• Published 3rd Dec 2022
  • 1,104 Views, 27 Comments

Froppy in Equestria - Crossover_Addict

Tsuyu Asui from My Hero Academia gets sent to Equestria!

  • ...

Time To Party

While the bearers of the elements of harmony sat at the ground floor of the Golden Oak Library, Twilight Sparkle relayed everything she learned about Tsuyu to Rarity.

"Oh my, poor Tsuyu" said Rarity sympathetically. "I hope she is taking it well."

"Don't worry, Rarity. Tsuyu seems like a tough gal to me. And besides, ah bet Twi will eventually figure out a way ta send her back home. Ain't that right, sugar cube?" said Applejack.

"heh heh, I'll try" said Twilight with a slightly nervous smile.

"Ooh ooh, she's coming she's coming" said Pinkie Pie enthusiastically. She was the first amongst her friends to hear Tsuyu's footsteps. All the ponies looked expectantly at the basement's entrance. And to their delight, Tsuyu has entered the room while wearing her patched up and improved turtleneck bodysuit, curtesy of Rarity.

"Oh, Tsuyu. You look absolutely fabulous!" exclaimed Rarity before trotting over to Tsuyu to get a better look at her. As Rarity examined Tsuyu, she noticed something that made her face contort into a slight frown. "Perhaps I spoke a bit too soon. Your mane needs some work, but fret not dear for I am here!"

The last part of Rarity's sentence reminded Tsuyu of All Might's famous catchphrase which is "I AM HERE". that phrase echoed for a bit in Tsuyu's mind.

Rarity pulled out a pair of combs and hair sprays and started working swiftly on Tsuyu's long dark green hair. And in a short amount of time, the fashionista was done.

"There you go, darling. Now you look quite dazzling. I can't wait until everypony feasts their eyes on you" said Rarity with pride in her work.

"Woah woah, easy there Rarity. I don't think everypony is ready to meet her. When they saw her for the first time they were totally freaked out by her" interjected Rainbow Dash.

"Rainbow Dash is right, Rarity. The ponies in Ponyville need some time to get used to Tsuyu" said Twilight before placing her hoof on her chin to ponder. Twilight then smiled brightly once an idea popped in her head. "Pinkie Pie, can you throw a party for Tsuyu tonight?" said Twilight as she looked at Pinkie Pie "I think it's the quickest way to make everypony get used to Tsuyu."

Pinkie Pie couldn't contain herself once she heard Twilight's request. "OF COURSE I CAN!" exclaimed Pinkie Pie as she excitedly hopped all over the room.

"She's...... really fast. I don't think I can keep up with her" thought Tsuyu as she saw Pinkie Pie hop from one spot to another with extreme speed and agility.

Twilight groaned for a bit before asking Pinkie Pie to stop. The pink blur halted and was right in front of the princess of friendship.

"Okay, now, Pinkie Pie, where are you going to throw the party?" asked Twilight.

"Well, I could throw it here in the library" suggested Pinkie Pie.

"No, Pinkie Pie. I'm still working on my research on Tsuyu and I'm far from done" said Twilight before pointing her hoof towards the mountains of papers, parchments and books. "Moving all of that out of the way for the party would be tiresome and it will hinder my research."

Tsuyu looked towards the large pile of papers. "She wrote all that about me?" thought Tsuyu before walking over to check out the piles of paper.

"Oh, okay then. How about the town hall?" another suggestion by Pinkie Pie.

"Hmmm, that could work, but can you get Mayor Mare to agree to this?" asked Twilight.

"Duh, of course I can. Mayor Mare loves my parties" said Pinkie Pie without a hint of doubt in her voice.

"Okay, Pinkie Pie. See to it that the party starts at midnight" requested Twilight.

"Okie doki loki" acknowledged Pinkie Pie before zooming out of the library and towards town hall at full speed.

"Ah need ta get some work done at the farm, before I head to the party. See ya'll at midnight" said Applejack as she trotted towards the front door.

