herself and the one who attacked her from behind.

"This is really bad" said Tsuyu as she panted and as the beads of sweat started to appear on her forehead. Tsuyu is generally considered to be a good fighter by her classmates. However, she only fights well when she's on a team, and right now she is alone and surrounded by enemies.

The wooden wolves surrounding Tsuyu started to tread closer and closer to the froggy heroine. Tsuyu, with determination in her eyes, got into a fighting stance once again. "I... I am not going to die here!" said Tsuyu to herself with convection.


After an hour or so, the grassy land was littered with large quantities of broken twigs and logs. And amongst the broken pieces of wood stood Tsuyu Asui. She has defeated the wooden wolves but....

"This..... is..... really bad" uttered Tusyu under her breath. There was a large claw mark on her back and left shoulder, and multiple bite marks on her left and right thighs, as well as on her left and right forearms. Her hero suit was also shredded, but only the parts that used to cover her back, left shoulder, thighs and forearms.

"I... need to get out of here and find help" said Tsuyu, realizing that her injuries need to be treated as soon as possible.


Many hours have passed as Tsuyu walked through the woods of the Everfree Forest. Eventually she felt tired and decided to take a moment to rest. But unfortunately for her, she noticed a large manticore nearby.

"That monster looks pretty strong. Too strong for me to handle on my own, especially with my injuries. I better use my camouflage and avoid it" thought Tsuyu to herself.

She used her camouflage ability and went past the manticore while maintaining a safe distance, but unfortunately for the froggy heroine, the manticore had a keen sense of smell. The beast managed to pick up Tsuyu's scent and it immediately lounged at her location. "CRAP!" gasped Tsuyu as she instantly hopped out of the way. Tsuyu, despite her injuries, started to hop and hop as fast as she could, but the manticore was gaining on her. Her camouflage wore off in the process.

As Tsuyu continued to hop away from her pursuer, she noticed a river in front of her. "YES!" exclaimed Tsuyu and without any hesitation she leaped into the river. However, before her body could be fully submerged in the water, the manticore managed to slash at Tsuyu's right calf.

Tsuyu Asui shrieked in pain, but the river managed to muffle her screams. Her blood began to taint the part of the river she dived into.


After many more hours of limping, Tsuyu eventually reached what seemed to be the edge of the forest. "I... finally made it" said Tsuyu. The froggy human then noticed that the sun was rising. "Looks like it took me all night just to get here, ribbit." Tsuyu then started to rub her eyes "I feel pretty sleepy and tired. I hope I can find a safe place to sleep and hopefully heal my wounds, ribbit."

After Tsuyu had continued moving further onwards, she saw a town. "Civilization" Tsuyu exclaimed happily. She started to limp faster and faster towards the town despite her injuries, but then she suddenly stopped. "Wait a minute. What am I thinking? The inhabitants of that town could be hostile!" thought Tsuyu.

Tsuyu sat down on the grass and started to ponder. "Ever since that man touched my tongue I found my self in some forest surrounded by wooden wolves and later on I encountered a manticore. Am I even on planet earth?".

"It is possible that I am on earth and that there is someone using their quirk to manipulate wood in order to attack me. As for that manticore, it is not strange for animals to also posses a quirk, just like Principle Nezu."

Tsuyu then got up and looked at the town wearily. "I am tired and my injuries must be treated as soon as possible. I have no choice but to head towards that town and hope that its inhabitants won't harm me" said Tsuyu as she limped towards the town.

Once Tsuyu got a bit closer to the town's outskirts, she started to crawl on the ground while using her camouflage. "I must not allow the townspeople to see me. Not until I'm sure that they're not hostile, ribbit" thought Tsuyu.

After the froggy heroine crawled further towards the town, she saw something quite peculiar. Right in front of her eyes, she saw a pair of technicolored equines, sitting on top of a mat and next to them is a picknick basket. They were laughing and chatting with each other.

"Are..... are the inhabitants of this town.... horses?" Tsuyu asked herself while being absolutely flabbergasted and most importantly camouflaged. "Looks like..... I may not be on earth anymore" said Tsuyu to herself while feeling nothing but pure anxiousness.