Rainbow Dash was about to leave the library, but she stopped and looked at Tsuyu with a slightly dejected look on her face. She sighed and hovered over to Tsuyu who was reading the contents of a piece of paper.

"Hey, ummm, Tsu... yu" Rainbow Dash struggled for a bit at saying Tsuyu's name. "Listen, I just wanna say that I'm sorry for how I laughed at you earlier. And also, I wanna say sorry for thinking that you're a dangerous monster."

"It's okay Rainbow Dash. No harm was done" said Tsuyu.

"Heh, thanks Tsuyu, you're alright. Oh and trust me, you'll totally love Pinkie Pie's party, it's the coolest. Later" said Rainbow Dash before flying out of the library to attend to her weather duties.

Tsuyu continued to read the contents of the paper. "Hmmm, it's all just measurements of my head, arms and legs" said Tsuyu to herself. She then placed the piece of paper aside and picked up another one to read.

Fluttershy and Rarity said their goodbyes to Twilight as they were leaving the library. "Oh, Twilight, please make sure Tsuyu puts on the dress I made for her. It's in the red box, she will look dazzling at the party." requested Rarity before leaving.

"Don't worry, Rarity. I'll tell her about that dress" said Twilight while waving goodbye to Fluttershy and Rarity.

Twilight closed the library's door and made her way towards Tsuyu. "Okay, Tsuyu. We need to get you ready for Pinkie Pie's party. Seeing how it's going to be at midnight, that'll leave us with a pretty good amount of time to.......... Tsuyu?" said Twilight once she noticed Tsuyu staring at a piece of paper while holding it with both hands. Tsuyu's pupils were white and her cheeks were red and her mouth was slightly agape.

"Tsuyu? Are you okay? Is something wrong?" said Twilight as she placed her hoof on Tsuyu's lower back. Tsuyu slowly looked away from the paper and started to look directly at Twilight's eyes.

"Twi.... Twilight, what did you do to my body while I was unconscious?" asked Tsuyu with a slight stutter.

"I just healed your wounds and then studied you, Tsuyu" answered Twilight with a slightly worried expression on her face.

A noticeable frown appeared on Tsuyu's face.

"Really? And why does studying me includes groping my breasts?" asked an angry Tsuyu. "The two large lumps on the creature's chest are circular in shape and they are quite soft and bouncy" Tsuyu quoted what was written on the paper.

Twilight was shocked and frightened by Tsuyu's sudden change in demeanor. "I.. I... I didn't grope you! I was just... just probing you, Tsuyu" said Twilight shakingly while taking a few steps back as Tsuyu slowly approached her. "Please believe me, Tsuyu. I didn't do anything malicious to you while you were unconscious. I just studied you, because nopony has ever seen your kind before" pleaded twilight.

Tsuyu stopped in her tracks once she saw the fear in Twilight's eyes. "What... am I doing? I am supposed to be a hero who is feared by villains, not by innocent civilians" thought Tsuyu. She then closed her eyes, took a deep breath and softened her expression. "I'm sorry, Twilight. I didn't mean to scare you like that" said Tsuyu before getting down on both of her knees to seem less intimidating to the lavender pony.

"In my world, touching the breasts of a female human without her consent is considered to be an egregious crime. That's why I got mad when I read your report on this paper" said Tsuyu as she held the paper in front of her.

Twilight lowered her head in shame and looked away from Tsuyu. "I... I'm sorry Tsuyu. I didn't know that this would upset you this much" said a remorseful Twilight.

"It's okay, Twilight. You didn't know. And besides, you did heal my wounds and I'm very grateful for that" said Tsuyu with a warm smile. "Now, you did say I have to get ready for Pinkie Pie's party, right?"

"Oh, right, the party" said Twilight after regaining her upbeat demeanor. "Rarity has made a dress for you. It's inside that red box that she gave you."

"Okay, I'll try it out" said Tsuyu as she made her way towards the basement.

"Wait, Tsuyu" said Twilight. "I think you should take a bath first. Heh heh." added Twilight sheepishly.

"Oh..... " said the slightly embarrassed Tsuyu. "Where's the...."

"Up stairs to your left" answered Twilight before Tsuyu could voice her question. Tsuyu gave Twilight a nod, before heading upstairs to the bathroom. Being in a completely different dimension can make a person neglect their personal hygiene.

Once Tsuyu went upstairs and into the bathroom, an exhausted Spike entered the Golden Oak Library, carrying with him a bag filled with inkwells. "I'm back Twilight and you won't believe how crowded the store was. Roseluck was standing in front of me in line and she told me that the ponies wanted the ink to write letters for their families outside of Ponyville to tell them about the creature" explained Spike.

"Oh no, now ponies outside of Ponyville will know about Tsuyu" said a worried Twilight.

"Tsuyu? That creature's name is Tsuyu?" asked Spike with a raised brow. Twilight simply gave her dragon assistant a nod. "Is she still down there? Can I meet her?" asked Spike expectantly.

Twilight giggled for a bit before answering. "No Spike, she's in the bathroom and you'll meet her once she's done"

"Okay, so how was she like?" asked Spike.

"She's nice and she was very cooperative in answering my questions" answered Twilight with a smile, but then her smile slowly faded away and was replaced by a sorrowful look on her face. "But she's not from our world, Spike. She came from another dimension or world and the worst part is I don't know how to send her back home" added Twilight.

"Really? Woah, I can't imagine how it feels like to be on a different planet away from your friends and family. Is she taking it well?" asked Spike.

"Maybe, I'm not really sure. It was pretty hard if not impossible to read her facial expressions when we were in the basement" answered Twilight.

Twilight and Spike then looked upwards towards the top of the staircase once they heard the sound of the bathroom door opening and then closing. They then heard the sound of footsteps.

"Here she comes, Spike. I think you two might get along" said Twilight. Spike looked towards the stairs and eventually saw Tsuyu coming down from it. The first thing he noticed about her was that the colors of her suit seemed to be more vibrant than before. Is it thanks to the selfless and generous Rarity? of course it is, thought Spike to himself.

"That was really strange. The bathtub had a showerhead despite the medieval architecture of this town" thought Tsuyu as she came down the stairs while placing her finger right under her lips. She then noticed a little purple dragon standing besides Twilight. "M... Mineta? No wait, that's not him. Looks like homesickness can play some tricks on your mind" thought Tsuyu.

"Tsuyu, this is Spike. He is my number one assistant and my adoptive little brother" said Twilight.

"At your service" said Spike while extending his right hand.

"So cute!" thought Tsuyu after shaking the little dragon's hand.

Spike observed Tsuyu's outfit and it reminded the little dragon of the comic books that he tends to read. "Say..... your outfit kinda looks like a superhero's outfit. Are you a superhero?" asked Spike.

Tsuyu was a bit surprised by what Spike asked her. "Do superheroes exist in this world?" thought Tsuyu. "Well, technically not yet. I'm training to be a superhero" answered Tsuyu.

"Wait, you're saying in your world humans can train to become heroes?" asked a surprised Twilight.

"Yes, in my world heroism is an occupation. Anyone who wants to be a hero must enroll in a heroics academy" answered Tsuyu.

"Cool" uttered an astonished Spike.

Twilight Sparkle blinked a couple of times. "Why didn't you tell us that when we were in the basement?" asked a slightly annoyed Twilight.

"I guess it's because you and your friends were more interested in where I came from and how I arrived at your world that you didn't care to ask about my occupation" answered Tsuyu bluntly.

Spike tried to suppress his laughter as Twilight gave him a mild glare. Twilight then turned her attention to Tsuyu. "Augh, we'll discuss this later. Right now we need to get you ready for Pinkie Pie's party. At the party you'll meet a lot of ponies and because they're not used to you, most of their attention will be directed at you, so you'll have to make a good first impression. But don't worry, if you feel too pressured then my friends and I will step in and help you out" explained Twilight.