Tsuyu continued to observe the two equines. She could hear them talking, but she couldn't make out what they're saying, because of the distance. Tsuyu decided to get just a bit closer to the two equines.

Suddenly, the two equines looked in Tsuyu's direction and started to wave their hooves. "Glad you could make it" said the first equine who sounded feminine.

"We've been waiting for you" added the other equine who also sounded feminine.

For a very brief second, Tsuyu thought that the two equines were talking to her, but after she heard a masculine voice from behind say "Sorry for keeping you two waiting" she let out a sigh of relief. Wait a minute, from BEHIND!

Due to Tsuyu's injuries getting worse, she couldn't move out of the way in time to avoid the male equine who was trotting towards his friends. The horse then bumped into Tsuyu.

"Oof, what the hay?!" exclaimed the male equine while Tsuyu let out a small shriek as she grabbed her right calf and as her camouflage lost its effect.

"W.. w.... wha..... WHAT IS THAT!" said the female equine as she pointed her hoof at Tsuyu.

"IT'S A MONSTER, RUN" said the other female equine before she and her friend started galloping as fast as they could.

"AAAAAAAHHHHHH" screamed the male equine once he saw Tsuyu, and just like his two friends he also started galloping away to the direction they were running towards.

Tsuyu slowly started to stand on her two feet and once she stood up, she looked at the three equines as they galloped away towards the town. "Oh.... no" said Tsuyu with fear in her eyes. "They saw me and they are definitely going to tell everyone in town about me. They will all be on high alert". Tsuyu then sat down and started to ponder.

"I am really exhausted and I feel that my injuries are going to get worse if I don't treat them. Whether I like it or not, my only chance of survival lies in the hands or hooves of those horses. They seem to be easily frightened, which means that hopefully they may not be violent" Tsuyu then stood up.

"If I can show them that I pose no harm to them then maybe they will help me" Tsuyu then camouflaged herself and slowly limped towards the town.


Inside Sugarcube Corner, sat the Mane Six whom are also known as the bearers of the elements of harmony. They were chatting about their daily lives while enjoying some tasty pastries until..... Somepony flung the door open and galloped towards the Mane Six.

"Princess Twilight, Princess Twilight, you have to do something!" said a bluish earth pony mare as she grabbed Twilight Sparkle by her shoulders and proceeded to shake her. "There is a monster in the outskirts of Ponyville". Twilight then softly laid her hoof on the mare's chest and gently pushed her back.

"Woah, calm down. You said you saw.... a monster?" asked Twilight while raising a brow.

"YES!" exclaimed the frightened mare.

Twilight then placed her hoof on her chin and pondered for a bit. "What did that monster look like?" asked Twilight.

"Well.... it had a long blackish green mane and its eyes were big. Oh and it had frog like feet and it wore some kind of a green outfit" answered the mare while trembling in fear.

"Big eyes, long blackish green hair and frog like feet....... I haven't read about any creature that looks like this." A very big smile started to appear on Twilight's face. "Could this monster be a new creature that nopony has discovered yet?" said Twilight the princess of friendship with glee.

"Ah don't mean to damper your enthusiasm, Twi. But if there's a monster close to Ponyville, then I reckon we should stop it in its tracks before it harms somepony" said Applejack with a serious look on her face.

"I agree with AJ! We have to find that monster and kick its flank outta Ponyville!" said Rainbow Dash while hovering and delivering a kick towards the air.

"Or throw it a party!" said Pinkie Pie with a smile. Applejack and Rainbow Dash simply gave their pink friend an unamused look.

"Maybe it's just lost and needs help" said Fluttershy sympathetically.

"Usually I don't look forward to seeing.... monsters" said Rarity before shuddering for a bit "but after hearing that mare say that the monster was wearing a green outfit, I can't help but feel tempted to take a look at it" added Rarity with a slight smile.

Twilight placed her hoof on the trembling mare "Don't worry, my friends and I will take care of this! In the meantime, you should go home and stay safe" said Twilight reassuringly.

"Thank you, princess" said the blueish mare before trotting out of Sugarcube Corner.