"Don't worry, Twilight. I'm good at dealing with pressure" replied Tsuyu.

"Good to hear but still, if you feel overwhelmed then just ask me or my friends for help" said Twilight.

Twilight spent a good amount of time explaining the customs of ponies to Tsuyu. Tsuyu didn't find it too hard to follow Twilight's explanation due to there not being too many differences between humans and ponies in terms of customs.


Elsewhere in the busy streets of Ponyville, a bluish mare was happily chatting with a pink mare. "Oh, I am so excited for Pinkie Pie's party! It's just what I need to get that monster out of my mind" said the bluish mare cheerfully.

"Ummm, Shoeshine...." said the pinkish mare.

"You won't believe the nightmares I had after I saw that monster, Cherry Berry. But thank Celestia we have Princess Luna" said Shoeshine.

"Yeah, ummm, listen Shoeshine.... " said Cherry Berry before getting interrupted once again by her friend.

"Oh and the element bearers too. I don't know what they did with that monster, but as long as it's not in Ponyville my mind will be at ease" added Shoeshine.

"SHOESHINE!" shouted Cherry Berry.

"What?" said Shoeshine with an annoyed expression on her face.

"The Pinkie Pie party that you're so excited about is a Welcome To Ponyville Party for that monster!" said Cherry Berry while frowning at Shoeshine for interrupting her a few times earlier.

Shoeshine couldn't help but stare in disbelief at what her friend just said. After a moment of silence, Shoeshine finally spoke. "The element bearers are throwing a party for that.... mo... monster?" said Shoeshine shakingly.

Cherry Berry let out a sigh before responding to her friend's concerns. "Listen Shoeshine, I know that you're really scared of that monster, but I think we can trust Princess Twilight and her friends. I mean, they won't allow Pinkie Pie to throw it a party if it was dangerous" said Cherry Berry.

"Oh I hope you're right, Cherry Berry. But I don't know what to do. On one hoof I really love Pinkie Pie's parties, but on the other hoof I really don't want to run into that monster again. What will it do if it saw me?" said Shoeshine while shaking in her hooves.

Cherry Berry placed her foreleg on Shoeshine's shoulder. "Calm down, it will most likely not do anything to you. And even if it tried anything, I'm sure Twilight can handle her. I mean, come on, she's an alicorn" said Cherry Berry with a reassuring smile.

Both mares shared a brief hug before going their separate ways to prepare themselves for tonight's party.


It was midnight and Twilight Sparkle was trotting through the empty streets of Ponyville with Spike riding on her back. Tsuyu Asui was walking besides Twilight while wearing the dress that Rarity made for her.

"You feeling alright, Tsuyu?" asked Spike.

"Yes, I feel fine" answered Tsuyu while looking straight ahead. "Why do you ask?"

"Well.... " said Spike as he scratched the back of his head. "It's just that, you seem to be very calm for someone who's about to meet a lot of ponies. I mean, all eyes are literally going to be on you. Aren't you just a little bit nervous?"

"No, Spike. I am not. It's just a party after all" replied Tsuyu with a blank face. After a few more minutes of walking/trotting, the group have finally reached their destination.

"This is it Tsuyu" said Twilight as she pointed her hoof towards the town hall. "This is where the party will take place." Tsuyu looked at the building and pondered for a bit.

"It's beautiful" said Tsuyu.

"I'm glad you like it" said Twilight with a smile. She didn't want to admit it, but deep down she did feel pride after hearing a creature from another planet/dimension complement ponykind's architecture.

"It reminds me of a doll house that my parents got for me when I was a kid" said Tsuyu. Twilight's smile had dissipated once she heard that, and was replaced by a look of confusion and slight disappointment. One of the biggest buildings if not the biggest building in Ponyville is being compared to a mere toy. Seriously?

"Really?" said Twilight. Spike couldn't help but chuckle at the reaction of his mentor/mother/big sister, which prompted her to give him a quick glare.

"Are we going in, Twilight?" asked Tsuyu.

"Oh, right! Lets go" said Twilight after regaining her composure. The trio then headed to the town hall's main entrance and Twilight then used her telekinesis to open the door. It was extremely dark inside and Tsuyu could barely see anything because of it. "After you Tsuyu" said Twilight while gesturing for Tsuyu to enter.

Tsuyu walked right in and continued taking a few more steps before standing still. "Looks like it's going to be one of those 'surprise' parties" thought Tsuyu to herself. Such parties are no surprise to Tsuyu, for her parents had thrown her such parties and she had participated in such parties as well. And just like Tsuyu had expected, the lights turned on and everypony in the building shouted...


Tsuyu stared blankly at the large number of ponies in front of her. Usually when a surprise party is thrown, the guest of honor shows clear signs of being surprised or astonished if not downright startled. But not Tsuyu, she remained as still as a statue, no wavering nor showing any emotions at all. The scene became silent and the ponies were starting to feel nervous due to Tsuyu being an unknown creature and because of her emotionless face which makes it hard to get a read on her.

"Hello, my name is Tsuyu Asui" Tsuyu tried to break the silence, but to no avail. The ponies still had wary looks on their faces. However, luckily for Tsuyu and everypony, Pinkie Pie is here.

"LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED!" exclaimed Pinkie Pie before gesturing to DJ Pon-3 whom promptly places a disc on her turntable. The sound of techno music filled the hall and the ponies started dancing and chatting almost as if they had completely forgotten that Tsuyu exists in their vicinity. While all that was going on, Tsuyu simply stared puzzlingly at the DJ pony operating the turntable.

"They have a turntable?" thought Tsuyu to herself. Before she could continue pondering on how a turntable could exist in a medieval society, she felt something soft poke her back. She turned around and she is met by a smiling mint green unicorn with cyan mane and sunglow eyes. "You're not scared of me?" asked Tsuyu.

"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh" exclaimed the mint green unicorn. "You're actually real! You're a human!"

"Wait, you know about humans?" asked Tsuyu.

"Of course I do. I'm the only pony here who actually believes that humans exist, but everypony here thinks I'm crazy whenever I bring that subject up" said the mint green pony. "Anyway, you being here totally proves that humans do exist and that I was right all along" said the mint green pony with a smug smile on her face. "Oh, where are my manners, I'm Lyra Heartstrings" Lyra then extended her hoof to Tsuyu and when Tsuyu revealed her name and started to shake Lyra's hoof, Lyra then grabbed Tsuyu's hand with both of her hooves.

"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh. Your appendages feel so.. so... so surreal. It's like am holding a bunch of chunky bony worms or something" said Lyra gleefully as she examined each of Tsuyu's fingers. Tsuyu felt uncomfortable and gradually pulled her hand away from Lyra's hooves.

"Please don't do that, Lyra. It made me feel uncomfortable" said Tsuyu in a blunt manner.

"Heh heh, sorry about that" said Lyra with a sheepish smile. "It's just that, I can't believe that I'm actually talking to and touching a real living breathing human! So tell me, are there other humans? And if yes then where are they?" asked Lyra with a wide smile.

Tsuyu let out an audible sigh. "Yes Lyra, there are other humans but they're not here in your world" said Tsuyu.

Lyra gave Tsuyu a confused look. "Not in my world?" said Lyra. "You mean.... humans are from another planet? Which means you're also from another PLANET!" Lyra's wide smile returned.

"Yes Lyra, I'm from another planet" said Tsuyu.

"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh. I thought that humans existed somewhere on Equus. It never came to me that they'd exist on another planet" said Lyra before trotting closer to Tsuyu. "How did you get here? Is it by a spaceblimp or teleportation?"

"A guy grabbed my tongue and then I found myself on your planet" answered Tsuyu.

Lyra gave Tsuyu a perplexed look. "You're here because a guy grabbed your tongue? Are you serious?" asked Lyra.

"I know it sounds weird when I say it like that, but it's true" replied Tsuyu.

"Riiiiight... " said Lyra doubtfully. "Anyway, how's human society like? What tools do they use? Do you humans have magic?" Lyra's wide smile returned once again.

Tsuyu felt a bit exhausted from Lyra's nonstop questions, but she tried her best to answer them and satisfy the inquisitive pony. As the party went on, Tsuyu was being observed from a distance by a certain blueish pony.


"Why in Celestia's name is Lyra talking to that monster?" said Shoeshine with apprehension.

"Come on, Shoeshine!" said Cherry Berry while dancing. "Just ignore that monster and try to enjoy the party. I mean, it's not doing anything threatening. It's just talking with Lyra" added Cherry Berry.

Shoeshine let out a sigh. "You're right, you're right. I won't let that monster's presence ruin this amazing party for me" said Shoeshine before dancing to Dj Pon-3's sick beats.


As the ponies continued to dance to their hearts' content, a certain gray pegasus with a yellow mane was staring at a couple of pegasi with admiration and awe as they danced, spun and flipped in the air. The grey pegasus decided to emulate their moves, so she flew upwards and tried to dance, spin and flip while being airborne. However, unfortunately for her, her spinning made her feel dizzy which resulted in her losing control of her flight. She then found herself heading uncontrollably towards a large chandelier. She tried to steer herself away, but it was too late. She slammed right into the huge and beautifully decorated chandelier.

The chandelier started to swing in multiple directions before getting freed from its chain. Its downward descend was incredibly fast, but the ponies below saw it coming and quickly got out of the way, except for one certain dancing bluish pony.

At first, Shoeshine didn't notice what was going on, but once the ponies around her quickly dispersed, she felt that something was amiss. She stopped dancing and looked to her left and to her right before looking upwards. She froze in fear at the sight of the chandelier falling down towards her. As her life flashed before her eyes, she felt something wet and slithery wrap itself around her barrel. She then found herself getting pulled backwards swiftly. As she was being pulled towards the back, she saw the chandelier violently crash on the wooden floor, pieces of wood and metal scattered everywhere. Shoeshine gulped once she imagined herself getting squished like Berryshine's berries.

After getting pulled further and further to the back, Shoeshine felt the wet and slithery thing unwrap itself from her barrel once all four of her hooves touched the wooden floor. "Oh thank you, Applejack. I don't know why your lasso was slippery and wet, but you saved my life" said Shoeshine before finally turning around to see her heroine. And what she saw absolutely shocked her!

"Are you okay?" asked Tsuyu.

Shoeshine's body trembled and her pupils shrank. The monster she was trying to avoid is standing right in front of her, looking at her.

Tsuyu clearly saw the fear in the blue pony's eyes. "I guess not all of them can be like Lyra" thought Tsuyu. She then looked around and saw that all the ponies at the party were now gazing at her, including the ones she met at the Golden Oak Library. Tsuyu simply stood in her place and waited for the ponies' reaction.

"That was awesome!" exclaimed Rainbow Dash.

And just like that, Tsuyu was showered with the cheers and applauses of the ponies. Some of them complemented her on her heroic action, while others complemented her on her beautiful dress. Some of them even felt comfortable enough to approach her and get a little bit closer to her. Tsuyu simply gave a warm smile.


"Wow, that was amazing!" exclaimed Spike. "She saved that pony just like how they do it in the comics" he then turned to his right to look at Twilight whom was looking with admiration at the ponies surrounding Tsuyu. "So, you think she gave a good first impression?" said Spike with a smirk.

"She did more than giving a good first impression, Spike. She saved somepony's life and that lead to everypony warming up to her." said Twilight. "And she did it all without requiring any help from me or from my friends" added Twilight.

"So, what's next, Twilight?" asked Spike.

"Next we'll send a letter to Princess Celestia" answered Twilight. "Oooh, I cant wait for Tsuyu to meet the princess" added Twilight excitedly as she pranced in place for a bit.

Author's Note:

I hope this chapter was to your liking:twilightsmile:
As always, I'm all ears for constructive criticism.