Twilight Sparkle then looked at Rainbow Dash "Rainbow Dash, I need you to fly over Ponyville and locate the monster. Once you find it, comeback to us and tell me where it is so I can teleport us to its location. Our chances of success will be much higher if we all confront the monster together" said Twilight with a serious look on her face.

"You got it" said Rainbow Dash before saluting Twilight, dashing out of Sugarcube Corner and flying upwards towards the clear blue skies of Ponyville.


Tsuyu, while in her camouflage, was limping through the town's streets. She saw a lot of equines trotting and conversing with each other. She also noticed that there are three types of these equines. The first type had a single horn on their heads and the second type had a pair of wings. The third type had neither horns nor wings.

"They..... seem friendly enough" said Tsuyu as she saw how happy and cheerful the equines seemed to be. "Well..... it's time for the moment of truth" Tsuyu then took a deep breath and retracted her camouflage.

One by one, the ponies started to notice the weird looking creature that suddenly appeared out of nowhere. They all stared at Tsuyu with fear in their eyes.

Before Tsuyu could open her mouth to say something that would calm down the starring equines, one of them pointed a hoof at her and shouted "MONSTER!".

All the equines in Tsuyu's vicinity started to gallop away from her. Some of them ran into their houses and locked the doors, while others simply continued to run away until she lost sight of them.

"This is really bad......... ribbit" said Tsuyu with a worried expression on her face. Not knowing what else to do, the froggy human continued to limp further down the streets of this town, hoping to find someone who can help her.


"Come on, where is this monster" said Rainbow Dash impatiently as she flew through the sky, surveying the town. After some time has passed, she noticed a good number of ponies below galloping away from something. She looked towards the area that they were running away from and she noticed something, a bipedal creature.

"That's the monster?" said the disappointed Rainbow Dash. "It doesn't look tough, I bet I can kick its flank with two hooves tied behind my back, but Twilight told me to report back to her once I find the monster. Welp, I better not keep egghead waiting" said Rainbow Dash before flying away at top speed towards Sugarcube Corner.


"The streets are empty, I cant see anyone" said Tsuyu Asui as she continued to limp onwards while panting. "I feel like I'm going to pass out at any moment" Tsuyu then stopped limping and looked at the clear blue sky.

"Mom, dad, Samidare and Satsuki...... sorry but it looks like I cant see you all again, ribbit" thought Tsuyu as tears began to emerge from her eyes.

Then suddenly and out of nowhere, a large flash of light appeared right in front of Tsuyu. Once the mysterious light disappeared, in its place appeared six equines.

Despite Tsuyu being extremely tired and injured at this point, she still managed to show a flabbergasted look on her face. And from what she can tell, unlike all the other equines, these equines don't seem to be afraid of her. That is a good thing, right?

As Tsuyu looked at the six equines in front of her, she noticed that the purple one is the only one who has both a horn and a pair of wings. Is it the head honcho of this town?

Tsuyu then focused her attention on the equines' facial expressions. The purple one, the orange one and the white one all had a serious expression on their faces. The cyan one had a smirk on its face while the pink one had a.... wide smile on her face?

Tsuyu shook her head for a bit and tried to focus on the last one, the yellow one. Out of all the six equines, the yellow one's expression was... different. It was that of.... concern? "Is the yellow one concerned about me?" thought Tsuyu to herself as she analyzed the yellow equine with wings.

Before Tsuyu could say something like asking for help or clarifying that she comes in peace, she starts to feel really woozy!
"No..... my injuries are starting to take its toll...... and I haven't even slept" thought Tsuyu as she struggled to stay conscious and keep standing.

Despite the froggy girl's best efforts, her legs gave up on her and she fell face first on the ground. "Everything is going dark..... there's nothing else I can do..... I hope those horses will help me" thought Tsuyu before she completely lost consciousness..... and also before she felt something soft cradle her head:fluttershysad:

Author's Note:

This is my first attempt at creating my favorite kind of MLP fanfic. The crossover kind!
If this story does well, then I will TRY to continue writing it. If not...... eh, at least I gave it a shot:twilightsheepish: